My Silver Lining (Marvel/Star...

By catalan_andrea

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Miranda Rambeau, formerly known as Ayla Breha Shan, is the adopted daughter of Maria Rambeau and younger sist... More

Chapter 1: The Decision
Chapter 2: The Reunion
Chapter 3: The Mission
Chapter 4: The Death Wish
Chapter 5: The Encampment
Chapter 6: The Child
Chapter 7: The Jawas
Chapter 8: The Mudhorn
Chapter 9: Getting The Child Back
Chapter 10: Escaping Nevarro
Chapter 11: Sorgan
Chapter 12: Nightmares
Chapter 13: A Glimpse Into The Past
Chapter 14: Taking Down The Raiders
Chapter 16: Tatooine
Chapter 17: The Betrayal
Chapter 18: The Mercenaries
Chapter 19: The Job
Chapter 20: Getting Even
Chapter 21: You Are Not My Mother
Chapter 22: Clan Of Two
Chapter 23: The Mistake
Chapter 24: Returning Home
Chapter 25: Time Heist
Chapter 26: The Battle Against Thanos
Chapter 27: Leave It To Ayla
Chapter 28: The Djarin Family
Chapter 29: The Talent Show

Chapter 15: The Bounty Hunter

141 6 1
By catalan_andrea

I continued on with the story, watching as everyone listened in fascination, even Mando, who tried to be subtle, but failed epically. As soon as I finished, I decided to retire for the night. I didn't want to return to my home yet, so I walked out into the forest. I took in a deep breath as I sat on a tree trunk. I closed my eyes, trying to empty my thoughts and focus on my breathing like I did in that memory where I opened up that holocron...

Aunt Carol looked up at Yon-Rogg, baffled. I was terrified. How could they control her powers? Yon-Rogg took a step towards her. From the corner of my eye, I watched as the Kree grabbed the Skrulls, pushing and shoving them. I clenched my fists, feeling a sudden rush of anger. They better leave my family and these innocent people alone. I wasn't sure what got into me. But I wanted them to leave us alone. With that in mind, I ran in front of the Kree.

"Mandy, no!" Mom exclaimed.

But it was too late, I extended out my hands towards the Kree, who all had their weapons pointed at me now. I had my hands out in an attempt to shield myself, since I had no weapons on me. Yon-Rogg wore an amused smile. I shouted out, glaring at Yon-Rogg. "Leave us alone! Go away!"

All of the sudden, the Kree soldiers were thrown back against the walls. I looked down at my hands in awe. Did I just do that? I glanced over at mom, Fury, Aunt Carol, and the Skrulls, who were just as surprised as I was.

"Mandy, look out!" Aunt Carol exclaimed.

But it was too late, something hard hit the back of my head, knocking me to the ground.

I let out a gasp, opening my eyes. All of the sudden, I heard rustling coming from the bushes around me. I slowly reached for my pistol around my holster, prepared to use it if necessary. However, I lowered my hand upon seeing Mando emerge from the plants.

"Were you about to shoot me?" Mando asked, sounding amused.

"Wouldn't be the first time." I quipped.

That earned a genuine chuckle from Mando. I was taken back, not expecting him to get a kick out of that. I couldn't help but crack a smile. He then approached me, sitting next to me. We sat in silence, hearing the crickets in the distance.

"I'm sorry for walking off earlier." Mando apologized, breaking the silence.

"And I'm sorry if I said anything to make you upset." I replied. "I...I'm just used to this line of work, where my life is constantly in danger...I've seen people, close friends of mine die, and there was nothing I could do. We are constantly risking our lives for our world, for my people..."

"That doesn't give you the right to go looking for trouble. You have the droid and the kid to look after." Mando reminded me. "And you've got me, too. You don't have to run into danger, at least not by yourself. We're in this together."

"Are you sure?" I inquired, rather baffled. "I'm told I can be a pain in the ass."

"I am sure." Mando confirmed.

My smile widened. "I'd like that then."

"Me too." Mando answered.

And so we sat in silence, enjoying each other's company without needing to say a word. Weeks went by since we defeated the raiders, Cara, Mando, and I were outside on a porch of a home. I helped the villagers out by fixing their astromech and any other machines they needed help with. I also learned quite a bit about my father through the S.S.R. files that Daisy sent over to R8. My father met and befriended Peggy Carter, Howard Stark, Sousa, and a couple others. Currently, Cara and I sat on some the chairs, while Mando was leaning against the lodging. The child was playing with R8 and the children not far from us. Omera walked towards us, handing Cara a cup of spotchka. Cara gave her a smile. "Thank you."

