Dragon Ball R: Frieza Saga.

By WasabiSword

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With both Piccolo and Kami dead, the Dragon Balls are useless. And greater tragedy, Cardin, Velvet, and Neptu... More

Chapter 1: Lets Go To Namek!
Chapter 2: Arrival on Namek!
Chapter 3: A Daring Rescue!
Chapter 4: A Meeting With The Grand Elder!
Chapter 5: Zarbon's Horrible Transformation!
Chapter 7: Frieza's Secret Weapon!
Chapter 8: Assault of the Ginyu Force!
Chapter 9: Oren's Newfound Power!
Chapter 10: Ginyu, The Body Snatcher!
Chapter 11: Ginyu Force Showdown!
Chapter 12: Frieza's Monstrous Wrath!
Chapter 13: Frieza's Terrifying Transformation!
Chapter 14: Piccolo's Arrival!
Chapter 15: Piccolo, The Super Namek!
Chapter 16: Frieza's Demonic Assault!
Chapter 17: Vegeta, The Super Saiyan?
Chapter 18: Clash of Titan's, Oren vs Frieza!
Chapter 19: Beware, The Legendary Super Saiyan!
Chapter 20: Frieza's Nightmare, The Super Saiyan Awakens!
Chapter 21: Frieza's Desperate Attack!
Chapter 22: Namek's Destruction, Frieza's Downfall!
Chapter 23: Dragon Ball Revival, Come Back Home Oren!

Chapter 6: Vegeta's Heist!

174 5 48
By WasabiSword

Last Time, on Dragon Ball R!

Vegeta had met up with an old acquaintance of his named Zarbon. Zarbon was shocked that Vegeta had grown strong enough to kill Dodoria, but was more surprised that Dodoria revealed the truth of Planet Vegeta's destruction to the young Saiyan. Unfortunately for Vegeta, Zarbon had something to reveal as well. Zarbon had a second form, one that caused him to look ugly, but doubled his power! The strength of Zarbon's power was too great for Vegeta, and was defeated. After returning to Frieza's flagship, the galactic tyrant was angered that Zarbon did not bring Vegeta back with him. And as he left, he heard Frieza mention summoning his elite special squad, The Ginyu Force.


Vegeta's Heist!


Zarbon flew as fast as he could back to the spot where both he and Vegeta had fought. It proved difficult without his scouter, but then, he spotted Vegeta! Zarbon gave a sigh of relief when he came across Vegeta's unconscious body. He quickly landed next to the Saiyan, and checked his pulse.

"Good, he's still alive. And good news for me as well. Let's bring you back to the ship so Lord Frieza can question you." Zarbon said, lifting Vegeta's unconscious body back to the ship.

After making it back to the flagship, Zarbon, with the aid of Appule, loaded Vegeta into one of the healing chambers in the treatment room. Soon, the chamber began to fill up with a teal green liquid, fully submerging Vegeta.

"Will he make it?" Zarbon asked.

Appule was checking the main console to check on Vegeta's vital signs.

"It's a good thing you brought him back when you did. A minute later and he would've died." Appule said.

Zarbon began to walk out the door.

"Well make sure he STAYS alive. Or Lord Frieza will have our heads!" Zarbon said, before walking out.

Appule continued to operate the console connected to the healing chamber that Vegeta was currently inside of.

"Zarbon gave you quite the beating pal. We're gonna be in for a long haul here. Ugh, Damn it all! If there isn't enough pressure here as it is, if I can't nurse you back to full consciousness, then Frieza will have my head on a pike!" Appule grumbled to himself.

Once the console showed that Vegeta's vital signs were stable, Appule gave a sigh of relief. He then walked in front of the healing chamber and watched Vegeta from the inside.

"Well, that does it. Nothing to do now but wait and hope for the best." Appule said to himself.

