Yuma x FEM reader (oneshots)

Door lesmolfrenchfry

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credits to the artist of the cover :3 (couldn't find the name qwq) anyways! the author smols is here to intro... Meer

◉Sugar coated hugs◉
◉A heartache to drink from◉

◉Goodbye Hesitation◉

692 19 12
Door lesmolfrenchfry


[Please use the list below to familiarize yourself with the genres]

[You will be notified of the subject with the image below]


Self doubt:💌
Body implications on oneself:🌺


[The battlesuit will look like this, sorry if it isn't to your liking but I've tried my best and I also put a veil over the (y/n) character to signify an unknown appearance to those who have different characters in mind]

{(Y/n)'s Pov}

Waking up with an annoyed hum, I slid off of the comfortable abode of the warm blankets. Changing into the uniform with tights underneath the skirt to cover a few scratch marks from none other than my clumsy self, I felt self conscious about the marks left behind by the impacts so there would be only one way to cover them. After getting ready, I grabbed my book bag and made my way towards the school by foot. Even though the school itself was nice, there were some cases in which it remained to be one of my scariest memories.

Giving a stressful sigh while entering the campus, a voice struck my ears "(y/n)! goodmorning" turning to the source, it was none other than Osamu himself, one of the very few people who represented good intentions. Glancing to his side was the second friend of mine, yuma. Sending a small smile their way, I couldn't help but feel so protective of them "goodmorning" the crimson eyed male greeted. Waving at them a tad bit out of nervousness, I began leaning back and forth "goodmorning you two" I softly greeted back with the warmth of familiarity. All three of us strode to the classroom making small talk, though at least their presence made the tenseness of the student's disgusted looks at least a little less powerful. Upon our arrival to the classroom, I decided to drown out the whispering that wafted through the area about my presence itself disturbing those nearby that were to take notice. Taking out designated seats, I sat at the very back, nearby a couple of males who turned to anyone who they deemed timid enough to pick on.

'i won't let them do as they please to me or anyone matter of fact! as long as I'm here, I'll be there to protect anybody I come across no matter the cost'





[TW: mentions of bullying]

After the bell struck my ears, i perked up from the long explanation the teacher had given and took out my bento. Sitting up from the abode of my desk, I strode throughout the halls and up towards a flight of stairs that lead to the rooftop, a place I always found calm and tranquil to think about life choices. Upon arriving at the door that stood between me and my comfortable space, I gripped the doorknob and twisted it with a gentle push, though upon revealing the area...my sight landed on the amount of students present. Flinching from the unexpected turn of events, I gave a small muffled gasp before slowly walking backwards with the door in tow to hide my very existence. To my surprise, my back made contact with someone who I wasn't able to see. Quickly turning to the source, I found a group of females there with hateful glances "aren't you supposed to be somewhere far from society?" One of them asked with venom in her words. Glancing at the floor with a grip to my bento box, I gave a small breather "I'm sorry, I didn't realize people were up here, If it makes you feel any better I could eat elsewhere" I glanced back up at the female who asked, keeping myself at a calm state. A satisfied look crossed the girl's features "it would be much appreciated, you belong elsewhere" giving the lass a nod before another girl had decided to speak up "looks like the rumors were true" she gave a smirk. Glancing at the girl with a confused look

'it was a bit nerve racking to ask'

"rumors?" I came to a halt from within the stairs. A raven haired from the group pointed an accusatory finger at me "you haven't herd?, The rumor stated you're probably another neighbor disguised as a human" flinching at their response with shock spreading throughout my core, I glanced back down at the floor. My grip tightening with the bento In my palms "that's not..." I began, but was later interrupted "so it is true" a blonde replied. Though the more they spoke, the more their voices smothered themselves into nothing, even if I were to be in such close range.

'do all of the people think that way?'

'that I'm another neighbor?'

'why?, I'm only doing this to protect all of you...I don't want it to seem as if im another neighbor'

'is that why everyone is so distant?'

'will I be able to do this?'

