you're mine and mine only Dis...

Por Thewirrdone

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Legosi have feelings for a deer in the drama club but is afraid to ask him out since his conovore but what he... Más

Damn you Bill
The tragic end
chearing him up
🎃 Halloween Special pt1 (lemon) 🎃
🪑 Halloween Special pt2 final 🚀
The new rival
The new student
fight between wolf and tiger
The discovery
The time with friends
unpleasant friend reunion
The new teacher
😀Fun facts😀
Am i... Curse?
He's Gone
Movie "Date"
lights out
❗️Important News ❗️

🎰The next Game 🔪

115 0 0
Por Thewirrdone

(warning this chapter does not make sense that mach since there were a few things I have changed and I might have forgotten to explain some details so please no hate.)

Hello readers if you remember the Halloween special than you'll know that characters will be playing different games. So let's bring them here shall we.

*Gives the invitation to the same people*

"Welcome back players! Today we'll have a few special guests today that we'll join this game." The door open reveling the new players. Oguma, Ibuki, Riz, Mizuchi, Kibi, Els, and Kai enter the room. "Ok now what game are we playing?" "Today's game you'll be playing danganronpa. Let me explain the roles there are 16 of you and there would be only one winner. But I decided to do one one round cause you need to investigate to see who done it." "Done what?" "I'll get to that later anyway once you finish investigating you'll be put in a class trail where you have to put evidence together to found out who's the blackened and only they well received punishment. But If you chose the wrong one. I'll punish everyone besides the blackened." "Now tell us what we have to investigate?" " Oh nothing special just have to investigate the killer identity." "Killer!" "Yes and the punishment Is basically execution. Don't worry I'm the host so who can't actually die." "Yes we can  you dumbass!" "No you can't cause I am the hosts." "You got any proof?!" "Yeah but I'm not threatened so don't think about attacking me cause I can't hurt you unless I'm threatened." "Ok then." Gouhin grab the host by the neck and raise him. "You really want to see do you? Ok then! Help to me godly spear gunir!" Out of no where spears started to impaled gouhin. Gouhin tool his finale breath and let go of the host. "Ok now we going to need him so." The author snaps his fingers and the Spears disappear and gouhin holes also started to disappear. "*Gasp* how did i-" "I just revived you so now you know that I could just bring you back form the dead." Everyone was relieved but at the same time scared. There's no need to kill each other...right? "Oh and there's a surprise in the next room. The four adults would you mind follow me." Everyone went to the rooms to the left and the adults follow the host to the right to see the motive video.

After watching the motive they returned to the drama room and stare at each other. "There's no way someone is going to kill us right?" "Oh yeah I forgot to mention there's supposed to be one or Two body's but since we're only doing one round I'm adding another body so only three is the limit." " Ok so when do we go home?" "Oh your stuck here until someone makes the first move so you guys will be staying in the dorms until three or more people discovered a body." They all look each other in suspicion and fear that someone might make the first move.

They all decided to go to their dorms and think.

Louis POV

It's been a hour already and I don't like doing nothing. I rather do something than nothing but there's a chance that someone would get me. The only people who wouldn't hurt a single fly is jack,Haru,Els, and Legoshi though we would fight to protect others but never kills them.

I started to heading to legoshi dorm to only meet jack and Gosha. "Hey guys." "Hey Louis. Were you going?" "I'm just going to visit legoshi." "Wow well I guess we could say the same thing." Wow I guess all three of us are going to legoshi. Thanks to this monopad the host gave us."


"Before you go I need to give you all this." The host give us a tablet with a bear printed on the back. "These are monopads there like your ID but it shows everyone where you at and I can give you information about their deaths but not fully but the evidence that you find well be uploaded to your monopads."  "And that's well lead us to the killer?" "As long you have a alibi and talk things through in the class trail then yes. Oh I forget to mention that we put clothes in your dorms but there all the same outfits from what your wearing right now." "Why that?" "So that they could put on a unbloody outfit and pretend like their innocent."

*Flashback Ended*

It says that he's in the gymnasium. So we all decided to go there together. "So how have you been Louis?" "Good, I just wanted to chat with legoshi but since you two are here I guess I wouldn't mind having two other people joining our conversation." "Oh ok what you want to tell legoshi abou" "I wanted to talk abou-" "Blood! I smell is blood coming from this room!" I quickly open the door and noticed a puddle of blood. I took a few steps closer until I felt something liquid behind my neck. I look up and saw...


