
By samuraioni

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[Ben/Gwen] [BWEN] Ben runs away after realizing his feelings for Gwen, this doesn't sit too well with Gwen or... More

Run Alone
Run Together: Part 01
Run Together: Part 02
Run Together: Part 04
Run Together: Part 05

Run Together: Part 03

216 7 2
By samuraioni

Chapter 04: Run Together Part 03

Later that day, as the exhausted shoppers finally collapsed into the Rust Bucket's kitchen booth for the last time, Ben's head hit the table with a thunk as Gwen collapsed onto its surface in a slightly more dignified manner, but not by much.

"My feet are killing me," she moaned as she rolled her head to look at Ben.

"Umgfs," he replied from where his face was still buried into the tabletop.

Max just laughed as he ruffled Ben's head on his way to the front to get the RV on the road.

"What was that doofus?" Gwen said as she nudged his shoulder with her own.

"Mine too," he replied as he rolled his head to the side to look at her.

Ben forced his tired head off the table and leaned it back against the seat, his eyes closed in exhaustion.

He eventually opened his eyes and turned his head to look at Gwen. He raised one hand and gently pushed her over so that she landed on her back on the seat. He grabbed her feet and pulled them into his lap, slowly pulling the shoes and socks off. He placed the shoes and socks on the table and gently began to massage her feet, eliciting a moan of pleasure from her.

Ben smiled; it wasn't the first moan he'd heard that day. Their make-out session before lunch had been very hot and heavy with lots of kissing and roaming hands, but not more than that, despite the unspoken, inner desire to cross that line.

Ben hummed as he worked to relieve the stress on her feet, pressing his fingers into the muscles and slowly working to relieve the tension. Her moans grew as the stress drained away from her aching feet.

Max just looked back in the mirror to make sure they were still behaving themselves.

Ben could feel Max's eyes from the mirror but kept massaging, despite his exhaustion. Ben's desire to make Gwen feel better was driving him to keep going until she was relaxed and comfortable.

Eventually, her moans stopped, and her breathing evened out as she fell into a light slumber. Ben smiled and gently slid out of the booth and placed her feet down. He leaned over and kissed her forehead before standing and heading to the front.

"You'll make a great husband one day," Max said as Ben slid into the passenger seat, the younger man all but collapsing into the cushions.

"I hope so," he replied as he tried to prop his head upon his hand, his elbow resting on the armrest. He missed a few times but eventually was able to get his head to land on the fist he'd been aiming for. "She's worth it," he added as he sighed in relaxation.

Max smiled as he drove, he had promised that he'd get the teens some dinner, but after seeing how exhausted they both were he had decided to just take them home so they could sleep.

"Grandpa?" Ben asked a few minutes later.

"Yes Ben," the elder Tennyson replied as he kept his eyes fixed on the road.

"Can Gwen and I sleep here tonight? We're both so tired we don't want to move."

"Hmm," Max said as he thought it over. It would be best to just let them sleep in the Rust Bucket and take them home in the morning. He could buy them breakfast on the way.

"I don't see why not, I'll just have to call your parents first, let me find a good place to pull over so I can make the call."

Ben nodded even as he was beginning to drift off to sleep himself, Max smiled again.

After a few minutes he found a place to pull off, once he was parked he grabbed his cell phone and dialed Ben's parents first, Max knew they'd say yes without hesitation.

After a brief conversation, Max smiled as Carl and Sandra had given their blessing for Ben to stay the night, Max's argument making sense once he described how exhausted the boy was. Max had to suppress a laugh when a soft snore from Ben helped to sell his argument.

Disconnecting the call he dialed frank's number and waited for the line to connect.

"Dad?" Frank asked once he picked up.

"Hi Frank," Max began as he started his argument for Gwen to stay over.

A few minutes later Max was smiling as he hung up, Gwen had been given permission as well.

Putting the phone away he rose to move to stand next to Ben.

"Ben?" He said as he placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Mmmm," the boy replied from his slumber.

"Both your parents said it was okay for you to stay tonight. Come help me get Gwen into bed."

"Mmmm," was Ben's reply even as he slowly rose from the chair and walked, half-asleep, to the kitchen booth and gently began to coax Gwen into a sitting position. Her head lolled onto his shoulder as he pulled her upright and against his chest as he shifted her into a bridal position to carry to the bunks.

He slowly rose with her in his arms, her head buried into his shoulder, her arms having entwined around his neck without conscious thought.

He walked with a drunken stagger as he carried her, his body running on autopilot as he moved. Eventually, he reached the bunks and he gently placed her on the bottom one. He slowly removed her arms from his neck and rolled her onto her back on the mattress.