'what if I can't...the thought always crossed me'

Another voice had brought me back to reality as I found myself turning to the source, a raven haired male I knew so well stepped in between us, Osamu. His glasses glinted with determination if someone were to look closely "ladies, please respect a member who's part of border" he began with a soft tone, the lasses on the other hand looked more agitated. The blonde spoke up "don't get involved four eyes, this has nothing to do with you" she jabbed with a glare in her gaze. Osamu being osamu, he did not stand down and kept his calm demeanor intact "she's doing the best she can to protect everyone with the trigger she possessed, that doesn't make her a neighbor" he stated with a hand outstretched a tad bit to separate the both of us, like a barrier. Another accusatory finger was sent to the Raven haired's way "so what? She could turn her back against everyone if she has a trigger like that" she exclaimed. With another hand gesture, Osamu had kept the situation from escalating "then border can handle what comes after" he finished, which silenced the females who walked away with frustration. Nervously meeting emerald irises, he gave a fond smile "ignore them, they're just paranoid" he stated in a soft tone, though even his reassurance made the thought a bit less stronger than before. Warmth enveloped my shoulders as I was gently moved away from the space of the incident that occured "come on, let's look for Yuma" he kindly offered while leading me towards the albino. Becoming stiff from the motion, I gave a polite yet quiet nod towards red orbs that bore into my own, in which he returned with a casual gaze "so, what happened?" He glanced at the Raven haired male. Osamu gave a slight wave and stood next to yuma "just a few students picking on (y/n), the problem was thankfully resolved" he stated with relief laced into his vocals. Perking up from Osamu's statement, I began waving the idea off "oh- no no, they were just scared is all, though I wouldn't blame them, it's alright really" I responded with a nervous glance at the two males.





'what if I can't?'

Another ring from the bell made me feel relieved as I quickly made my way out of the classroom and out the front doors, avoiding the fact that the only reason was because of the thought of being called an enemy to the people I'm trying to protect. Passing by many citizens and roads along the way, I found myself near a canal where the water had run in a calming manner, making me fall into a tranquil trance, the fluidity and sound making this moment seem all the more magical. Until the sound of the alarms that set off begun to ring throughout the suffocating silence, alerted, I glanced back at the building before quickly looking around. A strong rumble had shook throughout the area, turning to the source, there, an entire neighbor had appeared causing havoc with it's strength to take everything down from it's path. Letting go of my bookbag with narrowed eyes at the opponent, I stepped forward with confidence "trigger on" I called out as the transformation began. Swiftly darting to it's direction, the house's roofs beneath my feet at a pace to keep up with the foe.





{Yuma's Pov}

Walking along Osamu, the noise of the alarms setting off had rung throughout the entire neighborhood, turning to the source with a calm demeanor I saw what this world called a neighbor. Glancing back at the raven haired male who looked concerned I was confused as to why he hadn't intervened "why aren't you attacking it? Neighbors are your target no?" I asked. His gaze met mine before pointing at something else "they are, but I think they already sent out (y/n)" he responded, to which I turned to the source and found a white figure attacking the creature with baneful tactics.

'is that her trigger?'

Turning to the empty space beside me, I witnessed Osamu picking up an object on the floor of what seemed to be a book bag. He returned to my side and stared at the object in his hand "I think this must be (y/n)'s" he stated with a glance my way, in return I gave a shrug and looked back at the scene playing on it's own. Her movements were Swift yet the flexibility surprised me, it seemed as though she planned out the movements on the spot while in combat. Though the Raven haired male spoke up as he too stared "so this is the white trigger" he commented with a murmur, glancing back at him with a curious gaze at his statement "white trigger?" I repeated. Turning back to meet glances, he raised a finger "oh, I forgot you haven't herd of it since your a bit new in this world" he then motioned to (y/n) who was currently in mid air "it has been said that one of the lower ranks were tested for a new type of trigger border had constructed, though few were able to connect with it until (y/n) had been tested" he explained carefully. After he finished with the explanation, given to him from the info yuichi had told, that combat suit was actually made from the surface areas of the neighbor itself. Given the amount of pressure from it's power to connect with one's body perfectly, it seems as though (y/n) was a perfect fit, though from what I have observed I can see why Osamu wouldn't worry about (y/n) taking advantage of such an item. He said that the trigger itself is close to an A rank, almost in comparison to my own.

' from what I can tell, she doesn't seem like the type to take advantage of someone out of sheer selfishness'

Though an unexpected event had occured, while it seemed as though (y/n) was about to eliminate the neighbor, it looked as though she hesitated and in the process was shoved to a wall, causing the area to crumble from impact. Giving a hum in amazement, Osamu on the other hand looked far more concerned "that's odd" he mumbled again, before he continued without any response from me "it's not like her to hesitate in eliminating a neighbor" turning back to the scene, the (h/c)-nette got back up and attempted to try once more.

