Cop loving me? Code 10-0 (BWW...

Bởi sosodef1991

344K 14.2K 2.8K

Alicia Miller is as bad as you can get them. Having develop an aversion to cops. in the past Alicia has alwa... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 8

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Bởi sosodef1991

Chapter 8 

It was Monday morning and I arrived at the car shop. 

"Good morning Alicia. I'm going to need to work at the station today. A few cruisers need some maintenance done. Here's the stuff you need. Here's the keys for the truck." Uncle Bobby said and I saw a few guys glaring at me. Well they can get over it. It's not my fault I'm the only one properly qualified for the work. 

I wonder if I'm gonna see Wayne. Yesterday morning he had to get up to go to work. I don't if it was just me or were things awkward between us. When he started putting on his uniform he went all cop mode. It was not a friendly side of him. He couldn't wait to get me out of his place. I guess what I thought the night before wasn't really the case. We both could still turn back. 

I frowned. Why was I worrying about that? 

I pulled up at the station's garage with the necessary documentation and they let me in. an officer frowned when he saw me.  

"You're the one fixing the cruisers? Do you even the proper qualifications and documentation?" he asked. I didn't answer him and gave him the documentation and he frowned. Weren't expecting that now were you fool.  

He then called someone over and he looked like a mechanic then why did they call Uncle Bobby. I looked at the guy he was a bit older and I could see he wasn't from here.  

He nodded his head, "its right she can come in." he looked at me with interest, "with qualifications like these why are working at a normal shop and not at the mine?" 

"I'm starting in a few weeks." I answered. 

He smiled, "you better all this training going to waste oh no. you know with these qualifications you could apply for a job in law enforcement. You don't have a record do you?" 

All the officers who were near all looked at him like he was crazy. I laughed, "Minor stuff but I do have a reputation. Not a good one." 

He laughed cheekily, "please who doesn't and knowing the right people that minor stuff can disappear." He winked. "My apologies I haven't introduced myself. Vernon Roberts. But everybody calls me Vern and yours my pretty lady. 

I rolled my eyes but answered, "Alicia Miller." We shook hands. 

"Please to meet you Alicia let's go inside."  

The officer glared at me and I grinned widely at him.  

We entered and I saw a car that was a total wreak. I would be surprised if anyone survived the accident. 

Vernon then said, "Passenger and driver didn't make it. Bless their souls. It happened last night on the highway. It's one of the worse accident scenes I've ever seen in my life. On the job and off. Well now I'm here to find out what happened. Those are the cruisers you need to do maintenance on." 

He pointed to six cruisers. Damn I'm going to be here all day. "Well let me get started."

I was busy with the third cruiser and it was giving me problems. I was underneath it and saw a few loose screws and wires. Some pipes were loose as well I sighed. How do these guys drive the damn things? I rolled out and got up. I found my notepad and wrote down what was wrong. It was getting hot so I took off my jacket and put it on side. I was wearing a purple tank top and it really fitted nicely on my bust. 

I took a sip of water and from the corner of my eyes. I saw an officer stare at me or was he staring at my breasts. I decided to play with him and flexed my pec muscles causing my breasts to move up and down. He looked shocked and looked up. I winked at him and gave him a teasing smile. 

"Good morning Alicia." Wayne said. I closed my eyes and opened them and turned to him and smiled. 

"Morning to you too Wayne." 

He had his arms folded and was chewing gum. He looked a bit angry but totally sexy. The cologne he was wearing smelled good. But then I noticed he was cop Wayne now. I looked away and frowned. 

"So you're working on the cruisers today?" he asked. 

"Yeah. So far it's been okay. But this one is a bit of a problem." I said pointing to the third cruiser. I was feeling awkward.  

"Charles drives that one." he said. 

I shook my head, "figures."  

Someone called him, "gotta go it's nice seeing you at the station for good things for once." 

"Yeah, yeah see you around." His facial expression looked like that wasn't likely. I felt my eyes were a bit heavy. I shook my head. What the hell? 

I picked the appropriate tools and went under again. I was busy with rewiring the wires when I heard a familiar voice. I almost laughed when I heard him. 

"So how does it look? My man it's gave me problems last week." Charles said.  

I smiled and decided to play the fool him. I cleared my throat and spoke in my best Man's voice. 

"I can see. Between you and me I can see you rode it like shit." 

"Yeah. Forgive me man for that. it was a busy week and I had to do all the shit work." 

I sighed, "yeah we all have to deal with the shit. Once in a while." 

"Yeah thanks for understanding." 

"Sure no problem." I said and had to keep my laugh in. 

I heard someone approaching, "Alicia how far are you? I'm going to need some help with the wreck" Vern said. "What's wrong Charles it looks like you chewed on something foul?" 

I finished with the rewiring and came out from underneath and got up. I smiled at Charles who glared at me. 

I looked to Vern, "I'm finished with this cruiser what's troubling you?" I took a cloth and wipe my hands clean. 

