The Repeated History of the H...

By allyza5

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Years have passed since the events of the Percy Jackson franchises. The heroes of Olympus are long gone but... More

A Normal, Very Regular Summer Camp
Remember The Last Chapter Title, Yeah That Was A Lie
*Throws Glitter on Broken Nose*
"Hey Guys, Can We Not Share Dreams"
Trains, Buses, and Bombs
Never Deface a Monument or The Scorpions Will Come For You
It's Either a Trap or They Are All Idiots
Mr. Time Boss
Mr. Time Boss Part 2
Book 2?
No Punching Mortals
Secrets Are Dead
Roes Are Red, Violets Are Blue, He's A Dumbass And She Is Too
fucking aphroidite kids
How To Tell Your Mother To Fuck Off
the unmagic school bus
It was the gargoyle's fault
Please don't jump off of a cliff without telling me first
Did she just kill god?
Unfortunately There Was No Hamburger, Fortunately There Was A Red Button
*Passes Out Cutely*
DIY Glow Sticks
That One Time Issac Made A God Cry
Cruise V. Cruise
Book three :)
New, Fun, Terrible Things
Bloody Fists in a McDonalds Bathroom
The Softest of Doves
No One Likes When Issac Is Right
It was a dark and stormy night. . .
What Happened In This Chapter?
Abstract Art
Fighting Rainbows(dam during pride month)
A+ Decision Making
That Looks Like It Hurts
Uh Oh Spaghetti O
Hug Your Friends
Magic Laughter(and mushrooms)
Book four?
The Truth
Is It Water In That Water Bottle?
Stop forgetting to breathe!
Lovesick Losers
Sticky Fingers
We Can Plan On The Drive, D***head.
Incense and Regret
Who needs money when you have Matt?
New Weapon Unlocked!!!
Unbinding Smarties
Oh. . .
The Past Tense
Real Men Get Resurrected
i love you
Everyone Takes A Shower
The End. The Beginning.
Perchance, bomb!
Boats + Dreams= DreamBoats?
Chicken Boy
From Ruin
Me? Ow!
The Battle of Blood Hill(pt. 1)
The Battle of Blood Hill(pt 2)
Hotel, Motel, Stop Kicking My Shin
An Even Scale
The Monster Mash
Taylor Swift wrote a song about this. . .

Mega Grip Cyclopes

41 2 0
By allyza5

           "What's your name anyway?" asked the boy on the cell floor next to him.  He had hair the weird color in between brown and blond and shocking purple eyes, he tried to put on a brave face but by his hollow breaths it was obvious he was terrified.

            He decided to humor the poor boy, "Calvin and this is my sister Cassidy" she pushed a raven lock of hair from her face and waved.  

            He nodded, "I'm Andy, how can we save her?" his eyes were focused on the girl above the pot.  Calvin didn't say anything, they had been hiding in that corner driving the cyclops mad for days.  As children of Hecate they had bent the mist around hiding themselves from his view the whole time.

             "Is it just you two or are there more?"

              "Three more, but you said they wouldn't find me"

               "I said they couldn't hear you", three more could be useful on their side.  Especially if they were smart or powerful, most demigods happened to only be either smart or powerful.  The girl above the water screamed in terror, next to him Andy drew his bow and Cassidy reached into her bag.  The screaming girl raised both hands and the water from the pot followed her steam billowing from it.  

               She moved her hands again and it closed in on the monster, he stammered and panicked, "Wh- Who are you?"

                Andy smiled as she answered, "Paris Johnson, daughter of Poseidon and killer of. . . you." daughter of Poseidon, that sent a chill down his spine, please be on my side.

               The cyclopes wailed in pain, "I am your brother!"

               "You would not have spared me because I am your sister, you didn't even know." she drew the water away from him and before he could thank her it all crashed on him.  Her victory was short lived when she fell into the empty pot, the cyclopes was string, still alive. 

              The door flew open, "Put me down you dumb rotten squash!"  yelled a girl in the hand of another cyclopes that opened the door.  A annoyed looking boy sat in it's other hand squirming.  

             He turned to Andy, "take it those are your friends?"

              He made a face, "Yep, that's them" and aimed his bow.

              "Don't do it" hissed a new voice

              Calvin jumped, "Fucking shit!"

              "Did you just teleport" Cassidy asked, eyes wide.

              "Nathan!  What do we do?" he seemed relived.  Ah, Calvin thought, three friends.

              "No idea, my job is to get you out of here.  Where is Paris?"  Nathan asked glancing around

               "The blond is in the pot" Cassidy said

                "Oh help me Hades" he mumbled, "Who are you two?"

                 "I'm Calvin that's Cassidy we're children of Hecate, you?"