"Can I set you something in the house?" Omera inquired, looking over at Mando.

"Uh, thank you. Maybe later." Mando mentioned.

"He's very happy here." Omera commented, referring to Mando.

"He is." Mando confirmed.

Omera gave Mando a smile. "Fits right in."

With that she walked off. Once she was far from us. Cara spoke up, gesturing to his helmet. "So, what happens if you take that thing off? They come after you and kill you?"

"No, you just can't ever put it back on again." Mando explained.

Cara looked unimpressed, raising an eyebrow. "That's it? So you can slip off the helmet, and settle down with that beautiful young widow, and raise your kid sitting here, sipping spotchka?"

My heart dropped her words. As I glanced over at Mando, I thought of him here with Omera, Winta, and the child as a family. The thought of that happening was like a knife to the heart, and I don't know why I felt this way, Mando and I are just friends. Besides Mando deserves to be with someone like Omera, who can provide a simple yet safe life. The more he sticks around me, the more dangerous it is for him...and for the child as well. Aida's words echoed in my head. "And let's not forget Miranda, the one who trouble and danger always seems to follow her."

She was right...Danger and trouble always follow me...I was so caught up with my thoughts that I didn't even realize that Mando's helmet was turned towards me. My eyes fell on his helmet. I mentally cursed. I hated that I couldn't see his face, the only way I could know what was going on in that rust bucket of his when I was touching his hand or his shoulder. I quickly turned my head, so I wasn't looking at him.

"You know, we raised some hell here a few weeks back. It's too much action for a backwater town like this. Word travels fast. We might wanna cycle the charts and move on." Mando pointed out.

"Would not wanna be the one who's gotta tell him." Cara commented.

"I'm leaving him here. Traveling with me, that's no life for a kid. I did my job, he's safe. Better chance at a life." Mando explained.

Upon hearing his words, my eyes widened. Cara looked over at him, rather baffled. "Come on. Come on. It's gonna break his little heart."

"He'll get over it. We all do." Mando retorted. He then called out my name. "Mandy?"

Reluctantly, I dared to look over at him. I had a feeling, a bad feeling that I knew what he was about to tell me. No doubt, he wanted to remain here with the child, which is why I was here in the first place, but upon getting to know Mando better, the more difficult it was to part ways from one another. He's a good man, and he has been a good friend to me, having my back. I noticed how he hesitated before speaking. "I know you're close to the kid...You and R8 should stay here with him, keep him out of trouble." 

I fought the urge to let out a laugh. If only he knew that Monica and I were both called double trouble...I mentally shook my head as I responded. "And what about you?"

"I'll find a place to lay low." He assured me.

"So you're just gonna leave us? And what about being there for me, huh? What happened to we're in this together? Did you forget that." I reminded him.

"Of course not, but none of you are safe with me. If you all continue to follow me, I will put your lives at risk." Mando shot back.

I clenched my fists, taking a step towards Mando. "You aren't the only one with danger following them, Mando. I've lived a life full of danger, it's part of my work."

"You are not following me. I won't allow it. It's for the best." Mando retorted.

"Best for who? For me? Or for you?" I rebuked.

Mando said nothing as he turned around, stormed off, towards Omera. As he approached Omera, she turned around. Her eyes lit up at once. Cara's voice rang out. "You know, he cares for you."

I then watched as Omera placed her hands on his helmet, causing my stomach to churn. I sneered. "He's got a funny way of showing it."

With that, I took off without saying another word. I stormed off into the woods in an attempt to calm myself down and get away from everyone and everything. As I walked deeper into the woods, I felt a pricking sensation coming from the back of my head. Something that had become my own personal alarm, letting me know when I'm not alone. I placed a hand near my holster, prepared to fire. I slowly turned around, seeing a lizard creature, wearing a jumpsuit. Who the hell he? He wore a vicious grin as he pointed his rifle towards me.

"Well, well, what do we here?" He mocked in a chilling voice.

"I don't want any trouble." I mentioned, raising my hands.

And that's when it hit me. He must be a bounty hunter, searching for the child. How did he find us? I took a step back, but he walked closer towards me. "Then you will come with me willingly, Ayla Shan."