"Here you go Ben," Max said as he handed him a pair of pajamas that Gwen kept in the RV, a pair of his dangling from Max's other hand.

"Thanks," he mumbled as he took Gwen's pajamas and placed them on the bed, he then slowly started to undress her, his eyes staying on her face the entire time he did. Even though she had shown him a lot more skin in that bikini, he didn't want to steal the image of her in her underwear, he cared too much for her and wanted them to share that moment one day.

Soon she was dressed more comfortably and had already rolled over onto her side.

Max had already taken her clothes to hang them out so they wouldn't wrinkle.

As he sat on the edge of the bunk he noticed that Max had returned upfront and had gotten the Rust Bucket back onto the road, where he was heading Ben had no idea, but as he pulled his pajamas on he didn't care.

Ben had considered climbing into his bunk, but the allure of Gwen's warmth and the feeling of her body in his arms was too enticing and he soon found himself under the blankets and curled protectively around the love of his life.


Thoughts of Christmas, the holidays, and gifts brought Ben's mind back into the present and the wrapped object sitting on his desk. He'd had to work extra hours during the week for an entire year to save for it, but the look on Gwen's face when she opened it would be worth it. The only trouble would be how their parents would react when seeing it.

He knew he had a champion in Grandpa Max, the man had been a rock for him and Gwen during those early days of their new relationship. Being able to use the Rust Bucket not only for studying but also more intimate encounters had helped their relationship to bloom, Ben was certain that if he hadn't been able to bring up his grades with Gwen's help then there was no way their relationship would be where it was today. Not only that, but the man had been a wealth of information regarding how to develop their relationship, unfortunately, that information had primarily been 'I wasn't there enough for my family so don't do this or that'. While it had been sad to hear firsthand how their grandfather had failed as a parent and husband, the knowledge did help to provide areas of dialog between Ben and Gwen as their relationship started turning toward a family.

In many ways Max's path had laid the way for Ben and Gwen, they knew there would be many people who would never approve of their relationship, but they also knew that they would have the people who mattered to them on their side. Max's relationship with an alien was proof that love knew no bounds and that the heart would go where it desired.

As the time grew Christmas time grew closer, Ben had started to do more and more research into cousin marriages, not only the current laws but also the historical context. Gwen's initial research from two years ago had been accurate, cousin marriages were legal for those over the age of 18 in the state of California. However, most states would not recognize cousin marriages and in fact, they would be deemed illegal, just as Ben had thought. Thankfully, there were still a few other states that would recognize it as a legal marriage.

Ben smiled as he thought about the list of those states he had hidden in his desk. He had kept the list as vague as possible on the off chance anyone went snooping. If they did all they would find would be a seemingly random list of state names.

The bright side was that when he and Gwen were ready to take that step there would be several options other than California to live in if their parents' reactions were as awful as he feared they may be.

In retrospect, Ben was pretty sure that his parents had some inkling of his growing relationship with Gwen, they'd been more apt to allow her over when they went out. Ben and Gwen had made use of those evenings for impassioned make-out sessions mixed with serious talk about the future, more often than not the questions of hero work and the Omnitrix came to the surface.

Ben had begun to start doing more hero-related activities as his bond with the Omnitrix grew. He had wisely included Gwen for each venture as he not only needed her as his partner but also that he knew he'd be on the receiving end of one of her spells if he hadn't.

Ben knew he could never give up the Omnitrix, Gwen had never asked him to either, but both also knew they couldn't be heroes forever, that they'd have to live their own lives.

Those conversations had always been the most difficult, trying to find ways to balance out helping those in need, which they both enjoyed doing, with the needs of their growing relationship.

In the end, they had agreed to just keep discussing it whenever either had a new idea on how to balance both without sacrificing either.

And so the hero work continued for them both as they worked to keep their grades up and relationship secret.

Which once again brought his thoughts back to the question of who knew and how much they knew.

Outside of Max, Ben had his suspicions that his parents knew a lot more than they were letting on and that Uncle Frank probably had a clue as well. The latter seemed more and more plausible as the man had insisted that Ben and Gwen spend more time together to work on their homework and keep those grades up. What Ben couldn't understand was his Uncle's angle, he had no idea why the man seems to be willing to allow him and Gwen to be together. Ben knew that a relationship like the one he had with Gwen was one of the more taboo and carried innumerable stigmas that would follow them throughout their lives. Given all the downsides, why was Uncle Frank willing to allow Gwen to face all that?

With a heavy sigh, Ben heaved himself from the bed and approached his desk and the object sitting on top of it.

