pink; kawata nahoya.smiley

By hhcnma

11.6K 401 129

[discontinued as of now] # wherein she found him fighting under a bridge and thought she would be his next pu... More



959 41 11
By hhcnma


"HELLO?" she hesitated, putting her phone close to her ear as a confused look was painted on her face.

"oh its her! yeah its the right number." a familiar voice spoke from the other line. and y/n has already guessed on who it was with a smirk curling up on her lips. she waits in silence for him to say something.

"y/n, i know we've only met but is it okay if we hang for abit? im kinda free and have nothing much to do so.." he drifted off. on his line of the call, the male was playing with the pink curls of his afro.

the (h/c) haired girl agrees since she was bored too and just not wanting to head home yet since it was still a little early.

"alright, i'll fetch you?" she hummed, telling him that she will be waiting infront of convenience store that was just two streets away from school.

nahoya arrived rather quickly, having her think that he probably lives close by or something. he pats on the passenger seat behind him as she mounts over and held the bottom of the seat for support.

"you sure you don't wanna hold on? there might be sharp turns, yknow." she nodded and so he proceeds to drive off to a food place.

they stopped by a simple restaurant and ordered their respective meals.

while eating up their dinner, they'd sometimes try to make up a conversation so it wouldn't be too awkward for them. and to which, y/n decides to open her mouth after swallowing.

"about yesterday, mind telling me why you beat the hell out of those people?" she asked nicely, looking at the pink afro male infront of her who was sipping on his cup of drink.

"i was tasked to. sorry again if it scares you, haha." he laughed before continuing to finish his plate. the girl nodded abit and pushes her plate aside, already done with her dinner for the night.

the duo walked out of the restaurant and decided to head for a ride around tokyo since they still have quite alot of time.

driving around, y/n gazes at the brightly lit up city. every building had their lights on as it shines out of the rooms from the widely opened windows. there was no place that wasn't lightened up in the dark night.

nahoya had them stop at a convenience store and offered to buy her a beverage. she gratefully nodded and waited for him, leaning her back on his bike as (e/c) eyes look up.

a sudden cold breeze from the sea that they were close with kissed her skin as she shivered and rub her arms for warmth.

the male came back and handed her a can as she willingly take it and opened the cup. she gulped down her drink, exhaling loudly as she retreats the can away from her mouth.

"quite nice, huh." he said, earning a hum and nod from the girl infront of him.

he noticed the sudden cold wind and looks at her, also noticing her arms slightly shaking from the breeze. without any second thoughts, he took his jacket out and hand it to her.

the (h/c) haired figure catches it and blinked, her gaze changing from him to the fabric and back to him.

"its getting chilly so wear that before you freeze up." she wore the jacket and was immediately greeted with warmth, sighing in relief after having to comprehend with such cold. he watched and continued- well, smiling.

"you are.." he paused as the girl looks at him. "quite short for a volleyball player-" her fist swings to the left side of his face but she does it not too hard so it won't leave a bruise the next day- even though it will but whatever.

nahoya irked, cupping his burning left cheek as his smile got slightly wider when he slowly turns to face her. the girl got startled and trembled abit, quite regretting what she had done a few seconds ago.

she pouts and furrowed her brows, crossing her arms as she looks away.

"shit. sorry." she cussed under her breath, sweating. did she just struck his every nerve? damn well she did. and her half spoken apology isn't going to do anything about it.

the pink afro male breathes calmly, trying to refrain himself from landing a single hand on her over something so small. he softly forgives her.


it has been two hours and they were still there, chilling at the parking lot infront of the convenience store as they continue talking and going back and forth to the store to buy a few snacks and drinks.

"we are sorta similar if you think about." nahoya added, leaning on his bike as the girl chuckled, trailing her finger around the top of the canned drink.

"oh you should head home now. its late and i have to attend to something." he continued, finishing his beverage. the girl stood up and stretched her limbs, groaning in pain at how stiff her butt was for sitting on a cement block.

she offered to throw his can for him and quickly comes back, mounting over his bike as they set off to send her home.

stopping by a red light, the girl yawned. the male noticed and laughed.

"oi oi dont sleep or you might slip out of your seat." she hummed in response, trying to not have her eyelids closed.

too tired to bother trying anymore, she flopped towards smiley's back. "fine, sleep but atleast hold onto something." he felt her head shaking up and down as a 'sure' from her.

she holds onto his waist and proceeds to sleep but not too soundly.

as they reached, nahoya pokes her hands that were around his torso. the (h/c) haired girl grunted and opened an eye, slowly waking up.

"you can go now."

"mhmm goodnight smiley." she said before turning away and towards her house, the door swung open as she quickly goes inside.

"okay~ goodnight to you too." he bid back before driving back home to change into his gang uniform.


at the musashi shrine, the meeting ended. the kawata twins were about to leave, looking at how tired nahoya was being.

but before they could step down on the stairs, one of the division captains stopped them. they turned around in sync and looks at him.

"i saw you were with a girl earlier. got a girlfriend already?" the first division captain, baji keisuke, mocked. smiling with his fangs showing.

"so what? got a problem with that?" nahoya said back, irking in annoyance since baji interrupted them from heading home.

"just saying, she looks pretty." the raven haired male responded.

nahoya was about to throw hands, not because of what the first division captain said, it was because he was just annoyed as fuck and wanted to sleep for the rest of the night.

but thankfully souya stopped him before he could even lift his arms up.

"alright everyone! bye bye!" the president bid as him and a taller blond drove away.

the kawata twins finally were able to leave the shrine. souya kinda stealing glances of his twin brother.

as they reached home, nahoya jumps onto his bed and immediately slept, not bothered to change his clothes.

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