"A body have been discovered! Please visit the gymnasium to start the investigation." Legoshi body have Been suspended to the ceiling. All torn up and mess up looking."AAAHHHH!!!" Everyone rush in and saw the sight. "Omg" "I think I'm gonna *vomits*" "n-no this can't be h-happening." Some were shock, others were scared. who would do such a thing?! "I see you all shock and I know how you feel. Really I was disturbed by watching them do it." "Who...Who did this?" "I wish I could but I can't it will just ruin the game. Don't worry at the end of the game I'll bring them back to life." "Them?" "Did you forgot already? The victim and culprit well be punished. I forgot to mention that the punishment or how people like to called it execution well be base off something you like." "Huh?" "For example: if legoshi was the culprit then he's punishment well involved bugs. If Haru is the culprit then her's well involved gardening." "Oh I see then." Ok I already finished giving you the details about the body all you gotta do is investigate and tells everyone how it all started." "All started?" "Yeah a closing argument. You get to tell me how the culprit manage to kill legoshi." "Ok then let's start investing." "Ok your well end in 10 minutes."

We all quickly investigate the room. We discovered that he was supposed to meet someone in the gym at 3:30. He has 20 stab wounds infront of his body. His blood was coming out of his eyes and mouth. I found a bottle of poison in the trashcan underneath a cloth and it came from the recovery room. Probably the hosts put them there for the game. A cup on the stain with spilled water. Sadly I didn't find anything that would give legoshi 20 stab wounds. The rope is wrapped around legoshi neck, waist, and both arms and legs.

"Hey Louis. Me and Els is going to check his dorm." "Ok just be careful you two." They left and not for a few seconds I felt a hand resting on my shoulder. "Louis, correct?" I nodded "I want to say that it's ok. At the end he'll be back." "Yeah I know it's just that who ever done this is so... brutal." "Yeah anyway it's just you and me here so let's get a move on with the investigation." He's right everyone left the room. Without a farther or due we both left the hanging corpse. "You seems to be stress. What's wrong?" "It's just that I've been too stress lately and I haven't got a break." "When did you have your last break?" "Two weeks ago." "Yeah that's bad. We should take you to the recovery room. You can take a break there." "Sure."

Me and gouhin were chatting until a announcement played. I wish it was a different announcement.


"Two more body's have been discovered! Please visit legoshi dorm." Out of fear I quickly ran to his dorm."LOUIS WAIT!" Gouhin started to chase after me. "Louis you need to calm down! You'll faint when your too stressed." I should've listened to him because when I got there... I see a body behind the table and another next to it. Before I could do anything else my vision went  black.

Bill Pov

I was running down the hall to see gouhin carrying Louis in his arms. "Tell everyone that me and Louis are in the recovery room." "Got it but what happened?" "You got to take a look for yourself." With that he ran off to the recovery room. Once I enter the dorm I was in pure rage. Both Collot and Haru we're killed behind the little table. "First legoshi and now these two!"

Everyone arrived and see them. "M-more!" "It's seems to be it." "But why! We already have to investigate legoshi case and not this! For crying out loud we don't have enough time to-" "actually I give you 15 more minutes so you're welcome." We turn around to a new person. "Since you found a new body we reset the timer and give you 5 more minutes cause of the second body." "Wait I thought there was only one host?!" "True but how could one person get the games ready?" "True that does make since." The female host was about to leave a lion ask her a question that no one didn't realize. "What's your name?" "Huh?" "You and the other host name. Not to mention that bear mask is the same mask." He's right. When we play identity v we don't get to see them. But now this is the first time seeing them but wearing those masks. "How about this. If you get the blackening right and somehow reveal our names... we'll reveal our faces. How about that. Deal?" "Deal." With that they both shake hands "your time starts now."

*Time skip*

We all finished investigating and start heading to the auditorium. Collot got his neck slashed and Haru as stab multiple times in the chest. In Collot hand there's a white fabric and not to mention there were signs of a struggle on haru body. This is going to be difficult. What was even going on in this room. Whtat ever what happened we could uncover it.

Once we get there the first thing we stared is the portrait of legoshi, Collot, and Haru. "What's the portraits for?" "Well I'll feel bad if their dead and not join us. Oh yeah they're back alive now so don't worry. They'll watch this trial on TV in the other room."

Jack POV

So they'll be watching us. Well don't worry even though the hosts revived you I can't let the culprit get away with it. "S-so the culprit is really one of us?" "Yes we cannot harm you. It is the roles of them games you'll be playing in the near future. Now could everyone please go to you assign seats." So the killer is really one of us. You ever you are I well not let you get away with this. Legoshi... Collot...Haru... I would avenged you and I... I well reveal the truth!

