Arranged To Love You

By AuthornimJRose

28.9K 2.4K 457

In a world where people are forced to marry by age 30. Kongpob is forced to go into the mating DNA system aft... More

Left at the Altar
A New Environment
A Sweet Honeymoon
Not Good Enough
A Lion's Roar and an Alpha's Strength
A Feeling of Comfort
New Opportunities
Heart Racing
The Cute Chef
Opening Day
Stories & Life Update
Father Dearest Part 1


1.7K 195 47
By AuthornimJRose


Dinner was awkward to say the least. He felt so overwhelmed after meeting the Suthiluck family. He felt more than a little inadequate after seeing how they lived. How they dressed. He looked at his own clothes. His sleeping clothes was an old shirt that was given to him by Joon it was grey and had a large panda. It was over 2 years old but he still treasured it. He didn't want to cry knowing that any minute now his husband-to-be would come through that door. Tomorrow would be the day. 

How had he gotten himself into all this? Now there was no looking back. Once you had inserted yourself into the mating system there was no turning back. He took his phone out it was an old flip phone. A hand me down from his mother. His mother...  

There was quiet after the storm in the house. Arthit felt his body ache. His father had been upset with his mother again. Whether it was the food on the table, the chores that needed to be done, or the fact that she continued to take him to dance lessons. Arthit didn't know. His body did not ache from abuse. Up until this point, other than a smack or two every once in a while, he had not been hit much by his father. His back, legs, arms chest, they all hurt from being hit with a ruler. His mother continuously forced him to dance. Had he liked it? Yes at one point he had loved contemporary ballet so much that he'd smiled and giggled and he'd enjoyed the praises from the people around them. 

At the very start when his mother a world-renowned ballerina had smiled and praised him and felt proud of him that was when he most enjoyed it. But later as time went on she was only angrier and tougher on him. Despite the praises of the people around him, it was never enough. She would push him to practice for hours upon hours until he collapsed and his feet were bloodied and so numb he could not feel them. This time had been no different. He'd come limping and his father had immediately noticed. The two had gotten into an argument and his mother had yelled right back. When a fight had broken out he'd tried to get his father away from his mother but what he gained was a scratch mark from his mother and his father had then stormed off.

"Never get involved again." His mother had said to him after striking him. She'd always been so cold to him. But he loved her so much. His father was always in and out of jobs, he always felt so frustrated he drank most of his inheritance away. His mother was left with a ballet school that she tried to maintain as best she could. His father had stolen the paperwork and had sold it. Now she forced him to dance at the small community center.  His grades continued to slip despite how hard he'd tried he just could not focus on his studies or on his dance. 

The slamming of a door caused him to grow startled as he looked out the window. There was a cab outside and his mother was getting some bags out. Confused and scared he rushed outside.

"Oma" His mother was surprised but sighed before turning to look at him. She had a black eye, cut lip several bruises around her face. Still, it was clear she was trying to cover them with makeup. 

"Where are you going?"

"I have to leave Arthit. I can't stay here anymore. Your father is a monster." 

"Take me with you please Mai. Please." Despite her not saying those words out loud Arthit knew that she was leaving him behind. Tears were falling down his eyes while he begged like a small child. 

"I can't. I won't! I don't want to!" Her voice was firm and cold as she spoke causing Arthit to still at her words. 

"I'm sorry Arthit but I need to start fresh. Away from all this and away from you. It's not that I'm incapable of love because I am. But you... You're an unlovable child and no one will ever be able to love you." With those words, she got into the cab and it slowly drove away. It was snowing out, Arthit remembers the feel of the slow on his bloodied feet. He must have stood there for what felt like hours. His father found him crying his eyes out  on their front porch and only grew angry as he dragged him inside. 

When he'd asked where his mother had gone and Arthit had explained that she had left. His father beat him, really beat him. Arthit remembers crying in his room and holding on to the Lambie his lamb puppet. He'd kept it with him all those years. All of his mother's pictures were either burned or destroyed by his father it. Arthit had found a necklace at the bottom of her drawer it was silver with a few charms. A car with the number 75 on it a small little charm with the letter J on it and 2 silver flags. They were the only objects aside from her phone that he still had left. He only realized she'd left it behind when he'd called her and it had rung inside the drawer. He'd put it on silent right after not wanting his father to hear it ring if his mother called for him. 

