Expectations (Book Two)

By Jskihopp

20.7K 645 80

Lyla heads into her second semester of sophomore year and already has her expectations set for her summer ahe... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
To Be Continued

Chapter 35

477 15 5
By Jskihopp


As promised, Shawn takes me to the lake our last three weekends we have free. Which is where we are now. It's Sunday and our final week of school awaits us tomorrow. All my classes have finished, I just have six finals I've been busting my ass studying for.

I'm standing at the edge of the dock, looking out at the water as Shawn locks the boat back up. We just took it out for a lap around the lake. It is uncharacteristically hot out today for it still being late May. I'm happy I decided to put my bikini top on under my top before I left.

I reach for the hem of my tank top and peel it off and over my head. I feel the heat of the sun on my chest and stomach as I close my eyes and enjoy the warmth. I hear Shawn footsteps on the dock growing closer before his hands slide around my bare stomach and his chest presses into my back. I can feel his skin on mine and determine he's taken his shirt off as well.

"You hot?" He whispers into my ear.

"Mhmm," I reply. "It's beautiful out today."

I open my eyes again as I look out across the water.

"I'm gonna miss coming here with you," he mumbles against my shoulder as he places a soft kiss there.

"We'll be back in three months," I remind him as I place my hands on top of his as they rest on my stomach. There's a few beats of silence as we both stand in our embrace, soaking up the sun.

"You know, I can think of a great way to cool us down..."

"Don't you dare mister," I warn him.

I know exactly where his mind is at and I am not prepared to go for a swim right now. I still have my jean shorts on and wet jeans are not comfortable to be in. I feel his arms tighten around me.

"Come on, it'll feel so refreshing," he taunts me.

I start to squirm in his arms as I feel him lift me off the ground. He shuffles his feet closer to the edge of the dock until my feet are hovering over the water. I stop wiggling to get free and instead clutch onto him tightly wherever I can reach.

"Shawn! Do not drop me in there!" I scream. I can hear him chuckle softly behind me, his chest shaking against my back.

"I love you."

These are the last words I hear before I plunge under water. And dammit he was right. It is refreshing.

Final exams were hell. I finished writing my last one this morning and I feel an innate sense of freedom now that they are all behind me. Our grades will be posted online over the next two weeks so nothing to do now but wait.

I know I did well on all of them, I felt confident walking away from each one, but it didn't mean that they weren't stressful. I'm currently packing up the last bit of what's left in my dorm room.

My parents drove down last weekend and helped me pack up most of my things into their car and they took it all back with them to Harrington. It hadn't been a crazy amount of stuff, the dorm supplies your furniture, so it was mostly just dinnerware, some small appliances and the bulk of my clothes. I zip up my suitcase after I shove the last stack of clothing into it. I quickly walk through my room again, checking to make sure I don't have anything hiding in any drawers.

I roll my suitcase into our living area and find Megan sitting on the couch with her own suitcase sitting on the floor beside her. When I look at her, she pouts her bottom lip out as she rises from the couch.

"I hate this," she groans as she drags her bag over to the door where she leaves it then approaches me.

"Me too," I agree as I think about how much I'll miss Megan this summer. I was terrified when I showed up at Oakridge this year and she welcomed me from the get go. "But, you're coming out to the cottage in like eight weeks remember."

"This is true. And we are rooming together next year! I love the apartment we found," she says excitedly.

I couldn't agree more. We lucked out in getting word from one of the Seniors on the track team who told me about their apartment being free next year since they were graduating. Megan and I went by to check it out and it was perfect.

It's two bedrooms, each with their own washroom. The living and kitchen area is open concept and about three times the size of our dorm. Also a plus, it's only about a fifteen minute walk from campus.

"Next year is going to be amazing!"

We embrace and squeeze each other tightly. I can feel myself tearing up with how much I'll miss seeing her everyday. When we pull apart, we each wipe away a tear or two that has fallen.

"Text me lots, I want to be kept in the loop of your love life," she demands playfully.

"I will. And you too."

She nods her head as she moves back towards the door and grabs the handle of her suitcase. Megan is driving her truck back home tonight, it's about a six hour drive so I do not envy her right now. "I'm going to miss you," she says as she pulls me into another hug.