After she finished it off, Osamu and I stood there observing her form making her way back, it looks to be as if the trigger itself was made out of the contents from a neighbor's surface in a form of an elastic fabric used to better move around freely, I Intensely staring at the fabric that was present, until it dispersed when she deactivated the trigger.

'the real question is how did it exactly resonate with her own body?'

{(Y/n)'s Pov}

Upon arriving back from where I left off, my form came to an abrupt halt as I stared at the two males who weren't there before. Noticing they were both Osamu and Yuma, I gestured a wave to the two "oh- I didn't expect to see you two here!" I responded with a nervous scratch at the side of my head in hopes of making things less awkward from the performance. Jolting, panic began to spread throughout my body "ah!- what time is it?!" I fumbled around for my phone and checked the time, panicking even more I turned and sprinted "I need to go! See you!" I exclaimed. But a voice struck my ears and my movement came to a complete halt, turning to the voice that called out to me, Osamu jogged in my direction and handed me my book bag "you forgot this" he reminded with a kind smile. Feeling a little embarrassed of my actions, I gently grasped the item and gave one final wave to both of the males once more "thank you, walk home safely!" I suggested before I ran off in a hurry.







{(Y/n)'s Pov}

Sitting at the comfort of my bedsheets, I kept looking back and forth at the notes I jotted down with confusion.

' sometimes, the notes don't necessarily explain everything that it needs to'

Jerking at the sound that struck my ears, it took me a moment to process that it was the ringtone of my phone, grasping it in my palms I answered the call while scanning the pages that held examples like they were mocking me "yo, (y/n)" perking up at the voice, I glanced at the phone "jin?" I responded as even more confusion laced itself into my features "the one and only! I need a helping hand from you 'special' " I gave a small sigh. Getting up from the bed itself and walking to the window "you didn't have to use the codename border had given me" I glanced into the night sky as I opened the window "I'm just joking with you!" He gave a chuckle from my response. Leaning onto the edges of the entrance to my abode, the sensation of the wind gave a calm feel to it "may I ask as to why you've decided to call me?" He gave a soft sigh.

'Though for some reason I was able to picture his grin never fading away from his features even when serious matters were discussed with'

"Im in need of a helping hand, you see, things came up and turns out I'm needed elsewhere" he paused, but continued just as quickly "so I was hoping you could eliminate any neighbors sighted near the area I usually keep an eye on, think you could do that?" He asked. Looking down at the houses lit up like jewels in the night that weren't harvested, I gave a small nod as determination filled my form with confidence "leave it to me jin!" His laugh emitting off of the phone I grasped "well then, I'm counting on you (y/n)" the dead end of line followed after.

'alright! Maybe patrolling around the area would better help me clear my head for a bit, so I could get back on track with homework'

Setting my phone aside on my own desk, I hopped onto the edges of the window itself, staring back up at the moon that showered my form in the comfort of it's light, as if embracing me. Closing my eyes in tranquility, I let go of the edge from the window and began falling from the area "trigger on" I softly called out as my form enveloped the color of the moon itself. Now in a clear mindset, I swiftly made my way towards where neighbors are mostly sighted, inhaling the freshly chilly air with the silence to fill the calming situation. Swiftly making my way towards another portal that had opened up from the neighbor's arrival, giving a strong kick off the ground to keep myself in the same level as the foe. I brought my fist into a quick motion of a punch, sending the neighbor's head flinging to one side from contact, though as it tried to seize it's moment to power up, I kicked off from one of the rooftops while jumping onto the head of the predator, it's mouth slammed shut from the action. After jumping off from it's head and into mid air, I finally had twisted my body to spin rapidly before giving one final kick to it's head once more, the body itself exploding from the vicious impact.

'i probably should have tried to keep it down, people might be trying to sleep nearby'

'but what if the skills I obtained aren't good enough to protect anyone around me?'

'even so, would I be considered as unhelpful if I'm not meeting certain standards?'

