Captain Man x Reader | Henry...

By queen_of_bad_ideas

108K 1.7K 1.5K

A strange twist of fate throws Ray and (y/n) together like never before, and at last, Henry, Charlotte, Jaspe... More

Episode 1: A FiΓ±ata Full of Death Bugs
Episode 2: Love Muffin
Episode 3: Scream Machine
Episode 4: Mouth Candy
Episode 5: The Trouble with Frittles
Episode 6: Hour of Power Part 1
Episode 7: Hour of Power Part 2
Episode 9: Double Date Danger
Episode 10: Space Invaders Part 1
Episode 11: Space Invaders Part 2
Episode 12: Gas or Fail (SMUT)
Episode 13: JAM Session
Episode 14: License to Fly
Episode 15: Green Fingers
Episode 16: Stuck in Two Holes
Episode 17: Live and Dangerous Part 1 (SMUT)
Episode 18: Live and Dangerous Part 2
Episode 19: Balloons of Doom
Episode 20: Swellview's Got Talent
Just a heads-up

Episode 8: Dodging Danger

4.6K 91 64
By queen_of_bad_ideas

*Warning, some spiciness ahead*
~In the Man Cave~

It was an exciting time in the Man Cave. Well, exciting for Jasper and (y/n). The young woman had been convinced by the teen to help him win a "Dodge-a-Leen" competition and as such, they had been training all week to prepare for it. Now, (y/n) wasn't particularly excited about being in what she saw as some friendly contest for kids, but one cutesy look from Jasper and a few words about how her superhero skills would be an asset to his team and she was roped in. And since she was so busy dodging with the boy, she had foregone some of the missions that Ray and Henry had to go sort out, making her boyfriend go all pouty.

"Missed us! Keep trying!" Jasper taunted Schwoz and Charlotte, who were trying to hit the two as they bounced on mini-trampolines. The city didn't always need Miss Danger, sometimes all they needed was Captain Man and Kid Danger.

"Whoa, careful, Curly!" (y/n) laughed as Jasper took a hit to the stomach. They couldn't have any larking about in the real tournament; she was in it to win it, baby.

"That was pretty close!" Jasper told Schwoz as the tubes came with Ray and Henry, both of whom were chuckling and bantering about how dumb criminals were. Well, Ray was laughing until Schwoz threw an orange dodgeball at Jasper, who ducked swiftly, resulting in the ball hurtling into the superhero's face. Ouch.

"OW! My face!" Ray exclaimed, clutching his nose for a couple seconds and his cry of pain made (y/n) dash over to see if he was all right. Of course he was, he was Captain Man, but having her fawn over him was was too nice to pass up.

"Aw, poor baby." She cooed and wrapped her arms around his waist so she could hug herself to his body. She missed him when he went out to fight, but if she was going to help Jasper, she had to stay and train.

"Who thew that ball?!" Henry asked his friends, ignoring how mushy the couple next to him were. They saw each other, like, an hour ago, it wasn't that bad.

"Yeah, who?! I mean, I'm okay. But who?!" Ray joined in, quickly confirming that he was fine so that the girl in his arms wouldn't think he was a pansy or something. He wanted her adoration more than anything because he loved when she looked at him with that sweet, soft smile on her face.

"Uhhhhh, Charlotte!" Schwoz lied, fearing his boss's reaction. Surely, he'd go easier on her and therefore, wouldn't kill him.

"What? I didn't throw that ball!" Charlotte scoffed, not believing that Schwoz dared to pin something like that on her. She didn't bludgeon her boss in the face, so she wasn't going to take the wrap for it.

"You did too! She did! Jasper, you saw that it was Charlotte who—-" Schwoz fibbed and his blatant lying really irritated Charlotte. Not wanting to hear him slander her good name any longer, she threw the blue dodgeball at his face, making the genius cry out in pain.

"That was me." She smirked, happy to admit to that one since it got Schowz to stop bullshitting. Yeah, it was a little violent, but it taught him a lesson.

"Ahhh! Look it! My nose is bleeding from both holes!" The little man whimpered to (y/n) and Ray as they walked over to him. Oh good, (y/n) would be able to help him out, but Ray wasn't about to let Schwoz off Scott free.

"Okay, lean forward and pinch your nose..." (y/n) told him, letting her first-aid knowledge kick in, but Ray had other ideas. They didn't need that medical crap, they just needed a little advice from him.

"Don't fret, Schwoz, Captain Man knows how to fix a nosebleed." Ray seized the small man by his shoulders and forced him to sit on the ledge next to the auto-snacker, making (y/n) look at him suspiciously. What was he up to?

"Two hot dogs, plain." He told the machine and quietened any questions from Schwoz. He was going to enjoy this.

"Hey, Hen, guess what me and (y/n) are training for." Jasper piped up from his mini-trampoline. He didn't care about Schwoz and his dumb nose, but he did care about his competition thing and was more than happy to tell anyone who would listen about it.

"Does it involve bouncing?" Henry asked, watching his friend jump non-stop. He knew that they'd been up to something as Ray had been all grumpy that (y/n) was hanging out with the irritating kid, but he wasn't quite sure what.

"Kinda..." Jasper hinted as Ray roughly shoved a hot dog up Schwoz's nostril, making (y/n) groan in frustration. She was dating the pettiest guy in Swellview and he could never let stuff go.

"Ray, leave him alone!" She tried to pull him away, but he was so intent on getting the hotdogs up Schwoz's nose, he couldn't hear her. Loos like she'd just have to ride this one out.

"Let me give you a hint..." Jasper told his friend, wanting to build up mysterious suspense around what he and (y/n) were doing, but Charlotte didn't have that much patience. With Jasper, they could be here guessing all day.

"They're training for a three-on-three Dodge-a-Leen tournament." She announced, not caring if she ruined the buildup. She was a fan of getting to the point, unlike Jasper, who loved making people sit on the edge of their seats.

"Aw, your hint revealed too much!" He whined, getting off the trampoline now that he felt deflated. That and he was starting to feel a bit dizzy.

" didn't tell me you were doing Dodge-a-Leen." Ray looked at (y/n) as she watched him shove the second hotdog up Schwoz's other nostril. It was painful to watch, but Schwoz would be fine. Probably.

"Be gentle!" The genius snapped, not liking how rough the superhero was being just because he was only now finding out about what (y/n) had been practising for.

"Oh, hush...isn't that basically just dodgeball on trampolines?" Ray asked his girlfriend, who was standing just to his right so she could observe what he was doing.

"Pretty much. It's actually kinda fun, once you get used to the bouncing." She replied happily, but her smile turned into a grimace as the hotdog was crammed into Schwoz's upper nasal cavity. Geez, that looked awful and she was sure that her method was a lot better.

"Wait, wait, who's the other player on your team?" Henry suddenly questioned, having realised that with (y/n), Jasper still had one spot available for someone to make up the numbers and his friend hadn't mentioned anyone else.

"Well, obviously, one is (y/n) 'cause I asked her earlier this week..." Jasper started, making Henry look over to the young woman, who smiled when she heard her name.

"I wouldn't have thought (y/n/n) would want to play Dodge-a-Leen," Henry commented, knowing that although she wasn't a stick-in-the-mud, the woman was too reserved for something like that. It was a Jasper thing, not a (y/n) thing, but then again, sometimes people surprise you.

