Sci - Fi Short Stories

By SissaRomanova

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Collection of Sci-Fi Shorts: FINDING THE TRUTH: [Sci-Fi: Candlepunk] Catalina de Aragón, Infanta of Spain, gr... More

OUR HERO - Entdeckung
OUR HERO - Rettung
OUR HERO - Flucht
OUR HERO - Traum
OUR HERO - Übermensch
The Infanta
The City of Stones
Work To Do
A Brief Epilogue
Flash Fiction - Invaders

OUR HERO - Geschenk

418 30 8
By SissaRomanova

“How long will it take until we get there, Till?” Renate asked. She still looked pale, her dark blonde hair blowing on her face with the pleasant wind.

“We’ve been here for what, three days?” He asked, looking at Rene, who nodded. “Then, I believe we are almost there.”

Lidia was happily looking at the waves from the deck. She was smiling in a way she never did before. Her brother was caring for her, making sure she would not fall.

The ship was full of people, but they never went further than the deck. They knew it would be dangerous to show themselves too much. For anyone who would see, they were simply a father with his children.

“And how did you get us to be in this ship?” Simon asked, curiously.

“I made friends… They help me the way they can with my cause.”

“How is America, Till? Have you ever been there?”

Ja… America is the perfect place for you now. I think you are going to love it.”

He didn’t even have to say that; anywhere was better than where they have been. And America meant new hopes, new dreams and a whole new future. Where there would be no more torture, no more pain. They would be reunited with their parents, and they would be able to include themselves in the society, walk with other children.

“I can see other boats!” Lidia said, excited, pointing at a direction.

They all looked; there were silhouettes of boats at a distance.

“Ah, that means we are really almost there.” Till smiled. “In a few hours, kids! America is a few hours away from us!”

Rene still felt as if they were living a dream; it was just too good to be true. For him, nothing could pay the smile in Renate’s face, the slight rosy blush on her cheeks that had never been there, showing newly acquired health and joy; her brown eyes shining for the first time, as if they were no longer hiding their danger, but proudly showing their story. Not as if she had never lived what she had; nothing could ever take away those horrid memories. But now she was finally free.

He looked down, and saw in his arm something he would carry forever; an eternal memory on his body of those horrible times. “A - 2507”. The tattoo of his identification in the concentration camp. They all had been tattooed, marked.

Till noticed Rene; he gently put his hand on his arm. “It is past. Don’t think about it anymore. There will be no more pain.”

The boy smiled and nodded.

 “Look at that boat!” Lidia screamed, happily. “Look! Look! It is close!”

The boat was small, white and getting closer to them.

Till looked upset. “Look at this clown. Just 'cause he got a bigger boat, he thinks he can take up the whole river. Get out of the way, jackass! Who names their boat Coast Guard, anyway?” He laughed, disdainful.

Rene stood up. “The Coast Guard!”

Till’s smile disappeared. “Oh…”

“We should probably go back downstairs.” Rene said.

“Agreed.” Till replied, and they quickly went back to their room downstairs.

“Why are we hiding?” Lidia asked, frightened. “Are they back to get us? Will they take us back?”

Nein, Lidia.” Till said. “They will not. I just don’t want them to see me. Do not worry, you are safe.”

As soon as he said that, there was a huge impact on the ship; the kids were thrown to the other side of the room, while Till managed to grab the bed.

“What was it?!” Renate asked, scared. “What’s happening?!”

“I have no idea…” Till replied. “Maybe we hit something. Don’t go away, kids, I will be right back. Stay here. Stay together.”

He hesitated, and then he turned to Rene. “Here, boy. Take this.” He took off his pocket a small silver penknife, with the words “USA Marine” written on it. “If it’s needed, only if it’s needed, use this to defend yourself and your sister and friends. Stay here, hide if you have to, and if you feel like you have to use this, don’t think twice, verstanden?”

Rene nodded. Till quickly left and the boy stood up.

“I am going” he said.

Nein.” Simon protested. “You heard Till! Stay here!”

“Rene, please stay!” Renate cried.

“I promise I will be back.” He said. “I have to see.”

Before anyone else could protest, Rene left. He ran up the stairs carefully, and he noticed there was some kind of disturbance on the deck. As he reached the first pavement, he heard footsteps near him, and hid behind a pile of wooden boxes.

Whoever was near him ran away. Rene took a deep breath, and kept walking silently. He saw, on the end of the way, a tall figure knocking down someone, and he knew it was Till. He sighed, relieved, thinking it would be alright. But before he could turn around and go back to the room, he felt something striking him on the back of his head. An excruciating pain; a huge light; then, he saw no more.

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