I'll Be With You (Barry Allen...

By hikari46

52.7K 1.2K 115

A girl named Diana Greyson, she's the best friend of Caitlin and Cisco. She's also the niece of Dr. Wells, wh... More

Characters of the Story
Chapter 1 Awaken From Coma
Chapter 2 Clyde Mardon And Kidnapping
Chapter 3 Cause And Effect
Chapter 5 Death Anniversary And First Clue
Chapter 6 Second Clue
Chapter 7 The Mist and Amethyst
Chapter 8 Ballroom
Chapter 9 Unexpected Visitor and Deity
Chapter 10 Gem And God Mother
Chapter 11 The Bully Is Back
Chapter 12 Spending Time With Iris West And Amethyst
Chapter 13 We Need Amethyst
Chapter 14 Sleeping Beauty and Mysterious Person
Chapter 15 The Arrow Is Here
Chapter 16 Arrow and Deity Vs. Flash
Chapter 17 History of Gem
Chapter 18 The Flash Is Here
Chapter 19 Ambushed
Chapter 20 Buying Christmas Gift
Chapter 21 Christmas Party
Chapter 22 He's Here
Chapter 23 Ronnie
Chapter 24 Visiting Barry's Dad And Niece
Chapter 25 Kidnapped And Moving In
Chapter 26 He's Back
Chapter 27 Old Friend
Chapter 28 U.S.B And Roberto Serkis
Chapter 29 Drunk
Chapter 30 Using and Mysterious Guy
Chapter 31 Hold Off
Chapter 32 My Life is Incomplete Without You

Chapter 4 Busted

2.3K 63 11
By hikari46

*Diana P.O.V*

I was waiting for Barry to wake up as he opened his eyes and hold him

Barry groaned and look at me

"I passed out again?" he asked

he stand up

I replied "total metabolic failure" I told him

Caitlin said "brought on by acute hypoglycemia" she explained further

Barry said "I'm not eating enough. so an I.V bag and I'm good to go"

Cisco chuckled and pat Barry's back

"try 40" Cisco told him

uncle said "guess you were thirsty" he drink

Caitlin said "were gonna need to fashion you a new diet based on your metabolic changes" Barry nod in agreement

Cisco said "I've done a few calculations. you need to consume an amount equal to roughly 850 tacos. unless we're talking cheese and guac, which is like a whole other set of equations" he went to grab a paper and a pen

I sense that Detective West is here

"for Mexican, I recommend Tito's on Bruckner Avenue. best in Burrito City" it was him

I looked at Detective West and then at Barry

"you didn't tell him about this?" I asked Barry in whispered

Barry shook his head

uncle said "Detective West. what brings you to S.T.A.R labs?" he asked

Detective West get in and point at Barry

Detective West said "I couldn't find you at your lab, I started doing a little research. turns out there's been reports of a red streak around the city, stopping muggers, rescuing people from burning buildings" he stared at Barry then at me

uncle said "you didn't tell him we were working together?" he asked us

Barry said "Joe, I can explain" he looked at Detective

Detective West said "you already have a job in law enforcement, Barry. I suggest you get back to it"

"mm-hmm" Caitlin nod in agreement then Detective West and I stare at her "don't look at me. I'm on your side" I glared at her and she gulp to see me glaring at her

uncle said "we all want what's best for Barry" he told Detective

Detective West said "if you wanted what was best for Barry, you'd try to talk him out of his lunacy instead of encouraging him going out there risking his life"

Barry and I said "you saw a man control the weather. what are the police gonna do against someone like that?" we asked him

I replied "Clyde Mardon even kidnapped me and you knew that were not strong enough to defeat him" in a calm tone

Barry said "since the accelerator explosion, we suspect there may be more like him"

Detective West said "and your gonna do what? catch them? are you insane? you think because you can run real fast that your invincible? your not. your just a kid. my kid" he looked at us

"I'm not your kid, Joe" he snapped out "and your not my father" I could tell Detective West is hurt because of Barry's words "my father's sitting in Iron Heights. wrongfully convicted" he stand up "you were wrong about this. now I may not be able to help him, but if I can save someone from a burning building or stop some armed thieves, I'm gonna do it. and you can't stop me. so don't try"

"you think your so smart all of you" he looked at us "but you don't know, what you don't know. and I hope that your clever enough to figure it out" he point at uncle then at Barry "before somebody gets killed" he walked out

I stand up and follow him. Barry grab my wrist

Barry said "don't Diana" he looked at me

I replied "I have to, Barry" I stroke his cheek "I'll talk to him and I hated it... when I see you are mad at your loved one's that is very worried about you" in a sincere tone