From within the chamber, Vegeta's face began to twitch. This caused Appule to look closely at the pod. Then, Vegeta's eyes fully opened! The Saiyan placed his hand on the glass dome of the chamber, then his palm began to glow! Appule backed away while screaming in terror.


In Frieza's personal chamber's, Zarbon bowed slightly, then stood to attention. Frieza continued to look out his window.

"Vegeta, how does he fare?" Frieza asked.

"He is stable my Lord, he should make a full recovery." Zarbon answered.

Frieza smirked, and turned his head slightly towards Zarbon.

"That's good news, for you." Frieza said.

Zarbon grumbled quietly to himself.

"Yes...Sir." Zarbon said submissively.


All of a sudden, an explosion rocked the whole ship! Both Frieza and Zarbon turned towards the doorway.

"That explosion, it came from down the hall!" Zarbon exclaimed.

Frieza stood there quietly.

"Indeed." Frieza said.

Back in the treatment room, Vegeta placed his boot atop of Appule's lifeless body.

"It seems the speed in which I'm able to recuperate was more than you bargained for, eh Appule?" Vegeta said while smirking.

Vegeta turned his head towards one of the walls of the room.

"Now then." Vegeta said, raising his right palm.

Not too far away, both Zarbon and Frieza were running as fast as they were down the hall.


Once more, an explosion rocked the ship.

"That came from the treatment room!" Zarbon shouted.

"Well don't just stand there, move it!" Frieza demanded.

Zarbon opened the doors to the treatment room, and saw Appule's lifeless body on the ground, one of the healing chambers destroyed, and a large gaping hole leading outside. Zarbon ran towards the hole.

"N-No, Vegeta has escaped!" Zarbon exclaimed.

Frieza arrived next to him.

"He What!" Freiza growled.

From around the corner, Vegeta peered over and smirked.

'Perfect, Frieza is with him!' Vegeta thought to himself.

"Grr, Idiot! Give chase immediately!" Frieza yelled.

Zarbon shivered in fear.

"Y-Yes my Lord!" Zarbon relpied.

Vegeta continued to watch from around the corner.

"He couldn't have gotten far, grab that scoundrel back in a heap if you must, JUST FIND HIM! Or so help me, you'll wish you've never been born!" Frieza ordered.

Vegeta smirked.

'Heh, fools! Like taking candy from a baby!' Vegeta mused.

With incredible speed, Vegeta ran through the halls, until he came across the door to Frieza's chambers. upon opening the door, he was greeted with the sight of five Dragon Balls! The sight alone caused Vegeta to laugh joyously.

'Dear Lord Frieza. I regret to inform you that by the time you read this, your undisputed reign will have come to a screeching halt! Kind regards, Vegeta.' Vegeta mused to himself.

"It's my turn now!" Vegeta said to himself.


Ruby had finally arrived at the Namekian Village Vegeta had destroyed. A look of horror was etched upon her face as she looked at the scene.

There were bodies of both adults, and even children scattered all over. Some Namekian's died with their children wrapped in their arms, as if to shield them from an oncoming attack.

"W-Why? Who could drive someone to do something so, evil?" Ruby muttered to herself.

Keeping her tears in check, Ruby reluctantly took out the Dragon Radar.

"Over here, the Dragon Ball is in the water. Why is that?" Ruby said to herself.

(End Song)


Zarbon was floating outside the ship, desperately trying to find Vegeta.

"That son of a bitch! Don't think you'll get away! I-I'll find you, you simian rat!" Zarbon said to himself.

"No one could've run off that quickly, the bastard must be hiding somewhere!" Zarbon said.

Then Frieza's voice called out to him.

"Oh, you mock me with your incompetence Zarbon!" Frieza shouted.

Zarbon glanced down at the ship.

"L-Lord Frieza! I'm sure-" Zarbon said before being cut off.

"Know, that I hold YOU responsible for Vegeta's untimely flight! In your position, I'd track him down, and quickly!" Frieza ordered.

