FNaF//Scrap That!/// Pizza Si...

By ennardsumthing

453 2 1

Basically an au I made of pizza simulator More

chapter one
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
Chapter 7

chapter 6

19 0 0
By ennardsumthing


"Hey henry so the people that um have scrap animatronics sold us this one for 5 dollars" michael smiled at henry.

"Oh really can I see it?" Michael took henry to the basement.

"Here it is" michael showed a black bear. "They said the name was lefty I think" Michael looked at henry.

"Oh cool" henry looked at lefty. "Keep him down here for today okay" henry walked back up stairs. How did those people get him? Henry went to his office and scraptrap was sitting in his office chair.

"Henryyyy" scraptrap blushed at Henry.

"Get out of here" henry walked towards him. Scraptrap giggled."what was that" henry almost threw up when scraptrap kissed him on the cheek.

"Are you sure you don't want to-"

"Yeah I'm sure"henry shoved scraptrap out.

"I can't believe him I'm stunning" scraptrap sobbed. Scrapbaby rolled her eyes. "Hey don't roll your eyes at me young lady" scraptrap hit scrapbaby on the top of the head.

"I'm going to kill henry" Scrapbaby said randomly.

"Over my dead body!" Scraptrap ran after her. Scrapbaby stop and turned around. "Get it?? You can never kill him because I always come back" scraptrap laughed. "Oh I crack myself up" scrapbaby continued walking. "Please don't kill him I'm sorry please don't kill my honey boo I can't live without him".

"Well you lived without us kids so I think you can live without henry" scrapbaby sighed.

"Kids and henry are different one is hot and one it absolutely atrocious" scraptrap smiled.

"Can't you take something serious for once I can't be mad about one thing without you having to say something"

"You hate everything scrapbaby" scraptrap rolled his eyes.

"Maybe I would be able to enjoy things without the knowledge of the fact I could have been a happy little kid if you hadn't built baby to be a kid killer!" Scrapbaby turned to scraptrap and her eyes watered.

"I warned you" scraptrap rolled his eyes.

"you could've told me that she killed kids that could have been nice to know"scrapbaby laughed. I'm getting tired of writing this arguement so this goes on for about a hour.

Happy frog walked into the pizzarea . Henry was arguing on the phone with someone.

"Hold on a minute, holly! Can you see if neddbear can work in replacement of mr.hippo? Thanks" henry went back to the call.

"Hey neddbear can you come in for mr.hippo he can't come in today" happy frog sat down.

"Yeah of course is he sick or something"

"No he was shot by someone last night"

"Oh that's unfortunate maybe it was those weird scrap robots anyways I'll be there in five minutes" neddbear hung up. Happy frog put her phone down. She tried listening to who henry was calling but was surprised to see some man walk in.

"Detective moore walks into the building" detective moore looks at happy frog. "Detective moore approaches weird green lady". "DID YOU SHOOT THE MAN".

"No and why are you are you saying everything you're doing?" Happy frog was confused.

"Are you sure you didn't shot him" detective moore pointed at happy frog. Neddbear and rockstar freddy walked in. Neddbear was confused when he saw detective moore.

"Hi" neddbear walked up beside moore.


"No" neddbear scrunched his nose. Orville walked in."He was right beside the dude that got shot" walked went into the locker room.

"Dective moore approaches dude" moore stopped in front of orville.

"Hello?" Detective moore grabbed orville by the collar of his shirt.

"DID YOU SHOOT THE MAN" detective moore let go of the collar on his shirt.

"What? No the gun shot was from the alley" orville huffed and walked past moore.

"Detective moore walks into the alley"

"Why is he talking like that" happy frog shut her locker door.

"I don't know because hes a detective he feels more special then other people "rockstar chica applied lipstick. Happy frog forgot her bandaid around her nose. She opened her bandaid holder and seen that it had only enough left for tomorrow.

Everyone came out to the main part of the building. Henry walked out.