We went to a table and he told me to put on some gloves. I saw different parts on the table. 

"I don't what happened here? This car was alone on that road and I can see nothing that would give reason why it would be in an accident or what the cause was."  

I looked at him, "Can I?" he nodded. I looked at the parts and saw immediately what was wrong. "Come look here. That's not supposed to look like that even in an accident." 

He cussed loudly, "dammit. Thank you Alicia you've got a good eye. I wasn't kidding about working in law enforcement." 

I was going to say something but Sheriff Jones and Wayne were approaching us. I nodded at them and Wayne looked back and forth between me and Vern with suspicion. 

"So what can you tell me Vern? What happened here to cause this accident?" Sheriff Jones asked. 

Vern gave him a patronising look, "this was no accident. This is homicide."  

Sheriff gave him a puzzled look, "and how did you determine that?" 

Vern looked at me with pride on his face, "it was actually Alicia who bought it to my attention. This one is good. She has a good eye. If she wasn't going to start on the mines I would've taken her with me."  

I looked at Sheriff and Wayne and Wayne winked at me. I smiled weakly at him and he noticed. 

I shook my head, "thanks but I should get back to those cruisers over there." I walked away and continued my work. 

I was done with all cruisers. I wrote the reports, gave them to Vern and he inspected the cruisers.  

"Good Alicia. You're really thorough with your reports. I hate the paperwork. 

"I just had a lot of practice. I have the bad luck of witnessing things and have to write out statements." 

"You're really a thorn in their sides aren't you." he said and smiled. 

I nodded, "yeah. I know how to irk them. From what I heard Charles really pulled his face when he realised it was me."  

Vern nodded and laughed. He then looked me up and down, "you have a real dangerous intensity to you. It adds to your beauty. From the look you're giving me. You don't believe that. Did you see how the guys were looking at you?" 

"Yeah they were uncomfortable with my presence. I give them problems. They don't like me." 

He shook his head, "oh no it's not that. They like you. You're an unforbidden fantasy of theirs. You might not believe it but you're a very attractive woman. I hope one day you see it yourself." 

I felt a bit uncomfortable now. He noticed, "don't worry I'm not flirting with you. I'm happily married. I'm just one of those guys that can notice people's real potential. It can be there in their work or their beauty. I just want to say take care and everything for best at the mines. They're lucky and if things don't work for you there. Just keep your record clean for now and contact me." 

I smiled and said thanks. He was a nice guy. I really got on with him.

It was in the evening now and I was feeling real tired now. Leshawn texted me and asked me to come over to his house. I was walking in his street when I saw the infamous lady of the night or should I say street standing in her post.  

"Talia! It's nice to see you. How's business been lately?" I asked and smiled. 

She rolled her eyes, "it's been slow I aint gonna lie. It's Monday so. Do you have smoke for me?" 

I took out my cigarettes and out one for myself and her and I lit her and mines. We were just talking nonsense and saw these three boys pass us and started talking trash to us. 

"This is just perfect look at the hoes working on this street." The dark skinny one said.  

"Ya'll are nasty get a proper job." Another skinny gangster wannabe said.  

"Shut the fuck up. We aint working the streets we're just standing here." Talia told them. 

I was glaring at them and took a puff of my cigarette. I was sizing them up. I looked across the street and saw few people standing there looking at us or should I say at me. 

They were still talking shit to us. Trying to be 'the guys' but they just looked like fools. 

I tossed my cigarette and spoke, "get the fuck out of here. So what if we're on the street it aint your business. Now go on now and go play whatever games you kids these days play."  

They all said what and started going crazy. Stamping their feet and lifting their hands in the air. They looked real stupid. 

The fat one then said, "oh hell nah we aint kids. We're men and you should be careful to what ya say to us. Cos we'll show ya what real men we are." He then grabbed his crouch to show us. He and his friends started cheering. 

I rolled my eyes, "that tiny thing. You do know fat asses like you got small dicks." I then heard loud whoa's from the small crowd that started to gather. I saw one of them taking a video. I need to be careful here. 

They fat loser came up to me, "bitch you don't know who you talking to?" 

Someone from the crowd yelled, "You don't know who you're talking to."  

His friend then, "shut the hell up. Ya'll don't know who we are. We're gonna turn this street upside down." They started slapping their hands. I hope these fools are over 18.  

I shook my head, "nah I aint got time for this shit." Talia and I walked away and everyone groaned. One of the fuckers said "she's scared look at her going." Say whatever you want. 

"Hey ya gonna leave like that after what she told ya. Now's ya chance to show everyone what we made of.  

I heard them approach us and one of them decided to pull my hair, hit me in the back and push me. 

Big mistake. I grabbed his arm and started punching him in the face. The other friend came and tried to sucker punch me but I kicked him on his stomach. The third one tried his luck but I decided to go all boxer on him with my punches. I could hear the crowd cheering my name.  