Back inside the ship, Vegeta saw Zarbon fly away outside the window.

"That's right idiot, leave no stone unturned." Vegeta said.

Vegeta then began to count how many Dragon Balls Frieza had collected.

"Hmm, One, two, three, four, five. Perfect! I hate to come up as ungrateful after putting you through the trouble of healing my wounds. But let's face it, I've EARNED these. Only trouble is, I can't exactly walk out with all five Dragon Balls tucked under my arm. Damn!" Vegeta quietly grumbled to himself.

Looking out the door and seeing that the coast was clear, Vegeta began to gather energy with his right fist.

"Alright, time for phase two!" Vegeta said.

Vegeta then leaned out into the hallway.


Frieza then turned around, shocked that Vegeta was still in the ship. Zarbon, turned back towards the ship as he heard the yell.

"Oh Hell!" Zarbon growled.

Vegeta the launched his Ki blast into the hallway, causing more damages to the ship. Zarbon began flying towards the ship, before he was knocked back by an explosion.

"AHH! YOU BASTARD!" Zarbon yelled.

Running back towards the window, Vegeta fired another Ki blast.

"NOW!" Vegeta yelled.

The heat of the blast began to melt the glass, before bursting.

Both Zarbon and Frieza were running down the halls, desperately trying to find where Vegeta was hiding.

"Could you tell where his voice was coming my Lord, it was impossible to-" Zarbon said, before stopping.


Yet another explosion rocked the ship! Frieza knew where the explosion came from, it came from his chamber's.


Vegeta began throwing all five Dragon Balls out the window. He took the last Dragon Ball, and threw it as hard as he could.

"Out you go!" Vegeta yelled.

After all were thrown, Vegeta smirked.

"Well, looks like my work here is done." Vegeta said, before jumping out the window.

Frieza and Zarbon then entered, only to find all five Dragon Balls missing.

"N-No! NOOO!" Frieza yelled in anger.

Zarbon began to growl.

"GRR! THIEVING AAAPPPEEE!!!" Zarbon yelled.

(End Song)

Zarbon jumped out the window, only to find nothing.

"D-Damn it! Where has he gone this time!" Zarbon growled to himself.

After failing to spot Vegeta, Zarbon turned back to the ship.

"F-Frieza my Lord! Is, Is he still in the ship!" Zarbon called out.

"THIS IS YOUR MESS, YOU FIND HIM!" Frieza screamed.

Zarbon shivered.

"Y-Yes sir!" zarbon replied.

Unbeknownst to them, Vegeta was hiding behind a rock, smirking. He then began to step into the river in front of him.

'If I know these two imbeciles, they'll look for me in the air. But I wasn't born yesterday.' Vegeta thought to himself.

Vegeta submerged himself in the water, and proceeded to swim away. Back within the ship, Frieza began slamming his tail onto the ground repeatedly. All the while, Zarbon was kneeling behind his emperor, trying to hide his fear.

"ABSOLUTLY UNACCEPTABLE! You let Vegeta, and my precious bounty slip through your fingers in one fell swoop! It's unthinkable that he could've absconded with all five Dragon Balls in a twinkling of an eye! I will conduct my own investigation aboard the ship, you however, will comb the surrounding countryside for all your worth!" Frieza said, letting his anger show.

Zarbon bowed.

"Y-Yes sir!" Zarbon said.

"If Vegeta is not standing before me within the hour, the only thing to calm my wrath will be your life, understood!" Frieza yelled.

Zarbon gulped.

"U-Understood." Zarbon stuttered.

Zarbon then quickly flew out of the hole through the window. Frieza let out a few calming breathes before coming to his senses.

"Tch! As much as I hate to admit it, this premonition of mine is coming true. Whoever it is, Vegeta, Fasha, or Tato, I will not have them best me! I am Frieza, son of King Cold, heir to the Frost Clan. We are the God emperors of the universe! My clan are superior beings compared to the lesser insects that move beneath my feet. And I won't let any savage Monkey defeat me, not one!" Frieza growled.