I left to S.T.A.R labs and run headed to Detective West

*Joe P.O.V*

when I was about to start my car. I hear someone shouting at my name

"DETECTIVE WEST! DETECTIVE WEST! DON'T GO!" it was Dr. Greyson voice

I go out of the car and looked at me

"if your going to lecture me go on ahead" in a stern tone

Dr. Greyson regained her breath and bow down at me while I looked her surprised

"I wanted to apologize for keeping you a secret, Detective West. it's my fault for not telling you about Barry always go to the S.T.A.R labs" she stand up and looked at me with a smile on her face "don't be mad at Barry.. he just wanted to protect everyone and that includes you and Iris" in a sincere tone

I sigh and look at Dr. Greyson. she really is good heart person and rare type to see like her, a unique person

"your a weird person, Dr. Greyson and you don't have to apologize. what's done is done" I told her

"I know that look in your eyes. you were hurt by Barry's word right?" she looked at me worriedly

"yeah, I guess so" I smile sadly at her

"you just need to trust him and support his decision. I know that he can be selfish but he's a grown up man to make his own decision"

"I guess your right.." I sigh as she smiled at me "yet, your different from Dr. Wells" I told her

"I get that a lot" she laugh nervously "he is he and I'm me" she looked at the two wedding rings around her necklace

"your married?" I looked at her surprised

"no, I wasn't" she stopped and hide it "it's my parents wedding ring. they gave it to me before... you know what happened to them" she bit her lip slightly

"I'm sorry to ask that" I looked at the watch "I can take you home if you wanted to, Dr. Greyson"

"please... call me Diana, it's too formal for me" she smiled nervously

"if only you can call me, Joe" I told her

"deal.. I'm going to grab my things and tell them that your taking me home" I nod in agreement

few minutes later, she bring her things and I take her home

Barry. you have no idea how lucky you are, that you have Diana at your side and I'm sure you two will be a great couple

*Barry P.O.V*

Diana already have a work as I was doing my job as a forensic. I noticed that Joe is inside of my lab

"come to yell at me again?" I asked him

Diana won't tell me what she tell about Joe. instead she gave me a smile and left, last night. I sigh mentally she's a weird girl and can be mysterious sometimes

Joe said "Simon Stagg's head of security was murdered last night" he gave me an evidence "the coroner took some skin samples. hopefully they belong to the killer. see if you can find a match" in a serious tone

"can't be a coincidence that Stagg's benefit was attacked last night" I told him

"I'm going to interview Stagg now"

"I'll come with you"

"your job is in here. stay in here and do it" in a stern tone

I see that Iris came in

"hey, dad" she told Joe

Joe said "hey, baby" he greet her "gotta go"

I went back analysis

"why is my dad mad at you?" Iris asked me

I replied "work stuff" then I looked at her "why are you mad at me?" I asked her

"you were supposed to meet me at Jitters to give me some scientific background for my article" in a blunt tone

"and I didn't show up"

"M helped me but then she is busy with her patients and now I have to come up with a new article topic in 24 hours or I fail the assignment"

I approach her

"Iris I-" she cut me off

"don't say that your sorry. okay, I know that you are. what I don't know is what is going on with you" I sigh "we grew up one bedroom down from each other. do you honestly think that I don't know when your happy? or sad or depressed or lost" she tear the paper inside of it is the coffee powder "I'm gonna ask you one last time, Barry Allen, and you better be honest with me. what the"

I used my speed at her

"you want to know what's happening. I'm fast now. God, I just want to tell you, how I feel. how you make me feel. yet, I fall in love slowly on Diana. but, I can't" I stopped using my powers

"hell is going on with you?" we hear the beep sound as I approach my analysis "we are not done talking about this"

I looked at my monitor

"that's impossible. there was a murder last night" I explained "these skin cells belong to the murder, but these cells are naive.. I have to call Diana maybe, she could help me"

I contact Diana's number

"this is Dr. Greyson speaking" we hear her voice

"Diana, it's me. Barry and Iris is with me" I told her

"why are you calling me? is there something wrong?"in a worried tone

"I need your help" in a serious tone

"start talking" in a serious tone

"Simon Stagg head security died last night and Joe gave me a skin samples.. these skin cells belong to the murder, but these cells are naive. stem cells that they can replicate and become-" she cut me off

"any cell the body needs. they only come from babies"she continued

Iris said "this means, your killer is what, a newborn?" she asked

"Barry you told me that Simon Stagg head security died right?"she asked

I replied "yeah, any ideas?" I asked

"newborn.... the murderer is making a clone itself and I have a feeling that Simon Stagg is in danger" in a serious tone

"clone?" I looked at Iris confused

"just go now.. tell Joe about this or else Simon Stagg will be dead" in a stern tone

I replied "I'll tell him" we end up our call

Iris said "you should tell dad"

I nod and left

*Diana P.O.V*

I went to the Stagg Industries as I'm changed my outfit as my hair turned into purple as that goes for my eyes.