"So how do we start?" "We need to start with legoshi case. It only makes since to start there since he's the first victim." "Ok then legoshi case it is. So we just have to start with our alibis. I'll start first. I was in my dorm later on I decided to go visit legoshi and thanks to the monopads I could see legoshi heading to the lockers. So at around 4:30 I left my room to only see jack who's also leaving as well." "It's True I saw him leaving his room and we both have the same idea about visiting legoshi. So we both headed to gym tell we saw Louis at 4:35. Louis also left to see legoshi." "All three of us headed to the locker room and ended up finding a body." "Legoshi body..." Thinking about Legoshi body really frightened me especially for Gosha I could tell from the way he talk. Not only that but the way how the scene was set up. "Ok but the rest question is what time of death?" "It says that he died around 3:58." "So he died an hour later." "I guess so what was doing at that time? I was in the cafeteria with Ibuki, Oguma, and Bill." "I was in my dorm with Pina and jack." "So that only leaves Juno and Els." "I was in the shower room." Wait both of them said the same thing! Does that mean one of them lied? Or did one of them left and the other enter? "Juno what time did you enter the shower room?" "I got in there 3:49 to 3:58." And you Els?" "4:10 to 4:20" "wait why would Els kill legoshi? Is she too small to kill him?" "We're we need conovore cause how would a horvabor hang legoshi body be on the ceiling?" "How about we focus on the murder weapon." That's right! It clearly show claw marks on his body. " "I guessing its the knife. It's the only thing that can I can think of.

"The knife is murder weapon." "NO THAT'S WRONG!" "I don't think they clawed him...There was a spill drink in the locker room" "A drink?" "Why are we talking about a drink?! We need to find the murder weapon and you say that drink killed him?!" "Can you tell us why the drink is important?" "The drink...was poison." "Huh?!" "But how? The body clearly shows scratch marks!" "So we know that a conovore is the killer." "N-not only that but the conovore has to be bigger than legoshi." That will only mean: bill, gouhin, Gosha, Ibuki, and Riz. "Hold on now did you already forgot about something! I was in the cafeteria with Ibuki, Oguma, and Kai!" "I hate to say it but it's true he was there with us." "What about Gosha?" "Now why would I kill my own grandson?!" "Wait HE'S YOUR GRANDSON!" "Gouhin?" "No, I was investigating something else." "Like what?" "Don't worry it doesn't involve in their deaths. But it involves them." Gouhin pointed to the two hosts. "Not only that but I was farther away from the locker room. I know it's a poor alibi but trust me I got nothing to do with his death. I will also help you find the truth." "Hmp" Why are you trying to pin this on a larger conovore? Wait is it really claw mark? If not then it could only mean one thing... It's not a conovore. "If it's not them then who did it?" "Why are you so sure that a conovore like them did it?" "Uh" "let's not talk about it yet. We still don't know if gouhin is telling the truth." "Ok fine then how did he died?"

"The poison of course. It killed him first before he was stabbed to death." "Ok then all we got to do is how they managed to get legoshi to drink it." "Well there was a syringe in the-" "wait hold up a syringe?" "Why is there a syringe in the locker room "Ok but where was the Syringe?" "under the cloth in the trashcan and seem to have a little bit of poison left in it." "Wait I thought legoshi drink the poison?" "They probably put the poison in the drink and cover it up with cinnamon. It would make sense that the carpet smell like cinnamon." "Wait! Wouldn't legoshi noticed the smell coming from the drink? He got a good nose so that he can tell when something is not right." "True but that what exactly what the culprit wanted. They want him to notice the drink before rejecting the poison." "So your telling me that." "The culprit give the drink to legoshi as a diversion and inject him with poison!" "Huh?!" "He was probably shock and didn't realize he was distracted by the drink and not the culprit action."

That drink was nothing but a diversion. So that when he's occupied the culprit took out the syringe and injected him. They don't want to make it seem like he was poison so they took out a knife and stab him. Then they tied the rope to his neck,waist, and both arms and legs. "Ok then if the drink was just a distraction and they use the syringe. Then what's the point of the stab wounds?" "They probably doesn't want anyone to think it was them so they...make stab wounds and hang the body...WTF!" "So there's a chance that someone other than the five main suspects is the culprit?!" "Do we have any other clues that might reveal the culprit?" "Sadly that's all we got." "Hey don't you all think that the other case? It might lead us to legoshi killer? There's might be a chance that it's the same killer for them." "You might be on to something Kai".