"Well, she's fast and flexible, which makes her harder to hit and she's surprisingly vicious," Jasper replied, making (y/n) blush lightly when she recalled how competitive she got when out on the trampoline. Having some hero skills were good, but using her inner rage to blast the balls at their opponents was better.

"Yeah, don't mess with me." She jokingly threatened the teens, although everyone knew that unless you were a villain or asshole, she was perfectly lovely to be around, which was why Ray loved her so much. Sweet but feisty, that was his girl.

"Tell him who you want your third member of your Dodge-a-Leen team to be." Charlotte sighed, knowing that Ray would flip his lid when he heard all about Jasper's hair-brained idea. If (y/n) didn't like it, then he certainly wouldn't, mainly because it was filthy cheating and carried the huge risk of exposing Henry as Kid Danger.

"Well...he's about this tall..." Jasper put his hand on top of Henry's head, making the kid laugh at his best friend's antics. Jasper was such a goof sometimes.

"All right, I get it." Henry shook his head, but Jasper wasn't finished yet. Flattery always sweetened the deal and he really wanted to have him on his team because it would make them invincible.

"He's handsome..." He smirked, playing to Henry's ego. He wasn't a vain boy, but he was very aware that he was a good-looking guy and sometimes, it went to his head.

"Oh, god, stop! I can't take this anymore!" Charlotte groaned as she endured Jasper and his incessant need to drag things out. That and hearing about Henry's handsomeness; it was just too much to bear.

"So, will you be on my team?" Jasper looked to his friend eagerly, who was on board with the entire thing. A spot of friendly competition with two of his friends? That sounded like his kinda weekend activity.

"Yeah, sure, man, it sounds fun." Henry clasped Jasper's hand and the two walked across the Man Cave excitedly. Great, they were an unstoppable team now.

"I know! 'Cause with your new superpower, your hyper-modiddidly—" Jasper squealed, not knowing what Henry's crazy-fast reflexes were actually called. Something fancy that had gone over his head.

"Hyper-motility." (y/n) corrected him, rolling her eyes playfully at his poor pronunciation. Honestly, it was like everything she said was just gobbledygook.

"Yeah, yeah. With your insane hand speed and foot speed, the other teams won't be able to land a ball on you." Jasper smirked, thinking that his team were gonna be the winners for sure. Nothing could go wrong.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa."
"Wait a minute." (y/n) and Charlotte interrupted their excitement with some wise apprehension. Why was it the boys never saw all the things that could go wrong with their dumb plan but they could? It always left the girls to be the cautious ones.

"Ugh, all right okay. Let me guess, you have some reason why this is bad or wrong or dangerous or too much fun." Henry scoffed at them, not believing that they were cramping their style again. (y/n) was in on it for god's sake, surely she wanted him on her team so she could win, right?

"I'm sorry, but this plan includes all of those." She shrugged, folding her arms sternly so the boys could see that she meant business.

"Uh, I have a reason. Henry's superpower is for fighting crime, not for bouncing and dodging balls." Ray butted in, strolling up behind his girl since he had finished assaulting Schwoz. He wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his chin on top of her head, making her lean back into him happily. He had a point too, it was way too dangerous to let Henry use his power in front of everyone, especially with no mask.

"Yeah, he can't use his superpower to win competitions," Charlotte added, thinking that it was hugely unfair to the other teams and if they got caught, they would have to contend with more than getting disqualified. getting fired was more likely.

"It's just too reckless, guys." (y/n) sighed, admitting to herself that it would be nice to have the advantage, but she knew that her boyfriend's secret life came first. If any of their secrets got out, she didn't know what they'd do.

"You're both fun squashers." Jasper sulked and Henry agreed with him. When Charlotte and (y/n) were around, they often worked together to be the biggest killjoys they could in their eyes, but they just played it safe.

"Hey! I'm tons of fun. The actual funnest." The young woman whined moodily, throwing a small tantrum at being called boring. Safety isn't boring, but at least her whinging got her a kiss on the cheek from her loving boyfriend.

"Okay, you better take that back," Charlotte warned Jasper, feeling just as offended as her older friend. She could have a good time, she just didn't like it when there was more peril than fun.

"No." Jasper refused. He loved Charlotte, she was one of his best friends, but she could be a Debbie-downer sometimes.

"Or when you ask me to be on your team, I'm gonna say no." She smirked, knowing that if Henry wasn't allowed to play, then the next person Jasper would ask was her. It was slightly evil, but it was all in good fun.

"I take it back." Jasper suddenly realised that she was right. He did want her on his team and pissing her off wasn't going to get him anywhere.

"Good." She smiled, thinking that Jasper had fallen right into her trap. She hated sports, so why the hell would he think she'd agree anyway?

"Will you be on my team?"
"No." Well, that was that over quickly. Charlotte was brutal with her snappy response and it made the lovey-dovey couple next to her chuckle when Jasper clenched his teeth at her trickery.

"Sorry, kid...All right, Schwoz, I want you to keep those hot dogs up your nose for another—" Ray turned to look at his repairman, but was annoyed to see that the greedy man had already scoffed both sausages.

"Ew, Schwoz! Did you really eat those bloody nose hot dogs?!" (y/n) gagged at the thought as she and Ray wandered over to the bashfully smirking man. She was glad that she still had an arm around her shoulders, otherwise, she might have lost her nerve and puked.

"I'll never tell." Schwoz giggled like a child who had been caught misbehaving and everyone retched when they realised that yes, he had eaten two blood and snot-covered sausages. Only Schwoz...

~The next day, House Of Tramp~

It was the big day; the day where every budding Dodge-a-Leen team were gathering to prove that they were the best in Swellview. (y/n) was surprised to see how many people had turned up and was a little nervous when she saw how good some people were. With Henry being a no-go, Jasper had roped in some dopey kid that he knew, Oliver Something, but he was worse than useless and could barely see a hand in front of his face, let alone a dodgeball rocketing towards him.

"Okay, coming up next, we got the Jumpin' Jaspers, who'll be going up against the Bilsky Bouncers." Announced the organiser and Henry and Charlotte eagerly awaited the friends' team. Don't ask about the name, you can guess who came up with it.

"Yeah, that's right! I'm Mitch and I'm back. The Mitch is back!" Mitch Bilsky strolled into the foyer, making Henry frown. Since when did he go away?

"Back from what?" The blond boy asked, catching Mitch off-guard. He just wanted to sound cool in front of all the girls present, not that he ever could. Girls don't like brain-dead bullies.

"Back from, uh...shut up, Hart!" He hissed at Henry when he realised that he had no answer. Now, he looked like an idiot, but that wasn't Henry's fault. He naturally looked like an idiot, especially when he spitefully chucked some poor kid's popcorn in his face.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the room, the Jumpin' Jaspers were stretching and warming up for their first match. Mitch's team had power behind their throws, well, you don't have arms that size and be poor at throwing, it just didn't happen. However, they were fast, sneaky, and intelligent, something that Mitch struggled with.

"Hey, guys. I'm ready to play." Oliver dopily told (y/n) and Jasper as he munched on a candy bar, which made the two friends look at each other with concerned faces. Was this guy for real?