I see that Barry is being surrounded by Danton Black? so he really is the one who make a clone himself. when they were about to shoot at Barry. I stand in front of him as I push them using my force field

"who are you?" Barry asked me

I can't let anyone know who I was or else uncle and everyone will know. I'm not as Deity anymore. I sigh mentally at myself

"I'm not your enemy of yours. I hear someone thoughts saying help and I'm here to help you" I change my voice

Danton and his clone are standing up

Danton said "who are you?" he asked me

I replied "I'm nobody" I press my two fingers at my right temple "freeze"

Danton and his clone stopped moving as I see that Barry looked at me surprised

Barry said "who are you, anyway? how did you do that?" he asked me

I replied "a magician will never reveal her secrets and we'll see again soon. red streak, for now you have 5 seconds to leave cause the police are approaching on us" in a serious tone

"not until I know who you are" I mentally roll my eyes at his stubbornness

"I barely know you today, but for now. don't tell anyone or else I'll wipe that memory of yours" in a stern tone

"I won't and what will you do with them?" he point at Danton

"I can't hold them off and go now!" I told him

he run as I unfreeze them then I leave like a wind

>>>>>>>>> Time Skip <<<<<<<<<<

I quickly headed towards the S.T.A.R labs and burst in

Cisco said "Guinness world of records for being a worrier, Dee" he smiled at me

I approach him and check his bruise

"the abrasions are already rapidly healing" I told him

I wear my plastic gloves as I tend his wound

Barry said "yeah, I got my ass handed to me" he winced in pain

I replied "sorry.. I didn't mean to hurt you more" I smiled sheepishly

Cisco said "you got blood on my suit"

"really Cisco?" I looked at him "you worried about that suit instead of Barry" I sigh and raise my eyeglass up a little

"I'm worried about him of course" I roll my eyes at him

Barry said "I think some of it belongs to him. another not-so-friendly meta-human.. except a girl" he whispered at a last part and I can hear it

he thinks of me as a meta-human? I sigh mentally. if only you knew, Barry

uncle let us show the monitor

uncle said "Danton Black" he sigh

I replied "he's a bio-geneticist specialized in therapeutic cloning. growing new organs to replace failing ones" I told Barry about Danton

Caitlin said "apparently Stagg stole his research and then fired him"

Barry said "I saw Black create duplicates from his own body" he stand up

Cisco said "that's pretty ironic. the guy specialized in cloning and now he can make xeroxes of himself"

uncle said "if he was experimenting on himself when he was exposed to the dark matter of wave released by the particle accelerator explosion-" he was being cut off

"meet Captain Clone" we looked at him weirdly "I'll come up with something cooler"

we noticed that Barry is walking out

Caitlin said "where are you going?" she asked

Barry said "Joe was right" he looked at us "I'm in way over my head. yeah, I'm fast, but I am no warrior. man, I could barely fight one meta-human, let alone six"

I read his mind 'I was lucky that the girl saved me yet, she gave me threat to erase my memory. better not tell them' I smiled mentally at him

maybe giving him a threat is good idea I thought of myself

uncle said "Barry" he called him as Barry stopped and look at uncle "I understand. today was a setback. but any grand enterprise has them. and we can never learn to fly without crashing a few times

Barry said "this wasn't a grand enterprise, Dr. Wells. this was a mistake"

he walked out and I followed him. I hold his hand to stopped him

"not now, Diana.. I wanted to have space" he plead on me

I replied "I know.. today you were stressed and going to apologize someone right?" I asked him

"how?" he looked at me surprised

"I study psychology and feel the vibration that you and Iris are somehow having an problem" I sigh "I also hear you that except a girl. who is that girl, Barry?" I question him

"it's um...we-well" he looked at me nervously

I lead him outside and make an invisible force field that no one could see us or hear us

"Barry.. I know your hiding something. tell me" I insist

"just promise me not to tell anyone about this" he plead on me

I make a cross of my heart as I sign of promise

"I promised. shoot" I looked at him

"I meet this girl who saved my life before Black shoot at me. somehow she push them like a force field or something" I nod while listening "when she pressed her two fingers at her temple. the girl freeze them"

"cool" I smiled at him happily "did you know her name!?" I pretend not to know anything since I saved his life before Danton shoot Barry

"no, she did give me a threat that tell anyone or my memories will be gone" he looked at me

