ROB-BIE: Robotic Boyfriend In...

By Antigoni

47.1K 1.9K 298

Sam was surfing the internet one day when she saw an add by Robotic Boyfriend Incorporated Enterprises. She s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
The Invisible Chapter
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 16

1.5K 83 13
By Antigoni

Hello Lovelies! Here's another Chapter for everyone! Be sure to check out SHE MET HIM AT NIGHT and comment! I'll be working on that soon XD And another Chapter of Robbie :) 


Chapter 16

Robbie had his arm wrapped around my waist around my waist. He leaned in and whispered sweet compliments; not that I could hear him. His cool breath sent warm shivers down my back.

We hadn't kissed yet and it was the one thing I worried about the most. I shouldn't be worried right? I mean, he's a robot who hasn't kissed anyone before... So why am I so worried?

He and I walked down to the football field. It was beautiful outside, almost hard to believe that the summer season had come to an end and school had already begun. It almost felt too soon. We sat down in the middle of the field, the sun shining bright. As I looked around, I noticed that we weren't the only ones to think of this. Everyone was out, which meant the cafeteria was probably deserted and quiet. I was contemplating asking Robbie to go back inside when I noticed Billy in the distance. He was standing there on his own. I wondered what he was doing, but quickly turned back to Robbie. He was going on about a video game he and Billy had been playing last night. Usually I'd be nodding and smiling half listening to his words because I am transfixed by his lips.

Instead, my vision had somehow turned back to Billy and the figure that stood next to him. I never would have expected them to actually converse. I was in awe watching Billy and Jaz talk. Jazzy would always complain about him. I wondered what they were talking about...

"Sam?" Robbie's voice snapped me back to him. "Are you okay?" I blinked. Robbie's eyes were bright and filled with concern. He placed his hand gentle on my shoulder and I smiled.

"I'm fine I just got distracted." Robbie nodded and lay down on the grass.

"Sam," he said again. I turned to him and hummed a response. "Sam, I'm really glad you- I mean we met." 

The boy was adorable, there was no denying that. He was so amazingly honest. I grinned and slightly blushed. "Me too." Robbie had me under his spell again. I was so mesmerized that I hadn't noticed Jazzy and Billy sit down next to us.

"Aww, how cute!" Billy exclaimed in clear sarcasm. Jaz laughed, which I noted was extremely unusual for her. I let it go though.

"Ha! Ha! Ha!" I laughed sarcastically at Billy. He was so irritating. He drove me insane. It didn't matter how irritating he got though, because I would always need him. He was my best friend. As annoying as it was to admit, it was the truth. He knew me better than anyone else and as much as I hated to admit it, when I needed him, he would be there.

We all sat together laughing and talking; we had become quite a nice group. I wish we had a portrait of us sitting there. It was a prefect Kodak moment.

Soon it was time to head back into the grim building. Luckily, I had P.E. with Jazzy, which meant that I had some time alone with her. It was the one class without Robbie. I wasn't sick of him or anything, but he had become such a big part of my life that I hadn't really had time to see her, or talk to her.

We headed for the locker rooms leaving the boys in our dust. 

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