Why tf are demons from Demon...

By Sombtri

186K 5.5K 7.1K

You were kinda just chillin at with your two best friends when demons from Demon Slayer kinda just appeared... More

A supposed normal day (for now-)
Introductions OH bOy
The Deal (dun dun dunnnnn)
First Night/ kinda slumber party
Not Cool gUys 🙄
Short Aftermath
A/N help guys
Teaching/Annoying With Gen-z things
Game Night 🎲
Heart to Heart with Rui kinda
Halloween Shopping at like 11pm with the gang 👻💅
Yet another A/n
Tis the season 🎄❄️🎁
🎄IZSACRIMAAAASSS (Translation: It's Christmas but we didn't plan anything :D)🎄
🎄IZSACRIMAAAAS (Translation: It's Christmas but we didn't plan anything :D)Pt 2
Oh no...

The Halloween Party 🎃 🎉

7.2K 218 563
By Sombtri

Slanted font = thoughts

Enjoy =)


Y/n's POV

I woke up to the sun shining in my face and lots and lots of bickering. I tried to fall back asleep because i'm lazy, but then the bickering turned into yelling, and then the yelling turned into screaming. I swear these people can be so damn loud, I legit thought I was going to go deaf.

I shot up from where I was lying down and looked over to the source of the yelling.

Who the fuck is yelling so loud and for what??


Mariana turned her head towards me and smiled.

"You woke up the gremlin. I hope you're happy." Mariana replied to Zaria with a half ass smirk.

Zaria just stared at me for a minute and left to go upstairs to cool down.

I just sat there trying to process what the fuck just happened.

"Anyways, welcome back to the real world." Mariana greeted.

"Good to be back." I replied sarcastically.

I looked around and found myself on the floor right beside the couch. It was kinda weird since I thought I fell asleep on the couch but I was also too tired to even think when we got back from the Halloween store.

"How did you even manage to sleep through all that yelling?" Akaza asked.

I looked over to him with my 'I just got up' look on my face.

"Believe it or not I am actually a heavy sleeper when I'm very tired and can sleep through almost anything." I replied

"Yeah, you could probably sleep through a nuke too I bet." Mariana mumbled.

I mimicked her and decided to get up fully for the day. I stood up and stretched my body out. I could feel and hear my bones popping but I didn't really care.

Zaria, however, was standing at the bottom of the staircase with her hair all wet.

"That is disgusting! I can hear your bones from here." She commented.

I rolled my eyes and then Enmu decided to come into our conversation.

"Too bad it wasn't the sound of your bones breaking." He playfully responded.

I looked over to him to find him laying upside down on the couch.

"I'll break YOUR bones." I replied sticking my tongue out at him.

"You can try~" He responded playfully while sticking out his tongue.

I glared at him, thinking if I should try and tackle him or if I should just walk away. I looked behind and saw Zaria creep up behind the couch. Enmu hasn't noticed yet and I was confused on what she was planning.

Zaria pointed to his legs and mouthed:

'Should I flip him?'

Me and Mariana shook our heads saying YES.

Zaria nodded and grabbed Enmu's ankles, which caught him off guard, and she threw them over his upside down figure, causing him to flip and hit his face on the front edge before landing face first onto the wooden floor.

Us three humans started to burst out laughing while Douma joined us, and the other either had a small smile and some had a straight face still.

Enmu rolled onto his back so he was facing the ceiling. He crossed his arms and pouted.

"You guys are so mean." He pouted

"Do you want an apology?" I asked him.

He turned his head to me and he rolled his eyes.

"Do I look like I need an apology?" He asked.

Before I could say anything else I saw Kokushibou and Daki come down from upstairs and walk into the living room.

"We heard you guys needed the decorations so we went upstairs to find them for you." Daki explained as she set the box down.

"Thanks." We replied to her.

I looked at the box and took off the lid. It's been awhile since we've decorated the inside of our house for Halloween and I can't even remember what we had.

Inside we had a combination of different things. We had lots of fake cobwebs, a few scary hanging skeletons and witches, a giant hanging skeleton, a couple of fake pumpkins, some Halloween themed tablecloths along with paper cups, plates and cutlery. We also had some coloured disco light bulbs.