"Okay everyone moore will be trying to solve our case today". "So he'll be sticking around most of the day" henry walked away."if you guys need me I'll be in my office" henry walked into his office.

Detective moore walked into the alley. "Omg a gun this could be the weapon" he picked it up and dropped it into the bag.

"Hey don't touch that!" Scrapbaby walked behide moore. Moore turned around and looked up at scrapbaby.

"Did you shoot the man?" Moore squinted.

"Yeah what are you going to do about it arrest me?" Scrapbaby laughed. Five minutes later scrapbaby was getting surrounded by pest control people.

"Aww look at my girl getting arrested" scraptraps eyes sparkled.

"Shouldn't we help her" molten freddy looked at scraptrap.

"No my girl will be okay" scraptrap drank some Pepsi he found out of the dumpster. The pest control and police drove away.

"You sure she'll be okay?"

"Omg she got arrested! Dont worry dad is coming" scraptrap ran two miles from the alley and was already out of breath. "Nevermind hold that thought"

"Come on" molten freddy picked up scraptrap and ran away.

"Omg so romantic" scraptrap blushed. Molten freddy turned a little green.

"Never say that again please"

"So do you think we'll do anything special for halloween?" Happy frog and neddbear were sitting behind the curtains waiting for their turn.

"Henry might make us pass out candy or something" neddbear laughed. "Me and the boys are going to have a college party tonight you should come" neddbear smiled.

"No thanks I'm good" happy frog laughed. "I have plans with funtime chica and uh rockstar foxy"

"Oh okay" neddbear went out on stage with pigpatch. Happy frog didn't really have plans with them. But she also didn't want to go to some part where a bunch of adults get drunk.

"Hey girl!" Funtime chica sat beside happy frog.

"Are you doing anything tonight?" happy frog asked.

"I'm going to pass put candy here because henry asked me to do it" Funtime chica smiled. "You should help"

"No I need to get into the basement here" happy frog gripped the sides of her chair.

"Why do you need in there so bad?" Funtime chica raised a eyebrow.

"When I went into the locker some guy in a zombie cosplay went into the basement and seemed worried when he came back out I think theres something down there" happy frog looked at funtime chica.

"Oo like haunted stuff" Funtime chica laughed. Happy frog awkwardly laughed.

It was after the performance and they were straightening up the back stage. Henry opened the curtains up and walked to the back stage.

"So does anyone want to help pass out candy?" Henry smiled. It was silence.

"I'll do it" rockstar foxy grinned at henry.

"I'd love to but I'm kinda busy" orville put a ball back into the ball storage rack.

"Thank you rockstar foxy " henry walked out and began dumping the loads of candy into the bowls. Happy frog clocked out and went outside.

"Oh yeah" happy frog ran back inside."happy halloween henry" happy frog walked back out. Happy frog walked back home and closed the door.

"Oh hey honey you're home surprising early" Holly's mom was cutting up tomatoes.

"Yeah I'm going to my room mom" holly began to walk away but her mom stopped her.

"Are you going to any parties tonight I can take you there"

"No mom I was just going to watch some scary movies or something"

"We can watch some horror movies together" the mom smiled. Holly bit her lip.

"Uh no its okay" holly walked up to her room and wiped off her makeup. She was going to the basement in the pizzeria but just didn't know how to. It was going to be difficult with Henry and the zombie boy. Holly was just going to wait until her parents were asleep.

Molten freddy slammed open the police's offices doors. He threw scraptrap on the ground.

"Hey you have our friend mister" molten freddy grabbed onto the reception desk.

"What's your friends name" he loudly chewed on bubble gum.

"Scrapbaby" molten freddy caught his breath.

"Okay..." he typed on his keyboard. "No we don't have any scrapbaby in stock here. Molten freddy was confused. Soon scrapbaby came running out covered in blood.

"Cause I'm right here" scrapbaby ran out.