"hhmmm... it looks like the girl is like one of my favorite character from X-men first class.. too bad he is way too old for me" I sigh

"you watch those things?" he looked at me surprised

"yeah and that he is Charles Xavier and he's too cool!" I squealed then regain my composure "that was unexpected" I laugh nervously

Barry laugh at my actions and pat my head

Barry said "it was kinda cute" I blushed and look down "I'll see Iris"

why does my heart aches when he cares about Iris. could it be I'm jealous? I barely knew him. I can't fall for him.. yet

"sure" I let the force field disappeared "be careful" I give him a smiled

"thanks for cheering me up" he smiled

"your welcome, Barry"

he leave me as my hair in a mess. I went inside Cisco smirked and I smiled slightly then he's smirk turned into worried

Cisco said "what's wrong, Dee?" he looked at me worriedly

Cisco think of me as younger sister as Caitlin can be a mother figure to me sometimes

I replied "nothing, I'm just stressed that's all" I wipe the sweat of my forehead

Caitlin placed her hand on my forehead then looked at me worriedly

Caitlin said "it seems like your sick, Dee" uncle approach on us "you need a rest or else it will go on worst" she wipe my sweat using the towel

uncle said "your not good enough to drive. lay down and Cisco will carry you later"

I take off my eyeglass and my tie as Caitlin take them as I lay down fall asleep

*Caitlin P.O.V*

I grew Black while Dee is sleeping peacefully. I contact Barry

"look, I told you I'm through" he told me

"I know, but you need to get to S.T.A.R labs. right now" I told him

Barry came quickly as he looked at Black

"Barry, it's okay" I told him

Barry said "it is not okay. Black is here, and he just... standing there. that's not him, is it?" he asked

Dr. Wells said "it's one of his replicates" he explained

"how did you get it?" he stared the clone

I replied "I grew him" he looked at me "I isolated a sample of Black's blood from your suit. to see if I could trigger the in vitro cultivation process and learn how Black multiples" I explained "so I exposed the target cells to a protein gel, and they began replicating into that" I point at the replica

Barry wave his hand at Black "why isn't it doing anything?" he asked us

Dr. Wells said "we did a brain scan. involuntary motor functions are active, little else"

Cisco said "we think it's acting as a receiver"

I replied "the clones are an empty shell without Black. shut down the real Black, and you might shut them all down" I explained Barry

Barry said "but how do we know which one's the real Danton Black?" he asked

"that occurred to me given your own passing out. Black has limits, just like you. controlling all of those clones must require a tremendous amount of physical strength. so, look for one showing signs of weakness or fatigue. he's a prime.. Dee can know which one is real because her eyes are sharp but she's sick and can't ask her" Barry looked at me worriedly

"where is she?" he asked

"on the other room, resting and can't disturb her" I told him

Dr. Wells said "just a theory.. but one you might want to put to the test, Mr. Allen" he changed the subject

Cisco bring the bars the one he made for Barry

Cisco said "plus, I whipped up these high-calorie protein bars for you to keep your metabolism up"

the replica start moving. I shout and step away as someone shot him it was Detective West

"any more of them?" he asked us

"nope" I answer

Barry said "why did it start moving?" he asked

Dr. Wells said "the prime. my guess is, the prime is on the move. this one heard the summons to battle"

so that's the reason why it moves. I hope Dee didn't listen the gun shots

Detective West said "and I know where he was summoned to Stagg Industries"

Barry said "you should call it in"

"police can't fight this. what Black's become, like Mardon.. beyond me. maybe way beyond them, too. the only person it's not beyond is you. you gotta do this. I get it. so for once in your life, do what I tell you to do.go stop him and I'll support you" he noticed something "where is Diana?"

"she's sick and needs a rest"

Cisco said "Dee have a very weak body at the very young age and the doctors told her not to be stressed"

I continued "she always tend to hide it if Dee is sick. never wanted us to get worried"

"yeah, she's a strong girl that's why some of the people admire her" he smiled

"she is, Barry you need to go"

Barry nod as he wear the suit and left

*Diana P.O.V*

I went inside of the lab as my fever is gotten worst

"remember, Barry. find the prime" it was Caitlin voice

I approach them and sit next to Caitlin as everyone surprised at my presence

Cisco said "you should be resting Dee!" he looked at me

I shook my head and grab the mic from Caitlin

"Barry, you need to isolate the prime" I told him

"I can't. it's impossible"he told us

I noticed that Joe is here

Joe said "nothing's impossible, Barry. you taught me that. you can do this"

then everyone looked at me

uncle said "how did you know this?" he asked me

I replied "everything after Cisco put me on the bed" I pat heavily

"your fever is going high" he looked at me worriedly "you need to rest, Maria"

