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By ScriveFiorella_

4.2K 95 579

๐’•๐’‰๐’‚๐’•'๐’” ๐’๐’Š๐’‡๐’†! โ๐šœ๐š˜, ๐š๐š‘๐š’๐šœ ๐š’๐šœ ๐š–๐šข ๐š•๐š’๐š๐šŽ. ๐™ฐ๐š—๐š ๐™ธ ๐š ๐šŠ๐š—๐š ๐šข๐š˜๐šž ๐š๐š˜ ๐š”๐š—๐š˜๐š  ๐š๐š‘๐šŠ๐š ๐™ธ... More

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แด€แด„แด› แดษดแด‡ โ–ƒโ–ƒ แดกแด‡ แด€ส€แด‡ สœแด‡แด€แด›สœแด‡ษด.
โฐยน HOMECOMING: rise and shine
โฐยฒ HOMECOMING: i got a... lets call it a parasite?
โฐยณ HOMECOMING: Hey Mr. UFO!
โฐโด HOMECOMING: Super Spy
โฐโต HOMECOMING: kudos for having brain cells
โฐโถ HOMECOMING: SIRIUS & Lazarus
โฐโท HOMECOMING: Spy
โฐโธ HOMECOMING: Saturday
โฐโน HOMECOMING: Hunamoku
ยนโฐ HOMECOMING: Ercole
ยนยน HOMECOMING: Spider-Man is who?
ยนยฒ HOMECOMING: Buried wishes
ยนยณ HOMECOMING: OMG, we've been carrying a bomb?
ยนโด HOMECOMING: ThErE's a HoLe iN tHe cEiLiNg !!
ยนโถ HOMECOMING: face-off
ยนโท HOMECOMING: Consequences of Heroing
ยนโธ HOMECOMING: He knows who you are
ยนโน HOMECOMING: guys in the chair
ยฒโฐ HOMECOMING: riot and vulture
ยฒยน HOMECOMING: time

ยนโต HOMECOMING: forgiveness is acceptance

32 1 23
By ScriveFiorella_

𝖙𝖍𝖆𝖙'𝖘 𝖑𝖎𝖋𝖊! ━━━ ¹⁵
Killing a Spider & the road to forgiveness 

THIS was never supposed to happen, and yet it did. Cole felt rage, deep-rotting hatred for the men of SIRIUS. All his life the lone wolf had gone about it unbothered, he was no one in this world, and he loved that about it. He had powerful men haunting his ass, but nobody knew who they were haunting, they were after a shadow, after a myth. Cole abandoned his life at the island, renouncing his family name and birth name, and gave himself a new identity: Argo.

Cole was born to be a villain, a king gone mad by greed and power. He felt no shame for the things he's done, he didn't believe in good or bad, Cole only ever believed in one thing: his way.

"I can finish the next order, but without any new materials from the truck..." Bad news echoed down the corridor in which Cole walked, he made his way toward the open room of the warehouse.

Adrian let out a frustrated sigh, running his hand down his face. "Yeah, damn it." Phineas Mason glanced at Cole, who was just entering the room. "We still have enough to do the Gargan deal, though, right?"

Phineas glanced back at Adrian and nodded. "Yeah, but then that's it."

It seemed to Cole that bad luck was going around, and that angered him. Cole had always been organized, from the moment he decided to leave his family behind- his life was planned. Every single step, every single choice was well thought and planned. Cole was a man of law and order, even when his world was built on blood and corruption. He had no remorse stepping on other people to get what he wants, he saw it as a sacrifice, better them than him. Yes, he believes in order and that the law is justice, but in the world he decided to live in, good and bad people were equally involved. The bad benefits from the good and the good benefits from the bad, and in his eyes that is order, that is balance.

Balance breeds justice, and justice is the law.

Adrian turns to Cole, the buzz-cut criminal standing before him with a bruised face. "Where the hell were you? We could've used your help on the heist."

"I had unsolved matters in New York," Cole told him tonelessly, almost bored. "Now they're solved."

Adrian arched an eyebrow at him, he took slow steps toward him until they were eye to eye. "There's nothing for you in New York. Your place is here. Those were my terms."

"Easy." Cole tsk. "I went back to burn down the old warehouse."

Adrian frowned. "Wasn't that already taken care of by- what was his name again?" He glanced at the ground as he recalled. "Uh... Shocker number one?"