"Oh hey scrapbaby" he continued playing tetris. Molten freddy walked over to the hall scrapbaby came from and saw all the blood and dead cops.

"Oh my heaven" molten freddy turned and ran away.

"Thank you for shopping at target.

"This is a police station" scraptrap walked out of the building.

"Wait really I must have accidentally walked into here" the guy continued playing tetris.

The three animatronics ran back into the alley and scraptrap ran into lefty.

"Ow" scraptrap looked up and got off the ground.

"William" lefty frowned.

"Who are you?"

"I'm lefty"

"No who are you"

"what do you mean I just told you!?" lefty rolled his eyes.

"Are you trying to replace molten freddy because it ain't working" scrapbaby grinded her teeth.

"No I'm not here to replace the dumb bear"

"Hey! I'm not dumb" molten freddy shouted.

"Molten freddy you didn't know what money was supposed to be used for" scrapbaby sighed. Lefty looked around.

"How do you yall live like this" lefty grabbed scrapbabys arm. "Come on we need to fix this place up imagine what we could do" lefty smirked at scrapbaby. Scrapbaby looked at lefty then the alley.

"Kinda hard to imagine that when I'm not on magic mushrooms" scrapbaby slid lefty's grip off her arm.

  Holly snuck out of the house once her mom and dad were asleep. She walked behind the building. Scraptrap looked at holly. Scraptrap walked towards.

"Hey what are you doing" scraptrap pointed at holly.

"I am uh-" holly backed away.

"AHHH"scraptrap ran away. Holly looked behind her and saw mr.hippo cosplayer. He sprayed scraptrap with lysol.

"Oh hi" holly smiled.

"Hey happy frog" mr.hippo looked at happy frog. "What are you doing here?"

"I was trying to get into the basement" happy frog turned around and opened a window. She hoped in and mr.hippo followed. Happy frog opened the basement door. They both walked down the terrifying stairs. Mr.hippo turned the lights on.

"Woah" mr.hippo walked over to a object being covered by a tarp.

"Weird there seems to be parts for other animatronics. Happy frog turned around when she heard mr.hippo rip the tarp off the object. It was a puppet in a box. Happy frog walked over.

"Looks a little crusty"

"A little?" Happy frog touched it. It didn't move.

"It has a thing on the back maybe it turns it on" mr.hippo opened the back amd messed with some of the wiring. "Wave in front of its face"happy frog waved her hand in front of its face. Its eyes glowed and the lights went out. "I'll go fix them mr.hippo walked away.

"Ugh where am i" a worried voice said.  Happy frog was shocked.

"A basement" happy frog was hesitant to ask at first. "What are you?"

"Where are all the kids" the puppet stood out of its box. Happy frog backed away. "Don't be scared of me please I won't hurt you". "I'm security puppet I watched kids" security puppet sighed. "Wheres william or Charlie" security puppet shook her head.

" Charlie?" Happy frog was confused.

"William he after Charlie he's probably killed her at this point I can't even do my job" security puppet put her hands on her face.

"Who's Charlie?"

"Henry's kid she was murdered by william when the day was busy" security puppet shut back down. She made a loud noise when she fell down.

  "I'm going to be right back" henry handed the candy bowl to rockstar foxy and walked to the basement.

"Ah I got the light fixed" mr.hippo heard henry open the door. Happy frog and mr.hippo ran into the closet and shut the door.

"I dont remember leaving the light on" Henry turned a little pale seeing lefty was gone and that security puppet was out of the box. "It was just michael probably"henry put security back into the box and put the tarp back over her. Henry left and shut the door.

"That was a close one" mr.hippo sighed and walked out. "Happy halloween happy frog"

"Happy halloween" happy frog looked back at security puppet. Then she went up stairs and climbed back out the window.

  "Hey zombie boy want some candy" henry laughed. Michael sighed.

"Kill yourself" michael walked away.

"Happy Halloween"

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