Only His

By vicfusc

858 3 0

You're on your own......till he claims you that is. More

1-The Start
4-I'm His
5-The Truth
6-The Ball
7-She Captured Me
8-Downward Spiral
9-Falling into Place
10-Where Are We At?
11-Time Has Passed
13-An Ordinary Day
14-I'll Be There For You
15-A Party
16-The Misery Continues
17-Not A Chapter
20- The Wedding


20 0 0
By vicfusc

     The car ride was too quiet for my own comfort so I reach over to turn on the radio, Tom Odells Heal started playing and I scuffed.

"Take my mind and take my pain,

Like an empty bottle takes the rain, 

and heal, heal"

     "Easy, don't reach like that you're going to pop a stitch." He glanced over with worried eyes and I give him a quick nod.

     "Can you please change the song?" He clicks the button and Alec Benjamins, If We Have Each Other comes on.

"The worlds not perfect, but its not that bad,

If we got each other, and its all we have,

I'll be your lover and I'll hold your hand,

I will always be there for you."

     "Jesus what's will all these songs?" He tilts his head and shrugs his shoulders. I shake my head and stare out the window and Lorenzo puts his hand on my thigh rubbing circles with his thumb. I place my hand over his and squeeze it slightly letting out a breath I didn't realize I was holding in.

     "Why don't we stop at a diner or something? You haven't had a real meal in a few days." I turn to him and give him a sad smile. "Yeah sure."

     He quickly changes our destination to the nearest diner. As he turns the car off he gives me a warning look to not move and I oblige. He runs out to my side and opens the door for me, then helps me out of the car. He gives me a kiss on top of my head then walks me into the diner. 

     He helps me into a booth, "Maybe a table would have been better?". I shake my head no at him. "This is good, it's more comfortable." He nods his head with a warm smile and goes to sit across from me. 

     Our waitress comes up to our table and eyes Lorenzo down. "If you keep looking at him like that and don't ask us what we want, I'll fucking cut your tongue out and let you choke on it." She widened her eyes and took a step back while Lorenzo tries his best to conceal a chuckle.

     "W-what uh, um. Do you guys know what you want?" I flash a cheesy sarcastic smile. "Yes actually, I'll have a grilled chicken caeser salad and a lemonade." She writes it down and without picking her head up she asks, "A-and you sir?". Lorenzo scratches his chin for a minute, "I'll have a cheeseburger deluxe with fries and a water please." She writes it down and scurries away. 

     "Bella you need to control you anger." He says while smiling and shaking his head. I raise my brow at him "Nows not really a good time for anger management my love." I say half serious half sarcastically. His smile drops and he clears his throat. A different waiter comes by our table and places our drinks down. I give him a  nod, "Thank you". He returns the nod with a smile and walks away.

     I'm zoned out starting at my glass of lemonade. "Bella?".  The whole day we had when I got stabbed was playing through my head. "Y/n" Lorenzo's voice snapped me out of my daze. "Hm?". He looks at me with concerned eyes, "Talk to me, what's going on in that little head of yours." I shake my head at him "Nothing". And just like a call from god our food comes.

     As we eat in silence Lorenzo gets a call, "Yo", "Yeah she's fine why?", "Nah we stopped at a diner, what's going on?", "Cut the shit Chris what's going on?" He palms his face in frustration, "Alright, we'll go to Rickys. Yeah bye".  

     "What's wrong?" His eyes hold anger and he clenched his jaw. "The house was broken into, they left a note. They want you dead bella." I slowly nod as I absorb what Lorenzo is telling me. "Lorenzo once I'm fully healed I want you to know I'm going after them. All of them" He shakes his head no, "ABSOLUTELY NOT!" He bangs his hand on the table.

     I jump and the whole diner is looking at us. "Lorenzo check yourself" I said calm, but sternly, but he holds his angered expression and scuffs. "Okay I can't deal with this" I take a $20 out of my wallet and throw it on the table and I quickly slide myself out of the booth. The pain wasn't enough to stop me as I waltzed out of the diner. 

      "BELLA" He shouted after me. I whip my head to him and he runs up to me with a sorry expression. "Bella I'm sorry for yelling at you, but I can't let you do that." I scuff, "I don't care what you're sorry for." He eyes widen a bit as he furrows his brows. I walk away from him and to the curb of the street in front of the diner. "What are you doing? get in the car."

     "Rickys picking me up, you can go home." I hear him walk up behind me. "Y/n I'm not leaving you." Just then Ricardo pulled up infant of us. I quickly open the door and get in shutting it behind me. "Are you supposed to be moving that much?". "Please Rick just drive". He gives Lorenzo and apologetic look before he drives off while I just keep my eyes glues in front of me.