"Yes, he was supposed to burn it down." Cole agreed, crossing his arms over his chest. "But he didn't. When I went back, I came across a problem."

Adrian inhaled sharply, clenching his jaw in frustration. "Who?"

"SIRIUS," Cole told him. "They were there that night, under the bridge. The mole, Edward White, he used to spy for them. That's how they came across our former hideout."

Adrian gestured at his bruises. "Is that how you got this?"

"The man was a good fighter," Cole admitted, strategically omitting the part that he was a teenager. "But I was better. Gave him Nightlock. Temporal amnesia should slow him down, he won't remember I was there and by the time he does, it'll be too late."

Cole smirks, but Adrian was far from pleased. It took him years to build his empire, years of hardwork, and detail planning.

"It's all because of that little bastard in red pantyhose and that black slushy." Adrian cursed at the mask superheroes, he turned around and made his way to the other side of the room. "That man stole from us, used our own weapon against us." He slammed his fist on the table. "I will find him and that symbiote. I will take back what's ours and then... I will kill them."

Cole straightened up, he was ready for blood. "Spider-Man. The symbiote. The head of SIRIUS. I will kill them. I won't allow them to tear apart everything I've built. Mark my words." He whispered the last part to himself before turning around, leaving the room.

Cole glanced at Phineas. "Find them."

"Yes, sir." The criminal made his way to his room, he closed the door behind him and took off his jacket.

He tossed Gavin's gun on his bed, completely unaware of the tracker inside the gun.

"THIS past weekend, Midtown's Academic Decathlon team defeated the country's best to win the national championship." Betty Brant narrated, some students lingered near the TV as they listened to today's news. "The ACSL programming team made it to the finals, they performed gallantly..."

It's been four days since Washington, these few days had been peaceful for the youngest Prime. She remembers when she arrived, she expected to see both of her brothers, but instead Christian told him Gavin was at the hospital. They found traces of Nightlock powder, its toxins weren't as lethal as Wolfbane powder, but it still did its job. Ever since the battle in New York, the earth had faced numerous unidentified chemicals and weapons, all altered by alien technology. The mind of humans was limited, but their gift for imagination sometimes allowed them to create wicked and perverse things.

Teagan thought it was witchery, magic. But the doctors are doctors, and they believe in medicine, they believe in what they have seen so far, in facts not fantasies. The effects of Nightlock were temporal amnesia and induce sleep; her brother- half-brother, was exposed to that and so far he can't recall what happened. Deckard, one of Christian's men, accompanied Gavin that day and got him out of the burning building. Teagan can still remember Christian's furious face as he scolded and demanded Deckard to tell him who gave the order to scout the place without his authority. Let's just say, Christian knew how to punish insubordination.

Teagan pitied her future nieces or nephews.

"Dude, dude, dude," Ned whispered excitedly, he walked between Peter and Teagan, next to the Prime girl was Leo eating a Doritos. "What is it like being famous when nobody knows it's you?"

Teagan rolled her eyes, the song fantasy by Mariah Carey started playing through her headphones. "Sweet, sweet fantasy, baby."

Leo arched an eyebrow at her singing but didn't say anything and continued to eat his Doritos.

"Crazy, dude," Peter admitted, a big smile on his face.

Ned nodded. "It's crazy." A heartbeat pass. "Should we tell everyone?"

Teagan glanced at Leo who quietly walked beside them, she wondered if he was listening to Heathen ramble on and on about everything. Though judging by the thoughtful look on his face, she realized there was something else going on in his head. She reached inside the bag of Doritos and grabbed three chips. Leo glanced down and Teagan half expected him to pull the bag away, but instead, he handed it to her.


"Should I tell everyone?"

Teagan sighs tiredly at her best friend's persistence. "No, gordo. That's not a good idea, you could potentially endanger Peter and us, for that matter."

"I mean... I wouldn't mind being famous." Leo shrugged, Teagan narrowed her eyes at him. "But... I have a sister, I have friends, and I have a family... I wouldn't want to paint targets on their backs just because."

Teagan nodded approvingly, she gave him a soft smile before turning to her other friend, Peter saw the exchange. "Spider-Man just gained a powerful enemy, we have to be very careful not to get too involved. Know what I mean?"

