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By -MARS666_

1.1K 66 5

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597 28 2
By -MARS666_

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AMBER eyes watched as guests swayed back and forth. It wasn't the most exciting the most children to sit and watch as the adults had fun, but small and young Zhongli- a child- yet the leader of the Morax Mafia- AKA: the MM, was absolutely fine with it.

He was an adolescent boy at age twelve and had a stoic expression that came close to that of a stone- serious, and maybe a bit boring. While most children played games and ran around outside, young Zhongli preferred reading and going over old documents. Mostly it was for personal pleasure, but being given so much responsible at a young age, it wasn't so surprising Zhongli learned to mature faster than he grew.

Especially ever since he came to New York City. Being barely a toddler when he was sent here, Zhongli was never sure of his point of life or even why he was sent to the City. Either way, he became adopted quickly; either you adjust to your surroundings or you die, was a wise way of seeing things that Zhongli learned.

"Master Zhongli," whispered a voice, and Zhongli looked over to see a familiar face hiding behind the ebony drapes.

"What are you doing over there, Kaeya?" Zhongli asked quietly, seeming slightly surprised as the other boy walked over sneakily towards him. "Did they allow you inside?"

Kaeya, a slightly younger boy, around age ten laughed a bit and shook his head. He leaned down, cupping Zhongli's ear.

"Actually.. I snuck in here. But you looked like you wanted company. Especially this being your birthday party and all." He confessed and Zhongli frowned.

"You're going to get in trouble.." Zhongli whispered back, but Kaeya didn't seem to care all too much at that. He knew deep down Zhongli must've been a bit bored up here on a chair overlooking the party, but not getting to participate in anything himself. Even if he sat up here like a king at his throne, he was also just as alone. Perhaps that was something that just came with Zhongli's responsiblity; his responsiblity was something he took seriously. Being now considered old enough to take over the MM entirely and to leas it, Zhongli didn't want to let anyone down.

He wanted to change things. Keep things peaceful in the city where gunfire seemed as common as the sun rising, or where hiring an assassin was easy enough to call from a phone book.

"I wouldn't be much of a personal body guard if I didn't stay by your side." Kaeya mentioned and Zhongli realized he couldn't argue. With his friend, it was pretty difficult to. After all, the only person his age, and who didn't act like Zhongli was a God unworthy of being spoken to, was Kaeya: the person who had been by Zhongli's side for a few years now, ever since Kaeya had wandered up in front of the HQ of the MM with nothing but the clothes on his back. Somehow he managed to convince tbe older members he was worthy of a chance and he was already skilled with a blade. And seeing as Kaeya had those talents, it was decided he'd be the one to train as Zhongli's personal guard. Though that idea was Zhongli's.

"Besides," Zhongli added, glancing to the side. "This isn't a party isn't to celebrate my birthday. It's an excuse to celebrate our joined alliance with the Fatui group. Another Mafia gang that has been causing trouble for awhile now. So I can't complain. Us getting along is more important than a simply birthday."

Zhongli sighed, leaning back in his seat as he watched the guests dance and chat. Kaeya noticed and stood a bit closer.

Since Zhongli wasn't busy, and nobody was looking..

Kaeya began to pull something out from his pocket. A small, little box wrapped in red paper.

"Zhongli, since it's your thirteenth birthday tomorrow, I-"

The sounds of machine guns going off and doors crashing open was enough to cut anyone off, and immediately there was the sounds of screams and returned gunfire.

A group of masked and armed adversaries had burst in, stabbing and shooting anyone and everyone in sight. The MM members would caught off guard by them, and lost the upper hand and were being shot down far too quickly for most to process and fight back, leaving anyone who was by the front doors easy targets.

And the room, which was decorated with golden and black tile flooring was now spilling with red blood spreading across the floor from the limp bodies that began to pile up. The orchestra players- which filled the party with exciting and classy music now hid desperately behind their instruments, but to no avail as they were mercilessly shot down by the intruders that barged in.

Those intruders being the very Fatui members that were supposed to be apart of this so-called peaceful event.

Immediately did Kaeya grab Zhongli's hand and begin to drag him away from the gunfire and catastrophe occurring in the main area of the room, but he wasn't fast enough and Zhongli's left arm got nicked.

Kaeya's blue eyes widened with panic and he gritted his teeth as he pulled the mafia boss out of the way. "We must go!" Kaeya told him, leading the other through behind the ebony curtains which held a passage for emergencies. The very same passage Kaeya took to come see Zhongli.

Both boys ran as fast as they could; Kaeya himself navigated the way, trying desperately to get the other out of harm's way and to a doctor. If they could get out of the MM's HQ, then they could get out of danger. No doubt, Kaeya was sure that the Fatui had this place surrounded, so they would need to find an exit that was sure to be clear.

Curse the Fatui. They tricked them. They took advantage everyone would be distracted and lower their guard during what should've been a peaceful gathering.