                 "Nathan, son of Hades and I do not have time for this" he grabbed Andy's arm and they diapered before reappearing on the ground.  Nathan diapered again, then reappeared with Paris, he propped her against the wall and passed out.  What, was the only thought going through Calvin's brain.  They had a plan and well things were not going as planned at all.


             "Little help here"  Zoe gasped as the cyclops squeezed her in his hand.  Tears threatened to spill from her eyes as she felt a rib on her right snap.  She couldn't electrocute the cyclopes hand, it would travel to Issac.  She glanced at Andy who looked more lost than ever standing next to Nathan and Paris who were both passed out.  Finally he made a decision and shot the cyclops hand that held Issac, it dropped him and squeezed her tighter.  Her eyes stung and her whole torso was on fire with pain but she had the freedom to electrocute the monster finally.

             Moderation, she told herself as she let lose the lighting that flew through her naturally the cyclops screamed and shook.  She added more electricity, she felt the tug in her gut pull harder, the electricity flowing from her skin was practically red.  The monster screamed as Issac cut on of it's ankles and it dropped her.  She landed on her side ungracefully and winced, the ground she lay on seemed to waver as black threatened her eyesight, closing in on edges of her vision.

          "Zoe!" Andy placed a hand lightly on her shoulder, her cheeks felt wet with her own tears, ew, she hated crying.  She didn't have the strength to say 'behind you' before her vision went black and all she knew was pain.


       One two three just like we practiced, Issac told himself except for this time he was fighting a twenty foot tall cyclopes that he had just watch make Zoe cry.  He was pretty sure this was the first time he had seen her cry from pain and he didn't want to admit it but he had her to thank for the way this fight was going.  Andy had run to make sure she wasn't bleeding but now he was engaged in a fight with the shorter of the cyclopes.  He hoped Andy could fend for himself and swung his sword hard.

        The thing about sword fighting was it was like dancing.  You had to match your partners every move, it was a fight to see who would be the lead with every swing, dodge, or step.  So with that in mind he watched his opponent intently, waiting for a slip up.  He saw bone and kicked it towards the cyclops or rotten squash as Zoe had called it, he tripped and Issac slit his throat as he fell.  He disintegrated before his body hit the floor, Issac was starting to understand what Zoe had said about them being good.


       Andy was panicking once again, "Listen" he said to the cyclops that had captured him originally, now it was covered in burns from the boiling water Paris had enclosed it with.  "I'm lacking enough meat to even eat right now" the cyclops watched him talk, listing.

      "I'm still gonna kill you" he reached out for Andy but he backed up.  Zoe was laying unconscious right behind him, he had to protect her from this thing but he really wished she'd wake up and help him.  He glanced back at her, her cheeks were shiny and her jaw was clenched, he had to stall more she was completely vulnerable without him standing there.

        "Stop!" the monster stopped, "Wait" he commanded praying that it worked as he turned aiming his bow at the cage that held the children of Hecate.  He thought of Apollo and Artemis the twin gods of archery, help me please.  He shot the lock and the door busted open, it was a far jump from the cage to the ground but he hoped they could make it.  Calvin put his hands out and a set of stairs appeared from where their prison was suspended and the siblings took the stairs two at a time.  

        "That's not nice!" the monster complained, Andy shrugged in response unsure of what to do next.  Issac ran over to Paris and Nathan quickly cheeking both of their pulses and before he could run back to help them Cassidy snapped her fingers.  There seemed to be a pink aura swirl around them as the cyclops turned into a black kitten.  She picked it up and set it onto the stairs which it disappeared into before they shimmered and disappeared as well.  Maybe Andy was going to be the next one to pass out.

          Issac looked towards them and Andy could already see bruises forming on his arms from the cyclopes grip, "Um hello"

         "Oh" Andy said, "This is Calvin, that's Cassidy"

        "Mkay"  Issac closed his eyes, "Do you know where you are?"

         "A cyclopes layer"

         "The labyrinth! We are in the fucking labyrinth!"

        "What is that?"

        "Fancy moving maze"

        "That's not good"

         "Ya think"

          "Uh hello and your name is?" Cassidy said

           Issac turned back to them, "Issac, son of Athena"

            "Cool" Calvin motioned around the room, "You probably are gonna want to do something about your friends".

             "Nathan is fine, Paris probably got hit in the head she'll be fine, I don't know what happened to Zoe" Issac took a deep breath, "Andy can you help me get her over there with the others?"  His eyes traveled over Calvin and Cassidy, "Can you two go make sure that there aren't any other cyclopes near here?  Don't leave the area that looks like this and don't shut any doors behind you."