     The car ride was quiet, but I knew Ricardo had a lot of questions. So I just spilled out the whole altercation. "AHAHAH WAIT, so all this waitress did was stare at him and you threatened her? AHAHAHA." I shake my head, "That's what you stick on out of the whole story?". He struggles to catch his breath from laughing and it pulls a smile on my face. Ricardo always knew how to pull me out of bad mood. He takes an exaggerated sigh "How he reacted was a dick move, but I agree with him little one." I whip my head to him with furrowed brows. This time his sigh was less theatrical and more meaningful. "Y/n, these men have stepped up their game. They're dangerous, and yes I've seen what you can do, but there's only one of you and their mafia keeps growing. They're picking up people off the street and they're getting more powerful,". I drop my head. 

     The rest of the ride was quiet, as we pulled into the drive way he turned off the car and ran to my side to help me out. The pain was getting worse and I knew I fucked myself over by moving as much as I did. "Little one? your stomach is wet." Ricardo palms my stomach and I wince, he looks at his hand and its red. "Jesus Y/n how long were you bleeding out?". I shrug my shoulders as he picks me up and hurries me inside. He places me on the kitchen counter and pulls my shirt off. He runs quickly to the bathroom to get a first aid kit. He sighs as he takes a wet rag and wipes the blood off my stomach. 

     The door flies open and as Lorenzo sees us he gets visibly angry, But from his point of view all he can see is me shirtless and Ricardo bent in front of me as his body shields Lorenzo's view of my ripped stitches. "Wow if you really think I'd cheat on you, let alone with Ricardo, then you truly do not fucking know me." Ricardo turns his gaze to Lorenzo and shakes his head. "Yeah then what the fucks going on? Hm? HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN THIS?". I pull a knife off the counter and pull it up to his direction and his eyes widen, "I swear to fucking god Lorenzo if you raise your voice at me one more fucking time I'll gut you, OW Ricky easy." Lorenzo stands in his place and Ricardo looks up sympathetically as he stitches my open wound.

     While fixing me up Ricardo talks to Lorenzo because he can tell I wasn't going to. "Dude I'm just sewing her back up, she popped a stitch." Lorenzo's shoulders relax and he lets out a breath he was holding in. "A-are you okay?". I scuff, push Ricardo back and hop off the counter. "Hey I'm not done." I walk to his bedroom, "YOU ARE NOW" I shout from the stairs. I rummage through his dresser for a clean shirt and I go to the bathroom to clean off more blood. I slide the oversized shirt over my medium frame and I head back downstairs. 

     I plop myself on the couch and turn on the TV while Lorenzo and Ricardo stare at me from the kitchen table. "Is there a reason you're both staring at me, or do you both want your eyes carved out?". I watch them from my peripheral vision as they turn their attention away from me. "Little one you need to chill please.".  I chuckle, "Oh do I?" I walk up to the counter and snatch Lorenzo's keys. "Hey wait a min-" Before he can finish I was out the door. They ran after me, but I was already at the car when they reached the end of the stairs to the front of the house. 

     I screech off and head to Giaccamo's house. As I walk up to the door I palm my face. I do recognize I've been acting strange, but I almost died and I lost my baby. I get a pass. I knock on the door and patiently wait for someone to answer. Surprisingly Christiano opened the door and when he sees me he twists his face in confusion. "Hey what are you doing here? Where's Enzo?". He opens the door allowing me in. "Well, I'm here because Ive had enough of Lorenzos presence, and I took his car and left him at Ricardo's." 

     He nods at me as we go into the kitchen. "Where's Sammy?" He drops his head and I look at him confused. "We were supposed to have a date, but she had to go into work last minute." I nod as I grab a bottle of water from the fridge. Then Giaccamo comes in, "Y/n? Hey". I give him a warm smile and a little wave as I drink the water. "Would you like the maids to cook you something dear?". I shake my head no, "I just ate, thank you though". He nods and grabs and apple then walks back out of the room.

     I take a sigh and lay my head down on the table. "Chris I'm so tired of everything." He stares at me with a sad look and rubs my back. "You know we all love you and are here for you right?" I nod my head against the table and tears fall from my eyes. I sniffle and Christiano furrows his brows. "Hey why don't we go get some gelato?". I giggle as I remember how much this man loves gelato. I lift my head and nod as I wipe my eyes.

     I get into the passenger seat and Christiano gets in the driver. As he starts the car his phone rings. "Hello?", "I don't know what happened and I don't want to know, but she doesn't want to see you.", "I love you man, but I also love her and she's in pain physically and mentally and I'm going t do my best to make her happy and comfortable and if that means staying away from you then it is what it is. Im driving bye." He looks at me and gives me a small smile, "Thank you Chris". He puts his fist up to fist bump me, "Like I said I'm here for you."