"Uh, son, you don't eat stuff before a match. That's how you get cramp." (y/n) warned him, worried that his foolishness was going to cost them the match if he had to go off because of his stomach. Seriously, where did Jasper find this kid? Surely, they could do better than this.

"Don't tell me how to live my life." Oliver frowned and took another bite from his chocolate. (y/n) backed off with an eye roll, leaving the boy to his own devices. If he mucked this up for them, she wasn't going to be very happy.

"Jasper, a word, please." The young woman grabbed the hem of Jasper's blue team shirt and yanked him further into the corner. Oliver wouldn't hear, she was certain of that. The kid could barely spell his own name.

"Yeah, what's up?" He smiled at her, but he could tell that she was having doubts about the final member of their team.

"When I said find us a third teammate, I meant find someone who has more than two brain cells." She hissed, making Jasper chuckle nervously. That was an overreaction, Oliver would be fine. Hopefully.

"Oh, come on, he's not that bad!" He told her, putting a comforting hand on her shoulder to reassure her that even with Oliver's stupidity, they'd be the victors of this round.

"He's eating the candy wrapper, for Christ's sake!" She grabbed his shoulders and forced the teen to turn around to see that she was right; Oliver was not only eating the sweet candy, he was also nibbling on the plastic film around it like it was just as delicious. And to make matters worse, they watched in horror as an orange dodgeball came soaring through the air and hit Oliver on the back of the head, making him choke violently.

"Hey, who threw that ball?" Jasper asked accusingly as (y/n) dashed over to stop Oliver from turning blue. Mitch and his friends shrugged innocently, but the whole room had a sneaking suspicion that they were the saboteurs. Everyone apart from them were clean, fair players.

"Okay, both teams ready!" An official came out from behind the curtain and expected the Bilsky Bouncers and Jumpin' Jaspers ready for action, but the latter had a small problem.

"Okay, don't panic, I've got you!" (y/n) soothed Oliver as the poor kid struggled for breath. God, she wanted to...step on Mitch Bilsky for this. Yeah, Oliver was irritating and competitions often got fierce, but this was ridiculous and a life or death situation.

"Hey, what's going on?!" Henry came sprinting over to his friends as the young woman attempted the Heimlich Manoeuvre on Oliver, but the candy chunk just wouldn't budge.

"I can't get him to stop choking!" She replied and Jasper thumped his flat palm against his acquaintance's back. God, his lips were starting to change colour and his gasps were getting weaker.

"Oliver!" Jasper gasped as the boy's knees lost all their strength and he flopped onto the floor, coughing once before laying there lifeless. Well, this wasn't good.

"Christ, he's not dead, is he?" (y/n) asked, nudging Oliver's arm with her sneaker. Mitch was laughing the entire time, making her tense in anger and it seemed like the referee was just as uncaring.

"Hey! You guys got three players ready to go or not?" He asked Jasper and (y/n), not caring that a suffocating boy was laying at his feet. Geez, some people just have no heart.

"Uh, one sec!" Jasper pushed Henry away from the crowd for a moment as (y/n) looked around at everyone with a nervous smile. Thank god Charlotte had gone to the bathroom because she would get it in the neck for allowing what Jasper was thinking.

"Henry, you have to join our team!" Jasper whispered to Henry, who blanched at the suggestion and the way (y/n) nodded enthusiastically. Since when was she such a rule-breaker?

"Dude, I totally would, but Ray said I can't use my superpower for stuff like this." He pointed out that Captain Man had given him some stern instructions and he didn't want to risk his job by ignoring them.

"Henry, Ray's not here! And I've found that what he doesn't know won't hurt him!" (y/n) exclaimed in a hushed tone. She knew it was risky and that Ray would kill her if he found out, but goddamn it, she wanted to play some Dodge-a-Leen and they need a third player.

"Charlotte is!" Henry pointed to the girl's bathroom, where his judgy friend was moments away from coming out. He was certain that she'd grass on him to Ray as soon as they went back to work and then he, Jasper and (y/n) would be in deep shit.

"So?" Jasper frowned, not seeing why Henry was letting a girl half his size have so much power over him.

"So, you know she's gonna give me that look," Henry replied and (y/n) knew exactly what he was talking about. Everyone had been given "the look" before and it always dug into their hearts.

"What look?" Jasper asked and Henry and (y/n) put their hand on a jutted-out hip so they could imitate how Charlotte stared and judged them.

"Um, are we gonna play Dodge-a-Leen, babe, are you just gonna stand here and chat with these morons?" (y/n) clenched her jaw when a pair of calloused, pudgy hands roughly grasped her shoulders and she felt the breath of someone standing way too close on the back of her neck. Mitch.

"Call me babe again and it will take a very good surgeon three or fours hours to retrieve the ball from up your ass." She hissed, stepping forward so she could wrench herself from his grasp. How he thought that he stood a chance with her was beyond her understanding.

"Aw, babe. Don't be like that, you can join my team and know what it's like to be with a winner." He smirked, clearly thinking that he was God's gift to women or something since he couldn't take no for an answer.

"Your stupidity is cute but I have a boyfriend." She gave him a sarcastically sweet smile as Jasper and Henry stood with her shoulder-to-shoulder and glared at the bully who was mocking them.

"Ooh, I have a boyfriend, I have a boyfriend! A-dug-dug-da-dug-dug!" The three frowned at Mitch's weird dance and song, thinking that he was making himself seem more idiotic even though he was trying to make them feel bad. What a cock.

"All right. Let's dodge some balls." Henry nodded to Jasper, who grinned excitedly at Henry's eagerness to show Mitch who was boss. (y/n) laughed happily and they followed Mitch and his pack of cackling hyenas through to the arena, all intent on wiping the floor with their moronic opponents.


The stage was set and Henry, Jasper and (y/n) had lined up along the trampoline so they could square off against the opposite them. In a sunken pit in between, there were two officials, who both had keen eyes for spotting any cheating, but hopefully, they would have never seen anything quite like hyper-motility.

"If you get hit with a ball, you're out! If you throw a ball and your opponent catches it, you're out! When all three team members are out, you lose! When I say dodge, you dodge! All right, here we go...Dodge!!!!" And so, it began. With the simple rules in mind, Henry, Jasper and (y/n) grabbed the dodgeballs that fell from the ceiling and began to throw them with all their might.

It was pretty intense to say it was supposed to be a bit of weekend fun, probably because Mitch's team were throwing them like steel balls firing from a cannon. Poor Jasper was too slow to avoid all of them, especially when he was singled out as the slowest of the three.

"You're out!" The ref shouted when he saw Jasper take a dodgeball to the chest and the boy sadly accepted defeat. Well, at least he gave it his best go. Charlotte had since returned from the bathroom and was puzzled to find that Henry had abandoned his drink and wandered off. She peered around the foyer for him and her jaw hit the ground when she looked up to one of the TV's around the room and saw him in the thick of a match. That sneaky little...and (y/n) had allowed it! What cheek!

"Dang it!" The young woman cursed when Mitch landed a harsh blow on her face, resulting in her being forced to bow out. She had a suspicion that it was a targeted assault for insulting him earlier, but she wasn't going to throw a hissy fit. It was all up to Henry now and the tension was high since it was three on one.