My blood froze at his words. How did he know my name? I slowly moved my hand towards the holster, and unfortunately the bounty hunter noticed. He clicked his tongue as he shook his head. "Ah, I wouldn't do that if I were you. I'm supposed to bring you in alive, but I'm sure my client would understand that complications arrive and I had no choice but to drag your dead corpse back to them."

My eyes widened. Someone wanted me, but how did they know about me and why did they need me? I took a deep breath, trying to focus. I can do this...I raised my hands up in the air as I slowly made my way towards him. A vicious grin appeared on his face. But it quickly faded as I continued walking to him.

"That's enough. Stay there." He ordered.

I didn't listen to him though as I finally approached the reptile. I grabbed the rifle, but his grip was too strong. I wouldn't back down, lifting his rifle with all my strength. A blast was fired up in the air. We continued struggling until the barrel was facing me. The bounty hunter wore a smirk as his finger reached for the trigger. My eyes widened. I quickly ducked in time before spinning around, taking out a hidden dagger from my boot. As the bounty hunter spun around, I threw the dagger at his leg. He let out a cry as he staggered back. I took advantage of that, rushing towards him, sending a punch to his stomach before quickly raising my leg to kick his jaw. In a matter of moments, he collapsed onto the ground, knocked out cold.

"Mandy!" Mando shouted out.

He ran towards me with Cara trailing behind him. Once Mando reached me, he placed his hands on my shoulders. His helmet looking all over me, no doubt he was searching for any injuries that I might have.

"You all right?" Mando asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, I'm good."

Mando let out a sigh of relief as his shoulders slumped. Cara looked impressed as she saw the bounty hunter on the ground. "I'd ask that question to him."

"Was he after the child?" Mando inquired.

"No, he was after me." I corrected.

"What?" Mando blurted, sounding baffled.

"He even knew my name..." I admitted.

Mando seemed to understand that I didn't mean my name Miranda, but Ayla as he clenched his fists. Cara looked back and forth at us, baffled. "I don't do they know your name?"

"That's what I'd like to know." Mando agreed, his words laced with rage. "We aren't safe here anymore. We need to leave now."

My face lit up. "All four of us."

Mando nodded, confirming my words. Once we returned to the village, we gathered our belongings, placing them on the cart. The child and R8 were already in the cart as the villagers helped us load the last stuff. They were generous enough to give us food that would last us for weeks.

"Are you sure you don't want an escort?" Cara questioned, approaching us.

"I appreciate it the offer, but we're gonna bypass the town and head right to the Razor Crest." Mando informed her.

"Well then, until our paths cross." Cara mentioned, raising a hand towards Mando.

Mando shook her hand. "Until our paths cross."

Cara then turned towards me, extending out her hand. I immediately shook her hand. Cara gave us one last smile before she took off. Winta then rushed towards the cart, wrapping her arms around the child and R8. "I'm gonna miss you so much."

Omera then approached Mando and me, giving us a smile. "Thank you."

Mando gave her a small nod, while I returned her smile. We then climbed onto the cart, sitting beside R8 and the child. The villagers raised their hands, waving at us with smiles. We then made our way back to the Razor Crest. Once we reached the ship, we quickly loaded everything into the cargo hold before taking off.


"I'll help you find a home." Aunt Carol offered. "Finish what Mar-Vell started."

"But they can stay with us." I suggested.

Monica nodded. "Yeah, we have enough room here for them. Can't they, mom?"

"They won't be safe here, babies." Mom mentioned as we approached the table. "Aunt Carol's right. They need their own home."

"I'll be back before you know it." Aunt Carol assured us.

"Or maybe Mandy and I could fly up and meet you halfway?" Monica asked.

"Ah, only if you learn to glow like your Aunt Carol." Fury replied.

"Or maybe we can build a spaceship." I pointed out.

"Yeah, you don't know." Monica retorted.

"He doesn't." Aunt Carol agreed.

Fury looked baffled, glancing back and forth between Aunt Carol, mom, Monica, and me as we let out laughs. Fury then looked over at me. "You know S.H.I.E.L.D. could use someone like you as an agent, Mandy."

Mom gave Fury a warning look, Fury quickly added. "I mean once you're old enough."

"Can I, mom? "I asked.

"You can be whatever you want, sunshine." Mom informed me.

"Then I want to be a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent when I grow up so I can help those who cannot fight for themselves, just like Fury and Aunt Carol did for the Skrulls. I want to be like them." I mentioned.