Despite how hurtful it was to hear that his mother dislike him. Arthit had kept these treasures close. He might not have loved him but he did love her. He missed her and cared for her.  He always maintained hope that she would call that number. When she was ready to call him he knew she would. He hoped she would come back for him soon.

His father had forced him to quit school. But he didn't care much anymore. He wasn't good at it anyway. He wasn't good at much of anything these days. He had no will and each day that passed he lost more hope. 

Arthit had to learn to cook and he took over the cleaning of the house. Music was banned in their home especially the classics. Records that his mother had kept from old concerts of classical music she'd attended had all been destroyed. Old recordings of her performances when she was in her prime as a ballerina had all been destroyed by his father. Not a single trace of her was left. 

The next three years were hell for him. He had no schooling and had not been out of his house in 3 years. He feared loneliness and the dark and cried himself to sleep every night suffering anxiety attacks after beatings. It was all too much for him. 

No one questioned anything about him or asked because all his father had said was he had left with his mother. How could anyone question this when there had been no single sight of him in three years. 

Still, at 18 it was important that he fully register himself to know what his rank was. After all, that was when he would begin to develop and his wolf would awaken. He'd been afraid to broach the subject to his father but was surprised when he'd taken him out himself. Arthit had been afraid of the results. His father was a beta. His mother was a regular ranked wolf. 

When the doctor had spoken the words Omega he knew he was in trouble. His father had always wanted him to be a Beta just like him. But instead of being angry at him his father had smiled at him. For the first time in his life his father seemed truly happy with him. He stopped hitting him and started buying clothes for him and dressing him in nice clothes and he would feed him properly. Arthit stopped doing house work and when hed broached the subject of possibly going back to school his father had readily agreed. It seemed as though his father had found a stable job because he would leave every night and come back with a smile on his face. 

Things felt as though they might turn around for them both. Arthit still held hope that his mother might come back. Bit all that hope shattered one Saturday night. 

That night his father had told him they would go out an celebrate. He'd gotten a good job, and he'd just made the biggest deal of his life. He wanted to take Arthit out to dinner and talk about the possibility of him going back to dance. Arthit didn't know if he was ready but the fact that his father was offering him this chance meant that he finally supported him.

Arthit had been happy. He'd gotten into his father's car without thinking too much as he was happy. He'd thought his father would take him to eat at his favorite pizza place. But instead they drove for hours until they came to a deserted road and went into a large empty warehouse.

There were several men there all of them had turned their heads when they saw him and his father enter. Arthit was afraid. There were screams left and right and wolves transformed and fought he watched them tear each other apart limb from limb. His mind had gone blank in fear of what would happen next and yet he still could not comprehend what it was that he was doing there. His father had a tight grip on him yet Arthit did not notice as he was so deep in his fear.

This fight went on for what felt like hours until one by one the wolves died. When the last one survived money was thrown by several other men towards someone in the back that Arthit could not see. Many glared his way before another man walked over to the surviving wolf and pulled a gun killing him on the spot. Arthi jumped and tried to leave but his father held on to him as the man from the back walked over to them. He was wearing a ski mask. 

"Is my debt clear? Can I go now?" By this time all the other man are piling out, some had left as soonas they had tossed money and their cars were heard as they were leaving one by one.

"You may leave. Keep tonights earnings. This prize you've gifted me is worth more than what was made today." The man spoke to his father. 

"Apa..." Arthit calls out to his father who does not look back at him. 

"Apa" He calls out again in tears. When he tries to run the man grabs him harshly preventing him from leaving as he cries and tried to go to his father. 

"Stay still!" The man snapped angrily as he glared at him.

The man was fat, tall, strong, older and he smelled of death, cigars,sweat and alcohol.  Arthit was suddenly knocked out by a sheer punch of force the second he tried to scream again and when he wakes up it is in another place on a bed tied up and completely undressed. 

He tried to break free but the minute he makes a noise the man speaks up. He speaks in another language one that Arthit cannot understand. His blue eyes were cold like those of a killer. It frightened Arthit so much but the gag in his mouth prevented him from screaming for help.

They were alone and when he approached him the scar on his face and his hairy gray fat body disgusted Arthit as the man grabbed onto him. Wave upon wave upon wave of Alpha Aura caused him to gasp. The man was trying to force him into submission. Despite him trying to fight, he gasped for breath when the old fat man reached out to grab a bottle of water. He saw as the old man placed a pill in the bottle.