"Nailed 'im!" Mitch ordered his goons and Henry bounced lightly from side to side as they each threw several balls at him. It was hyper-motility time. Each dodgeball that came his way was swiftly dodged and no matter what trick they pulled, the Bilsky Bouncers just couldn't catch him out. But Henry could catch them out; the next time Mitch's friends threw their balls at him, he caught them with lightning speed, making them all gawp at his insane reflexes.

"You're gone and you're gone!" The ref ordered the two off of their trampoline, making Jasper and (y/n) smile gleefully when they saw how unbeatable Henry was. Charlotte, on the other hand, was tutting and shaking her head at the monitor as she watched her friend's blatant cheating. Ray was gonna hear about this, or she'd at least give them "the look".

"And now it's down to one against one!" The officials announced and the rival boys put their game heads on. Everyone watched with bated breath as Mitch hopped from foot to foot and Henry kicked a red ball from the trampoline and straight into Mitch's face, knocking the bully onto his back. That's what he got for calling him and his best friend morons and hitting on (y/n), jerk.

"Game!!" The ref called it and the Jumpin' Jaspers erupted into cheers as they realised that Henry had done it! He'd successfully beaten all of the Bilsky Bouncers by himself. Nice one.

"And the Jumpin' Jasper's advance to the next round!" The announcer exclaimed over the tannoy and Jasper and (y/n) ran onto the trampoline to congratulate their teammate.

"You were incredible, Hen!" The young woman cried as she wrapped Henry in a joyous hug. God, it felt like they were flying and it was nice to just enjoy the moment.

"Next round, baby!" Jasper exclaimed as they bounced around their trampoline, unaware that Charlotte was on the warpath after witnessing the entire match.

"Yeah, round two, baby! Yeah!" Henry grinned, but it soon died when he noticed that "the look" was being sent his way by an angry, dark-haired girl.

"Oh my god, that was great!" Jasper gasped, having not seen that they had company and Henry tapped his friends nervously to tell them that they might have been in trouble.

"Oh shit, there's the look." (y/n) gulped at Charlotte's judgemental stare and their guilt grew even more when she slowly shook her head. She really was a killjoy at times, but holy shit, what would Ray say?

~Back in the Man Cave~

Seriously, though, how mad would Ray be when he found out? With Charlotte staying quiet and not being on their backs to ruin the mood, Henry, Jasper and (y/n) had fallen back into their excited states. They couldn't help but get all giddy when Jasper began retelling the match's events with such vigour and splendour.

"No, no, no, the best part was the look on their faces when you dodged all those balls, like waaaah! H'yaahhh!" Jasper exclaimed energetically as the four friends stepped out of the elevator, but not even his enthusiasm could get Charlotte to crack a smile.

"No, no, the best part was when Henry kicked the ball into Mitch's face and he was all, ahhhhhhh!" (y/n) giggled, demonstrating how slack-jawed Mitch was when the ball collided with his nose. She was so caught up in her happiness that she hadn't noticed her handsome boyfriend descending from the sprocket, having heard their rowdy arrival.

"Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah!" The boys loudly agreed, making Ray grin at how happy they all were. It must've been a good afternoon and he loved how his girl's face was flushed from the high emotion of it all. Her smile spread to his face and he was yearning to hear all about her day.

"Hey, guys!" He greeted them happily, making the three champions grow quiet when they saw that their boss had come to see them. Oh, crap, they couldn't let him know! Thinking quickly, Jasper and Henry elbowed (y/n) so she'd go and distract her boyfriend for five seconds whilst they thought of something to say.

"Hey, doofus." Not missing a beat, (y/n) stepped towards where her boyfriend was sitting on the back of the couch and smiled when he welcomed her into his embrace. Hopping onto the couch cushion and standing in between his legs, she gave him a soft kiss to greet him after not seeing him for a few hours. Ray happily relished in her affection as Charlotte waited patiently for the truth to come out because she knew that even though she would've happily done it all day, (y/n) couldn't kiss Ray forever.

"I missed you." The woman teased her boyfriend in a silly voice once she had pulled back and she had hoped that he'd focus on her and not the boys behind her. However, Ray was way too invested in hearing about whatever they found so interesting, so he just pulled her snug against his chest and smiled at Henry and Jasper.

"What are you guys laughing about?" He asked them, making them all panic as they struggled to think of a lie. (y/n) buried her face into Ray's neck and braced herself for the oncoming storm.

"Oh, uh, just uhhhh..."
"We were just like..."
"I texted him...and I didn't see him...
"And I was like, ohhhh, you doing?" Well, that was painful to listen to. Charlotte was smirking at their struggles and (y/n) cringed with every syllable that came out of their mouths because Ray was not buying it.

"Okay, I feel like something is goin' on here and you guys don't wanna tell me what it is," Ray said to the boys, looking between them and the sweet girl in his arms, which made them all squirm awkwardly.

"No, no. We're fine, you're fine, everything's fine..." (y/n) chuckled nervously, stepping back awkwardly and pulling her sleeves over her hands, an anxious habit that wasn't missed by her boyfriend. Yeah, something was definitely and her leaving his embrace was another tell-tale sign.

"Sweet girl..." He grumbled at her, making her knees quiver at his baritone voice. She had to stay strong, she had to stay strong, no giving in, even though his throaty voice was making her tummy glow with desire.

"I have nothing to hide..." She gulped down the lump in her throat and firmly stood her ground, resisting the smouldering gaze that was hungrily trailing up and down her figure. She knew what he was trying to do and she swore that no matter what, she would resist. Seeing that it wasn't working, Ray switched tactics and instead, gave Jasper a menacing glare, causing the boy to shiver in fear. Oh no, the Captain Man glower, it struck terror into the hearts of all who saw it and Jasper was no exception.

"I didn't mean to do anything bad!" He caved, running from Henry and (y/n)'s side so he could beg for finiteness in front of his boss. Talk about letting the side down, come on.

"Wait, Jasper, don't—" Henry tried to stop him from ratting them out, but Jasper wasn't a liar, especially to someone like Captain Man. It just wasn't in his nature to tell fibs.

"Oliver choked on a food bar and (y/n) couldn't help him, so he passed out!" He rambled, letting it all fall from his lips, much to Charlotte's amusement and Henry's horror.

"Stop talking!" (y/n) hissed to the curly-haired boy, but he was on motor-mouth mode and nothing could stop the truth flowing from his mouth.

"So we either had to forfeit or ask Henry to play!" Jasper continued, making it worse with every passing word. Well, the worst was out now and judging by the deepening frown on Ray's face, this wasn't going to end well.

"Ah, nice job." Henry sighed as (y/n) facepalmed and flopped her head down onto the boy's shoulder. Well, that's it, goodbye job, hello unemployment.

"I know Henry wasn't supposed to use his hyper-motility to play Dodge-a-Leen, but he said he would play and we won, but now I'm scared of the consequences!" Jasper squeezed out the last of the story and backed away so he could sit down on the opposite side of the couch, where (y/n) was ready to put a tense hand on his shoulder.

