oh the hue-manity

By godsavethetrees

2K 467 129

now that katie isnt on wattpad, who will do my covers now? edit: after some long talks on the phone and i may... More

Mr. Optimist
8:09 In Ohio
No Flex Zone
Journey Beyond
New Me
oh the hue-manity
Trail Blaze
Posting a draft because I'm ethan and I swear I'm good at Wattpad
I think I can pay you in Trident gum
You and I: The Same
You and I


132 38 8
By godsavethetrees

here in the shadow of eve
these thoughts close in on me
down and my eyes shut close
your hands always amazed me
still these regrets fall like yellow foliage
I want to forget all these rules
make, wider my eyes please
let me see beyond shadows
that keep me closed, let me hear
beyond the sundering thunders
and heal my broken will
here in the shadow of eve
days are repetitive and languid
still I doggedly pursue your lips
she fell in love with the way
I viewed the world except I forgot
all about the world when I viewed her
nights are heavy with melancholy
once clear and arid, full of darkness
and weight of regrets, everything
for a moment seems inescapable

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