After swimming for a good long while, Vegeta resurfaced. Upon climbing out of the river, he spotted all five Dragon Balls scattered across the nearby field ahead of him.

"Mwah Ha Ha! I throw a pretty mean curve ball if I do say so myself. The only thing Frieza's pitching now is a fit!" Vegeta chuckled to himself.

Vegeta moved all of the Dragon Balls in a small corner of a hill. After placing them all down, he smirked.

"All I have to do is fetch the one I've hidden underwater, then I'll be close to having the full set!" Vegeta chuckled to himself.

Vegeta's smirked dropped as he felt a power nearby.

"What is that? I sense one, no, TWO powerful energies nearby! It's not Zarbon, or anyone else from the Frieza force." Vegeta said to himself.

As the two energies got closer, Vegeta's eyes widened in shock.

"I-It can't be...!" Vegeta muttered, as his eyes trailed the two fighters flying past him.

Both Jaune and Pyrrha were flying at inhuman speeds.

"This is amazing! When Grand Elder Guru unlocks Ruby's potential, we'll have the Dragon Balls in no time!" Jaune exclaimed.

Vegeta emerged from his hiding spot.

"I remember those two, they're the humans I encountered whilst on Remnant! But what are they doing here with a Dragon Ball?" Vegeta wondered out loud.

Vegeta's face then twisted itself into a smirk.

"Well, coincidentally, it seems that fortune has smiled upon me today." Vegeta said to himself, flying after both hunters.

Not too far away, Zarbon was frantically trying to find Vegeta as fast as he could.

"D-Damn it all! If I can't find Vegeta soon, Lord Frieza will have my head!" Zarbon said to himself.

It wasn't until in the far distance, he saw Vegeta flying at top speeds!

"Th-There you are! I have you now Vegeta!" Zarbon yelled, flying after the young Saiyan.

All four fighters were following one another. Vegeta peered over his shoulder.

"Zarbon. Couldn't leave well enough alone huh? Still, I shouldn't complain, he's bound to be burned out from our last meeting, his guard will be down. This really IS my lucky day!" Vegeta said to himself.

Both Jaune and Pyrrha saw the cave nearby and approached it, upon nearing closer they saw Weiss sitting outside.

"Hey, Weiss!" Jaune called out.

Weiss looked up, and saw both Jaune and Pyrrha land.

"Jaune, Pyrrha, you're back!" Weiss said.

She then saw the Dragon Ball in Jaune's arms.

"I-Is THAT a Namekian Dragon Ball, it's huge!" Weiss exclaimed.

Pyrrha smiled.

"That's not all Weiss, the Grand Elder unlocked both our hidden potential. We were hoping Ruby would be here so we could bring her to get hers unlocked." Pyrrha said.

However, Pyrrha couldn't find Ruby.

"Uh, Weiss. Where is Ruby?" Pyrrha asked.

"She took the Dragon Radar to investigate the village Vegeta had destroyed. Apparently, it said that there was still a Dragon Ball in that location." Weiss explained.

Jaune looked surprised.

"Wait, she went ALONE!" Jaune exclaimed.

Before Jaune could say anything else, he felt another energy coming right towards them.

"Wait, do you two feel that energy?" Jaune asked.

Pyrrha felt it too.

"Yeah, it feels like..." Pyrrha said.

Just then, Vegeta landed right in front of them!

"V-VEGETA!!" All three hunters cried out.

Vegeta smirked.

"Heh, fancy meeting you here of all places." Vegeta said.

Jaune looked surprised at Vegeta's entrance.

'D-Damn it, I was so pumped up I barely noticed him!' Jaune thought to himself.

Vegeta then began to eye their Dragon Ball.

"Ah, I see you've collected the sixth Dragon Ball for me." Vegeta said.

After hearing this, all three of the hunters' eyes widened.