"Well done, Jasp. You've killed us." She retorted, swallowing at the sight of Ray's stern face. She was supposed to be the responsible one, but she had let the boys carry her morality away with their recklessness and she had directly disobeyed his orders. Shit on it.

"Henry, did you seriously use your superpower to win a game of dodgeball played on trampolines?" Ray stood up and frowned at his sidekick. He couldn't believe this tall tale about him being so irresponsible, but it was the truth, they had lived dangerously for one afternoon.

"Yeah. Yeah, I did, okay?" Henry shrugged, thinking that it was too late to continue the lie now, but his honesty had dropped (y/n) in it too.

"Wha—I—ah! (y/n), how could you allow this to happen?!" Ray frowned at his girlfriend, who held her hands up in surrender.

"Okay, yes! Guilty as charged, I wanted to win so I let Jasper rope in Henry because I'm a terrible person." She confessed, hiding her nerves with a small dash of humour. She thought it would have been fine because she didn't know that Jasper cracked under interrogation, what a rookie mistake.

"Well, you're the responsible one!" Her boyfriend grumbled, feeling all moody that she had let herself go at the expense of risking their livelihoods. It had worked out fine this time, but next time, they might not be so lucky.

"I'm sorry...I just wanted to help Jasper win." She apologised softly and chastely pecked his cheek to show him that she meant it. She hated it when he was mad with her and her tender touch melted away his anger. He could never stay mad for long.

"Okay, you promise to never do it again?" He sighed, pulling her into his side to make her smile. He could let it go just this once and she released a breath she didn't know she was holding when she realised that.

"No, I'm doin' it again tomorrow," Henry replied, ruining the happy mood that (y/n) brought to Ray. Well, that was all her hard work ruined.

"What? Tomorrow?" Ray exclaimed and his girl could feel the way his entire body went rock hard with frustration. He was giving them a chance to redeem their actions and they were throwing it back in his face, why?

"With all due respect, you're not the boss of me when I'm not working, so..." Henry trailed off, making (y/n) gulp at the harsh reality of what he was saying. Not wanting to be in the middle of their alpha-male squaring off, she ducked out from Ray's embrace and fled for the safety of the couch, where she could watch with Charlotte and Jasper.

"Oh...okay, I see...Okay, well, you just keep on playin' then." Ray awkwardly patted Henry's shoulders and acted like he wasn't mad. He was furious that his sidekick thought that when he was just another regular citizen, he didn't have the same responsibilities, but his plan needed time, so he would wait patiently.

"Really? I mean, you're cool with it?" Henry looked at the large man in surprise, having expected him to fly off the handle at his insubordination.

"No...but you just keep on playin'," Ray whispered mysteriously and began to walk backwards, so he could leave Henry in the dark.

"What does that mean?" The boy asked, his friends behind him frowning too at Ray's odd behaviour.

"Nothing..." Ray smiled bitterly and carefully made his way up the steps of the tube area, intent on disappearing behind the corner.

"Seriously, Ray, what does it mean?" (y/n) yelled at him from the couch, rolling her eyes a little at his dramatic behaviour He was planning something, she could tell, but he wouldn't give away any clues.

"Nothin'! Okay?" He hissed and disappeared into the back of the Man Cave, leaving them all bewildered. They weren't sure if this was him being childish or if he genuinely had an agenda/score to settle.

~The next day, House of Tramp~

Oh, he definitely had an agenda. Not wanting to let Henry get away with missing his superpower, Ray had convinced and dragged Schwoz and Charlotte to where the final round was being held and his plan was simple. Dress up in silly costumes and beat the Jumpin's Jaspers at their own game.

From his wisdom, Bro Force One was born and Ray had donned a stupid blond wig and a dumb "teenage" voice to convince the officials that they were all competing. Schwoz was sporting a sleeveless shirt and man-bun combo, whilst Charlotte, well, she just looked so done with everything.

"Whoa, yeah, man, this must be the place!" Teenage Ray laughed as he and Schwoz swaggered into the lobby, both of them trying to be all hip and down with the kids, but they just looked ridiculous.

"This sure must be the place." Schwoz agreed as Charlotte trudged in after them, her hair in two silly bunches. This was not how she wanted to spend her day, dressed in purple and following these two clowns around.

"How did my life become this?" She asked them sarcastically, thinking back to the days before she got her job, way back when she didn't have to go through crap like this.

"Look, we need to teach Henry a lesson so he'll never misuse..." Ray sighed and began to lecture her on why they were doing the crap, but then he saw a referee walking past and remembered that they needed to get signed up if that was possible.

"Uh, you...Miss Dude. Yo, Miss Dude." He greeted the woman like the average teenager, making the woman slowly look up at the weirdo in front of her.

"Yes?" She asked sharply, wanting to focus on her paperwork, not some loonies who were clearly not teenagers like they were trying to pass off as.

"Uh, we wanna enter the Dodge-a-Leen tournament," Ray said huskily, pulling all sorts of strange faces as he pretended to be fifteen.

"Yah, baby. We are excited to throw some balls at other peoples." Schwoz giggled in a deep voice, trying to be all macho like the boys he saw in the street were. He could be like them, easy peasy, squeeze the lemon.

"Well, sorry, but if you wanted to be in the tournament, you had to sign up by last Friday." The woman told them and tried to walk away, but Ray wasn't going to give up that easily. He had to get into the match.

"Uh, like...we get that, but—" He stuttered, but Schowz jumped in front of him, ready to switch on his old Schwoz charm, which was famous for never working.

"Hey, hey, hey. Soooo, maybe you will let us play in the tournament if we bribe you with this money." He smirked, holding a crisp fifty-dollar bill under the woman's nose. Well, it was clever, totally immoral, but hey, everyone has a price.

"Oh, good lord." Charlotte groaned, not believing that they were stooping so low just to get into some dumb contest to beat Henry. Couldn't they just take his phone off of him or something?

"All right, c' uh, why don't I take this and here are some passes. Now, go sign in and you can play." The woman accepted the bribe and handed each of them a slip that would get them into the match. Maybe the old Schwoz charm does work sometimes.

"Thanks, uh, but first..." With the passes in hand, Schwoz now needed to get his money back. Taking out his laser remote, he fired a laser at the official and she passed out on the floor, allowing him to snatch his fifty dollars from her hand.

"Schwoz!" Ray hissed as he and Charlotte quickly looked around the room to see if anyone saw that. Thank god the woman had fallen behind the snack counter so she was hidden from view.

"Look, now we have the passes and we have our money back!" He giggled, thinking that everything was under control, even though anyone who went looking for the woman would now find her snoozing in a dead sleep.

"What was the point of the bribe?!" Ray asked him quietly, thinking that it would've been best to cut out the middle man and just knock her out first.

"What do you mean?" The genius frowned, wondering why they were getting so worked up over nothing.

"If you were gonna zap her, you coulda just done that in the first place and then taken the passes," Ray exclaimed, hating that they had been morally dubious twice when only one bad action would have sufficed.

"So your bribe was just a waste of time." Charlotte finished and Ray agreed. Honestly, Schwoz was such an idiot sometimes and it was so frustrating when he didn't take the time to think things through.

"Eh, next time." He shrugged and waddled off happily, counting his money. Ray and Charlotte rapidly followed after him, not wanting to be the closest people to an unconscious woman.

