Deadly Gifted...

By CloudyXAutumn

408K 19.2K 18K

"I'm quirkless and you're all still struggling against me, how Pathetic!" Izuku was born quirkless but that w... More

middle school
Entrance exam
all might
Sports festival
What're The Chances?
Hero suit Upgrades
Taking the Bait
Kamino incident
Oh. Oh? OH!
Amateur Spies vs Expert Villain
Moving on Dramtically
Explosion ๐Ÿ’ฅ
Intensive Investigation
Upgrades People Upgrades
Quirk control
Quick Battle
The Start


5.4K 316 229
By CloudyXAutumn


Blood splattered all over the white marble as the man slumped over, dead.
Aizawa had gotten a clean shot to his forehead and killed him instantly.

AFO hummed, "you don't seem too surprised. It's not your first kill is it?"

", it wasn't the first."

"So what would this be then?"


They killed Oboro...

It's their faults.

I'll kill them! What did Oboro do to deserve such a painful death!? You Heroes are fakes!"
Aizawa thought to himself as he laid on his hospital bed.

"You were close to getting severely injured yourself...
It's a good thing it was just your arm" a nurse spoke up, she hadn't seen Aizawa's blood-shot eyes from crying.

Aizawa turned his head to face the nurse, his long hair was a mess getting on his face. The tears made it annoyingly stick.

"Are you okay?! Does something hurt??" She asked in dismay.

Shikamuro..." He forced out.

"Oboro Shikamuro...-
Oh no...

Was he close to you...?"

"Best friend..."

The nurse bit her lip, she played with her fingers as her eyes darted around the room.
I don't know what to tell you..."

"I already know...
Saw it myself..."

Her eyes slightly widened, remorse flooded in for the young adult.
"I'm sorry for your loss"

Aizawa's lips quivered as he looked away, putting his head down.

You're all good to go physically...

Leave when you're ready"

She walked out, unable to stay in the same room.
She felt too bad for him.

Aizawa promptly got out of the hospital and went home to his empty apartment.
He only had 1 thing in mind...


"I hate heroes...
Why am I training to be something I hate...
If I'm only doing this for the money...

What's the point.

It's their faults...

All of them."
He clenched his jaw as his hands balled into fists.

"I've decided...
I'm going to kill them..."


Aizawa started stalking the "heroes" that killed his best friend. In school he'd hardly pay attention, he didn't care anymore.

He figured out the schedules for all of them and decided how he'd kill them.


Aizawa was dressed in all black, gloves mask, everything.
Within his outfit he had...

A dagger and a gun.

He knew the heroes were trained professionals so he had to be careful.

It was night time, the best time to carry out his vengeful plan.
He ran out of his apartment, he already knew where he was going.

All of the heroes that had killed his best friend all had the same night shift on Sundays.
It was a Sunday that night.

He knew where they'd all be gathered, his practice and stalking would come in handy.

"I can't wait for Tomorrow"


"You can't tell me you all forgot, tomorrow is Rankings day! We're going to see where we rank"

"Oh yeah!!!"

"We should be within the top 30 now! We've been saving lots of people!"

Aizawa clenched his jaw from the alleyway.
He had to lure them in somehow.

A bystander happened to be walking by, Aizawa already knew what to do.

He took aim...

And shot.

His hands started shaking as the person fell to the ground and died.
The bang of the gun alerted the heroes in, Aizawa happened to be standing on the emergency escape platform a couple feet from the ground.

"What happened!?"

"A dead person?!"

"Gun wound..."

Aizawa immediately shot the other 2 doing the main talking while the third, who killed Oboro, was examining the body.

He called out as he turned around, they were dead...
Nothing bringing them back.

"GUYS!?" He screamed as he tried to activate his quirk.
It wouldn't activate.

He was trapped.

Aizawa jumped down, holding the dagger as he stared him down.
"You villain! I'll kill you for what you did!" He screamed as he charged at Aizawa.

Aizawa grabbed his punch and swung him around onto the wall, keeping his arm behind his back while holding the dagger to his neck.

"Will you kill me like how you killed my friend?" He hissed.

"What??? I never kill-"
The hero paused as memories of weeks ago came flying back.


You're eraserhead-"

"Will you kill me like how you killed my friend?!" Aizawa repeated, the dagger touched the heroes skin.
He gulped, "I didn't mean... To kill h-him...
It was an accident..."

"An accident huh?

"look I d-didnt k-know, i-im s-sorry!" He cried.

"Sorry won't fix anything now.
Maybe you should've known, if you did then you would've been able to avoid this"
Aizawa applied pressure, his hands still shaking.




Scarlet blood trickled down his black latex gloves.
It had gotten everywhere, practically poured out of him.

Aizawa let out a sigh as he stared at the mess he had created, a warm sense of...


Made it's way to his heart.

He let out a weak chuckle and walked away...


"I see.
Well then Eraserhead.
Consider yourself an official league member.

You'll find out who sent you the note shortly"
AFO said as he guided him out of the basement.

Tomura stood there, texting Midoriya.
As Aizawa stepped away, AFO walked towards Tomura and put his thumbs up.

Tomura grinned as he sent the affirming text to Midoriya, it was confirmed.

Shouta Aizawa was officially a member of the league of villains.

"Well then Eraserhead, our goal to shut down UA will be happening promptly so don't get too impatient.
We already have a plan that the note sender will fill you in on.