I felt Mariana and Zaria hover over my shoulder and look into the box. I was about to close the lid when Zaria reaches in and grabs the giant skeleton and gasps.

"Oh my god! It's Kendric!" Zaria exclaimed.

Muzan looked at her in utter confusion.

"What are you talking about?" He asked her.

"It's Kendric! I took him to the school Halloween dance one year and then forgot about him!" Zaria replied.

Muzan eye widened, then he blinked and sighed.

"That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard." He replied

Everything you hear is stupid-

Zaria shrugged.

Douma walked towards us and leaded his arm on my head like an arm rest. I knew this was a way of insulting me because I'm short so I glared at him, but he didn't seem to notice or care.

"Are we going to start decorating now?" He asked while fanning himself with his fans.

"If you want too I suppose we could start decorating." I replied.

Douma didn't waste a minute before he grabbed random stuff and started to decide what goes where.

"Someone's eager to decorate." I blurted out.

"Yeah." Akaza scoffed.

Everyone started to help decorate and it went a little like this:

- Douma decided to do the hanging decorations like the witches and cobwebs. When he put up the cobwebs, Rui got mad because they looked "unrealistic" so Rui tore them down and remade them with his treads and it actually look pretty scary not gonna lie.

- Zaria and Daki decided to make and bake homemade Halloween snacks for everyone like spider cupcakes, mini apple pies shaped like coffins, pizza for supper with a pumpkin face on it and another one shaped like a spider web, and a couple other snacks and drinks.

- Me, Akaza and Enmu screwed in the disco lightbulbs, placed a few other decorations that were bigger like this witch we found in the attic and she's stirring a caldron. We also found some party streamers and started placing them everywhere.

- Kokushibou and Muzan set up the table and decorated it with the tablecloth and small decorations.

- Nakime supervised everything making sure no one died while we decorated. She stopped Akaza from murdering Douma 12 times and stopped Rui from beheading Douma because of his "unrealistic decorating skills".

It may have taken almost 3 hours for some reason but it was completely worth it. The room looked AWESOME and CREEPY but that's how we wanted it to look. (I'm so sorry I don't have any images this time)

After setting up, I knew what we had to do now to complete the evening.

"We must now transform into our costumes!" I exclaimed.

"Like Sailor Moon?" Zaria asked jokingly.

"Abso-fucking-lutley!" I replied.

I went to the boot room to find the bags of costumes still sitting there.

Wow, we are lazy

I started to go through the bag and hand out the costumes to everyone. I gave out Mariana and Zarias, then Akaza and Douma, then Kokushibo and Muzan, then Daki and Nakime, and lastly Enmu.

I pulled out the train costume and looked at him with a disappointed mom look.

"Are you serious?" I asked him

He started laughing.

"You know I had too." He replied grabbing it.

I let out a sigh very close to Muzan disappointed sigh, but I laughed after.

Once everyone had their costumes, we all got dressed into them and did the make up that matched them.

I slipped on my (costume) costume and headed downstairs to prepare last minute things. When I came downstairs, Zaria and Mariana were already done and doing something.

"Do you need help with anything?" I asked.

"I think just getting food on the table and that's it." Mariana said.

I grabbed the last of the bowls and placed them onto the Halloween themed table. Once we had everything out, people started coming into the room with their costumes on. They all looked awesome in costumes and were rocking the looks.

"What do we do now?" Rui asked.

I looked over to him in his costume and he looked fucking terrifying but also looked like a tall toddler.

"well my dear spider friend, now we party till we're purple!" I yelled referencing something.

"I LOVE BEING PURPLE!" Zaria yelled back as she knew what I was referring to.

"whAt?" Akaza asked.

I walked over to the TV and opened up a Spotify Halloween playlist to play in the background.

It started out as a pretty decent and chill evening. Everyone was getting comfortable and talking while snacking on the different foods we made.

Zaria disappeared for a while and no one knew where she went or knew she was missing until Daki spoke up.

"Hey, where's the other short human?" Daki asked.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked to try and find Zaria.

"Thats weird. Usually she announces to the whole world that she's exited a room."

"Yeah, I wonder where she went." Mariana replied.

Before anyone else could speak or blink, we heard a crash and someone yelling out curses.

