Glee- Santana's younger sister

By jessjbug

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Santana Lopez has a younger sister Brynn Lopez Brynn is starting high school she is going to the same high s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Not an update
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Not an update
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Not an update
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Should I continue
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Not an update
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Not an update
Chapter 39
Not an update
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Not an update
Chapter 42
Honest Opinion

Chapter 25

297 3 0
By jessjbug

Quinn's POV

It's 2:30 in the morning and Brynn has just come into our room for the 3rd time. Santana is holding her in our bed and Brynn is crying.

Santana: Brynn I need you to calm down

Brynn kept crying Santana was running her fingers through Brynn's hair

Quinn: take some deep breaths Brynn

Brynn took a deep breath and continued to until she was calm once she was calmed down enough Santana started talking to her

Santana: what's going on Brynn

Brynn: I can't do this

Santana: can't do what

Brynn: talk to our social worker

Santana: yes you can Brynn

Brynn: no I can't I can't talk to anyone

Santana: why

Brynn: I'm scared

Santana pulled Brynn onto her lap and I moved over to sit next to them

Santana: I'm scared to baby, but we have to talk to her that way we can make sure he never comes back

Brynn: what about mom

Santana: I don't know Brynn

Brynn: I don't want mom to come back either

Santana: why

Brynn: you'll be mad at me

Santana: nothing you say or do will make me or Quinn mad at you

Brynn: she hit me too

Santana: when?

Brynn: when you weren't around

Santana hugged Brynn and said she would be right back, she got up and walked out of the room so I patted the spot on the bed for Brynn to come lay next to me, Brynn moved over and I wrapped an arm around her

Quinn: you were ver brave to tell us that Brynn

Brynn: I didn't want to tell

Quinn: I know you didn't but by telling us we can help you know

Brynn: what if social services makes me go back to them

Quinn: then we will deal with that if it happens, but I think there is enough evidence that shows what they did to you and Santana

Brynn nodded and moved closer to me and I held her. Soon Santana came back into the room with water and some meds

Santana: here is some water and something to help you relax Brynn

Brynn: what is it

Santana: it's anxitey meds, the doctor at the hospital gave them to me just in case you needed them

Quinn: and right now Brynn you need them

Brynn sat up and looked at the blankets

Santana: theres nothing wrong with needing to take meds to help you calm down, I've had to take them before

Brynn: really?

Santana: yeah, now please take them

Brynn to the meds and put them in her mouth and took a drink of water and handed the cup back to Santana, Santana sat the cup on the night stand and got into bed

Santana: lay down baby Quinn and I are right here no one is going to hurt you while both Quinn and I are here.

Brynn laid down and Santana and I both covered her up, I took Brynn's hand and Santana started playing with Brynn's hair and singing to her softly, Soon Brynn fell asleep and so did Santana and I.

Santana's POV

It's 6 in the morning and I can't sleep, Brynn kept waking up all night long and it would take a litlle while to get her to calm down and go back to sleep. Quinn and Brynn are both asleep so I decided to get up and go into the kitchen. I sat there just thinking about everything, I must have not been paying attention because Quinn had said my name.

Quinn: Santana

Santana: hmm

Quinn: I have been saying your name for the past 10 minutes

Santana: sorry, What time is it?

Quinn: 8

Santana: is Brynn still in bed?

Quinn: yeah she's still sleeping

Santana: okay

Quinn: I'm going to make some breakfest

Santana: I'll go wake Brynn up

Quinn: okay

Quinn kissed my cheek and went over and started making breakfest, I got up and went into the bedroom and laid next to Brynn and started rubbing her back until she woke up

Santana: hey baby girl

Brynn: hi

Santana: Quinn is making breakfest

Brynn: okay

I sat up and so did Brynn

Brynn: Santana?

Santana: yes

Brynn: what happens if the social worker says I have to go back with mom and dad

Santana: then I will go with you

Brynn: what if they don't let you

Santana: then you and I will figure it out, but right now lets get up and go eat okay

Brynn: okay

Brynn and I got out of bed and I took her hand and we went to the kitchen where Quinn had made pancakes, bacon and eggs

Quinn: I hope your hungry

Santana: I am

Quinn: are you Brynn

Brynn: maybe a little

Quinn: lets sit down and eat then

We all sat down and put food on our plates I put some on Brynn's plate and she moved her food around

Santana: Brynn please try to eat

Brynn: I'm not hungery

Quinn: just a few bites please

Bynn took a few bites

Brynn: can I be done please

Santana: please eat baby

Brynn: i'm not hungry

Quinn: it's okay San she will eat when she is hungry

Santana: okay, go get dressed Brynn

Brynn: are we going to school

Santana: i'm not sure yet

Brynn: okay

Brynn got up and went into her room

Quinn: give her some time

Santana: I know, I just wish I could do something to help her feel better

Quinn: I know and trust me you are doing something for her

Santana: how

Quinn: what are you doing for her right now San

I sat there and thought about it

Quinn: your giving her a chance to know what it's like to be in a house that's safe, your letting her still be a kid

Santana: I don't know if she even knows how to be a kid Quinn

Quinn: I know, but she has a chance to be one now

Santana: I know

Quinn: lets go get ready

Quinn and I cleaned up breakfest then went up stairs and started to get ready. Once I was done I went to Brynn's room and knocked on her door. It took a few minutes but she opened it

Santana: are you about ready

Brynn: yeah

Santana: do you want me to braid your hair

Brynn: yes please

I sat on Brynn's bed and she sat in front of me and I braided her hair. Once I was done I pulled her into a hug

Santana: it's going to be okay, I'll be with you the whole time

Brynn: promise

Santana: I promise

Brynn and I got up and and walked to mine and Quinn's room

Quinn: are you guys ready to go

Santana: yeah

We all went to Quinn's car and got in and Quinn drove us to the social workers office

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