You can leave" kurogiri opened up a warp gate to the gates of the dormitory.

Aizawa waved his hand and walked away.


"He's officially a member"

"Hell yeah, I already have the best reveal prepared"

"What is it going to be?"

"I'll tell you after"

Midoriya tossed his phone under his pillow, grabbed a hoodie, and ran downstairs.
He pulled up the hoodie and stood with his back towards the door, he couldn't stop the menacing grin from appearing on his face.

Aizawa could see a strange figure standing inside, though the glass was frosted so he couldn't see too well.

He sped walked inside, his curiosity had taken over.
Whoever this was managed to by pass UA security.

The door could be heard opening up as Aizawa stepped inside.
He stood 7 feet away from the note sender, he needed to know.

"Are you the one who sent me the note?" He spoke, not too loud but loud enough for only those on the same floor to hear.

"Mhm" Midoriya replied in a low tone.

"Who are you...?
How'd you by pass our security"

Midoriya chuckled as he turned around and faced Aizawa directly, his eyes met his with a malicious grin.

"Midoriya???" Aizawa slightly stepped back, shock struck his entire body. This was the last person he ever expected to be the note sender.

"Surprise Aizawa sensei. And congratulations on officially becoming a league member"
Midoriya slow clapped as Aizawa stepped closer to him.

"Why are you of all people a villain?? What's your correlation to the league??
You know Tomura shigaraki and AFO??"

"I could ask you the same questions don't you think? Besides I pretty much already explained myself through our texts"

"But that doesn't explain how you even got involved with the League, Shigaraki, and AFO"

"What do you mean?"

"How do you know them??"

"AFO and Tomura?

Right not anyone would know this.

AFO is my dad.
Tomura is my brother."
Midoriya said with a hint of chuckle as he pretended to look up for answers.

It felt like reality slapped Aizawa across the face, that explained quite literally everything...

But if AFO's quirks is to steal quirks...
How come you don't have one?"

"Genetic mutation. Though it doesn't really effect me too much, being quirkless gives me an upper advantage to begin with."

"Really? Like what?"

"No one anticipates that I'm strong.
Due to their underestimation, they die."

"You've killed before...?"

"Longer than you have been."

"Since when...?"

"5 years old"

" many people did you kill by now then?"

"Well recently I haven't had the chance to kill, kind of problematic considering the police are soon to catch on. But all in all I'd say well over 300 people"

"That many people...
Since you were 5?

By now you should already have a villain title or something-"

"Yeah I do"

"Then who are you?"

"You already know me.

The Silencer is my villain name."

"Alright now you're pulling my leg Midoriya. I get you're a member of the league, I get that you're a villain, but The Silencer?

You know what that would exactly mean?"

"I'm not pulling your leg-
Haven't you noticed?
The Silencer always kills with a weapon instead of a quirk.

I'm quirkless.

I've been killing since I was 5, I just didn't make my name known till recently."

"...this is a bit hard to comprehend, you always act so nice it's kinda hard to see you as a villain..."

"Well duh. I had to keep my cover, if I acted like a villain that wouldn't be normal."

"Wait wait...
If you're the silencer does that mean you know who the-"
Aizawa heard someone approaching, he clenched his jaw as he tried to hide but it was too late.

A yawn could be heard, "what's going on?"

Midoriya glanced over, "oh, hey Kaminari.
Why are you up so late?"

"I wanted a cup of w-water..." kaminari was struggling staying composed with the script Midoriya had given him.

"How much did you hear?" Midoriya asked.


Kaminari couldn't take it and broke out into laughter, due to Kaminari's laughter, Midoriya bursted out laughing too.

Aizawa stood confused, what was even going on???

"What's going on??? Why are you both laughing???"
Aizawa looked at Midoriya even more panicked.

"Finish what you were about to ask, then I'll answer your question"

Aizawa stood confused, he let out a sigh deciding to just go with what Midoriya was saying.
Do you know chargebolt?"

And you do too"

"What do you me-"
He glanced at Kaminari who was smugly grinning.

Aizawa felt a second slap of reality hit him, the 2 nicest people in the class...

Were literal villains.

"Congrats Aizawa sensei, you officially know.

"You know what I'm just going to stop trying to figure this out...

We're being recorded-
Nezu has access to the footage" stress came like a wave over Aizawa as he stared at the cameras in appal.

"Oh? That.
Don't worry about it"

"Huh??? What do you mean??
Don't tell me Nezu is a villain too???"

"No he isn't.
It's just that I have access to the security system through a simple hack.
I disabled the security around this dormitory"


"How else do you think I found out about you?"

"Wait that being said-
How did you figure out that I wanted to shut down UA???" Aizawa stared in concerned confusion.

"I have my methods, going through UA's old History helped."

"How did you-"

"Aizawa sensei, if we tried to ask Midoriya how he did what he did we'd be here all night and there isn't enough time...

Aren't you tired?" Kaminari interrupted with a yawn.

"Fair enough...

So wait...
To sum it up.

Midoriya, you're a villain. The Silencer.
Kaminari, you're a villain. Chargebolt.

Both of you are UA traitors, League members.

Somehow the nicest of the class have a kill record of over a hundred.
You have everyone fooled.


Shouta Aizawa.
Have a kill record of only 5.
But I'm a league member as well.

In the end, we're All going to be shutting down UA.

Who knows by when, but it'll happen.

Because in the end...

All 3 of us are villains..."

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