Meanwhile, the Jumpin' Jaspers were walking into the building, only Jasper had made a fashion choice that made it really hard for (y/n) to look at him. She could see his belly button and everything.

"Let's do this!" The curly-haired boy exclaimed and raised his arms so the crop top he had decided to wear rode up to his torso, making the young woman feel a bit uncomfortable.

"God, will you say something to him?" She asked Henry, not liking that Jasper was flaunting his stomach when she was around. She didn't know why, but it felt weird and she would feel a lot better if he just wore a normal t-shirt.

"Yeah, Jasper, buddy. Will you please put on a shirt that goes all the way down to your pants?" Henry begged Jasper. He too found it weird to see Jasper in a crop top and couldn't see why he would even think that it was a good idea in the first place.

"Why? We're in round two! And this'll show 'em that we play to win." He smirked proudly, not caring that if a dodgeball hit him, the smooth plastic would sting his skin.

"Jasper, all that it will show them is that you like to get your belly button out!" (y/n) pinched her nose, not believing that the kid was actually serious about competing like that.

"Just—oh, what is this?" Henry was about to scold his best friend a little more until he noticed three, very familiar weirdos sitting at the bar. They wouldn't, would they? He knew Ray was angry, but turning up at the match as a fake team? That was extreme.

"Jasp, go sign us in." (y/n) flatly told the teen behind her, sharing a look with Henry that told him that she had spotted the problem too. She had wondered why Ray had jumped out of bed so quickly that morning and had been disappointed when all her tricks and temptations to lure him back to bed had failed. Now, she knew it was because he was getting his damn wig on straight.

"Sure thing." Jasper smiled at his teammates and wandered off to find the registration point, not caring about the weird stares he got from the adults and kids drinking their sodas and milkshakes. As they were now alone, Henry and (y/n) walked up behind their sneaking friends and internally groaned when, on closer inspection, they saw that it was certainly Schwoz, Charlotte and Ray at the snack bar.

"Uh, heyyyy," Henry called out to them, making all three turn around slowly on their stools. Wow, they thought they were so cool.

"Whoaaaa, check out the competition. She's pretty fineeee!" Ray smirked and nudged Schwoz, causing (y/n) to roll her eyes and bite her lip to stop herself from laughing. God, he was such a dork.

"Yah, look who it is! That guy and girl!" Schwoz's smug face made Henry look at him with a blank expression, similar to the one that Charlotte was wearing. She just wanted to drink her soda in peace and not play any dodgeball.

"I'd rather be anywhere but here." She deadpanned, her lips twitching down slightly into a frown, showing the two-thirds of the Jumpin' Jaspers that she had been recruited against her will.

"Okay, what are you guys doin', will you get outta here?" Henry asked them, thinking that if they were gonna do what he thought they were gonna do, there'd be hell to pay.

"Whoaaaa, no can do, broseph!" Ray squinted at Henry with a confused face, still using his teen voice gene though he didn't have to.

"Yahhh, you better check your privilege," Schwoz added, trying to use all the slang and words that the kids on the street were using. It didn't help that he was twenty years too old to understand any of it and when he had that dumb topknot, he was an even bigger weirdo than he usually was.

"You better check your brain because I think it's missing! And you do not suit being blond!" (y/n) exclaimed in exasperation, hating that they were making themselves look like idiots just to prove a point. Ray looked like he had a dead animal on his head and she was starting to miss his usual brown floppiness.

"Why are you guys doin' here?" Henry repeated, wanting an actual answer this time and not some bullshit teen-speak.

"To make sure you don't win this competition by misusing your superpower." Ray jumped off his barstool and wrapped his arm around Henry's shoulders so he could whisper the last part. That's what this was about, showing the boy that even when he was being a normal kid, he had to be responsible with his hero stuff.

"Oh, really? And how are you gonna do that? Y'know, (y/n) can resist that weird look you give her when you want to f—" Henry scoffed, puffing out his chest in defiance. He didn't care what Ray thought, he was winning this thing with his friends, end of.

"Okay, thank you, Henry!" The young woman stopped him before the whole building what she and Ray did behind closed doors, her face warming up from the kid's nonchalant attitude. Yeah, they did it, but did he have to say it out loud?

"Well, if you don't quit and drop out, we're gonna have to beat you." Ray leaned against the bar and smirked. (y/n)'s red face was cute and Henry's offended, gobsmacked expression was amusing to him, but the Jumpin' Jaspers weren't gonna give up like that.

"Oh, really? Well, my reflexes are about a hundred times faster than yours, you gonna do that?" It was Henry's turn to gloat and he and (y/n) high-fived each other when Bro Force One took a second to think of an answer.

"Easy. With this!" Ray pulled a glove onto his hand and waved it about in front of their faces. It was obviously one of Schwoz's inventions if the flashing circuitry was anything to go by, but the woman and boy weren't afraid.

"Oh, wow, I'm so impressed. Are you gonna mesmerise us into defeat, doofus?" (y/n) replied flatly, not even flinching when Ray wiggled her fingers near her eyes. She couldn't give a shit about whatever they were planning on using because she was confident that Henry's superpower would be able to beat it.

"No! By using this special glove that Schwoz made." Ray bragged about the wicked invention, whilst Charlotte sulked that she hadn't received anything. Seriously, she was on the verge of just walking out because obviously, she was just there to make up the numbers.

"What makes that glove so special?" Henry asked, wondering what wizardry Schowz had created this time. Machines were never better than some good old-fashioned superpower skill.

"Well, let's just makes a person throw balls a little faster than normal. Observe..." Ray smirked and grabbed a red dodgeball that was laying about on the counter. The poor woman whom Schwoz had knocked out earlier was only just coming to and when Ray threw the ball at the doors, it hurtled into Oliver Pook's face and then ricocheted back across the room and into hers. Those two really couldn't catch a break recently.

"Jesus, Ray, you've knocked them out cold!" (y/n) gasped when she watched both Oliver and the official collapse from the blow and neither of them got back up. Oops.

"Impressive...but uh, my hyper-motility still makes me a little bit faster than you," Henry admitted that the invention was interesting, but the competition was about dodging just as much as throwing and no glove would help Ray, Schwoz or Charlotte do that.

"You're not that fast." Ray scoffed, thinking Henry was letting his new ability go to his head, but he wasn't joking.

"Well, then, how did he pull Schwoz's pants down without you three noticing?" (y/n) chuckle and everyone looked at the genius to see that his hairy legs and underwear were on show, leaving Ray gobsmacked.

"See you guys on the tramps," Henry smirked and walked past his stunned boss, making sure to calmly pat him on the shoulder as he went, but (y/n) lingered for just a few minutes.

"I don't wanna see this!" Charlotte gagged and rushed off to anywhere where there were no foreign men with their pants around their ankles.

"I will be right back..." Schwoz giggled nervously and shuffled off to a quiet corner where he could readjust his clothing, leaving (y/n) and her idea alone with Ray.

"I love you." She told him cutely and stood on her tiptoes to give him a quick kiss that left him dying for more, but when he tried to go deeper, she pulled back mischievously.