Giving a soft sigh, I turned away from the scene and hopped onto another rooftop to get a better view of the perimeter, but upon doing so, a voice had caught my attention "so, I take it you wanted to handle the neighbor on your own?" the said voice asked. Turning to the source, there I found Ruby red irises boring into my own but glanced at the all too familiar dark trigger "Yuma?, Why is your trigger activated?" I asked with a tilt of my head. He took a few steps closer to my form and gave a calm shrug "I herd the commotion and arrived here" he nonchalantly responded, taking a seat at the edge of the roof with my gaze to the bright moon, I gave a small smile in return. The atmosphere seeming all the less lonely with Yuma present, hearing a shift beside me I had only assumed that Yuma was tired as well.

'who knows how far he lived after all, hopefully he didn't have to walk far'

A peaceful vocal struck my ears "I was wondering..." He paused which caused me to turn to his form, giving him the signal to continue he gave a glance at the moon as well "how did your body resonate with the white trigger?" He finished. Though with this question in particular caught me off guard.

'the thought hadn't crossed my mind'

'i just accepted that it resonated with me and wanted to use it in order to do good deeds, for the safety of others'

'so they wouldn't have to worry about such things as danger if they have someone to depend on'

A blur moved past my line of sight as I blinked a couple of times, dug right back into reality "hello?...(y/n)? I don't want you freezing on the spot, I won't know where your household is" he responded, though genuine concern laced in his voice.

'why did it comfort me so?'

Giving a small shake of my head, I held a nervous smile laced of my own "sorry Yuma, I was just caught off guard with the question" he retracted his hand back to his side with a calm demeanor "why's that?, Did I say something wrong?" Curiosity within the tilt of his head. Waving my hands in dismissal, I panicked at his assumption "no!- it's just...I never thought of it that way..." I glanced back down at my lap with the fabric of blinding white to greet me. My fist clenched a little from the amount of honesty I was about to commit to "I just-...you know...when you don't really mind something that happens at an unexpected time, and think of it as nothing more than something that crossed you with no warning as another sample of life?" I asked with uncertainty, in hopes of trying to make the night less awkward, I kept quiet and patient for his answer. But I wasn't expecting...

"Yeah, did you, obtaining the trigger come at an unexpected time?"

Eyes wide as saucers, I stared back at him with a soft gaze "it...did, and I just accepted the fact I was the one to obtain such an item" my gaze went back to the stars in the sky that showered our forms in gentle light "since I wanted to help others, I used this trigger to help border and many people who were just afraid of being attacked, some may say that someone should take full advantage of such power" I paused and found the albino in a silent manner. Nervously continuing, I gave a deep inhale "but I thought differently, and I just wanted the people in this place to live without worry of the dangers that lie beyond the gates neighbors appear" flinching at the warmth on my cheek, suddenly my sights med Ruby hues that bore into the corners of my soul. With a shaky breath "um-...Yuma?" I nervously called out, before he retracted his hand "I see...very honest of you to trust me enough to tell" he responded with a calm glance to his other side. Confused at his action earlier, I gave a soft rub to the cheek he had touched "is that bad?..." I asked with nervousness filling my core, with his duck lips intact he glanced back at me "no, although you could say im surprised" confusion began to pile up.


The albino got up and began walking away, before turning to meet my gaze "well, I'll head back" he gave a small wave "see you later, (y/n)" after the action, he casually stepped off the roof and was gone the next.

Caressing the same cheek the albino had touched, at the moment heat crept up my features the more I thought about it as the organ in my very being began to beat viciously.






[Tw: mentions of bullying]

{(Y/n)'s pov}

Arriving at the school with a pep to my step, a feeling of euphoria had consumed the feeling in my chest and the weird feeling in my stomach.

'why do I feel this way?'

'it feels a little unusual'

The halls were a blur from the lack of attention I payed to the things around me, especially the students who weren't very nice.

'but above all, the world seemed...brighter'

Hurriedly arriving to the class door, I slid the door open to reveal the abode of a classroom once so tense, walking to the desk I couldn't wait to be in for the first time. Something wasn't right, my gaze landed onto the stem of a plant that layed there for all to see, though the more I stared, the more the Snickers became apparent to me. My feet couldn't move, and I felt is if time had stopped around me except the noises that went on around the area.

'it felt as if the building itself came down and crushed me'

A step back, followed after another.
I gripped onto my bookbag and turned in silence, before I knew it everything was blocked out from my line of hearing.