               They nodded and walked off while Andy went to help Issac haul Zoe up.  "What do you think happened?"

                "That thing had one hell of a grip, hopefully she just overused her power though"

                "She looked like she was in a lot of pain"  Issac just nodded grabbing her left arm as Andy grabbed her right to pull her up.  He thought she would  be heavier considering she was dead weight at the time and a very strong person but instead he was surprised but how easy it was to move her.  The leaned her up against the wall next to Paris who mumbled something incoherent while Nathan began to snore next to her.  Andy just then realized his legs were shaking, he sat down in front of the three of them, Issac plopping down next to him.  This was the longest they had gone without walking other than when they were asleep.  

             It wasn't long until Cassidy and Calvin came back, they seemed to keep to themselves for the most part.  Soon after that Paris woke up feeling good as new, she talked to Cassidy and thanked her for not killing the cyclops she had practically boiled alive.  The two of them seemed to get along pretty well but it made sense, almost everyone liked Paris.  When Nathan woke up he ate a protein bar from his bag and told us to wake him up when Zoe came around but he didn't actually sleep.  He just closed his eyes, they knew he wasn't sleeping because he kept adding to their conversations, also by the fact that his foot was shaking with nerves. 

          When Zoe finally woke she gasped, then grimaced as she slowly breathed out.  Andy didn't hear much of what happened then but Nathan talked to her in a low tone Andy had never heard from him.

          "I'm fine" she said finally,

          She tried to sit up but Nathan kept his hand on her shoulder, "That's just not a good idea Z" 

          "I'm fine" she insisted, when she tried to sit up this time he didn't stop her.  She fell back down in seconds clutching her right side, her breathing labored, and brow shining with sweat.  

          "Yeah right, you look fine" Issac rolled his eyes

            Despite whatever pain she was in she said, "I look more than fine"

           Paris shook her head, Nathan rolled his eyes, "Zoe Ma-"

            "Don't you full name me Nathan Lin Woods the third"  

             "Even though your hurt I still hate you"

               "Zoe" Paris cut in, "Just show us okay? that's the only way we can get you better because there is no way I'm leaving you here to finish our mission."                

              "Which the clock is ticking for" Issac added, "and I'm also not leaving you even though your an intolerable ass."   

               Andy caught her eyes, "They're all right" she looked away from them all and moved her hands.  Paris tugged the cloth of her shirt half way up reveling dark purple and green bruises over her skin.

                "Gods Sparks" Issac knit his brows, "How many do you think are broken?"

               "I don't know maybe two, I've broken one before there fine without treatment" she said a different type of pain crossed her face then and it wasn't physical.

                 Nathan took her hand, "Almost seven years and I'm still learning concerning things about you"

                  Issac made a face, "I'm calling Anna"   

                  "Please don't" she said, he did not listen.


                Zoe tried to smile when Anna appeared in the Iris message, "Hey" she crocked at her image.

               "Gods what happened to you?" she asked

                From somewhere to side Sam called, "Who is it?"

               "None of you business!" she yelled back

                Zoe laughed which hurt and caused her to clutch her side, "Hi Sam"

               "Hi Sammy" Nathan said from beside her

              Sam appeared in frame, the wind blowing his fiery curls back from his freckled forehead, "Do not call me that!"

               "Please call him that"  Anna said, she moved a hand up to shade her face from the sun, they appeared to be on some sort of boat.

               Issac leaned towards them,"You are currently wasting my money, tell her what happened" 

               "I'm sorry I have friends" she replied

                "She broke multiple ribs!" Issac yelled

              Anna sighed, "Let me see"

              She reached to pull her shirt up but yelped in the process, "Here" Andy reached out and pushed her shirt up just to where Anna could see the bruises.  His hand shook slightly as it passed over her skin, he looked down at her and gave a sympathy smile.

             "Okay there Cupid?" Zoe whispered, he nodded quickly, looking away and backed up for Anna to see her side.

             "Oof okay ambrosia and nectar, you have it?" she asked

              "Pretty sure she'd burn if you gave her enough to heal that immediately" Sam commented

              "Like I don't know that" Anna rolled her eyes, "This, you are why I like women"

               He put a hand on his heart, "I'm wounded, oh wait no I'm not because you are the reason I like men"

                Nathan's fingers tapped the back of her hand as if dancing, he was smiling rather wide.  She squeezed his hand and gave him a look when he turned, he actively avoided her eyes.  Anna gave Issac instruction about wrapping it, he gave the wrap to Paris to do to limit the awkwardness as best possible.  She held Nathan's hand though out the process which hurt way more than it needed and ended with a lot of shallow painful breaths.  She ate ambrosia every hour after that.  Paris' map showed them to be very close to the entrance so they waited there for the night.  When she met Cassidy and Calvin she said hi and walked away though he didn't even look at her, ever since then she had caught him looking in her direction but she brushed it off.  She had come to notice that when you have a scar across your face a lot of people stare.