"I'm going to miss you too," I agree.

We separate and with one final smile through watery eyes she walks out the door. I close it behind her and exhale loudly. I glance around our bare dorm room and feel a bit sad that I won't be coming back to it after today. It might be cramped and the communal showers might not be ideal, but it holds so many memories from this unforgettable year I had.

I pull my phone out and see a text from Shawn letting me know he's on his way over to pick me up. We are going to finish packing up his house tonight then tomorrow we are driving up to Telford where I'm going to stay for the week with him and his family. I roll my suitcase behind me as I leave my dorm room for the final time. By the time I exit the building I already see Shawn jogging up he sidewalk towards me.

"Hey beautiful," he greets me with a quick peck before he takes my suitcase and falls in step beside me.

"Hey there boyfriend. How's the packing coming along?"

"It's going," he answers ominously.

I have been helping him pack the past two week and I have come to realize that Shawn is not a skilled packer. Luckily for us, I am. I thrive on being organized and making lists. I call it the Monica trait, like from Friends.

"I'm putting you to work when we get back to your place," I warn him.

"I kinda like the sound of that," he says suggestively.

"Nice try, but no sexy time until you're done packing," I tell him. He makes a loud whining noise as we reach his car.

"Fine, fine, fine. I will take whatever orders you give me," he promises.

The ride to Shawn's is quick and once we get inside I drag him up to his room and we get right to work. Box after box I strategically fill, playing a bit of Tetris with the odd shaped items. Shawn carries each box downstairs once its taped shut.

Thankfully Shawn upholds the stereotype for men and does not have a whole lot of clothing. I'm finishing packing his last box of clothes when I feel Shawn's arms around my waist before he pulls me back and onto the bed with him.

"Break time," he commands as his arms stay strong around me, pulling me against him. "No more work," he whines.

"We are done anyway silly, that's the last box," I tell him as I wiggle in his arms and turn around to face him.

Shawn is already smiling at me when I look at him. I lean in for a kiss, allowing myself to indulge in the connection with him now that I know all the packing work is done. I tease him with my tongue, dragging it through his mouth. He growls into my mouth and I feel something stir inside of me.

I roll on top of him, straddling my legs on either side of his hips as I pull my lips from his. He stares up at me, his desire for me clear in his eyes. The way his green eyes flare with heat whenever I'm near him sends me into sexual overdrive. I gather whatever willpower I have in this moment.

"Danielle is still downstairs," I tell him. "We told her we would have dinner with her before she leaves at seven."

Shawn groans in annoyance and reaches for my head, cradling it and trying to pull it back down to him for another kiss. I laugh as shift myself off him and get up from the bed.

"No, no, no. We need to go downstairs," I tell him again.

"Just give me five minutes," he begs as he sits up on the bed and reaches for my hands, pulling me back and onto his lap.

He starts to kiss along my neck and collar bone. This boy definitely knows what he is doing. His hands move to my chest as he cups one of my breast in his hand, caressing it, and I feel my nipples perking up to attention.

"You're the devil," I moan out softly and hear him chuckle against my neck.

I quickly move off his lap and turn to face him, resting my hands on his thighs as I lean over him. "I'll allow two minutes of making out, but then we are heading downstairs," I offer. Shawn smiles in amusement at me.

"Yes ma'am." He moves quickly to pull me back onto him as he lays back on the bed taking me with him.

I take another bite of my slice of meat lovers pizza as I listen to Danielle and Shawn bicker back and forth over who won some old bet back from when they were in grade eight. We had somewhat stuck to our two minute allotted make out time, only going over by a minute or two which I still call a success.

When we came downstairs Danielle had told us she already ordered pizza that was on the way. Kyle already moved out last weekend, I guess he was able to get his own one bedroom apartment in town since he got on full time at the hospital.

Danielle and Shawn have already signed the lease to come back to the house in September, but they need to find a third roommate now. Shawn had originally asked me to move in with them, but I had politely declined.

He seemed a bit hurt initially but I explained to him that I still wanted my own space plus I had already agreed to room with Megan at that point. Shawn has already put a few feelers out with guys from the hockey team and Danielle said she also asked some people from her program.