'What! He has all five Dragon Balls already?!' Pyrrha thought to herself.

Just then, Zarbon landed behind Vegeta. Jaune, Pyrrha, and Weiss were surprised at the appearance of someone who looked as though he were Vegeta's senior officer.

"Hmm, interesting. You make me look the fool, yet all you can do now is stand there." Zarbon said, with a smirk across his face.

Zarbon's eyes then looked behind Vegeta towards the three young hunters.

"I don't recognize the other two, but I do recognize blondie there. He and that other girl saved that little Namekian child from Dodoria's wrath. New friends, eh Vegeta?" Zarbon said.

Pyrrha felt a shiver go down her spine when Zarbon looked at her.

"Something's wrong with this guy. I don't know what, but it feels...monstrous." Pyrrha said ominously.

Weiss on the other hand, felt different.

"He does look kind of cute, now that I think of it." Weiss said.

Jaune would've face palmed, if he weren't holding the Dragon Ball. Zarbon then began to question Vegeta, who wasn't responding back.

"Alright, say nothing. Lord Frieza will put that mouth of yours through the wringer. One way or another, you WILL tell me where you've hidden the Dragon Balls." Zarbon demanded.

Vegeta chuckled.

"Humph, big talk from Frieza's lap dog. It doesn't matter, you'll die right here where you stand. As you can see, I've become far stronger than you Zarbon!" Vegeta boasted.

Zarbon rolled his eyes.

"This AGAIN? I've already beaten once before, yet you STILL persist that you yourself are more powerful than I? Well, if that's the case, then let me fill you in on a little secret. Lord Frieza also has the power to transform, and his power level dwarfs both you and I in comparison!" Zarbon explained.

Vegeta however seemed unfazed.

"Oh, is that a fact? Well then, I guess I'll ask him about that when I finally achieve immortality. But in the meantime, why don't we conclude our business." Vegeta said.

Zarbon closed his eyes and took a deep breath. upon opening them, Zarbon's body began to transform into its hideous monstrous form! This caught all three hunters off guard.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Jaune yelled.


Vegeta smirked, and jumped high into the air, while Zarbon perused. While this was happening, the three hunters watched in a combination of awe and shock.

"Wow, did you two sense that? That green guys power just shot through the roof!" Jaune exclaimed.

Back in the air, Zarbon shot a Ki blast towards Vegeta, who deflected it. But in the process, he was knocked to the ground! Zarbon smiled, and flew after him. Vegeta landed softly onto the ground, and looked up to see Zarbon nearing him.

'That's right you hideous bastard, take the bait!' Vegeta thought to himself.

Vegeta grabbed a handful of dirt in his right hand. Zarbon threw a punch, but Vegeta leaped into the air once more. Zarbon flew after him, but failed to see that Vegeta was smirking. Vegeta threw the dirt into Zarbon's face, temporarily blinding him. Covering his face, Zarbon failed to see that Vegeta had appeared right behind him. Vegeta then punched Zarbon in the back, hard enough to punch a hole through his armor. The force sent Zarbon flying towards the ground, whilst Vegeta began to throw a volley of Ki blast towards Zarbon, causing a large explosion.


Ruby was currently flying back towards the cave that she and her friends were currently residing in. In her hands was the four starred Namekian Dragon Ball. Oddly enough, it was found in a lake of all places. Ruby didn't know why it was stashed there, perhaps the Namekian's hid it there when Vegeta attacked. As she continued her flight, she felt a large energy in the far distance.

"I feel a lot of energy close to where I left Weiss! I better hurry!" Ruby said, quickening her speed.


Zarbon emerged from the ground, his clothes tattered.


Vegeta chuckled, at his ex-comrade's misfortune.

"Heh, since you decided to share Frieza's little secret, then let me share mine. Every time we Saiyan's are brought to the brink of death, only to be revived once again, our power levels skyrocket even further than before. We call this, a Zenkai boost. And since I was beaten by you previously, my power has doubled!" Vegeta boasted.