"You go girl. Show them what Alicia Miller is known for." 

The fat one came again. He threw a punch and I missed it in time. I punched him and kicked him in the chest near his heart. That always threw them off. That usually changed the rhythm of their heartbeat. When that happens your body goes into a bit of shock and have to gather yourself a bit. That's exactly what happened to him he grabbed his chest as reflex and I suckered punched him that he fell to the ground. Knocked out. 

I could see his friends started getting nervous and didn't want to fight me anymore. I stopped and lit a cigarette.  

"Come on show me what you really got." I said. 

We then heard the sirens. Someone in the crowd yelled, "Oh come on who called the Popo?"  

The losers started running to the cruiser. Oh hell Nah. I saw Charles and Wayne get out. I rolled my eyes just perfect. 

"Officer she assaulted us for no reason. Look at my friend on the ground." The dark skinny one started yelling. 

Everyone in the crowd then started yelling.  


"They started it. She was defending herself." 

"Hey officer listen to me. She was minding her own shit and excuse the language but these motherfuckers didn't know who they were messing with. Alicia is the victim here. They didn't know she could whip their ass. You wanna arrest someone you arrest them motherfuckers." I recognised who said that it was Tyrell. I'll have to thank him for that. 

"Officer I got it on video if you don't believe us here's the proof. They were in the wrong. Not Alicia."  

Wayne just looked at me, "Alicia please come stand here so I can get your story. Charles please go check if that boy is okay there." 

"He's fine he's waking up now." I saw him get up and made his way to us. 

I also walked to Wayne and he said, "Let's look at the video."  

The dude who took the video showed us and you could clearly see who started first. I was looking at the video to see where I could improve on my skills. Rather than being worried if it clear my name.  

"Okay I can see what happened. I'm going to have call for back up to get all these guys down to the station. Alicia you're gonna down with us and lay a charge against them." everyone cheered. 

"Do I have to can't I come in tomorrow?"  

He shook his head, "it will be best to come now while it's still fresh in your mind."

I had just come back from the station and told Aunt Diane what happened. 

She started laughing. "They didn't know who you were? They must've been so surprised. Ooh my Billy would've been so proud. You should call Beau and tell him. He was the one that taught you how to punch a man." 

I nodded, "I'll do that. Uncle Billy and Beau both taught me a valuable thing. If ya gonna hit someone be prepared for them to hit you back. It don't matter if it's a man or woman. You gonna hit that person and they gonna hit you back. You should be able to take that punch." 

She nodded, "yeah and Beau knocked you out quite a couple of times before you could take that punch. Look it paid off. I always tell everybody. If you can take a punch from Beau. You can handle a punch from anybody. If you got a problem with my way of thinking. I don't care. Yes men aint supposed to hit women. But there are those who do. So be prepared to take revenge and kick their ass." 

I then went bed and heard Aunt Diane talking to someone, "oh sure she's fine. She can pack some heat. They were stupid fools to think they could take her on. She's in her room you can go in." I frowned. Who was she talking to? 

I heard a knock on my door, I got up and went to open it. In casual clothes was a very angry Wayne. 

He then whispered, "I'll just push myself in." I made way for him to come and closed the door. When I turned around he pushed me against the wall and started kissing me.  

I tried pushing him away, "stop. What the hell are you doing? Stop playing games with me." 

He frowned, "what games? I'm aint playing games." 

I snorted, "What about yesterday? You couldn't wait to get me out of your house and today you treated me with indifference. Actually why the hell do I even care?"  

He looked a bit stunned and I used that distraction to push him away. I almost got away but he pulled me back to him and gently pushed against the door again. 

He put his hands on my face and I looked away. 

"I'm sorry. Look at me please." I didn't, he sighed but spoke again, "I'm sorry. I didn't realise it. It comes with the job. It's an automatic response for us and seeing that accident last night. It shook me a bit. No matter how long I'm at this job. You get used to the ugly stuff but it still affects you and I guess I have a manner of being cold or indifferent. I'm sorry Licia. Forgive me." 

He started kissing me again and the kiss was hot and rough. His hands were gripping my thighs tightly. He then started humping me. He picked me up and carried me to bed. He laid me down and started pushing harder.  

He looked at me and started speaking, "I'm so angry. I'm angry with you. But I'm really mad at the boys who fought with you. I never seen you in action. But from what I saw tonight on the video. You could teach me a few things. You've got me hot and bothered for you. You look so hot and sexy when you're angry. I can't wait to push your buttons to see more of that." 

He then started kissing me and from what I was feeling. Things are going to go too far tonight.  

"Wayne... Wait..." 

"Shh... don't worry. I won't take you here in Aunt Diane's house. So relax and enjoy this." He continued kissing me and then started kissing my neck. I looked up at the ceiling and realised. 

Oh yeah. Things were definitely going too far to turn back now and at the pace things were going. 

It was scaring me.

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