Both Leo and Peter nodded, Ned noticed the time on his watch and saw that class was about to start. "Okay, come on, we'll be late to class."

Peter walked in front of them and gave them a look that clearly meant trouble. "I'm not going to class."

"Uh, yes, yes you are," Teagan argued, all coming to a sudden halt.

"You're already in trouble for ditching the decathlon." Ned supported.

"Dude, listen, I figured it out." Teagan shook his head disappointed and Ned seemed genuinely worried about his friend. "The wing suit guy is stealing from Damage Control. What he takes from Damage Control, that's how he builds the weapons."

Teagan took a step close to Peter, gaining his attention. "Peter. We have a Spanish quiz. Don't forget that before being a hero you are a student, your primary duty is your study." Ned nodded, showing his support. "There are already people out there- people skilled in catching criminals like Vulture, behind him. You don't have to do anything."

"SIRIUS is already after him," Leo told him, Peter frowned.

"I have to catch him," Peter said flatly. "You can't take this away from me. He's my chance at proving myself to Mr. Stark."

Leo chuckled dryly, he never once thought Peter would be so careless. "I'm sorry to break this to you, Parker. But you'll never be an Avenger, you're too young, too inexperienced, too reckless. Protecting the world is nothing compared to protecting a neighborhood. If Tony Stark really needed you, you wouldn't be here, it's as simple as that."

"You don't know that," Peter argued, his face showed hope, he truly believed he could become an Avenger. "Mr. Stark needs me, and I have what it takes to be an Avenger. And I'll prove that when I turn Vulture in."

With that being said, Peter started to make his way towards the exit, only to encounter the Principal standing there. Arms crossed and a stern look on his face, Leo tried hard not to laugh.

"Parker, my office." He walked past the trio. "You three, get to class."

THE wind blew softly yet powerfully, the Herrera's sailed down the upper bay in Staten Island Ferry. Ava arrived, as promised, last weekend. Christian felt compelled to call her and filled her in with what had happened to Gavin, for the first time Teagan felt jealous of her half-brother. Ava promised her she would arrive on Friday, but after that impromptu phone call from Christian, the dark raven hair beauty found herself flying to New York two days prior than the day anticipated. Teagan felt happy and mad at the same time as she watched her mother take a seat next to Gavin's hospital bed, her delicate hand resting on his bruised one, both of their skins were white as snow.

Her firstborn looked more like her than Teagan could ever, she looked more like Nikolaj, and she acted just the same. Teagan never felt like Ava's daughter, she wanted an elegant and kind girl, Teagan Prime was the opposite. She never wanted to please her mother, defying her made Teagan feel good, it made her feel capable and fierce. But her rebellious behavior was just a cry for attention, Teagan loved her mother, she hated how far away from each other they were. Unfortunately, Teagan was a proud girl, she would never admit weakness to another being, even if that being is her mother. She feared being vulnerable, she feared that by admitting just how much she needs her, the universe would take her away in a single snap of its finger.

Teagan Prime was full of anger and fear, she was poisoning herself and she was growing weaker and weaker by the time. The cure was in her hands, forgive and let go or hate and never forget?

The choice was hers, so she wishes to make it.

"I should be at work." Gavin broke the comfortable silence, the three of them stood by the railings and admired the vast body of water. "Not doing... whatever this is."

Ava smiled at her firstborn, the real estate agent wanted to spend time with her two children, just them. "We are sharing quality time. It's our first time doing so."

"Why not go to a restaurant? Or go home and spend it there?" Teagan told her, for once her tone towards Ava wasn't bitter nor sarcastic, but it was flat, though. "Like normal people."

The mother inhaled the salty smell of the waters below, the wind blew back her long raven hair, green orbs shone like gemstones in her snow-white skin. "You're too much like your father, always going for the traditional."

"Well, I am my father's daughter," Teagan replied, casting a lazy look behind her to see many tourists and New Yorkers having a good time.

Ava nodded. "That is indisputable." Gavin shifted from one foot to another, feeling like an outsider, Ava noticed, and she took his hand. "We are the Herrera family." Gavin looked at her with hopeful eyes, Ava looked at him with love and just love, no more guilt in those dark green orbs. "I wanted to spend time with you two, away from the city. Away from everything. And finally talk. I feel like there's much to talk about."

