Love Me Like You Do (Harry St...

By livelaugh124

257K 6.4K 424

What happens when 21 year old Kylie Hayes goes to Vegas on a trip with her best friend? One morning she ends... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60

Chapter 33

3.2K 94 4
By livelaugh124

Kylie POV

It's now April 2nd. Harry and I have talked it all out saying I saying sorry for being a bitch and he says I'm stressed and it's not my fault.. And that I am PMSing starting my period yesterday. They wanted to pull the plug yesterday but Bridget went into early labour last night when they were going to do it.

Bridget just had her little girl a hour or 2 ago. Our family is waiting now for Jeff to come to give us the go to come in. I see him walking out everyone becomes alert

"Bridget wants Kylie to come in first" everyone nodded as I step forward following Jeff

"Congrats Daddy" I said smiling he wraps his arm around my shoulder

"Thanks Kiddo" he said opening the door slowly I see Bridget holding her daughter, my little baby cousin in her arms I walk closer

"Congrats Bri" I said she smiled

"Want to hold her?" She asked I nod

"Of course" I said softly as she hands me the delicate baby to me "what's her name?" I ask

" Nicole Kylie Ryder" she said softly I looked up at ten shocked

"Y-You named her.." I couldn't finish my sentence

"Kylie even though you won't be around much we know how much of s impact you will make on our little girl.. We want you to be Nicole's god mother." I start crying

"Oh my gosh " I said sitting down "I would love too" I looked down at the tiny burrito in my arms "Hi Nicole.. I'm your God Mother" I said to her kissing her forehead "your going to be one spoiled little girl by me and Harry" I said smiling


After all the family saw Nicole we all decided we should head up to the floor grandma is on including Bridget and Nicole and tell them to pull the plug I look around

"Where's dad?" I ask my mom

"He went to get food real quick" my mom said how long has he been gone?

Aunt Liv walks back to us with the doctor

"Are we doing this folks?"

"Yeah" my mom said nodding as Uncle Doug nods we all head inside the room my stomach twisting I don't know if I be able to do this we watch the doctor walk over and unplug the chord and the nurse taking out her IVs I see her eyes pop open gasping for breathe I gasp back scared as I feel Toby wrap his arms around me

"Relax Ky." He said softly as she turns over to the little baby Jeff is holding

"I-I w-w-a-s wa-i-ting -f-for her" she said

"It's Nicole Kylie" Bridget said Hayden is in Brandon's arms clinging Belle is holding on to him I look to see my mom standing with Aunt Liv teary eyed

"It's time" she said as her " I love all my family" she said her last breathe then her heart line goes straight..

The doctor covers her body instantly the first person to run was me.

I walk out of the room first quickly I look up I gasp.

"Baby Girl"

I start falling feeling Harry's arms wrap around me instantly

"She's Gone!" I sobbed into his chest as he brings us to a chair

"Shh baby it was her time... She's in no longer in pain" he said as i start not being able to breathe "Baby Girl shhh breathe in and out" he cooed in my ear


Harry POV

I'm in the car with Andrew, he picked me up from the airport

"Thanks for coming to get me" I said

"It's no problem, Son." he said with a smile.

"How's she doing?" I ask him about his daughter and my baby.

He sighed "She is getting abit better... She hasn't fully come to terms with it. Did the arena cancel your last show or did you?"

I sigh " the arena did because of Zayn leaving they didn't want us there, which is whatever but I'm more happy I can come here earlier and be there for Kylie." I said

"She's been a mess without you." I nod recalling back to the other night


I sighed leaning against my bed as Louis & Niall come in.

"Are you going to mope til Kylie talks to you?" Niall asked me

I huffed "No"

"Well buddy look what your doing" Louis said smirking I shake my head

"Bro she's going through a hard time right now.. Maybe her mad or upset will just make her more emotional." Niall said I nodded

"Toby texted me saying she's PMSing" I said looking down at my phone of all the texts I sent her "she read them! She read them!!" I said

"Yay!!?" Niall and Louis cheer confused

"Damn it she read them a hour in a half ago!" I said

"She's probably with family, Harry" Niall voiced his opinion

" It's like one in the morning there she may have gone to sleep!" Louis said the. His phone buzzed he smiles like a little school girl I smirk

"Who you talking to?" I ask

"Alexa." He said happily

"Who's Alexa?" Niall asked lost

"Kylie's Best friend" I said his eyes widen

"Wow! How did that happen?" He asked

"I told him she has fancied him and he asked Kylie if he could have her number, that was like a week ago." I said

"Almost 2!" Louis shouted putting his phone down "she said she got done talking to Kylie not to long ago"

"What the hell?!" I said

My phone starts ringing I look down and see Kylie is calling me

"Leave both now she's calling me" I stand shoving them out over their hollering I lock the door answering it right away.

"Baby I'm so sorry" I said

"Harry I'm sorry I was the one that assumed you didn't want to talk anymore.."

"Baby never feel that way I always love talking to you k was trying to make conversation" I told her

"I wish you were here with me, Harry.." She begins to sniffle

"Kylie, you have to stay strong. Only 6 days left and I'm with you. Your family needs you more than ever." I told her softly

"It needs to be six days now" she said

"I know, Baby I know." I told her as I hear her it makes me wanna cry for her "Let it out Baby" I told her softly

*Flash back end*

I return back to reality that Andrew said were hear, we get out of the car right away making our way to the hospital. I can't wait to see her but I'm scared on her state of what I'm going to see. Andrew leads me to the elevator clicking 12 I sigh heavily

"I'm warning you now. They probably are pulling or just pulled the plug. Kylie is needing you more than we all know, more than she says." Andrew told me I nod as It dings stopping for us he leans off the wall as do I he walks out first leading us down the hall then I see the first thing I didn't want to see.. My baby going into hysterics. She gasps once she see me.

"BabyGirl" she starts falling I wrap my around her right away

"She's Gone!" She sobbed into my chest I bring her over to a chair sitting down with her in my lap

"Shh baby it was her time... She's in no longer in pain" I told her as she behind to not breathe. "Baby Girl shhh breathe in and out" i cooed in her ear.

I look up to see Melanie run out and sighs in relief as she see Kylie with me I see tears running down her face

"I'm so sorry" I whisper to her coming to Kylie and I she nods

"Thank you. We knew it be coming" she said as I see more family members walk out seeing me gasping

"Nows not the time" Andrew said to them I keep my focus on Kylie who's now starting to calm down a little

"That's it baby." I told her quietly one her ear. "In and out" I kiss her head letting my lips stay their for a while. Once I looked up again I see everyone gone. Kylie looks up also sighing

"They probably went to Bridget's room.. She had her baby today." She said

"A life ends another begins.. She was waiting" I told her as a bring a hand up to her face wiping away her tears slowly falling now.

"They named her after me.. Nicole Kylie and asked me if I wanted to be her God Mother" she said

"Awe thats awesome Babe." I told her kissing her cheek.

"Yeah.. I'm pretty happy about that and shocked." She said "wait why are you here?" She asked confused

"Dubai concert got cancelled.. With all the Zayn shit going on right now they thought break starting now be good." I told her kissing her lips softly "I love you baby." I told her

"I love you, hubby" she said leaning her head on my shoulder.

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