"Ok so this time let's talk about the time of death for Collot and Haru." "It's says that Haru was killed before Collot." "Both of them were killed with the same weapon. Collot got his throat slit and Haru was stab multiple times In the chest." "The last person I saw with Collot was Els." "M-Me?!" "Are you sure it's Els?" "She's the only person who was with Collot last." "Do you have any proof?" "Yes he's telling the truth. I was there when he told Louis about them going to legoshi room." "Thanks gouhin." "Your welcome." Wait Els and Collot were the last people being together. So does that mean? "Els
Did you left Collot by himself?" " Yes but when I came back I saw Haru and Collot arguing. They started to fight and Collot Pull out a knife and started attacking her! She tried to escape but failed, Collot plunge the knife to her chest and over and over...and...over... Then he noticed that I was there and he...was about to attack but...he..."

She started to cry. I didn't know she witnessed all of tha- "are you sure that what happened?" Huh?  "Yes the room it's self shows a struggle and haru was stabbed while Collot throat was slash." "But when we investigate the room there were no trace of a knife." "The knife?" "The knife would've been in his hand. But there was nothing. The only thing that was in his hand is this white fabric." The fabric? Then what happened to the knife? It explains everything except for the clo- "The fabric? Why does Collot have the fabric in his hand?" "Wait you don't think?!" "Els tesgamony is a lie? Yes." D-do you have proof that everything that I say is a lie?" What proof he don't have any proof. Wait her Dress. It's ripped! "T-theres nothing that proves that what I said is a lie." "NO THAT'S WRONG!" "Huh?!" "Els can you explain why your dress is ripped? Not to mention it's cover in blood." She look at the dress and saw a piece of the dress ripped. "It's been like that when we first started this game." "Are you sure that your not lying to us-" "HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!" "Kai?!" "I know your smart and all...but blaming her for the murder is stupid! I'll show you what's wrong!"

"Els said that her dress was ripped from the start. It's not that hard to think that." "Do you really think she'll wears a ripped dress to a game?" "She might think wear playing a game that involves getting dirty. Of course she'll wear something old." "Old? If I'm not mistaken that dress is yesterday. It's isn't hard to believe it's old." "Ok then but you still don't have proof about that fabric!" "I'LL CUT THROUGH YOUR WORDS!"

"The fabric is made out of the same material of her dress. We can proof by putting the fabric with her outfit." "It-It Fits?!" "Els can you explain why a piece of your dress is in Collot hand?" "I-it's... it's because..." "That's what I thought so." "Els please don't tell me-" "It's true. I killed them. And I also killed-" "no I killed him." "!!!" "Juno?!" "I killed legoshi." "No what are you doing-" " what am I doing? I'm telling the truth." Juno I could tell when someone is lying. Your protecting her but why? " She may killed Collot and Haru. But I killed legoshi first. It's like what the hosts said. Only legoshi case matters in this trial." " I didn't say that but it is in the rule of danganronpa so please continue." "Since I was first one who killed someone it will make since to vote me-" "NO THAT'S WRONG! Juno I know this isn't the truth. Why are you doing this?" "Cause I did it!" "Jack I know your trying to solve your friend case but she already admit it. She killed legoshi. Oh and P.S. thank you for killing that slut." "Mizuchi now is not the time to congrats her." " Yeah like Kibi said!" "Anyway I know your not telling the truth. So please explain why your protecting her." "No I'm not!" "Juno please calm down! Why are you protecting her?" "I'M NOT! I WAS THE ONE WHO KILLED LEGOSHI! I WAS THE ONE WHO POISONED AND STABBED HIM. I WAS THE ONE WHO HUNG HIS BODY!" "So your the one who hung his body." "Why you act so surprised?" "I killed him but... I never hung his body." Wait she didn't ask for help?! So does that mean. "Els were you aware of Juno helping you?" "No I wasn't aware of this." "Your just going to admit!" "Yes...I...I can't take this guilt any longer!" "Els.." "so please Juno...let them vote for me...this trial has gone long enough." "Before we vote. Juno can you explain why you help her without her knowing?" "It's because...I saw her motive video." Huh? "While we were leaving the room I noticed Els was more terrified than all of us. So I decided to watch her motive video. There isn't a role about watching other people motive. Once I saw the video I was in total shock and I wanted to talk to Els but I don't want to make her feel like it's all her fault so I waited for the right time." Her fault? "When I saw Els ran out of the locker room cover in blood I quickly took a look in the room to only see legoshi dead body. I know why she did it but I didn't expect her to kill someone especially someone bigger than her. So I tinker with the crime scene by hanging his body to make it look like some strong man killed him. I know it's stupid but that way Els could also be shock. I quickly took a shower and when I left I saw Els entering the room. She told me that it's paint but I know what it really is. I was shock about the other two body's but I didn't expect it to be the same person. There, Now you know the truth."