"I bet you 5 bucks that's Zaria." I whispered to Mariana

"Probably." She responded.

"Should we check on her?" Akaza asked a little concerned.

"Nah, she'll be fine. Maybe..." I replied.

Zaria came bursting into the room with a cardboard box and almost fell face first onto the hardwood floor, but managed to keep her balance.

"GUESS WHAT I FOUND!" Zaria yelled as she dropped the box out of excitement.

"Oh dear god what?" I responed.

Zaria reached into the box and pulled out the one thing that could make this night awesome .

"I FOUND A KARAOKE MACHINE IN THE ATTIC!" she screamed as she pulled it out.

"Oh no." Me and Mariana both said in synch.

"Oh yeah!" Zaria replied as she plugged it in.

"What's a Karaoke machine?" Daki asked.

"It's a machine where you play music with just the instruments and you sing the lyrics on the screen of the machine." Zaria explained enthusiastically. 

"Aw fuck yeah!" Daki yelled.

Once Zaria plugged the machine into the wall and got it set up, she ran upstairs to her room and grabbed a bunch of CD's that were made just for karaoke.

"Alright, who's going first?" She asked.

Nobody said anything as they either didn't know what to do or didn't want to be first.

"Y/n get up here we're doing a duet." Zaria demanded.

"I don't have a choice do I?" I asked

"No not really." she replied.

I walked over to her and saw she was choosing a song.

"What song are we doing?" I asked.

"We are going to sing the ultimate Pop/Halloween song." she replied.

"which would be?" I asked rasing a brow.

"Thriller!" She replied.

Singing a Micheal Jackson song infront of Micheal Jackson himself. What could go wrong?

She threw in the CD and got the song ready. The intro to the song played and she turned to me to hand the second mic over.

"You ready?" she asked.

"Not in the slightest." I replied.

She scoffed and rolled her eyes as the intro finished up.

It's close to midnight, and something evil's lurking in the dark! Under the moonlight, you see a sight that almost stops your heart!" Zaria sung with passion.

This got the attention of everybody as they stood infront of us like an audience and I felt like we were having a mini concert. Then it was my turn to sing. oH bOy-

"You try to scream, but terror takes the sound before you make it. You start to freeze, as horror looks you right between the eyes. You're paralyzed!" I sang out.

"Ready for the course?" she asked

"I was born ready." I told her.


We had to take a break to catch our breaths before we passed out due to lack of oxygen.

Everyone started clapping and we earned some cheers from Daki and Douma. 

"Thank you, Thank you! You've been a great audience!" I bowed down.

"Were not finished the song!" Zaria whined as she dragged me back. (I'm not writting down the rest of the lyrics because I'm lazy and this chapter is LATE as it is.)

After we sung, we got more applause from more people which included Mariana, and Akaza gave a little clap.

"Alright, who's next?" Zaria asked as she held the mic out.

Douma looked like he wanted to say 'my turn', but Daki shoved him by the face out of the way and practically almost threw him through the wall.

"IM NEXT!" she yelled with her hand up.

"Okay step on up." Zaria said as she handed Daki the Mic.

Daki scrolled through the songs and took about 5 minutes until she found one she was interested in. 

Daki decided to do Bubblegum Bitch by MARINA because she surprisingly liked the beat of the song and she thought she was a bad enough bitch to sing it. (if you haven't listened to it I recommend that you do its a great song.)

"I'm gonna be your Bubblegum Bitch! I'm gonna be your Bubblegum Bitch!" She sang.

She sang the rest of the song and finished with a dramatic pose. She sang the song awesomely and hit all the notes correctly and maybe even better than the original. But that's Daki for you. 

After Daki sang, a couple other people wanted to try and sing too and it went a little like this:

- Daki made us do a couple of other songs with her (you can choose the songs bc i'm lazy)

- Enmu sang (or should I say screamed) the lyrics to Sex with a Ghost (and none of us humans totally didn't join in) to get on everyone's nerves but surprisingly, he is a good singer.

- Douma wanted to sing the most annoying song ever so he scrolled through and found one. When Douma read the name of it and us humans groaned, thats how he knew he picked the right song.




It was fucking Barbie girl....


He earned some boo's and Akaza threw a mini pumpkin at him telling him to get off the stage. But he continued.