"Oh, I see... so you chose the ferrh because this way we wont be able tl run away." She realized and voice her thoughts out loud. "Smart."

Ava rolled her eyes playfully. "Not everything I do has ulterior motives, you know?"

"Right," she scrunch up her nose cutely, not believing her words. "My trust issues are telling me otherwise. And also, just so you know, I feel like your grand plan to trap us in this ferry to get us to talk... might actually fail."

She arched an eyebrow and Gavin stared at her with intensity. "Oh, really, and why is that?"

"Because I hate talking." She deadpanned.

"No." Gavin said, hazel and emerald eyes clashed. "No, I think you meant, you hate talking to us."

Teagan wanted to say something clever, but she knew she would only be making a fool out of herself.

"If you're going to say something mean, make sure you hit the mark." Teagan inhaled deeply and after a moment of staring into his vibrant emerald eyes, she glanced away.

They all knew how she felt about them, Ava was convinced Teagan hated her and Gavin wasn't sure she even saw him as a brother. The Teagan he met in 2015 was not the same as this one, it seems like hate made her bitter and lonely, and she was too young for that.

"Teagan..." Ava trailed off, her voice as soft as the wind. The teenager felt her heart tightening, not of sadness, but regret and guilt. "I love you, so very much. I know what I did was awful and unforgivable, I see that now, and I know I should've seen it sooner." Teagan dared to look at the sad eyes of her mother. "I did what I did out of fear, Aldrich hated me and I hated him. But he loved his son, he loved Gavin very much. Somewhere along the way... that love became corrupted."

Gavin was skeptical about something, so he addressed Teagan. "Teagan, I don't know you and I won't pretend like I do. But you hate her very much, why? It can't be because of what she did to me, that is already forgiven."

"I don't hate her... she's my mom," Teagan told them meekly.

Ava let out a shaky breath, hearing that brought relief to her heart. "Then what's the real reason?"

"I just... " The words died in her tongue, she wanted to run, she hated confrontations because she had to be honest with herself. She had to admit that she had made a mistake and had punished her mother for a reason.

Gavin observed her, and he knew, despite seeing conflict in her eyes, Gavin saw beyond it, and he saw the truth. "You don't know how to make peace with the past. How to open your heart again."

Teagan looked at him with wide eyes and gave him a single nod. "... mm-hmm."

"Word of advice?" Gavin breathed in, his mind recalling Praga Ferrer, the mother, and friend the universe gave him when he needed the most. "The sooner you forgive, the better. Don't drag this for too long or else, it might be too late for you. They say nothing is written in stone, that nothing is certain... the past is. You can't go back, you can't change it, but you can change the here and now. Don't waste that chance."

Ava smiled softly at the water, she looked at Gavin gratefully and in return, he smiled. Whatever feud there was between them, it was long gone or perhaps there never was one, anger just made Teagan blind. It clouded her judgment like ash after a volcanic eruption, she inhaled the toxin and allowed it to fester in her soul. She knew that- she's always known that, but was she brave enough to take the first step?

Her hand reached out for her mother's, but before it made contact she stopped, the poison in her screamed and commanded her to withdraw her hand. But the other side, the part that was done cultivating hate and tired of feeling loneliness and regret whispered to her, let go... let go and see what happens.

"Christian?" Teagan withdrew her hand and turned around, her brother and a few more of his men were walking behind him.

He turned to them with a look of shock and fear in his eyes, Teagan frown and Gavin sensed uneasiness from him. "What are you doing here?"

"What are you doing here?" Christian demanded angrily, but it wasn't actual anger, it was fear. "You're not supposed to be here- dammit!"

Before Gavin could demand more answers from him, something awful happened. The hair on Teagan's body prickled, the sound of something cutting through metal buzzed in her ears, the sizzling was loud enough that everyone on deck grew silent. And then, she saw it. A powerful, purple laser beam cut through the middle of the ferry's floor vertically. It reminded Teagan of Kylo's lightsaber, her hazel orbs following the laser and then at the people trying to run from it. Ava inhaled sharply and took a step back, but there was nowhere to go, they were far from the port, and help would have arrived at an already sank ferry and drowned people.

People stumble to the side of the ferry and away from the laser beam. Christian, Gavin, and SIRIUS men (which were four) looked around not knowing what to do, the odds were clear, only a hero would be able to save them from sinking.