{Third Pov}

While the world had been muted from the (h/c)-nette had walked by, the lass had failed to notice the two males walking by her. The Raven haired male was about to speak, but refrained from doing so by the expression (y/n) had, with confused glances boring into her back, an albino had spoken up. Concern laced into his voice from what he had just witnessed "what's gotten into her?" He gazed up to emerald irises that quickly were now focused to the classroom door. Approaching the said door, Osamu had entered and found a certain flower onto the desk which belonged to the (h/c)-nette, the male understood what took place and looked back down at Yuma who gazed at the desk. Confusion lacing into his features, he held his usual duck lipped expression "what caused her to look that way?" He asked, giving a concerned glance from the amount of shock that went through (y/n). Taking in a soft inhale, the Raven haired glared at the students in the classroom from the amount of snickering and whispers that wafted through the area "let's just say, the flower represents something unpleasant" was all that came out. Another confused tilt of the albino's head, Osamu glanced back down at him once more "to put it simply, it means she's wanted deceased" the lad bluntly stated. The duck lips on Yuma's features were gone, and all that was left was a calm glance as the albino had turned away from the class, heading to the direction where the girl had hurried off to.

Ruby orbs glancing in all directions for a certain (h/c)-nette, the male became dissapointed when he wasn't met with what Yuma was looking for. Coming to a halt when the lad approached a dead end, he turned around only for a certain sound to come in his range of hearing.

{Yuma's Pov}

Coming to a complete halt with a pause to my breath, there was the sound of someone sniffling a lot. Slowly turning to the source, a door that stood between me and the person themselves was like a border like revealing something honest, I approached with a curious demeanor. There I held the doorknob in my palm, giving it a gentle twist as I invited myself inside. There I found the form of none other than (y/n) herself, sitting on the ground with her arms to shield her pain from me, approaching the girl while crouching to her height as concern filled my chest and spread like some sort of enchantment.

{(Y/n)'s Pov}

Flinching at the light that emitted off of the door that was now open, filled my form with anxiousness.

'though most of the feeling in my chest felt like someone was squeezing my neck and heart at the same time'

Though in order to save me the embarrassment of having the person seeing me in such a state, I kept my features covered with my arms over my head and my knees up. Silence came first, followed by a voice "I think what they did was not very good if it made you cry this badly" his calm voice struck through the silence that embraced me with a suffocating grip. Shifting a bit in my spot, I felt the light emitting from the door turn into a shadow. Slowly glancing up at the source, I found red irises staring back at my own with such concern and tranquility, that more tears replaced the ones that shrunk when much was spilled. Quickly realizing I was only staring, I gazed back down at my lap that helped comfort me from the gazes of others with many emotions behind dark pupils "I don't blame them, they're afraid...why blame those who live in fear of the dangers neighbors bring?..." I mumbled with quivering breaths. Silence was met, until Yuma spoke once again "it isn't your fault to begin with, you didn't choose to resonate with the one trigger nobody was able to successfully obtain" he stated with a soft tone, though warmth enveloped my cheeks. Being held by the male that had cupped them, his thumb grazed against one of my tears "so don't cry alright?...if it makes you feel any better I could walk you back to the classroom, wouldn't wanna be late" he gazed at me with a soft yet calm manner. Finally getting up from his crouched position, he held out a hand towards me, covering my mouth with the sleeve of a cardigan I had with my own palm sliding into his own. Gently getting up from the ground, I sniffled once more from the mess I had become. Yuma's soft smile made most of the sadness disintegrate with each genuine act "come, we'll be counted late if we stay longer" he softly spoke while leading me back to the classroom. The male's other hand holding my bookbag in order to help with the "heavy" stuff inside.

'it was really nice of him to help carry my bookbag, but the bookbag itself isn't even that heavy!'

'there we're just pencils and notebooks I use for classes to take notes'

Giving a nervous glance to the side of the male's features, i gently tried reaching for my bookbag in his grasp "Yuma...I could carry the bookbag on my own, it's not that heavy" I sweat dropped. Though unfortunately he pulled his hand away from my reach "it's alright, I'll handle it" he simply responded, from there I gave up while the heat creeping up to my features returned once more. The warmth of his hand in mine began to soothe the troubles that poked at my mind, through every nook and crevice.





{(Y/n)'s Pov}
Arriving at the comfort of my home, I sat down at the table after preparing myself a small sandwich to have in my stomach.