Zarbon looked both flabbergasted, yet angry.


Vegeta raised his fist in the air.

"An inferior monkey am I! Well then, can an inferior monkey do this!" Vegeta yelled.

Zarbon throw a punch, only for Vegeta to duck underneath. Vegeta then threw a punch of his own, the force used punched a hole through both Zarbon's armor and his lower chest! Zarbon's eyes widened, and he grabbed onto Vegeta's head. The three hunters stood off to the side, watching in horror, as Vegeta's right hand was embedded into Zarbon's chest, while his dark green blood was oozing out. Zarbon struggled for breath.


Vegeta growled at Zarbon.

"Mercy? After all the years of being spat on, and taunted by you, saying how my race was inferior! Yet you expect me to show you mercy!" Vegeta growled.

Zarbon continued to beg.


Vegeta smirked.

"Funny, that's exactly what Cui said right before I killed him." Vegeta said.

Zarbon's eyes widened in horror.

"See you in Hell Zarbon!" Vegeta said, before firing a massive Ki blast through Zarbon's chest! Zarbon's body flew into the nearby lake, never to resurface again.

After killing Zarbon, Vegeta stood there for a moment.

"If defeating Frieza was a matter of teaming up, it would be too easy." Vegeta said to himself.

He then turned around to face the other three.

"Now, back to OUR business. The Dragon Ball, hand it over." Vegeta demanded.

Jaune thought long and hard about what he was about to do next, but at this point, they wouldn't stand a chance. Even with both his and Pyrrha's powers combined, it wouldn't be enough to defeat him.

"I would be a complete idiot to strike a deal with a bastard like you, but if I give the Dragon Ball, do you give me your word that you'll leave us alone?" Jaune asked.

Both Weiss and Pyrrha gave Jaune a horrified look, all the while Vegeta gave a slight chuckle.

"Oh, you wish to strike up a deal, eh? Very well then, If I get what I want, then there's no point in wasting time with the likes of you." Vegeta said.

"Y-You mean it?" Jaune asked.

Vegeta held out his hand.

"Give it to me before I change my mind." Vegeta said.

Jaune tightly closed his eyes, and begrudgingly handed over the Grand Elder's Dragon Ball. Vegeta had a devious smirk on his face as he took the Dragon Ball.

"Heh, today's your lucky day. Having all seven has me in a forgiving mood. But I guess the knowledge that I'm about to be ruler of the universe in Frieza's place will have that effect. That, and Immortality! Mwah Ha Ha!" Vegeta laughed, before flying off.

Jaune stood there, then he turned to Weiss.

"Weiss, you said Ruby was after the Dragon Ball in the village Vegeta destroyed, yes?" Jaune asked.

Weiss sat up.

"Wait, yes, she is! I completely forgot about that. And better yet, she has the Dragon Radar!" Weiss said happily.

Pyrrha also looked in the direction Vegeta flew off to.

"Let's hope she doesn't have a run in with Vegeta." Pyrrha said quietly.


Frieza was currently looking out the window of his chamber's when a soldier came in.

"My Lord, I have news! We've just received a transmission from the Ginyu force, they're currently in the vicinity of sector 9035YX, and should be arriving on Planet Namek shortly." The soldier explained.

Frieza smirked.

"Excellent! Finally; someone who will give me results. But seeing as how I'm still alive, it seems like Vegeta's gambit has reached a stalemate. It gives me great pleasure and joy to see our treacherous friend struggle. And when the Ginyu Force arrives with their cutting-edge scouters, then Vegeta will finally see who's laughing now. Oh, Ho Ho Ho!" Frieza laughed.


Ruby was flying as fast as she could back to her friends, when she felt a large power coming towards her.

"W-Wait, that's Vegeta!" Ruby said to herself.

