We love you, too

Oleh ValRoyalty

22.6K 555 179

A married couple, Daphne and Coralee, falls for their neighbor Luna. As a polyamorous couple they have notice... Lebih Banyak

Meet the characters
Part One: Hit the road
Part Two: 'Come in'
Part Three: The show
Part Four: Joke
Part Five: Confession 1
Part Six: Confessions 2
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part 11: pantry
should i come back?
Part 12: Dos and Dont's
Part 13: Climax [M]

Part 10: kisses

1K 21 10
Oleh ValRoyalty


It was the only thing Luna could do in this situation. She had spent at least 3 hours looking for Wednesday and they were still nowhere to be found.

Still no missed calls or texts.

Luna sat in her car, holding back a grateful amount of tears before her phone started to ring. She rushed to answer, not looking at the contact

"WEDNESDAY??" She yelled, not meaning to.

"No, it's V but I've found Wednesday" it was a very loud background. Luna could barely hear him.

"Where are you gu-" Luna looked at the phone in disbelief. Did he really just hang up? Was all she could think to herself.

She sighed in relief. And layed her head back onto her seat, letting out a shaky breath.
"What the hell were you thinking!!" Vick shouted drawing the attention of others. Wednesday rolled their eyes and pushed passed Vick. Only for Vick to follow them to the bathroom. He locked the door behind them.

"Is it a crime for me to go to the club" they asked, their voice coming out more whiny than they wanted.

"It's not a crime but it would be fucking nice to pick up the phone and at least text someone" Wednesday didn't respond, just leaned against the wall while pickings scab on their finger.

Vick let out sigh before moving closer to them. Wednesday looked up, not expecting Vick to be so close.

"Why were you so angry at Luna. And don't even use Cora and Daphne as an excuse" Wednesday just shrugged their shoulders. They'd rather die than get rejected in a bathroom at a club.

"We're not leaving until I get my reason" Vick placed their hand on the wall right by Wednesday.

"Why do you care so much"

"Because I do. I mean honestly I'm just kind of curious, that reaction was a big wow. It's almost like you're in love with Luna" Vick laughed to himself

"Or you" Wednesday whispered, not intending for Vick to hear. On the other hand Vick fully stopped laughing and just looked down at Wednesday.

"What was that" he said slightly startling Wednesday, who quickly shook their head.

"I didn't say anything" such a bad liar, was the only think Vick could think.

"I heard what you said, I just want to know if you meant it"

"Does it really matter? It's kinda stupid since we're like 10 years apart" Vick slightly tilted his head

"Did you just call me old" Wednesday eyes widen as they shook their head

"No no no, I'm just saying you know. It's like so many reason why me being In love with you is stupid. Like one, you probably think I'm too young for you since I'm almost a decade younger than you. Uhh two could be because of me in general, you know like you're so fit and beautiful you might want someone who is the same. And I'm three, you don't find me attractive, which is perf-" Wednesday stopped talking when Vick got incredibly close. Their noses were basically touching and all Wednesday could was look into Vicks eyes.

"Are you not going to kiss me?" V asked and noticed the light blush that appeared on Wednesdays face.

"You want me to kiss you? Or are you just joking?..please don't be joking" they whispered the last part under their breath. Vick moved closer, closing the little bit of space between them. Wednesday eyes fluttered shut as their hands reached to grab Vicks waist.

The kiss was soft, and amazing-well it was untill there was a bang on the door.

"This is a public bathroom, please fuck somewhere else" a voice shouted from outside. Vick pulled back slowly, rolling his eyes before nodding towards the door.

"Let's go" Wednesday followed Vick out of the bathroom.
As they sat across from each other, there was nothing but quietness

"You're so beautiful" Vick said to Wednesday

"Thank you. You're really beautiful too" they returned the compliment

"Thank you... there's actually something I need to talk to you about. I was going to tell you later but I guess I have too now." Wednesday could tell it was serious by the change in the tension

"You don't have to tell me anything, but you can trust me. We aren't together or anything"

"Yet, I mean of course if you want to be more than friends but I still need to tell you before we move forward" Wednesday nodded

"Well I was only at Coras house because I found out some really unexpected news. Honestly I'm still kind of surprised"

"What is it" Wednesday asked in a soft voice. They reached over to grab Vicks hand

"I'm pregnant" and once again there was a silence

"Oh... CONGRATULATIONS'' Wednesday caught the attention of people walking  by them

"You're not mad...?" Vick had a surprised look on his face

"No, why would I be mad, you're an adult and I'm pretty sure you wouldn't make out with me if you were in a full committed relationship. I would hope"

Vick couldn't help the smile spreading on his face. He forward and kissed Wednesday on their forehead. Before pulling them into his lap.

"I'm going to squish you" Wednesday exclaimed

"I don't care" Vick smiled happily

- I am so sorry this chapter took so long😭I have been very busy with school. I have law and cheer Monday-Friday so it's hard for me to find time for fun things. Recently I have been writing more so hopefully,I can update at least weekly. If not monthly

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