'its better than nothing'

Gently holding the little meal for a bite, a sound struck my ears with it's loud ringtone, jolting with realization, I quickly grabbed my phone and answered. Placing the sandwich back onto the plate, curiosity consumed my core of the person responsible "hello?" I answered softly. Only for the same playful tone to answer back "hey! Just called in to send you out on another mission!" Jin exclaimed with such euphoria as I stood up from the chair I sat in. Turning to the front door with a gaze boring into the door's existence "I hope I didn't call at a wrong time" he stated with hesitance laced into the vocals that traveled through the phone "not at all, I'm ready when you are!" I softly exclaimed. A sets of chuckles were herd once more "you see... this one is different" he stated with a Mischievous tone "there was a student who stole a trigger that resonated with their body, so I want our little 'special' catching a thief" ignoring the codename once again, I gave a hum of confirmation. Though his signature smile could be seen if he were to ever be present "I'm basically sending you out on a special mission! So do the best you can alright? Little 'special'?" He implied once again "please stop calling me that" I sweat dropped at his stubborness. His laughter had erupted throughout the device before he hung up with a farewell, knowing what I needed to do, I bolted to the door and entered the afternoon's vibrant colors that portrayed the beautiful sky. Euphoria had enveloped my being as I saw the different shaded colors that were looming over the world "trigger on!" I cried out as the transformation enveloped my form into particles.






{(Y/n)'s Pov}

Upon arriving from where Jin had given me the coordinates the thief would be, I waited patiently out of sight in order to catch the person responsible off guard. After a few minutes of idle waiting, the alarm had erupted throughout the silence of a neighbor invasion. Alarmed, I look around the area to spot the enemy, until a figure had leapt out from a couple of houses and into the air, followed after a loud crash. Jumping away from the debree that flew at me with force, I glanced at the source to find the exact neighbor who had been detected. Though upon further damage, the person had made eye contact with me, irises as wide as plates from my sudden appearance, but the gaze was replaced with a Mischievous vibe. The person seemed to have been leading the neighbor around the premises, giving a tough glare right back at them, I jumped off of the roof and slammed bodies with them in order to throw the person responsible off balance. Getting a closer look, the person was revealed to be a female.

Impacts were made with repeated physical attacks than relying on weapons alone.

' the neighbor at times would make it a little difficult to concentrate when the neighbor is also interested in causing mayhem'

'Clashing against one another for different ambitions, we both had a similar glint that made us feel as threatened, yet just as strong'

After a few more attacks were being thrown around the place, the earbud in my ear had gained reception "(y/n), we're sending out a few reinforcements in case the student wants to hurt anyone else by leading neighbors to certain locations" Yuichi informed me with an amused tone. Ignoring the male's vocals, I had kept my concentration focused towards the problem at hand, an idea had come to mind.

'in order to eliminate the most of the threat, is to get rid of the biggest problem'

Softly kicking the student to a stomach with a mumbled apology, I raced my way to the foe and jumped into the air. Rapidly coming to a fall, I raised my leg and brought down an axe kick to the top of its head. Before grabbing a heavy object of debree and viciously slamming it down onto it's body, causing the said creature to explode into nothing but particles. Now turning to the female with a stagger to their step, their fearful eyes met mine. Though at first I thought they would surrender this chaotic action, until they had rapidly jumped off of the house and aimed of what seemed to be a sword at me. Taken back by the sudden act, I jumped away from where the sword would hit, though after the action was over with, they kept attacking with only one weapon.

'mainly a few triggers have two weapons, though maybe this one only has one'

Noticing the upper hand here, I quickly darted forth with her fist ready to take impact to my stomach, upon doing so I stopped her fist with my palm and swung it back. Roughly skidding to a swerve around the female, I roughly pinned her arm behind her back in order to prevent further movement rather than hurting the girl. Noticing the position she was now trapped in, the student had begun to move around wildly from my grasp, having no choice but to knock the girl out, something felt off. Glancing down at my side, a hole was punctured through while I realized I had no feel to the arm that held hers. Jumping back once more, I held my now amputated arm as where the arm was severed, a trion leakage of (f/c) had begun to occur from the damages. A smirk laced into the foe's features, she turned to face me with determination in her stance "well would you look at that, I actually landed a hit! Looks like my 'whiplash' had worked" they replied, with the sword extending like a serpent whenever she strikes. Attempting to dodge most of them, cuts were in place. A maniac laugh erupting from the student's throat in an unsettling way the more she began to quicken her pace with fast launches, after a few long minutes in memorizing her patterned movements. I took a deep breath and ran towards the girl in full speed, sacrificing many scratches and gashes at a few areas, in order to get a better chance, I leapt off the ground and had begun to let my form fall towards her. Taking the defense in trying to attack me while I remained free falling, the sword had now severed three of my limbs, followed after more gashes until I had gotten close. A loud cry erupted from my throat as I roughly headbutted the girl on the head just enough to knock her out, after receiving the blow, she fell onto the floor followed after me. The thud of our bodies being the only sound that cut through the suffocating silence, and just as quickly, the tiredness in my form had consumed me greatly. Laying upon the patches of sand, I found my gaze staring into the dark sky with a surprised hum.