Muzan looked like he wanted to kill Douma right there and now and Kokushibou had an aura of disappointment that covered the whole house.

"The show must go on!" he yelled and kept singing.

- Nakime, Rui, Muzan and Kokushibou refused to sing no matter what we bribed them with. They are now labelled as party poopers and killjoys.

We sang a few more songs, some decent, some Halloween, and some so stupid Muzan had to leave the room to recollect his thoughts.

I decided that we needed to play a game or something before we get bored soon. Sadly, we didn't prepare any Halloween games but I decided to look in the closet for a game to play. I opened up the door to start looking and didn't even notice someone come up behind me to scare me. I felt their hands on my shoulder as they yelled:


"BAH FUCK!" I screamed and turned around to find who dared to scare me.

It was fucking Enmu. I should've known.

"Why? Out of all the people you like to scare why is it me??" 

He chuckled and patted my back.

"Because I know you will jump every time I do." he responded.

"Wow, so mean." 

"What are you even doing?" he asked curiously.

"I'm trying to find a game to play but I don't know which one I should grab." I explained.

He poked his head into the closet and pulled out a game. He pulled out twister and handed it to me.

"Why don't we play this game again? I heard the others really liked this one." He suggested.

"Sure, why not."

We walked back into the living room where the party was being held. Once we walked into the room, Zaria bolted towards me and started shaking me.


"waH! I just went to grab a game to play!" I responded as she kept shaking me.

Zaria stopped shaking me and let me go. 

"Okay!" she replied like nothing happened.

Well then

"What game did you bring?" Akaza asked.

I showed the twister box to everyone and they seemed to be okay with playing it again. We broke off into groups and pairs.

- Akaza and Douma Pt. 2

- Daki, Y/n, Mariana, Zaria

- Rui, Y/n, Mariana

- Daki, Douma 

- Akaza, Y/n, Douma

- Enmu, Y/n

- Mariana, Rui

- Mariana, Zaria, Y/n

- Nakime, Y/n, Daki (Yes we actually got Nakime to play with us this time)

The first pair or group to go was the rematch Akaza challenged Douma to. Douma gladly accepted and they both made their way to the mat.


"Who's going first?" Y/n asked.

"Me." Akaza replied.

He stepped up to the mat and Y/n flicked the spinner. When the spinner stopped, Y/n called out the move.

"Left foot green!"

Akaza put his left foot on the green with his arms crossed.

"This time, I'm going to win without you dragging me down!" Akaza pointed at Douma.

"Well see~" Douma teased.

Y/n flicked the spinner again for Doumas turn.

"Douma, right hand red." Y/n commanded.

Douma placed his left hand on one of the red spots and turned his head to tease Akaza.

"May the best demon win~" He taunted.

"I plan on it." Akaza replied.

*10 mins later....*


"We shall see about that." Douma taunted.

Right now, the scene was Akaza low on the mat but not low enough to be touching the ground and his left arm and leg were on the left slide and his right arm and leg were on the right side.

Douma, however is literally hovering over Akaza with one arm for support to keep him standing.

"Why...are you so...determined to win...Akaza?" Kokushibou asked.

"Because, I need to prove to myself I'm stronger than this idiot!" He replied.

Daki leaned over to Y/n's ear.

"This is good training for them." She joked.

Y/n started to laugh.

"I know right." Y/n replied.

The atmosphere was thick, in fact it was thick enough to cut it with a steak knife. Akaza knew he could hold his position since he was a demon and not a human, but pressure was on since Douma was literally on top of him.

"Alright Douma, right foot blue!" Y/n called out.

Douma moved his right foot to the blue spot in the corner. 

Douma got an idea in his head to make Akaza lose. Douma's elbow was right by Akaza's side. Douma scooted closer ever so little till his elbow was barley touching Akaza's side.

Douma started to elbow Akaza's side making him flinch.

"You cheater!" Akaza yelled at him.

Douma didn't listen and kept doing it to bully him into losing.

"Stop it." Akaza demanded but Douma didn't listen.

After about 5 minutes, Akaza finally gave up and flopped on the mat with Douma as the winner of the game.

"That was dirty play." Akaza pointed at Douma.

"Aww, I only teased you because were best friends!" Douma teased.