Fury and Aunt Carol were touched by my words, giving me smiles. Talos then chimed in, giving me a smile. "I don't doubt someone as compassionate as you will make a different on this planet. Like I said, you're a special girl."

"Both my girls are." Mom added, giving Monica and me proud looks.

My eyes fluttered up as the entire ship violently lurched around. I looked around to see myself in the cockpit, sitting behind Mando, who was sitting in pilot's seat, flying about in space. R8 did his best to remain in one spot, but failed as he moved around with every turn Mando took. 

"What's going on?" I questioned.

"Bounty hunter." Mando answered.

A male voice rang out from the communications system. "Hand over the child, Mando."

Mando continued to take us away from the bounty hunter, when all of the sudden, the ship violently jerked around. Sparks flew around the roof. I glanced over at Mando. "What happened?"

"We've been hit." Mando informed me.

"I might let you live." The bounty hunter's voice rang out again.

The child began to whine as the ship shook again. I quickly reached for the child, who laid in his cradle. I scooped him up in my arms. I looked down at the kid, giving him a sympathetic smile. "Hey, it's all right. We're gonna make it out, little one. Don't you worry."

The child looked up at me, raising a hand towards me. As soon as one of my fingers touched his hand, he calmed down. I cracked a smile, feeling touched. I then felt a calming sensation surround me. I took a deep breath, allowing myself to give into the feeling. Father's voice rang out. "Ayla..."

My eyes widened. Father? I mentally shook my head. No, it must be my imagination. He's dead...I saw him die.

"Hold on." Mando advised.

He then spun the ship violently around, causing me to hold onto my seat for dear life. An alarm went off. No doubt something was broken. As he moved the ship around, we heard the bounty hunter's voice. "I can bring you in warm or I can bring you in cold."

Mando then quickly moved the controls forward, quickly moving us back so the Razor Crest was no longer behind the bounty's hunter ship, but instead in front of his ship. Mando then spoke. "That's my line."

I raised an eyebrow. Since when is that his line? I've never heard him say that. He then fired away, hitting the bounty hunter's ship. An explosion broke out, destroying the ship into a million pieces. I let out a sigh of relief. The alarm continued to go off as he flipped through his controls.

"Losing fuel." Mando informed me.

All of the sudden, the engines powered down, leaving us in the dark. The child let out a giggle, causing Mando to sigh. He stood up, walking past me.

"Are we stuck here?" I inquired.

"No, we'll be fine." Mando assured me.

Before I could say a word, he flipped a switch by the door. A red light emerged and he made his way back to his seat, turning on the controls, taking us to the nearest planet. The planet was huge and looked beige from out here. I wonder what planet that is? At that moment, a voice rang out from the communications system. "This is Mos Eisley Tower. We are tracking you. Head for bay three-five, over."

My eyes widened in excitement. Mos Eisley? That means we're going to Tatooine. I couldn't help but feel giddy, getting to walk on the planet where the journey of Luke began. Coulson would be so jealous. This is the best day ever.

"Copy that. Locked in for three-five." Mando confirmed.

Once we landed, I glanced down to see the child fast asleep in my arms. Mando approached me, noticing the child. "We should leave him on the ship."

I hesitated. "I don't know..."

"He'll be fine." He assured me.

"R8 can watch over him." I offered.

R8 let out an affirmative beep, happy to help. But Mando wasn't so sure as I watched his body tensed up. I placed a hand on his shoulder. He tensed some more at first, but I felt as he dropped his shoulder.

"I know you don't trust droids, but you can trust R8. I trust him with my life, he's one of my best friends. He always has my back." I mentioned.

Mando let out a sigh. "Fine..."

All of us climbed down the ladder, I handed the child over to Mando, who placed him in a bunk, which was hidden away. He pressed a button on the side of the wall, closing the bunk. He then turned to face R8. "Stay here, don't go anywhere, droid."

R8 gave him an affirmative beep. I gave Mando a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, Mando. He'll make sure the kid is safe."

Mando gave me a small nod. "All right..." 

As we walked towards the door, Mando spoke up. "Have you had any memories from your past as Ayla?" 

I was baffled. Not long after that night we apologized to each other, I had opened up to him, telling Mando that my father had restored my memories before my life on Earth, but it wasn't complete. I shook my head, immediately feeling a pang of guilt for lying. But I didn't want to burden him with this...This was my problem to bare and figure out, not his...Mando gently placed a hand on my shoulder. "Whoever you are. We'll figure it out. Together."

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