"This doesn't look pretty," Gavin said in his usual passive voice, Teagan was convinced nothing frightened him.

The purple beam suddenly stopped, silence engulfed the place and people looked around expecting it to come from other places.

Christian held his hands in the air. "Nobody moves! Stay where you are!"

The strangers followed his orders, Ava immediately snatched Teagan's hand and squeezed it, Teagan was too whelmed and stun to even act prideful. Their hearts were beating so loud, they both feared what was to come. The sound of metal groaning reminded Teagan of the elevator incident in Washington Monument, she let out a shaky breath that caught the ears of Ava and Gavin.

"It's falling apart," Teagan whispered, too afraid to speak loudly.

And just as she predicted, it happened. Both ends of the ferry started to fall apart, Teagan and Ava lost their balance and would've fallen off the ferry if it weren't for Christian's men who saw them and immediately acted. "Get down! Get down!"

Ava and Teagan squat down and hold one another, Christian was commanding his men to keep people from falling down the gap or off the railings. She saw her older brother take out a gun, but it wasn't a fire gun, it was a grappling gun. She watched him try to keep the ferry from falling apart by using the grappling gun to tie both extremes by the poles. But the cable broke, the weight was too much, Christian cursed loudly and threw the grappling gun into the gap.

"I don't want to die." Teagan cried, Ava hugged her tightly. "I can't die. Not this again, please. Not when I survived a falling elevator."

Ava kissed her head. "Shh, Shh, my rose. You're not going to die. It's okay, it's okay. I love you."

"I haven't donr anything significant with my life yet!" Teagan dramatized. "Like overriding JARVIS' sound system and blasting since you been gone by Kelly Clarkson on repeat!"

Gavin watched them say goodbye, despite the odds, this didn't feel like the end. Or perhaps he was in denial. Christian placed a hand on Gavin's broad shoulders, Gavin looked at him with the same fierceness. "I'm lucky to have had you as a brother."

Gavin smirked at him. "Oh, come on, this isn't the end, brother. I've survived worst things with lesser odds."

Ava frowned and gave her daughter a quick worried glance.

To Christian, it looked like the end, but in the eyes of a survivor, this was just an obstacle. Though Gavin was right, this was not the end. A black figure jumped from the gap, black tendrils shot out of its body and attached themselves on both sides of the ferry. Gavin and Christian flinched back, not expecting to see him, not expecting to see Leo.

"I like this one," Gavin smirked at the symbiote.

Spider-Man swung around, shooting webs at all the strong points from the ferry, he moved around like a spider. Teagan watched everything from the floor, she was amazed to see Peter and Leo working together, she never expected them to make one hell of a team. Suddenly Spider-Man stopped swinging, and the ferry stopped sinking, Teagan looked at her mother, she gave her an uncertain look, both of them rose and carefully walked to stand between Gavin and Christian.

"Are we safe?" Ava asked, fearful eyes looking at Spider-Man's work.

Heathen saw Teagan, and she gave him a grateful smile, before the symbiote could make his way toward the Prime-Herrera, a guy cheered for the friendly spider.

"Yeah, Spider-Man and Black Spider-Man!" The tall man cheered, and the sound of the web breaking cast a wave of panic on the people.

Teagan screamed as she lost her balance, Gavin managed to catch her on time and hold her close to him. Heathen growled and Spider-Man tried to hold both ends of the ferry using raw strength, Teagan saw this display of courage and suicide, much to her horror.

"No, stop!" She screamed, she could hear Peter's scream, and she knew if he held on to it, it would tear him apart. "Stop! You have to let go! Let go!"

But they stubbornly tried to save them all, Gavin held her close, stopping her from running away and doing something stupid. He wouldn't let her go. "Heathen! Let go! Pe... Spider-Man! Just let us go! The weight is too much! You'll shred yourself apart!"

"He won't do that," Christian told her, Teagan looked at him with tears in her eyes. "Neither of them will. It's either them or us, who'd you think they'll choose to save?"

"I can't... I can't lose them." Teagan said, shaking her head as she forced herself to watch them scream in agony as they tried to hold the ferry steady. "They're... they're my friends."