"not until the it is finished and I can be peacefully rest" in a reassuring tone

it is rare for me to get sick and stayed on bed. yet, here I thought I'm alright now because of that. I get the mic

"Barry, are you alright?" I asked

"I'm fine, it's done"we sigh in relief

then I black out as everyone scream my name

>>>>>>>>>> Time Skip <<<<<<<<<<

I opened my eyes slowly and look at my surroundings. I'm in the hospital. then the nurse came in

"Dr. Greyson your awake" she smiled at me

"how long, was I sleep?" I asked her

she give me a glass of water as I drink it slowly

"2 days, Dr. Greyson" I look at her surprised

"2 days? I can't believe it" I sigh

the nurse chuckled and smiled at me

"the director knows your ill and Dr. Garcia told me that you should get plenty of rest until then, your going to work"

"thank you" I noticed that my favorite flower is here "who brought this flowers?" I asked her

"a guy named Barry Allen and Joe West gave this one to you and checking up on you especially on Sir Allen"

"I see.." I stared at my window "is it, alright for me to stroll around the garden?" I asked her

"yes, Dr. Greyson" she leave me alone

I noticed that the guitar is beside me with a note it says

'I know that your always bored, I decided let Barry bring the guitar so you could play instead of reading books. I miss you singing Dee. ~Love Cisco' I smiled

I take off the I.V and grab the guitar then changed clothes. I walk outside and went to the garden. I'm glad that my fever is gone and looked at the beautiful flowers.

I noticed that few of the people are taking a walk. I sit down on the bench and play a guitar while singing

'The sun goes down
The stars come out
And all that counts
Is here and now
My universe
Will never be the same
I'm glad you came'

I sense that Barry is listening to my singing while playing the guitar

'You cast a spell on me, spell on me
You hit me like the sky fell on me, fell on me
And I decided you look well on me, well on me
So let's go somewhere no-one else can see, you and me'

few of the people are staring at me admiringly

'Turn the lights out now
Now I'll take you by the hand
Hand you another drink
Drink it if you can
Can you spend a little time,
Time is slipping away,
Away from us so stay,
Stay with me I can make,
Make you glad you came'

I smiled at them

'The sun goes down
The stars come out
And all that counts
Is here and now
My universe will never be the same
I'm glad you came
I'm glad you came'

the kids are staring at me

'You cast a spell on me, spell on me
You hit me like the sky fell on me, fell on me
And I decided you look well on me, well on me
So let's go somewhere no-one else can see, you and me'

I stared at Barry as he video me using his phone

'Turn the lights out now
Now I'll take you by the hand
Hand you another drink
Drink it if you can
Can you spend a little time,
Time is slipping away
Away from us so stay,
Stay with me I can make,
Make you glad you came'

I smiled everyone and wink at them

'The sun goes down
The stars come out
And all that counts
Is here and now
My universe
Will never be the same
I'm glad you came'

Barry this song indicated it to you and I'm just no match for Iris since you she is your first love

'The sun goes down
The stars come out
And all that counts
Is here and now
My universe
Will never be the same
I'm glad you came
I'm glad you came'

I stopped as everyone clap their hands at me

after I played Barry and I head back to my room

Barry said "your a great singer out there. Diana" he smiled at me

I replied "thanks for the compliment, Barry" I smiled him back

"Dr. Wells and the others are worried about you. but, now that your awake they will be happy to see you"

"did you manage to jail Danton Black?" I asked him

"he committed a suicide, Diana and Joe is helping me finding the culprit who killed mom" in a serious tone

"that's great. Joe is helping you find that person" I grab my eyeglass and put it on "if you find it. I'm sure your dad will be set free"

"and your parents too, they both died because of him right?" he asked me a question

"yeah.. until now, I'm still a coward" I stared at the window

"why?" in a confused tone

"before they died. my parents told me about the files where everything tells the whole story and the first clue is the first step of finding the gem" I take off the eyeglass and looked at him

"gem?" I nod

"allows me to power up my powers and I'm sorry to say this but.. I'm the one who saved you the other day" he looked at me surprised

"you were involved to the particle accelerator?" he asked

"no, I'm not... my powers just awaken before the explosion.. don't tell anyone about my powers only you and Joe" in a serious tone

"why can't Dr. Wells knows or them?" he asked

"huge risked and having a major trust issues" I rubbed my temple

"I won't tell anyone and what are your powers?"

"a magician will never tell her secrets. that's for you to find out, Barry" I smirked

he pout as I smiled at him. you will only know me a little Barry Allen

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