I think I can pay you in Trident gum

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there are memories of you
washing down the creek flows happily
pert, moaning, skirting hands
undressing eyes, mumbling and smiling
hidden, driven and forgetting
everything i was angry with you for


let's pretend some things
Spring clothes its grass with the soft
edges of dew and they lick your skin
playfully, feathery, our egos big
as a barn in the naked orange sunrise
let's have our dreams resemble a windmill


it is there where my heart decides to land
and everything prior to where I am now
means nothing but an offering of sacrificing pride
a quick and spur of the moment with my feet
a cut above the surface of the earth
this weird thought came up to me like a giant clutching me
in its hands and lifting me higher


heaven was closer than my reach sometimes
sometimes as close as a smile conveying
a simple message, an eager to please, a morning person
up at nine am and cooking silently in the serenity
heaven is found not in a place but a person
and I think I'll settle it in you, Love you silently in these
cool mornings and when you're awake looking back at me

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