At this point, all these speculations about his parents and Uncle Frank were just that, speculation. Truth be told they may be nothing more than coincidences lining up with his desires and hopes and he had learned long ago to not jump to conclusions.

Reaching out a hand he placed it on the carefully wrapped object, his future and hopes rested within its taped and creased paper confines.

He had searched long and hard to find it and after much saving and haggling, he had walked away from the store with it safely in his pocket.

Looking at the small present brought to mind the first Christmas that he and Gwen had spent together, the memories of the stolen moments together still brought a smile to his face.


To say that Ben was nervous would be an understatement, after all, Christmas was only a few days away and he was stressing over his gift for Gwen.

It wasn't that he was stressing over finding her a gift, he'd been able to do that on Black Friday when they had separated for half an hour to buy for each other. What was causing him stress was how he would go about giving her the gift.

Ben was torn between giving it to her at the family party or in private. He turned the box over in his hands as he sat on his bed, the simple Lucky Girl necklace and cat mask charm safely cushioned in cotton.

As he sat and turned the box his thoughts strayed to the object of his nervousness and affection.

The past few weeks had been very busy, he and Gwen had only had enough time to study for their finals and had been unable to do more than a passing touch of affection of a chaste kiss. Thankfully both had passed with flying colors, not a surprise for Gwen but a true shock when it came to Ben. He had a huge smile on his face for at least a day when the report card with all A's came in the mail, Gwen had been the first to know, even before his parents.

With a sigh he fell back onto his bed, the box falling from his hand to land on the comforter.

A smile grew on his face as he thought about how clean his room was now thanks to Gwen, or more specifically, thanks to Gwen's influence. While she hadn't forced him to clean his pigsty of a room, Ben had found himself wanting to keep it nice and presentable, especially after he'd seen Gwen's joy the one time he had to clean the room for a family gathering back in September. Ever since then he'd realized how something so simple as keeping his room clean or even dressing nicer could make his beautiful Gwen radiate a joy he loved to be responsible for.

After that day Ben went out of his way to not only keep his room clean and tidy but to also stop dressing like a slob. He'd even gone as far as to ask his mom to teach him how to wash his clothes. The poor woman needed to sit down following the shock of the statement.

With another sigh, he ran his hand over his face as he contemplated his options; family or private.

Both had their advantages, but also disadvantages.

Giving it to her at the family gathering would be less suspicious but would also be beyond embarrassing as he'd bought jewelry for his female cousin.

Giving it to her in private would no doubt lead to several kisses, always a pro, but the con would be trying to sneak away from the others long enough to exchange their gifts.

As the clock ticked away closer to midnight Ben was left with no clear direction.

He rose and placed the green and red wrapped box on his desk before he slipped into bed and placed his head on the pillow.

As his eyes drifted closed, he only hoped that the answer would come to him in a dream.

The next day broke cold and cloudy, a winter storm had moved in overnight and threatened to cover the town in snow, a rarity given the strange weather of the normally temperate Bellwood.

Ben's dream had placed a nugget of an idea in his mind that bounced back and forth and refused to be silent.

Thankfully it was Saturday the 22nd and he still had a few days to put the idea into motion, since he couldn't decide on giving Gwen her gift in private or with the family, Ben had decided on both. He'd get her another gift to give with the family, something that wouldn't be as embarrassing, and he'd give her the necklace in private.

All Ben had to do now was to figure out where he could get her second gift, he had several ideas but wasn't sure where to find what he wanted. With little time remaining, he turned to the only option he had, the internet.

Thankfully a quick search later provided him the answer. Unfortunately, the item was across the country in New Orleans and shipping would never make it in time for Christmas.

With a smirk, Ben closed the browser and set the laptop aside.

Grabbing his shoes he quickly pulled them on before retrieving his wallet, keys, and phone.

Grabbing a jacket just for good measure he opened his window and slipped out, closing it behind him.

Climbing to the ground Ben moved to a secluded spot alongside the house and with a thought light enveloped him and XLR8 was in his place for a mere moment before he was gone and already halfway across the state.

Half an hour later Ben crawled back into his room, several hundred dollars poorer, but his spirit was overjoyed as he carefully placed the new gift on his desk.

Eying the ancient book of spells he gently ran his hand over the cover, the leather brittle from age and use, he'd have to clean it up before he wrapped it for Gwen.

Sitting at his desk he thought about becoming Grey Matter and instantly became the diminutive genius.

He pondered the book for only a few seconds before a flash signaled Ben's change into Ghostfreak and the boy vanished into the day, disappearing through the wall to head toward the craft store.

Not long after, the window was opened, and Ben returned carrying bags of supplies to restore the book.

Changing into Grey Matter he set to work.