Somehow Kaeya wasn't surprised. Just highly angry for the one in charge of security to let this happen. If he was head of security, he wouldn't have allowed this. Maybe that was a foolish thought for a kid to have, but Kaeya had it anyway.

"Zhongli, are you okay?" Kaeya asked, glancing over his shoulder at the other boy. Zhongli nodded slightly, his left arm limply hanging by his side, his small ponytail began to come undone; his suit was dripping with blood and his entire look for the evening had done a 180 and now was ruined. Not that it mattered much to either of them at the moment.

All that mattered to Kaeya Alberich was getting the Mafia leader out of harm's way.

"I know a short cut-"

However, just as they both turned the corner, there was two of the Fatui's goons waiting for them. Both large, probably male, and much bigger than the two boys.

"Where ya goin' kids..?" Asked one, lifting a gun, but his partner noticed and raised a hand.

"We're not to kill the leader. Now which one of you little scumbags is Zho-"

* SNAP *

Kaeya had kicked the one who was talking in the leg, earning a loud sound of something certainly breaking as he grabbed the intruder, using him as a shield as the other Fatui shot at him continously until he ran out of ammo. Then Kaeye, with all his might, pushed the now shot up man forward, and the Fatui with the gun stumbled back, dropping his gun which Zhongli grabbed in the process.

Kaeya grabbed the knife from other dead Fatui, and rushed towards the other who pulled out a knife of his own. And the two began in a battle of blades; both the boy and man fought for blood, but even as hard as Kaeya had trained, between then and physical strength, he wouldn't last for long.

And noticing that, Zhongli tried to use his good arm and raise the gun, aiming it shakily, trying to find a clear shot without hitting Kaeya..

But it was too late, Kaeya felt an obliterating amount of burning pain when his opponent's knife sunk into his right eye, and the young blue-headed boy cried out in agony and stumbling back, and Zhongli managed to pull the trigger, shooting down the now defenseless Fatui in the hip before running to Kaeya's side.

"Kaeya..!" Zhongli panicked slightly, swallowing, trying to figure out what he could do, but Kaeya shooed him away. "Kaeya-"

Kaeya tugged harhsly at the knife and it came out with a sickening pop and squelch before clattering on the floor. Immediately did Zhongli tear off a part of his jacket and wrap it around his friend's skull.

"We'll find you a doctor.. The wound shouldn't be too deep.." Zhongli murmured, seeming to be panicking, though he hid it well, and Kaeya weakly assisting in creating a secure knot with the cloth since Zhongli's arm was still hurt.

"Ha..." Kaeya tries catching his breath. The burning pain was now numbing away into a stinging and tingling sort of pain now. But the adrenaline is what was really keeping him going and the pain not as bad. Even still, he was a kid who just got stabbed in the eye, so he deserved recognition for staying so calm.

"How...." Kaeya weakly smiled at the other boy. "..do I look..?" He asked curiously, his voice strained as he slightly pointed at his eyepatch.

Hearing Kaeya joke like that sent some reassurance through Zhongli, and he helped the other up, carrying him on his back piggy-back style before continuing their way.

"I'll get us out of here.. Do not..speak.. Kaeya.." Zhongli breathed, struggling a bit as physical strength was never his forté, but with a hurt arm, it especially wasn't at the moment.

At least if they could get out of here alive, surely they could rebuild what the Fatui destroyed. No, Zhongli would rebuild the MM. After this harsh and unforgiving betrayal, a breaking of a contract between the two groups, Zhongli couldn't find an ounce of trust he potentially had for them.

He had to change this city. And he couldn't do it without Kaeya.

"We'll... fix this.. " Zhongli whispered, gasping for breath as they stumbled through the semi-dark corridor, leaving a trail of both their blood. But Zhongli noticed a door up ahead. Yes, that was the back entrance to a secret garage and there was a car awaiting for them, to which Zhongli quickly helped Kaeya in and ordered the driver to go, to which didn't take convincing from anyone.

And once the car started up and drove out of the garage, down a dirt road which was surrounded by trees, Zhongli glanced out the window behind them. Apprently this entrance was quite a bit away from the HQ and was probably for energinces just like this.

But even still from this distance Zhongli could see the smoke start to rise from what was once the elegant and powerful tower that stood high in the city, but now was a fallen monument of what it was.

And Zhongli watched as they drove away, his home burn up in smoke.

* beep beep *

The watch Kaeya was wearing went off as the time now became midnight.

"Zhong..li.." Kaeya coughed, his head resting in Zhongli's lap. His good eye cracked open a bit, and his hand reached up, touching his friend's cheek, trying to get his attention. To which he did and Zhongli held his hand, squeezing it lightly to indicate he was listening.


Kaeya tried to crack a light smile, but it barely tugged his lips and he began to feel more and more dizzy, but managed to whisper something under his breath before falling unconscious.

" Happy birthday .."

𝙩𝙤 𝙗𝙚 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙪𝙚𝙙

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