"I definitely remember that I snuck into the principal's office and planted the whoopie cushion, but you believe what you want," Danielle says as she stands from the table and carries her plate over to the sink.

"Liar," Shawn accuses her mockingly as he dramatically points at her. She laughs at him and shakes her head before she glances at the clock on the stove.

"Well, I better hit the road," she says.

Shawn rises from the table and walks over to her before pulling her into a hug. I stand and wait for my turn, pulling Danielle into another hug once Shawn lets her go.

"I will see you back home," he tells her. Danielle is heading back to Telford as well. She has a jobbed lined up as a bartender at a pub in town for the summer.

"If I feel like hanging out with you," she teases him. Shawn rolls his eyes and we walk with Danielle to the front door.

"Drive safe," I tell her.

"Thanks." She grabs her purse and heads out the door.

We wave from the porch as she pulls out on the road. Shawn closes the door and we head back to the kitchen, handwashing the plates we used for dinner and putting them back into the cupboard. A lot of the dinnerware in Shawn's house belongs to the landlord so it gets left behind.

"Finally, we're alone," Shawn says as he pulls me into his arms and plants a slow kiss on my lips.

"I'm excited to go home with you tomorrow."

"I'm excited to bring you home with me," he agrees.

"Bailey messaged me the other day saying she has lots to fill me in on about her life." Shawn groans in annoyance and I laugh at him. "She is really excited to have you home for the summer."

"She says that now, but give it two days of us living together again and she will be screaming her head off at me for interfering with her space."

"I'm sure you will both get on each others nerves a bit," I joke back to him.

I'm still in his arms as I look up at his handsome face. He has a bit of stubble along his jawline and chin. Now that hockey is over he doesn't have to shave multiple times a week and has relaxed on the daily routine. Not that I mind though, I think it makes him look even sexier, if that's possible. I lift my hands to his face and trail over it with my fingertips.

"I can shave tonight," he says.

"No, leave it," I tell him and he arches an eyebrow in surprise. "I like it," I admit shyly. I watch the smile spread over his lips.

"It stays then," he says confidently. "So, we're all done packing?"

"Yup. One hundred percent all packed and ready to hit the road tomorrow," I confirm with a proud grin.

"Good," he says and his hands move to my hips where he firmly grips them as he lifts me up and onto the island counter. I open my legs and he moves to stand in between them as he leans into me.

"This feels familiar," I joke as I drape my arms over his shoulders and pull him closer into me. I feel the anticipation building inside of me as I recall the last time we shared a moment on this countertop.

"We have to take advantage of having the house to ourselves," he whispers as his head dips down to the nap of my neck and he starts to suck softly at my skin. His mouth should come with a warning label, it always seems to take control of my ability to speak, silencing me to nothing but a gratuitous moan.

I feel my need for him burning between my thighs as I push down at the waistband of his sweatpants and they drop easily off his hips. I reach into his boxers and find him hard as I wrap my fingers around him. He groans into my chest as his head is buried there. I start to slide my hand up and down him as he pulls at my shorts, sliding them easily down my legs when I lift my self off the counter briefly to help him.

I push down his boxers, springing him free from the material as he pushes himself further between my legs. I shift my hips forward to the edge of the counter as I guide him with my hand to where I need him. He pushes inside of me and gives no time for my brain to register before he starts to pump in and out of me hurriedly.

I cling to him, my arms flexed as I brace myself for each thrust. I can feel the muscles of his back flexing under my hands as I press my palms into his shirt. His hands grab my hips again and pull me into him to match his rhythm, rocking our bodies in sync with each other. I hook my legs around him, using them to try and stabilize myself as well as angle him further into me.

I can feel every inch of him as he slides inside me. The pressure of my orgasm builds and the familiar sensation has me moaning out Shawn's name. I grip handfuls of his shirt as my body starts to tense around him.

I want to let go and when I look up into his eyes he gives me all the confirmation I need as I come undone. I feel my body shake as he moves inside me for a moment longer before stilling. His weight covers me as we both hold onto one another and ride out the pleasure that consumes us.

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