Several hours later Ben sighed as he wiped the leather conditioner and other chemicals off on a towel before using the towel to dry his sweaty face. The lamp he'd been using for light was very bright, but also very hot.

While he had been hot and sweaty under the light he had managed to repair some of the damage to the leather and been able to get the book back into a state where it wouldn't fall apart as soon as Gwen opened it.

Leaning back he stretched his spine and was satisfied to hear several pops.

Carefully picking the book up he placed it in his closet to dry overnight.

Satisfied not only with the purchase but also the repair he collapsed onto his bed and closed his eyes.

Cracking them open again he looked at the clock and noticed that it wasn't as late as it felt. He smiled as he reached over and grabbed his phone, opening it to send Gwen a message.

Her reply was near-instantaneous making Ben smile even bigger.

His smile only grew throughout the night as he and Gwen just talked about their week and how the weekend had been going so far.

After what felt like only minutes, Ben glanced at the clock and noticed it was well past midnight. Informing Gwen of his discovery the cousins decided to get to bed and promised to meet up before Christmas if possible.

With carefully veiled proclamations of love, they bid each other goodnight and slipped into pleasant dreams where they were held in the arms of the other.


Christmas Eve rolled around without either being able to get away to see the other, but that was fine with Ben, he'd be able to see Gwen all night and the next day.

For once, Ben was glad his family was strict traditionalists when it came to Christmas, especially since the Tennysons had a long tradition of spending the night at one house on Christmas Eve and having a family Christmas in the morning. Every year the host switched between Carl and Frank; Ben was even more thankful that it was his family's turn to host this year. Somehow, he'd be able to find a way to spend time alone with Gwen.

Ben sighed as he glanced at the clock again, an action that didn't go unnoticed by Carl.

"Don't worry, Ben," he told him as he ruffled the boy's hair, "it'll be Christmas soon enough and you can open presents."

Ben glared at him and fixed his hair, inwardly he was very thankful that his father had assumed he was eager for the gifts and not the arrival of the other side of his family.

"Don't tease Carl," his mother said with a laugh from the kitchen. "Ben, I know you're eager, but do you think you could go make sure the guest room is set up for your Aunt and Uncle?"

With a grumble, Ben rose from his seat and trudged to the stairs only to stop when his mother continued.

"Oh, and get the futon out as well, your Grandfather is staying on the couch so Gwen will have to sleep in your room. You're okay with the futon, right? You promise you won't fight with her like when you were younger?"

Ben's world collapsed and was reborn in the span of an instant. He couldn't believe what he had heard, they were going to let Gwen stay with him in his room!

Marshaling his expression he let out an exaggerated sigh as he continued up the stairs.

"Fine," he said, barely containing the euphoria that was creeping into his bones. Ben was so preoccupied with his joy that he never saw the smirk Sandra and Carl shared as he vanished upstairs.

After making sure the rooms were ready and the beds were all made and in place, Ben grabbed his phone and sent Gwen a text.

Mom just told me that you're staying in my room tonight. He told her as his hands shook in excitement.

Her reply came a moment later.

WHAT??? Seriously????

Apparently, I'm sleeping on the futon and Grandpa has the couch downstairs. Your parents are taking the guest room.

Gwen was silent for a few minutes as she processed this. Ben couldn't blame her; he'd been processing it the entire time he was getting the rooms ready. He'd even gone as far as putting new sheets on his bed so Gwen would be more comfortable.

Do you think they know?

While it wasn't exactly the response he'd been expecting, he had still expected it to come up eventually.

I don't know, we can talk about it when you get here.

Well, we should be there soon, we just left.

Ben just smiled before he sent his reply.

See you soon.

He didn't bother to check for a reply as he knew there wouldn't be one, no point if they were on their way already.

Sitting in his desk chair he put his head in his hands and just waited, thoughts of Gwen swirling through his mind.

Sitting back a few minutes later he allowed himself to look out his window, the formerly blue skies had clouded over, and the wind had picked up.

Ben frowned as he stood and moved to look out, the dreary grey skies spoke of oncoming rain. He and Gwen would have to find something to do inside if it did start to rain.

Stepping back he surveyed his room and its contents, they could watch TV and cuddle once their parents had gone to sleep, but they could also play some games. Ben smiled as he took in his collection of Sumo Slammers video games, he and Gwen always enjoyed playing those.

As he leaned back against the window, he was surprised to feel how cold it was, turning he placed his hand on it and realized that those were not rain clouds, they were snow clouds.

He was shocked to see the clouds as Bellwood had an unusually temperate climate year-round. However, if it was going to snow, he had to be ready for the fun they could have. Turning to his closet he set about finding any cold-weather clothes he had.

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