So that's the reason why you tried to help her. Even if she didn't tell you. You still tried but in the end the truth have been revealed in this trail. "Before we end this can someone tell us how it happened like you know...the closing argument." "Ok then this is the truth of the case! It all started in the drama room. After hearing the rules we were immediately told to watch the motive. After watching the motive everyone was on edge of fear,anger, sadness but the only one who's tramatiz is the culprit. Juno tool noticed and decided to watch their motive video without anyone knowing. Meanwhile our culprit was making plans they got the poison and syringe from the recovery room and a knife from the kitchen.they made a letter to legoshi to meet him in the locker room.once in the locker room they told legoshi to get a drink they set up. When Legoshi grabe the drink he smiled the drink and noticed it was poison. He was distracted enough for the culprit to make their move and injected the poison from behind. The poison took time to kick in and once it's done it's magic they started to add scratches to make it seem as if he was attack by a conovore. The fled the scene without realizing they been spotted by Juno. Juno took a peek inside the room and was shock. She didn't expect them to kill anyone by how small they are. She decided to help by hanging his body to make it seem like they scratch him while he was tied to the ceiling. When Juno was finished she went to take a shower in the shower room. While leaving she bump into the culprit, they claim the blood as paint. While investigation the culprit and Collot left to investigate legoshi dorm. In the dorm they chatted about the crime that they have to investigate. Collot left to do a bit of investigation leaving the culprit behind. The culprit started to get rid of their plan but Haru step in and took it. After she read it the culprit started to panic so they attack her and they didn't stop until it's delt with. After killing her Collot walk into the room seeing the culprit cover in blood. Collot tried to calm her down but got his throat slash he fell and with a bit of strength he grabbed a piece of their dress and died leaving a piece of evidence in his hands. The culprit quickly change their dress and need to get rid of the bloody dress. They through it in the trash in Haru room. They hope that no one noticed her and leave she's thank full that the hosts give us the same outfits but our culprit have forgotten about what Haru was wearing. She was wearing pants and a shirt not a dress but I assume they noticed but it was already too late. They body discovered played and they have no choice but to play along. Their in this room right now... Els no one but you have committed this crime!"

Juno knew from the beginning and yet she still tried to protect her. "Ok now everyone please cast your votes by using the screen in front of you." We did as the hosts and voted Els. The only person who voted for Juno is Juno herself. "And the culprit is...ELS! Congrats though Juno it's cute and all but you can't help someone when their already got caught." "Ok so I'm going to get the others in." As she said that, the three "dead" people came in. "Wow I really wasn't expecting you all to get it right." "Yeah congrats you guys!" "I have to say I wasn't expecting this either."  "Legoshi, I'm sorry for-" "it's alright after the host revived us they want us to watch your motive and I want to say I forgive you." "Legoshi i-" Els ran to legoshi and began to cry on his shirt. "I'm sorry for killing the moment but we-" "yeah I know what your talking about. I'm ready." "Ready for what?" "Mizuchi don't tell me you already forget." "Your talking about the punishment... right?" "Correct, and now let's get it started. Els you have found guilty. IT'S PUNISHMENT TIME!!!"

The host smash a button and a chain Wrapped around Els body and pulled her to a room full of... crafting materials? The sign behind her said ' Fancy Frenzy: Els Punishment' she begin to make outfits for the customers and only two of them hate the outfit. For each unhappy costumer a meddle would dig deep into her body until it she can't move anymore. It isn't helpful for the timer counting down until she satisfied all 30 customers. The last costumer arrived and Els only have one last needle and it's pointing directly to her heart. The costumer hated it and the needle Pierce through her heart. Before the costumer leave they took the outfit and leave with a smile.

"Ok now don't worry I'll revive her so don't start yelling at me." The host revived Els and he walk her to the other room. "Oh yeah can you guys follow me real quick, there's something I need to tell you." We did as he please and follow him. At the gate the host started to explain that they'll be sending us invitation to play different games that might involves murder, co-op, or just something really fun. "Ok now have a nice day."

Host POV

They all wave and left. Now since we're alone and my friend is cleaning I want to talk to you. Ha I don't even know if your listing but they'll be seeing each other a/ lot. Oh that reminds me! I don't know if your aware of this but in these types of chapters they'll know each other... we'll almost. It doesn't connect to the story so try not to get to confuse. Latter on Louis and Juno we'll meet each other for the first time and the same goes for Legoshi and gouhin. Now since this chapter is getting longer I should help my friend with putting everything away and think of the game for them to play. Race cars anyone?

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