Ruby stopped in her tracks, and saw that there was a tiny island below her. Quickly landing, she set down the Dragon Ball, and hid behind a small boulder. A few minutes later, Vegeta had arrived! He too sensed Ruby's energy.

"That power, it feels familiar." Vegeta said.

Vegeta smirked.

"I know you're hiding there! Come out and make this easier for both of us!" Vegeta called out.

Seeing no other choice, Ruby revealed herself. Vegeta chuckled.

"Well, well. If it isn't the Akulari girl. Funny seeing you here. I just had a run in with your friends, in fact this Dragon Ball belonged to them." Vegeta said.

Ruby's eyes widened.

"What?! Damn it, if you hurt them, I swear I'll..." Ruby growled.

"Hold on, don't get you panties in a twist. They're still alive and breathing if that's what you're wondering." Vegeta said.

Then Vegeta's eyes wandered towards the small circular object in Ruby's hands.

"And what's this you have?" Vegeta asked.

Ruby quickly hid it behind her.

"I-It's nothing! It's a clock, that's all!" Ruby said.

Vegeta smirked.

"And why are you out here, if I dare ask?" Vegeta said.

"Why would I tell a bad guy like you!" Ruby said.

Chuckling, Vegeta placed his hand on Ruby's cheek.

"So, I'm a BAD guy, huh? It's a pity, that Tato isn't here. You know, you and I are similar in a way, being the last remnant of our different species." Vegeta said softly.

Vegeta then brought his face incredibly close to Ruby's.

"Listen closely. I want you to relay a message to your friend Tato." Vegeta said softly, almost seductively.

After a long pause, Vegeta rammed his knee into Ruby's chest, bringing the poor girl to her knees. Vegeta then placed his boot atop her head.

"Listening now? Good. Tell him after I'm done here, I'll pay Remnant another visit soon. And there won't be any miracle's saving you this time!" Vegeta said, lifting his boot off of Ruby's head before flying away.

Ruby slowly got up, while still holding her stomach, and saw that the Dragon Ball she'd hidden was still there.


Vegeta had flown back to the Namekian village he'd destroyed previously, and made his way to the river nearby. Vegeta then jumped into the river to retrieve the Dragon Ball he'd hidden there. However; he couldn't find it.

'Okay, that's odd? It had to have sunken to the bottom somewhere around here.' Vegeta thought to himself.

Vegeta swam around for a short while, but still failed to find his hidden Dragon Ball.

'I-It's vanished! But that's impossible!' Vegeta thought.

Then Vegeta's eyes widened.

'Wait, that Akulari girl! There's NO way she just happened to be halfway between here and the cave where her friends were hiding when I came across her! That wretched little whore! B-But how could she have...' Vegeta thought, before remembering his encounter.

"It's nothing! It's a clock, that's all!" Ruby's voice echoed in his head.

Vegeta's eyes widened in realization.

'That was no clock! The bitch had a radar! Damn it!' Vegeta thought, while clenching his fist.

Vegeta shot out of the water, and flew right back towards the cave at high speeds. His blood veins were bulging, and his eyes were pure white.


Vegeta left a trail of water behind him.

"YOU'RE ALL MINE!!!" Vegeta screamed in rage.

He then flew past the small island where he and Ruby had their encounter. The speed of his flight caused the island to explode!

"DAMN IT AAAAAAALLLLLLLLL!!!" Vegeta roared once more.

He continued to fly back towards the cave, with the intent of making the hunters suffer.

(End Song)

(Chapter End)


Ruby: Hey, Ruby here! Hey guys, I'm back!

Jaune: Ruby, come with me, there's someone I'd like you to meet.

Vegeta: GRR, face your death like a warrior!

Nail: The Dragon Balls will allow you to have three wishes each.

Vegeta: N-No, it IS them...!

Oren: Next Time, on Dragon Ball R!

Frieza's Secret Weapon!

Vegeta: Frieza's Summoned...The Ginyu Force!

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