     We pull up to Christiano's favorite gelato parlor. I told him to order for me because he knows I get the same thing every time. "Hi can I get one pistachio on a cone and one stracciatella on a cone?". We wait as they get prepared then he hands me the stracciatella on a cone. I smile at him as he digs into his pistachio gelato. "What? Is there something on my face?" I giggle at him and shake my head, "No, It's just funny how your eyes light up for ice cream.". He pouts , "It's so good." I laugh shaking my head then I eat mine.

     We get back into the car and I sigh and drop my head. "I think I should talk to Lorenzo." He hums in agreement. "Tell me what happened and I'll assess if you should." I tilt my head up at him and I start explaining the events from the diner till I ended up at Giaccamo's house. He slowly nods his head at everything I just told him. "Well Ricardos right about Russo's mafia expanding. But Lorenzo was way out of line yelling at you AAAAAND getting angry when Ricky was stitching you up, he should know better."  I nod my head at him. "So do I go talk to him?" He gives me a warm smile and starts the car. "Yeah you should both talk to each other. Leave it all out on the table you know? You're both struggling right now and need to work together, not against each other." I smile and nod. "Okay Mr.Therapist.". He chuckles and drives to Ricardo's house. 

     As we pull up I feel a knot in my stomach and I start getting nervous. When have I ever gotten nervous to talk to my fiancé? I shake my head at my thoughts and get out of the car. Ricardo runs out when he hears the sound of a car door closing. He looks at me with furrowed brows and I roll my eyes at him. Me and Christiano walk up to the door and I slip inside as Christiano talks to Ricardo on the porch. As I enter the house I see Lorenzo faced away from me at the kitchen table with his face in his palms. I sigh and take the seat next to him. He's deep in thought and didn't notice I was there till I take his hand away from his face gently and hold it in mine. He looks up with furrowed brows and his face softens when he looks at me. We stay quiet for a bit, just staring into each others eyes. He takes his free hand and caresses my cheek.

     "Bella I'm sorry....for everything. For yelling at you. For accusing you of cheating. Everything. I'm so sorry.". He places his forehead on mine closing his eyes. "I know Enz, I'm sorry too, for pushing you away and for saying i'll gut you and carve your eyes out." He lets out a chuckle and kisses me on the forehead. "Bella...I almost lost you. Losing the baby hurts, but if I lost you I won't survive." A tear falls down my cheek and he wipes it away. "I know I'm sorry". He nods and kisses my lips softly. "Chris look, mom and dad made up" I giggle into Lorenzo's lips and he shakes his head backing away. Christiano gives Lorenzo a wink and he rolls his eyes.

     "So where's my car?" I look at Lorenzo guilty, "Um...your dads." I scratch the back of my neck. He raises an eyebrow with a look that I can read as "Why would you run to my dad?" and I give him a warm smile and peck his lips. "I went there because it was closer then Christiano's house, but Chris answered the door then he took me to get gelato." He nods his head and Ricardo pouts. "So you guys got gelato and didn't bring us any?". I laugh and shake my head. "So are we staying here or?" I look to Lorenzo. He sighs "Yeah I think it's best." I raise a brow at him "But someone broke into this house too.". He palms his face, "I forgot about that". Christiano hums, "Maybe I should take you two back to Giaccamo's? He has live in security guards, it'll be a lot harder to get to you.". Lorenzo nods and we say good bye to Ricardo.


     I get myself situated in the living room as Christiano and Lorenzo talk to Giaccamo in the kitchen. The don't allow me to be apart of the conversation because they don't want be involved with anything having to do with the Russo's. "Fuck this" I say to myself as I get off the couch and walk into the kitchen. The three of them look up at me pausing their conversation. I shake my head at them, "You guys do know I still have a heavy influence on the police right?". They twist their faces in confusion not knowing where I'm taking the conversation. "If whoever's running Russo's crew is expanding it we can use the police to stop it. You know? Find out who they're recruiting, give their names to the police and have them arrested on petty charges." The boys look at me shocked, "Damn, that's actually a good idea." Christiano speaks out and Lorenzo nods. "I agree.... I truly am grateful to call you my family." I smile at Giaccamo. "Are you two okay with discussing the details on your own? I'm tired and I'd like to cuddle with that man next to you". The boys laugh and nod as Lorenzo gets up and walks to me taking my hand in his and leading me to his bedroom.

     I hum, "I kinda missed this room." I plop myself on the bed and Lorenzo playfully throws a shirt and a pair of boxers at me. I giggle as I get up and changed. After he takes his shirt off puts on a pair of sweat pants  he climbs into bed with me and I lay my head in his chest. He strokes my hair and we lay in silence. "I love you Enz". He kisses the top of my head, "I love you too bella." I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

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