Luckily, Spider-Man and Heathen weren't the only ones who responded to the call of duty. The Stark's made their way just in time, the sound of metal colliding against metal came from both sides of the ferry. Teagan noticed the familiar Stark technology, the thrusters pushed the sides of the ferry forward and towards one another. Spider-Man and Heathen fell down, Iron Man stopped them from being torn apart. Soon, Antares flew inside the ferry and sealed the gap using her fire powers, completely oblivious of who was inside the ferry.

"That was brave... and stupid, but mostly stupid." She gracefully landed on the deck, smiling warmly at Spider-Man and Heathen. "Who's your friend?"

"I am Heathen." The symbiote introduced himself.

Antares twirled her Brightsword before shrinking into a stick, she put it away on her thigh holster. "Nice to meet you, I'm Antares... aka Alora Stark. Cool-uh, cool suit?"

Christian smiled fondly at the exchange, his feud against her was long forgotten, and all that was left between them was friendship. Ava was a sharp woman but never one to hold grudges, she saw Alora, and she couldn't help but feel proud of her. Gavin was pleased to see her, she helped him fight his father, a battle that wasn't hers to fight, but nonetheless, she supported him. Then there was Teagan, her first instinct was to call out her name, but she couldn't bear to say it.

Spider-Man left them behind, presumably going after Iron Man, Antares was about to follow but as she turned around to fly out she saw them. She saw her once family looking right at her, the shock quickly vanished into worry, and she found herself making her way towards them in a hurry. Heathen disappeared somewhere, probably to morph back into Leo.

"Oh my god, are you alright?" The sound of her voice almost made Teagan rush forward and hug her, she remembered how much she loved the sound of her voice. "Is anybody hurt?"

"Oh, we could use the therapy." Gavin chuckled at his joke, the blonde Goddess giggled at him before glancing at Ava.

Alora Stark was Teagan's first and only girl friend, she used to be her comfort person until Christian left her. "You're still as beautiful as I remember you, you haven't aged a day," Ava told her.

"And you're still as radiant." Alora complimented back, Ava smiled and took a step forward, both girls embraced each other. "It's been so long, Ava."

Ava hugged her close, even if she broke her son's heart and her little girl's, Alora was a good person, and she was kind-hearted. "Thank you for saving us."

Leo reappeared but linger back, watching Teagan from afar as she saw her mother and Alora embrace each other. After a moment, they pulled back and Alora turned to Gavin, the boy gave her a firm nod and Alora returned it. "I heard you graduated. Congratulations."

"Thanks," Gavin smirked.

And finally, gray eyes met Teagan's hazel ones. "Teacup- I mean, Teagan. Sorry, a force of habit. I was very fond of that nickname."

Teacup. Teagan repeated the word in her mind, her heart boiling with feelings, the girl found herself in a very sensitive spot. After all, she almost died, and not long enough, her old brother told her to let go of the past. She wanted to turn the page around, a near-death surely makes one reconsider their life choices. Teagan was willing to do that with her mother, but something stopped her from fully forgiving them. 

Forgiveness is a slow teacher ans Teagan had already spent too many years feeding on her hatred and anger. And the first step to forgiveness is acceptance, she had already taken that step.

"It's fine, I guess. Water under the bridge or whatever." Teagan shrugged, feeling extremely nervous and awkward. "And, uh, thanks for the save."

Alora sigh and shared a sad look with Christian, nonetheless she accepted Teagan's words. "It's not us who you should be thanking, but of course, don't mention it. When duty calls, duty calls."

Teagan inhaled sharply and nodded, scratching the back of her neck awkwardly. "It's was nice seeing you. Please, look after yourselves. Today was a close call."

"Yes, ma'am." Christian nodded, those two shared one last hug before Antares manipulated the wind and left.

Everybody glanced at Teagan who's cheeks were flushed, she arched an eyebrow at them. "What? What are you looking at me for?"

"That was awkward as f*ck, Teagan." Gavin told her. "You could cut the tension with a marshmallow."

"Well, I'm sorry, I still don't like her." Teagan defended herself, Ava sigh and shook her head. "I'm not the type that forgives and forgets."

Christian blew a raspberry and with his eyes he scanned the place until he spotted Leo. "You should be in therapy."

"Hey, knock it off, both of you." Ava scolded sternly, giving them an icy glare. "Well talk more of this at home. Now, be thankful we're not dead."

Teagan scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest and mumbled. "Wouldn't be the first time."

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155 5 13
Peter Parker story!