"This will loosen you up." Arthit tried to resist when the gag was removed from him but the man was stronger. It didn't take long for the drug to kick in and Arthit felt as though he was on fire. His inner wolf was struggling, crying begging him to fight. Arthit kicked and punched but when the man placed his heavy weight on him Arthit could not breathe. 

Even so in his desperation to free himself Arthit kneed him in his privates. The old man fell over in pain and off the bed. Arthit did his best to try and free himself he got one arm loose and he knew he had a small amount of time to free his other hand. Just as he did so he rushed out grabbing simply a blanket. It took him a moment to realize that he was still inside the warehouse in some sort of room. He had no idea where to go or how he would get out all Arthit knew was that he needed to run.

The old man was yelling at him screaming at him in what Arthit realized was german. He cried out in pain as a wave of the drug hit him and the man chuckled when Arthit fell on his knees.

"I am going to force you to submit until you become a loving little pet." Arthit could sense the man about to bite him and mark him as his own when suddenly a noise was heard. Arthit doesn't remember much simply that people burst through the door. Another wave of the drug hit him so strongly he passed out.

When he does wake up it is in a hospital. A man is sitting at his bedside holding his hand. His name is Officer Park Ji Hoon, he  is the one who rescued him. They'd pumped his stomach out and stabilized him as he'd almost overdosed from the drugs. They'd arrested his father who had sold him into a ring of men known for buying Omegas. Something that was not unheard of but because he was still virginal it brought more money. Bets had been placed in a fight where many men of power had taken their own men to fight his captor had been the winner and he had been the prize.

"Honey, is this him?" Arthit recalls meeting Mrs. Park Minnie Officer Park's wife. She was small sweet and her kind voice and smile made Arthit immediately trust her. She had the look of a mother, one that he had always dreamed about. One that deep down he knew that his own mother never would be. Officer Park had pitied him. He'd offered him work and a roof over his head at the pension that his wife ran. It was there that he met their eighteen-year-old son Joon. 

He was kind, warm. He was a Beta. Studious, handsome. Arthit recalls having nightmares every single night after that incident with that man he would wake up screaming. The first few times he'd wake everyone up in the pension. He always felt so guilty afterward but neither Officer Park or his wife ever blame him. Joon on the other hand moved to the room beside his own so that when Arthit had nightmares and wake up screaming Joon would come into his room. He would sit with him in silence the first few times and stay up with him the remainder of the night. 

As time went of and this continued to happen Joon would tell him stories and jokes trying to take Arthit's mind off his nightmares which always seemed to work. But Joon never once asked him more. For that Arthit had always been thankful. They spent the entire summer together helping around the pension going out late at night for ice cream and riding a bikes all around the small town they lived in. June loved talking about his childhood, his likes, his wants his dreams. June wanted to be a doctor and wanted to save lives just like his father.  The more time they spent together the more Arthit likes him. It takes him all summer long to realize he doesn't just like Joon as his friend.

It's the first time he's in love. Joon kisses his cheek only once when he leaves off to University after that summer. He promises to write and every so often he does send letters. Letters that Arthit treasures from the bottom of his heart. When Joon visits the two spend time together as though time has never once passed between them. Arthit is happy to be with the brown-haired boy with eyes that to him are like the stars. They gleam and they sparkle whenever they talk about medicine. 

He's in love. Everyone knows it. Everyone but Joon, who is too oblivious to see it.  Mrs. Park who is aware of his affection for her son  she doesn't mind it and promises to teach Arthit all that she knows so that one day he can run the pension while Joon continued to be a doctor. She smiles at him at the thought of him and Joon one day having kids and getting married. Officer Park can only smile and shake his head at her but he too encourages Arthit. 

He and Joon write back and forth about his life as a student. Arthit lets him know about his parents and all the things that he's missing at home. Three years go on like this and Arthit is happy. His future here seems bright... 

When he and Joon are both 21 Officer Park is killed while on duty. They all cry and Arthit and Joon both make arrangements for the funeral. Mrs. Park collapses letting her grief consume her but with Arthit's care, she is slowly begins to recover. Joon transfers  Universities close to home to keep an eye on his mother. He stays at the pension again. Arthit doesn't ask him to help and always gives updates on Mrs. Park. He runs the pension for now and until Mrs. Park is able to do so herself. When Joon breaks down in tears Arthit is there for him. He comforts the grieving man who now crawls each night to his bed falling asleep in his arms. Arthit still has nightmares. Not as frequently as he once did but he doesn't bother Joon with it anymore. Instead he forces himself to work on it on his own. He doesn't want to bother the man not anymore. He's been through so much. 