"I love you too. Now, let me kiss you, sweet girl." He mumbled, intent on finding her honeyed lips again, but a finger against his stopped him from pursuing his desires. His eyelids that had been fluttering shut snapped open again to see that she was giving him a smile that suggested that she wanted to toy with him.

"I've had an idea." She whispered against his lips, allowing his hands to roam about her curves since they were in a secluded corner and most people were now gathering near the TVs to watch the match.

"What's that?" He asked, feeling his heart pound in his ears and his lower half surge with desire when her tongue dashed out to moisten her lips so tantalising close to his. All he could do was cup her ass and pull her closer so she could feel his growing hardness pressed against her.

"Let's make this more interesting. If you win, you can do anything you like to me tonight." She smirked when his hand kneaded her flesh tightly as her words took effect. It was a very tempting offer yet he felt like there was a catch.

"But?..." He trailed off, happier to run his lips along her jaw and under her ear, tearing a sharp gasp from her throat when he nipped at the skin there. She felt him smile against her neck as he moved down, biting as he went, but she was the one who still held the reigns.

"But, if I win, it's the other way around." (y/n) let her words wash over him and before he could blink, her lips and teeth were on his skin, drawing a deep growl from his chest when her tongue poked out taste him. Could he agree to that? He so loved pinning her down and taking whatever the fuck he wanted from her, pleasuring her with strong thrusts and wandering hands, so it was always torturous when he had to lie back and take her teasing like a good boy. Each swivel of her hips and the way she threw her head back to howl at the sky was glorious to witness, but when she slowed down just to drag him away from his fall into bliss, it always made him wish he had been the one to tie her hands to the bedposts.

"You think you'll be able to handle it when I win and get to have my way with you?" He chuckled darkly into her hair, only to choke up when she bit down gently against his collarbone. It was a shame that neither of them could leave a mark on the other's skin, but hearing his confident words dry up in his throat was good enough for her.

"Watch me win and you'll know what it's like to have me on top in more ways than one." She teased him with a smirk and the trailing of her hand down her torso on the pretence that she was straightening out her shirt. Ray's eyes rolled upwards as he tried to suppress all his urges to drag her off to the janitor's closet and show her what happened when she left him so needy, but there was no time.

"Come on, they're waiting..." She laughed, her mirthful eyes watching the way he had to take a minute to calm himself down. She'd meet him in there and when she sauntered off, she made sure to sway her hips, because she damn well knew that he was looking at her ass as she walked away


"Okay, we're down to just six teams for this years Dodge-a-Leen tournament. First up, we got the Jumpin' Jaspers playing against the Dodger Dolls." The announcer's voice came out over the tannoy and Bro Force One watched intensely as their rivals began to bounce around the arena. They shook their heads when they saw how Henry was clearly using his hyper-motility to his advantage and Ray clenched his jaw when the camera just so happened to focus on (y/n). God, he really didn't need to see her boobs bouncing around right now, he was tense enough as it was.

"You lose!" The ref cried as the blue team hoarded the balls and then threw six at once, eliminating every Dodger Doll at once. The match didn't last long, but they never stood a chance against the Jumpin' Jaspers in the first place.

"And the Jumpin' Jaspers advance. Now, we've got the Smackmasters against Bro Force One!" Henry, Jasper and (y/n) moved off of their trampoline after a quick group celebration, leaving Ray's team to move into the arena with their opponents. The superhero swiftly activated his special glove, just in time for the all-important word, "dodge!"

Immediately, Schwoz took the coward's way out and dropped the floor with his hands and legs in the air. It was his surrender pose and it made him look like he was playing dead, which was highly amusing for the kids watch, but not very helpful for his team.

"You're out!" The referee yelled as Ray rocketed a ball at a girl's leg. Charlotte was happy for him to do all the work and she stayed bouncing, only moving to avoid getting hit.

"You're out!" Another sharp hit left a boy on the sidelines and one final throw from Ray kicked the final Smackmaster down before he could even throw a dodgeball.

"You lose!" The official sent the Smackmasters off the court as Ray celebrated his triumph, although Charlotte was feeling the same as Henry, Jasper and (y/n) in the lobby. Gutted. She wanted out of this crap.


The semi-finals were quite dramatic. The Jumpin' Jaspers had dominated their trampoline when Henry skilfully caught two balls in his hands and one more between his knees. His opponents looked at his feat in shock before they were ushered away with trudging feet. Jasper and (y/n) didn't have to do much really, Henry was more than capable of taking care of everyone on court.

Bro Force One were equally successful. Ray, like Henry, had taken control of the match when he threw his dodgeballs so hard, that rather than taking a blow to the stomach like his teammates, the final man ran away in fear. With him gone, the referee called the game, allowing a win by forfeit, even though Schwoz had spent the entire match cowering behind Charlotte. It was funny, he'd entered a tournament that involved flying objects, but he was scared of those. Go figure.

"All right, people. This is it, the Dodge-a-Leen finals!" The host exclaimed, sending the crowd wild as they waited for the final show to begin. They were torn between cheering for Ray's team and Jasper's team because both were so damn good. Those blond dudes moved like lightning...

"On the north tramp, we're gonna have Bro Force One! And on the south tramp, we're gonna have the Jumpin' Jaspers!" The crowd applauded the blue team, but stayed awkwardly quiet for the former, making them go all sulky since they were the favourites to lose. Something about the Jumpin' Jaspers was just so friendly, probably because Bro Force one was actually two grown men pretending to be teens.

"Okay, teams, it's tramp time!" This was it, the big moment. Everything was riding on winning the final match; whether Henry would rub it Ray's face about his superpower being superior to Schwoz's technology, whether Ray would get have his girl like he wanted to or whether she got to take it nice and slow just to torture him. There were high stakes all round.

"All right, both teams...I want a good, clean, match." The ref announced as the six friends lined up on their trampolines. A few last-minute leg stretches and neck rolls were needed and the suspense was killing them.

"Fat chance of that happening." (y/n) muttered under her breath when she noticed the way Ray and Henry were glaring at each other. Nothing had been clean so far, both sides had cheated, so this game wouldn't be any different.

"No spitting, no ball-slapping, no nose-picking...hey! No glaring!" The ref caught sight of their mean looks and forced them to break it up. This was just a bit of fun, or it was supposed to be. For everyone else it was just a game, but not for Ray and not for Henry. This was war.

"Ready?...Dodge!" And they were off! The dodgeballs fell from the ceiling and straight away, Henry's reflexes were put to the test as Ray launched a ball at him. It missed him, thankfully, but that didn't mean Ray was finished. After Schwoz attempted a weak throw, which the kid dodged with ease, Ray rapidly blasted several shots at the boy, forcing him to get creative with his movements. He ducked, using the springy trampoline to bounce back to his feet before flipping into a somersault when Ray tried to catch him off guard.

"Oh, come on!" The superhero groaned as his sidekick avoided every one of his attacks and it proved to be great entertainment for everyone watching, except for Charlotte, who had put in more physical exertion than she liked for one day.

"Oh no, don't throw a ball at my foot!" She pointed to it suspiciously and no one was surprised when Jasper did just that.

"You're out!" The referee yelled and she was more than happy to walk off to find some peace and quiet. Ray and Schwoz couldn't complain because she had done everything they had told her to and getting hit, well. That was just part of Dodge-a-Leen.