'did it get this late already?'

After a few more seconds had gone by, the reinforcements had came as I instructed them to check for any injured people and to guide those who were left behind to a safer place. Halfway through my second command, I was instructed to stay somewhere for the time being in order to recover from the blows, just as I was about to object, a certain raven haired male came "I'll take her back to a safe place" he volunteered. His voice had caused a few heads to turn, though considering they all had to check around the perimeters, they accepted his suggestion. Like a toddler, I was handed to him with such care, though as he walked away from the area, his gaze met mine "you should seriously be more careful, you could have gotten injured if you retracted your trigger and considering the fact there was a neighbor" he sternly scolded in a hushed tone. Giving a nervous nod, I stayed silent throughout the entire ride, though a voice had caught the both of us off guard "psst, Osamu" the Raven headed male turned to the source with eyes wide as plates. Walking to the said voice, I had a clear view of who the person responsible was.

Red irises stared into the male's gaze before turning to my form "what happened?" He asked, as I avoided his gaze in order to prevent from revealing the heat creeping up my features. Though after Osamu had told him of what had occured, a bit of silence came after "then I can take her home for you" I jolted at his offer.

'that was a bit unexpected! ^^゚'

At first, Osamu hadn't moved until he gave in and handed me over to the albino, gently scolding me once more for being so reckless, given at the position I was in, I couldn't help but nod in defeat. He turned after explaining what he would tell to the reinforcements, whereas I was taken by another trigger user to make things easier for everyone. The albino had turned just as the Raven haired male finished, leaping into the air with a good hold to keep me steady in his arms "I haven't really been to your house yet, so I don't have a clue as to where we need to be" his lips puckered up into duck lips once more in confusion. Sending a small smile his way at his struggle, I decided to tell the male simple instructions as to how he could arrive to the designated location.

{Yuma's Pov}

Along the way through leaping off houses, I softly gazed down at (y/n)'s tired expression and noticed her stomach growling loudly. From the noise, the (h/c)-nette avoided my gaze for an unknown reason

'though I can tell she hadn't eaten, it's quite obvious'

Feeling even more determined to get (y/n) home, I began to pick up the pace a little in hopes she could eat once she gets home.

{(Y/n)'s Pov}

The entire way a silence hung over us in a comfortable manner, as we got a bit closer, I relaxed in his embrace from the refreshing air blowing into my features at a soft rate. Though I couldn't help but glance back up at the albino, the way he looked so calm even throughout the situations he's probably been in.

'even the fact that he could probably succeed far better than me at any tactic'

'they have better means to becoming someone who is willing to protect others'

'but...can I really do that?'

Giving a soft glare down at my lap, I quietly inhaled the chilly air "I think I should quit being associated with border" my voice rung out enough for the albino to hear, feeling his glance at my own form, he kept moving nonetheless. The moon now up and about to bless others in unconscious states was now shining down at the both of us, as if putting us in the spotlight of confessions "I see...I think you do pretty good for a border associate, most of border get to a situation a bit too late" quickly glancing back up at the orbs that stared into the houses whizzing by his form at his pace. The male himself didn't look as though he told a lie "and apart from being associated with border and eliminating neighbors as a job, your an overall enjoyable friend who's very devoted and determined to achieve something you feel is right" he stated with his calm demeanor still intact, I quickly gazed back down at my lap embroidered with cuts on the trigger after realizing I was staring. Giving another breather for the second confession, I gave a small quivery response "but I had failed as a member of border for being so reckless, and getting myself into injuries such as the one I'm currently in, how can I expect myself to protect everyone if I can't even defend myself against another trigger user" I stated. Just as dissapointment would cloud my vision, he once again reassured me that I was doing alright, a bit happy at the fact someone hadn't thought of me as another abnormal being, I left it at that.