Despite Joon sleeping in his bed now it never goes past anything more than that single embrace before the next morning Joon is off. There is warmth, there is friendship. Maybe that is why Arthit always had hope for more. Three years go by like this. Arthit is glad Joon relies on him so much and trust him.

He should have known things had changed when Joon began taking night shifts at the hospital. He missed the man and their late-night talks but despite how tired Joon looked he always smiled. Arthit goes out of his way each night to pack him lunch and deliver it to the local hospital. Each time June smiles at him and ruffles his hair. Some of the doctors and nurses giggle at him and call him Joon's little wife. Arthit secretly likes it. Neither he nor Joon ever correct it. 

 They are both 25 when Joon comes home one day after work with a girl. Her name is Sana. She's a nurse at the hospital where he works. They've been dating for a year now and Joon has proposed to her. She says yes. They want to host a small dinner for their friends and families at the pension. Mrs. Park smiles and congratulates them despite her concerns for Arthit. 

When Joon leaves with her he asks him to wait for him. Mrs. Park doesn't say anything to him. Arthit could see in her eyes that she is saddened. Still, they both silently know that if this is what Joon wants neither one will push him. When Joon comes back he tells Arthit that he'd like for him to move out.

"Sana feels uncomfortable with the rumors about us at the hospital. I know that I'm asking a hard thing of you Arthit. But, my mother is well in health now she has fully recovered now. I'm being offered a better position in a hospital in Seoul. I want my mother to sell this pension and Sana and I will take care of her together there's no need for you to still take the reigns of this pension anymore as you have been doing these past few years. You're a good person Arthit and I'm thankful for everything you've done for me and my mother. But I think it's time you find your own path and life. Spread your wings. Find love." It was a silent rejection and one that hurt Arthit to his core. His mother's words rang clear in his head. He was incapable of being loved. 

That night he'd cried so much. Mrs. Park had come into his room clearly hearing the conversation. 

"You're 25. Sooner or later he's going to wake up and realize that he loves you and he's going to regret it." Mrs. Park comforted.

"But I can't wait anymore. He's pushed me away and he's made up his mind."

"I won't allow him to throw you out. This is my home. I promised my husband that I would-"

"He's your son." Arthit cut her off.

"I won't let you two fight over me. I'm not your family."

"You are my family. My husband and I loved you so much Arthit." Despite his tears Arthit nods and thanks her. 

"I have some money Arthit. If he intends to sell my pension I'll let him do as he wishes. But I will not live with him." She says to him stubbornly.

"Mrs. Park."

"I think... I should enter my DNA." She freezes for a moment unsure of what to say after hearing him say that. She sobs and he holds her tightly.

"Please think this through. I know that your heart is broken but Arthit you are young. If you wait... even if it's not my son. Don't you want to fall in love?" She questions. Still, he makes up his mind and hardens his heart. She asks him to think about it for a week. He agrees but moves out the very next day. 

He stays in a small motel and wants to find a job. He goes to enter the mating pool and doesn't think that it will take. But 3 days later there is a letter that arrives for him. Mrs. Park brings it for him as he has left her address on it. He's shocked and scared and immediately regrets it. Mrs. Park knows that there is no turning back. She and she alone takes him to the airport. She hugs him tightly and wishes him luck.

"He's going to regret so much that he let you go like this Arthit. I know that you'll be okay no matter who that person is they will love you so much because you are someone that has that ability Arthit. Even if you no longer write to my son. At least write to me." She tells him.

The door of the room opens and Kongpob walks in interrupting Arthit from his thoughts. They are awkward but Arthit relaxes when Kongpob takes the couch there. Despite how uncomfortable it looks and Kongpob himself looks Arthit keeps quiet. Eventually they will both need to share a bed, he knows that. But for now, as he lays himself on the Queen size bed he sighs. The lights are turned off by remote control and Arthit can only clutch tightly onto his little lamb while fighting back tears. 

Thank you guys for reading. I hope you guys liked this chapter. What do you guys think about Arthit's past? What do you guys think about Joon? I will update next week if I can. 

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