For those still playing, the balls were flying everywhere. Schwoz threw one at Henry, forcing the boy to leap into the air to avoid it. The only downside was that trampolines have a lot of complex physics surrounding them, mainly that when a tall, teenage boy lands on one from a great height, the young woman next to him has to take the rebound and is forced into the air.

"Henry!" She yelled as she was launched off of the trampoline and landed roughly on a crash mat next to the trampoline. Ray gasped when she curled up in pain, but he had to assume that she'd be fine because there was still a match to win.

"Broken arm, definitely a broken arm." (y/n) whimpered when she felt the agony in her left arm's radius bone from when it took the full force of the landing. Okay, no bother, she just had to endure the bone cracking and crunching until it healed, no biggie.

"Jasper, look!" Schwoz took advantage of the curly-haired boy's shock at seeing (y/n) boing off the trampoline and he threw a ball into the air.

"What the—" Jasper reached to grab the ball, but Schwoz had a particularly nasty and conniving trick up his sleeve and because the kid wasn't paying attention, he was able to throw his second ball at his stomach.

"You're out!" Henry stared at Schwoz with wide eyes as he and Ray high-fived and his friend groaned from the pain. It was not a good idea to wear a crop top, his belly was on fire. With Jasper out, Henry needed some retaliation and kicked a ball straight at Schwoz's face. The genius didn't have the reflexes to avoid the hit and landed on his back as the referee called it. "You're out!"

It was just Henry and Ray left on the trampolines as (y/n) waited for her arm to fix itself. The man and boy stared each other down intensely and it was all down to one question. Who would win: man or machine?

"C'mon, I dare you, I dare you." Henry taunted his boss as he jumped around and Ray picked up two dodgeballs. He could do this, he just had to be crafty. Deciding to go for the devious route, the superhero began to traipse up and down the trampoline, doing some very weird movements to try and confuse Henry, but his first throw was a no go. The boy dodged it with ease and the second and the third. Henry smirked as Ray growled in irritation and in his egotistical moment, he didn't notice that a ball had rolled under his foot.

Henry's body crumpled as he lost his footing and it was a tragic mistake. Henry scrambled against the wall in fear and Ray chuckled at how easy this shot would be. He had nowhere to go, no space to jump or duck, he was ready for the taking. Ray raised the blue ball in his hand and squeezed it to get the right grasp and...a red ball hit him square in the face.

"You're out!" The referee shouted, much to everyone's confusion. If Henry was against the wall, with all eyes on him and Jasper was out, then who threw that ball? And with such precision?

"What the—?" Ray gasped as he scoured the trampolines, not seeing anyone who could've thrown it until his eyes landed on his girlfriend, who was failing to hold in her giggles. Her arm had healed nicely and no one had seen her pick up the rogue ball to deliver the final blow, which technically wasn't cheating.

"(y/n), you got him!" Henry gasped, his heart beating wildly as it dawned on him that if this was allowed, there were no more Bro Force One players on the trampoline. Holy shit...

"I know!" She smiled, but Ray couldn't believe it. He had lost? That was so not fair, she had bounced away, come on!

"No way, dude! She was already out!" He whined in his dumb teenager voice and shuffled along the trampoline so he could get the full scope of his girl standing there with flush cheeks and a bright smile.

"Uh, no, I don't think I was." (y/n) smiled innocently and she was all too happy to use a loophole to win her the match and their little bet. Oh, she would have fun tonight.

"The lady was never hit by a ball, I did not call her out! So, you lost!" The referee screamed and the building erupted into joyous cheers as the Jumpin' Jaspers were crowned the new champions.

"We won! Holy shit, we won!" (y/n) squealed as she and Jasper bounced over to Henry and the victors shared a group hug. Hmmm, (y/n) (y/l/n), champion, she could get used to that, Ray, however, was not a good loser.

"You are not gonna call me out for that!" He growled at the referee and the two men started to bicker over who was right and who was wrong. He didn't want to lose because of a technicality, especially since it meant that he was in for a long night of sweet, drawn-out torture.

"Oh god, I need to go speak to Ray..." (y/n) giggled as the three danced around the trampoline, laughing and smiling whilst Ray was chased away by the angry official and his surprisingly scary whistle. Oh man, she'd have to go find him and get him to calm down.

"Man, he's a sore loser." Henry chuckled as the young woman skipped off of the springy surface and back onto solid ground. It was fun feeling like she was moonwalking, but too much of it and she always started to feel nauseous.

"You've only just noticed?" She sent a smirk their way and started to walk in the direction that Ray had run off in. The boys had more than enough energy to celebrate on their own and she could just take them out for dinner later, her treat.

"Hurry back!" Jasper yelled to her as he and Henry continued their glorious bouncing and she sent them one final wave before disappearing through the door. She was on her own now and had to navigate through a sea of people as she searched for her boyfriend. There were a few "congratulations" and "great match!" thrown at her as she wandered the lobby and gathered attention from the vibrant blue of her Jumpin' Jaspers shirt. This was definitely going to stay with her for a long time as one of the highlights of her life. Now then, if she was Ray, where would she go? Food.

She made her way to the snack bar and sure enough, there was Ray, stirring a milkshake gloomily as he slumped over the counter. There were very few people in the room since everyone had rushed to go chat with the boy who won so amazingly, but that suited her down to the ground. She didn't want her words to be lost in a rowdy crowd and strolled up to his side, her elbow leaning on the bar as she hopped onto another stool.

"Hey, handsome." She smiled sweetly, instantly picking up his mood as her happiness spread. When she looked at him like that his melancholy drifted away and he sat a little straight when she gave him a coy smirk.

"Hey, sweet girl." He replied gruffly, his hand moving to rest on her knee so he could give it a small squeeze.

"You did good." She smiled and leaned over to take a slurp of his milkshake. It had two straws and he never minded her sipping at his drinks, it was just one of her quirks.

"You did better, clever girl." Ray chuckled and took the opportunity of having her close to press a kiss to her hair, making her smile as she swallowed the banana-flavoured shake.

"True, but I was thinking about our deal more than the game." (y/n) smirked and giggled when he smiled and rubbed his face at how she was back to teasing him. The desire was pooling in his belly again and having her hand sneakily trail up his thigh wasn't helping him restrain it.

"Don't tease..." He grumbled, screwing his eyes shut when her hand stopped short of where it could provide him with some relief. Damn her ability to make him feel this way, she knew what she was doing and it was like a spark lighting the tinder.

"Take me home and I won't...I might even let you take control if you're good for me." The young woman bit her lip when Ray moved so quick, he could rival Henry and his hyper-motility. He grabbed her hand and pulled her off of her stool so he could drag her towards the door. Impatient much?

"You're killing me, sweet girl." He mumbled as they speed-walked to Ray's car, her legs struggling to keep up with his powerful strides.

"Yeah, but you love it." She smirked when he stayed silent, knowing that it was true. She teased and drove him insane, but he always came back hungry for more because he craved it, he craved her. Even when she left him to burn into a smoulder with no chance of plunging into the sweet relief that only she could give him, he returned time and time again because when he finally got her alone, the sweet symphony they created was worth the wait.

And by god, he was going to hear it tonight.

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