Games Of Insanity

By akiradachi65

149 0 0

Following a newbie into a secret and secure corporation is how this story goes, watching his life go all over... More

part one
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
part 7
part 8
part 9
part 10
part 11
part 12
part 13
part 14
part 15
part 16
part 17
part 18
part 20
part 21
Gpart 22

part 19

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By akiradachi65

"Keep moving." Miyakos orders, hitting the back of alphas head; as he staggers, tripping over his own steps for a second. The rest of the group stay quiet, having to slow down due to their exhaustion creeping up on Daniel and miyako. Ryu tuts, shoving her hands into her pockets, slumped over whilst walking, sarcastically going slower. Sukuna keeps his brisker pace, his concern written over his tense body language. Daniel however remains emotionless, walking at a steady pace, stopping to help alpha catch his balance, unlike miyako who remains stern, fussing around with what Daniel can assume to be a phone. "The alarms have been cut off, we can't issue a breach." Miyako grits, clenching her phone more, however remains formal.

"Well aren't you useful, maybe I don't know, bypass their shit rules and invoke a lockdown?" Ryu suggests, but only getting miyako to look at her with anger. Ryu mocks a surrender, waving her hands around, but keeping a smirk across her face. "What? I can't keep a straight face when you mess up this bad, Such a perfectionist and yet let's loose one of the most dangerous killers you have?" Ryu mocks, snickering at her own sentence. Alpha looks away, uncomfortable, muttering to himself which catches sukunas attention more so than Daniel.

"You idoits really don't hear yourself, what? Your power hungry egos made you deaf? Cause' I know exactly why and how this happened, and yet, our two leaders have no clue of what their up against?" Alpha mutters, deciding to lean against a wall,  crossing his arms, watching the two. "What? I'm his brother first, scientist second. Karma is just losing his shit because of everyone's actions. Sakuras protective nature causes everyone to die around him, ryus insults belittle him, sukunas power scares him, how did you not tell?" Alpha laughs, before glancing at daniel, who stays still, although his anxiety spikes, knowing he's going to be targeted again.

"We did know, for a while. Keeping track of your mental health is a main research line for us. His mind has breaking down for years, we just kept it going for the sake of research." Miyako explains, leaving everyone quiet. Ryu blinks in shock, disgust and shock taking everyone over. Daniel sighs, not surprised, unlike sukuna and ryu. Alpha however grins, laughing at the explanation. Miyako pauses, looking around, only just realising the amount of strangers around them has dwindled to nothing.

"I know. I kept the files in my damn office!" Alpha snaps, remaining still, "sorry boss, but I don't care about your little research. Afterall, would you do the same if it was your little sibling? Don't answer that you wouldnt even know the answer." Alpha relaxes, standing back up and walking abruptly away. Miyako doesn't respond, following behind him, causing the other three to just quietly follow. "Besides, it won't take long to find him." Alpha points out, "Just follow the corpses." He adds, stopping at a intersection, turning around, gesturing at a hallway. Miyako steps forwards, covering her mouth from the wretched smell of the remains painting the hallway.

"Looks like someone's doing the spring cleaning." Ryu mutters, unfazed. Sukuna pauses, and leans down, whilst daniel gags at the smell, only to grab his face, forgetting it's partly covered by bandages still. Alpha watches the group intently, as sukuna pauses, pushing around a pile of what he can see as charcoal.

"This wasn't deltas doing. Why would he attack anyone?" Sukuna asks, standing back up, before yanking his own chains, that remain around his body. " He has the same mindset as me. And nobody would attack a asset like his pet or him for that matter." He adds, before kicking the pile of charcoal. "And last time I checked, he can't cause that." He adds, glancing at the pile. Miyako and ryu stay quiet, alongside Daniel, however alpha grins and shrugs.

"Yeah he can't, but who can saiko? Your dear little sister, now, how about get your ass to finding out where she is?" Alpha asks, or more yells, "I'd rather not have my family get into more shit because of your families stupidity." Alpha adds, walking forwards again. Miyako pockets her phone, whilst sukuna sighs, always my fault because I'm a saiko isn't it. I can't track her, she's always one step ahead. Sukuna shakes his head, about to step forwards, but gets stopped by Daniel grabbing his arm. Ryu mutters to herself, before starting a conversation with miyako.

"Sakuras main ability is necrosis right?" Daniel mutters, still hesitant around sukuna, it hides his anxiety knowing now isn't the time. Sukuna picks up on it, nodding. Daniel shakes his head however. "That is charcoal, not ash. Human bodies only become charcoal after being burnt. How many abilities does she actually have?" Daniel asks, gripping sukunas arm more, almost in hate, which leaves sukuna unsure, knowing this isn't like Daniel, from before.

"It's classfied-" sukuna stops himself, as Daniel shuts him up by just glancing at him.

"So is your assault on me, wanna explain that? How sakura took control of your body and attacked me? How you have the ability to make a thing to control  someone's body?" Daniel adds, letting sukuna go. God I hate keeping this up, but it's what my family said to do when your scared. Keep up the sense of no fear. Daniel keeps his stern face up, looking at sukuna.

"Its hard to explain. But..... sakura has more than the normal three maximum abilities.... a saiko trait if you will." Sukuna sighs, catching ryus attention, suddenly grabbing his shirt, yanking him down. Miyako pauses, confused, whilst daniel jumps aback. Sukuna jumps, as ryu watches him carefully, spotting his face drain of colour.

"Yeah you know you've fucked up. Shut up for once maybe? Pets don't need to know how it works got it?" Ryu warns, pushing him aback, turning around and cursing. "Looks like we lost that idoit" she adds, spotting alpha gone. "Alright move your pretty asses, we've gotta go catch a idoit." Ryu mutters, running ahead. Miyako  sighs, rushing after, however sukuna pauses, knowing Daniel can't run as fast.