Akaza rolled his eyes and stepped off the mat for the next rounds. The next rounds went:

- Daki, Y/n, Mariana, Zaria - Daki won

- Rui, Y/n, Mariana - Rui won by hanging Y/n by his threads because she tried to poke him to get him to lose. Bad idea Y/n.

- Daki, Douma - Daki was more flexible which gave her an advantage 

- Akaza, Y/n, Douma - Y/n won because Douma and Akaza were so focused on bringing eachother down and forgot about you rip🥲

- Enmu, Y/n - Enmu won because he cheated and ripped off his hand to place on spots and Y/n kept yelling at them thats not how they play, but Enmu doesn't listen to anyone.

- Mariana, Rui - Tie because Rui sipped and fell ontop of Mariana.

- Mariana, Zaria, Y/n - Zaria won and bragged to everyone. Then she walked into a wall. 

"hA! Karma bitch!" Y/n yelled.

Y/n tripped on nothing and fell after.

- Nakime, Y/n, Daki - Nakime actually won. Y/n was out pretty quick but Naime is also pretty flexible and beat Daki and shocked everyone.

After we were done with twister, we packed it up and put it back into the closet. 

Y/n's POV

After I put the game back in the closet, I saw everyone getting their floor bed made up and Mariana starting up a movie.

"Why movie we watchin'?" I asked.

"Were having a marathon at like 11 at night. Were watching the first of a few horror movies." She explained.

"Which ones?" I asked.

"Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street, The Conjuring and maybe The Ring or The Grudge. We'll see." said Zaria.

I nodded and went to sit down. On my left was Akaza, Zaria and Kokushibo (he only sat there so Douma wouldn't be a bitch), and on my right was Rui, Mariana and Daki, and on the couch was Nakime, Muzan, Enmu and Douma.

Mariana hit the play button on the remote as we started watching Halloween first.

=Time Skip to the murder scenes=


The person in the movie did not run and just stood there as Micheal Myers came closer to them.

"MOVE!" the three of us humans and Daki yelled.

"Shh. Its a movie you have to be quiet." Muzan shushed.

"I'm sorry but the stupidity of some people in horror movies just amazes me." I stated as the person on the screen got killed.

"Nobody can be that stupid in real life right?" Daki asked.

"I really hope not." Y/n replied.

Muzan, Nakime and Kokushibo were straight faces the entire movie, Daki and us humans yelled at how stupid the people were, Enmu and Douma smiled when someone was killed or stated out how fake or real the blood was, Rui got a little scared at some jump scares at first but got used to them.

After the movie was over, another one started to play since it was a back-to-back Halloween movie marathon. The next movie was Nightmare on Elm Street. Enmu took a liking to this movie because it involved dreams and killing people which is basically his thing. After that movie, Mariana was passed out and spread out on the floor like a starfish.

The next movie that came on was The Ring. The entire movie Douma kept comparing Nakime and the girl and I think thats the only reason people were a little scared during the movie.

After that movie, I started to get a little tired so I laid down in a comfortable position and let the next movie play, which was The Conjuring.

During the movie, it was playing a scene that you knew there was going to be a jumpscare but some of the demons were oblivious to it *cOuGh CoUgH AkAzA cOuGh cOuGh*.

"This movie isn't even that scary." Akaza commented as the movie played the Hide and Clap scene.

Just then when the jumpscare of the clap played and the scream screamed, Akaza jumped a little from his spot before cursing to himself.

"Not scary, huh?" I teased him.

"Shut up." 

I couldn't even last the entire movie before I felt myself getting tired. My original plan was to just "rest my eyes" But that didn't work out at all, so I started falling asleep. 

B U T 

Before I fell asleep fully, I felt Enmu lean down and whisper in my ear.

"I'm giving you a nightmare for Halloween!" He giggled.




Its only 2 months overdue no worries 🙂 ( c r i e s   a n d   d i e s-)

Not me being like "I have great ideas for this story so writers block will never get me!"

Spoiler It got me.


Sorry, I'm on a rant here.

Also super long chapter, its the longest I've ever written at 4135 words.

Anywhoo, I'm gonna start planning and hopefully get it DONE ON TIME this time.

Peace my people ✌🌸

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