{Third Pov}

After the albino had arrived at the said household with (y/n) in his grasp, he went in through the window and looked around the room for a comfortable spot, Ruby orbs quickly glanced at what seemed to be her bed. Feeling relief, the lad had walked over and placed the girl in a comfortable position on the bed, pillows supporting her form. After the (h/c)-nette was settled, she gave a nervous grin after "thank you once again Yuma" she politely tipped her head. With hands waving in dismissal, Yuma had puckered up duck lips now replacing his features "it's no problem really, though you should eat, it isn't healthy to skip meals" he reminded the girl with a calm wave of a finger. Her view from the angle she was in reminded her of a mother scolding her child, giving a small chuckle to the thought, she nodded "alright, I'll do that after I've fully recovered my trigger" she responded with a soft yet genuine expression. After the response, the girl couldn't hear the very soft footsteps coming closer to the bedside, followed after the warmth radiating on her forehead. Snapping back to reality, (y/n) had glanced back up at the male in confusion at first. Then upon noticing what the male had done, the lass had her features explode into a crimson shade, followed after a confused noise of shock. The albino pulled away after giving a peck to the girl's being, he casually walked to the window with a foot onto the windowframe "well, I need to go, take care" the male waved with an unperturbed expression. Upon leaving the said room, the (h/c)-nette had no words that came out of her mouth but an expression of nervousness left behind.






Yuma had arrived home with a calm demeanor as always, sitting at the sidelines of the window with duck lips etched onto his face, though the presence of the Raven haired male couldn't go unnoticed "Yuma" he called out softly. Walking over to the said male with a wave "did you get (y/n) home like I asked you to?" he stated with a bit of concern laced into his vocals. Osamu gazed at the albino with expectancy, though Yuma had only given a poker face "yeah, I did" he stated with a shrug, followed after the voice of Osamu "oh, good-" he exhaled, rubbing off the sweat forming with worry. Until Yuma leaned his face onto his palm "right after, I decided to do something you taught me" he responded with his Ruby orbs looking up at the ceiling in wonder. This surprised the Raven haired male with a confused look "and that would be?" He edged on "well I...kissed her in some way" he replied in a blunt manner. Sending Osamu reeling with a shock that could have probably resembled a heart attack "you did what?!- I didn't teach you that!" The male exclaimed in panic, on the other hand, Yuma only seemed amused. Eyes closed in dismissal "actually, you told me that there were many different ways to kiss someone... forehead, cheek, and lips" he listed with a finger held up. Slouching from the statement, Osamu gave a defeated sigh "I guess your right- but! You know how (y/n) is!" He crouched in a panicked manner and continued "she's...well- very nervous about things like that! Especially from you" he reasoned with the male. Though the expression that came next meant that Osamu's words were taken in a different manner "ah, I see...then maybe I'll just have to try harder" he placed a finger to his cheek with a grin unlike any other. From this response, the Raven haired lad had a feeling that someone was about to receive a lot of hints.





{(Y/n)'s Pov}

I sat in my seat as per usual, though even when the teacher began writing down notes on the chalkboard, a though kept coming to mind whenever I tried to concentrate.

'it's always about that one incident yesterday...come on! Think!"

I gently shook my head to myself, trying to get back on track with my studies and notes that I need. Staring down at the blank pages of my notebook, the familiar heat kept creeping up my features.

'ahh! Stop! You shouldn't be thinking about that at a time like this! Focus!'

I stared intently at the chalkboard with determination welling up my chest, just as I thought things wouldn't become a struggle, my chest began to fill up with warmth and nervousness to the point where I feared anyone who sat near me could hear the thuds of this thing beating inside my very existence.

'stop! I need to calm down! > <'

'please stop beating so loudly! > <'




Throughout the moments of (y/n)'s struggles in the middle of a note session, the girl failed to realize that two Ruby orbs burned holes behind her head, unconsciously infatuated with the form that moved with such purpose.

Then will the albino ever cease to remind the (h/c)-nette of her meaning to the world he himself had obtained from a single person he met,
In another world.


Sorry this took long! I had so many ideas for this book I just had to put them in this page! > < But I hope u enjoy this part! Have a great time!

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