"You want a lift? Free of charge of course." Sukuna snickers, hiding his lingering pain. Daniel pauses, but nods, trying to ignore his fear, but fails as sukuna picks him up without trying, throwing him onto his back. "Better keep your head down, oh and grab the chains." Sukuna warns, trying to sound more welcoming than normal, knowing Daniel's fear is too apparent. Daniel awkardkly grabs the chains, laying his head against his back, as sukuna nods, running to catch up to the others with ease.


"Maybe I shoulda stayed with the rest." Alpha mutters, walking past the remains of soldiers, keeping his hands in his pockets, tense. "Afterall I will not be able to even put up a fight if needed." Alpha adds, anxiety starting to take over his mind, as he keeps walking down the hallways. But karmas bound go do something stupid eventually. Alpha sighs, looking over his shoulder, just to make sure nobody is actually following him.

"Learn your surroundings fool." A voice says, ramming a pipe into alphas gut, making him fall down, hitting his head against the floor. "Heard your talking about that killer, you know him?" The voice says, whilst alpha stands back up, spotting a stranger standing in front of him, carrying a pipe from who knows where. Their anger all over their face, makes alpha step back, unsure of how strong they are.

"I can't give that infomation out." Alpha retorts, stepping back again, as the stranger picks up on his fear. So they laugh, swinging the pipe back up, making alpha freeze in shock, getting a direct hit against his face, pushing him into the wall, unable to even understand the situation, as the stranger grips the pipe more, swinging a blow against his stomach again, winding him down.

"Your one of those doctors aren't you? Same get up as one. Good, in always wanted to kill one of you mistakes." The stranger declares, "but your so weak. It's sad." They add, pausing for a moment. Alpha sighs, coughing slightly, before getting kicked in the face, his nose now rushing with blood. the stranger walks towards him, as he remains on the floor, not attacking back. Can't fight back, otherwise they'll know who I am, and I don't know if their stronger. Most likely are, acts like one. Alpha sighs, spotting the pipe getting held up in the air. "Pathetic." The stranger mutters.

Alpha just gives up, until he doesn't feel anything hit him. Trying to get back to reality, alpha pushes himself up, spotting the stranger running away suddenly, only to be grappled back by a black tendril. Alpha doesn't take two seconds to realise who it is, turning around, staggering back, whilst ignoring the stranger crying out in pain. Alpha steps back again, or more staggers, watching as delta stands there, retracting the tendril, looking at alphas fear. "You ok?" He asks, walking over and grabbing alphas shoulder. Alpha jumps, but pauses, coughing at the injury he gained. Delta picks up on it, wiping his face, looking at the blood on his glove. "Stay still." Delta mutters, his face mask and outfit leaving his voice muffled. Alpha does as asked, knowing he is in no state to even say anything. Delta wipes the blood off of his face, before picking alpha up.

"Hey you idoit! I can walk!" Alpha yells, as delta stays quiet, gripping alpha more, god your so protective, it's annoying sometimesAlpha rolls his eye, cursing at the lingering pain, but doesn't say anything, knowing he's better off just staying with delta knowing he's power difference. Yet, the lingering silence makes alpha uncomfortable, so he coughs and glances at the area around him. "So where's sakura at?" Alpha asks, making delta pause, the tension rising with alphas worry.

"Somewhere." Delta mutters, walking over to a door, kicking it down, as alpha struggles to see anything due to how dark it is. "She's here." Delta adds, going ahead and switching a light on, making alpha freeze in shock again, spotting sakura out cold.

"So, why is she unconscious? And where's your pet?" Alpha asks, curious but scared. Delta pauses, walking over to a wall, leaning down and putting alpha on a set of random clothes. Standing still for a second, delta walks away, closing the door, whilst alpha remains terrified.

"With the others." Delta replies, glancing back at alpha. "Their fine if they don't attack him, I'm just making sure everyone is safe." Delta adds, whilst alpha loses his sense if breathing for a moment, only now spotting deltas well known axe leaning against the wall, covered in blood. "We'll finally get the family back together." Delta mutters, "sakura just needed to take a nap is all." He adds, gripping the door handle firmly, the outfit making him look even more dangerous than he is. Alpha nods quietly. So your not angry or whatever. Fucking idoits depressed again. Probbaly crying underneath  that mask aren't you.

Delta pauses, walking over to alpha again, handing over a small package, as alpha  looks at it with hesitation. "Its from the canteen." Delta says, waving his hand around, "its nothing bad, just  something we've never had, I don't know what it is, something like a sponge, they called it cake, it was hidden so I thought it was something special." Delta adds, putting the package onto alphas lap. "Thought you'd deserve it since everyone keeps attacking you about everything." He sighs, the words making alpha know he's angry at it. If you can knock sakura out cold, like this, better keep you on your good side for now. Alpha mentally sighs, but takes the package and pauses. 

"Well idoit, how about you stay here and try it with me then, you need a break as well." Alpha smiles, hiding his lingering pain. Delta jumps at the idea, but takes his mask and hood off, leaving his Goggles on. Alpha fakes a laugh and gestures delta over, who pauses, but sits down next to Alpha, smiling. You idoits better get this fixed as soon as possible. As much as I like seeing him happy this feels wrong. Alpha mentally sighs, opening it up and handing a part to delta. Delta takes it and tries it, shocked for a second before laughing.

"I have no idea what this taste is but I like it!" Delta yells, laughing as alpha snickers back, knowing what it is but remains acting for everyone's sake, however feeling guilty at deltas behaviour, and having how he's having to act, wishing it wasn't a act.

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