               As it grew later in the night and most of them went to sleep Paris came and sat next to her.  "I feel like this is my fault" she kept her eyes trailed at her lap, knees pulled into her chest.

               Zoe shifted to look at her, "Why?"

               "I took the turn into here because I knew they were here"


               She pointed at where Cassidy slept in a ball and Calvin lay on his back seeming asleep, "I dreamed about them, they were the ones with the map.  I was just close to them and I felt like I couldn't consciously leave them here, I could have gotten us all killed."

                "Well I hope that two cyclopes couldn't have killed seven demigods, especially since on of them was me."  She didn't know what to do with the information that Paris had gone off course to find these two.  She only hoped that they were worth it.  Paris was a hard person to be mad at, she lacked the defensive fire, she owned up to everything she did.  Zoe wasn't going to waste time making her feel worse about herself.

                "I was worried about you when I heard what happened"

                "You didn't have to be"

                  She frowned, "I did"

                  She leaned her head against the wall, a throbbing wind blew through her body though they were underground and there was no wind.  "I broke a rib, I wasn't going to die"

                  Her voice grew quite, "Someone is"

                  She shook her head, "Take it you talked to Nathan. . . don't let that stuff get to your head."  

                  "He's never wrong, someone will die"

                   "It doesn't have to be one of us"

                   "Are you suggesting were going to have to kill one of the people doing this ritual?"

                   "No but that could be the cause, just don't worry about it"

                   "I can't do that to someone" she had her eyes locked on the fire in the middle of the room under the pot that once held boiling water. 

                   "If it comes down to it" maybe the thought of death was what the area so cold to her, "You won't have to"

                    She took a deep breath, "Just promise you'll be safe"

                   At that she laughed, which didn't hurt nearly as much as it had hours ago, "Gods, Me?  I'm not the one who wandered into the labyrinth"

                "Okay, in my defense it was like a calling" 

                "What did it say?  'YooHoo come down to me cyclops layer'?"

              She covered her mouth in laughter, "There is something wrong with you"

              "Oh and your normal?"

              "I'm as normal as a watermelon"

               "Watermelons are not normal"

                "They are as normal as any other melon"

               "Go to sleep", Paris did go to sleep after she failed to continue defending watermelons.  Zoe pushed her hair into a hair tie and lie down, Paris was worried about someone dying.  It was such an odd thing for a group of teenagers to be worried about.  If they had been normal maybe they would all be on a beach right now watching the moons reflection in the waves.  It would be late,  way past their curfews and their parents would be worried about them.  None of that would matter, they would have fun, have deep conversations until it turned to laughter, the type of belly laughter that takes your breath away filling you with pure joy.  They would go home with their cheeks aching from smiling, new memories filling their brains and blurry pictures from cheep cameras filling their walls.  The only thing was, they weren't normal, they were heroes and heroes never got what they wanted.

           Eventually her body found rest and she slept.  She hadn't been asleep for nearly long enough when she woke, a tiny bottle that smelt horrible under her nose held by slender pale fingers, nails painted black.  She reached for her sword but a hand pinned her wrist to the floor, "It's okay".  She squinted and blinked her eyes to finally see Cassidy looming above her.  She shrugged, "My potion worked".


              She moved her hands and sat down next to her, "Listen I need to tell you something very important".  Zoe opened her mouth to say something but was cut off when she said, "It's important you don't interrupt me.  When I was like five my sister died, my brother was eight and he holds some grudge about her death via a cyclops.  That's why we didn't escape that cage because he wanted to kill it to avenge her.  She was older and they were really close, I was always left out when it came to them but that's beside the point.  We know why you all are here but the thing is he didn't ever say why we were here, he's planning something stupid.  We have a day till whatever this is happens and I need you to be ready."

             "Wow um okay, hand me that" Cassidy passed over the bottle of nectar and Zoe took a shot of it.  Hopefully her ribs would fully mend from it, she never thought nectar tasted good like everyone else.  It always tasted like nothing just warmth, she heard it was supposed to be your comfort food.  It wasn't that she didn't have one though, she always thought it should taste like banana bread but it didn't.  At one point it did taste like her mothers something, now she couldn't remember what she made she couldn't remember the good anymore.  All that was left was her idea of good, her idea of her mother she didn't even know what her voice sounded like anymore.

              "Just promise me something?"

              "I haven't made a promise in a while, I don't plan on losing my streak"

              "Please just make sure I don't have to watch my brother die at his own idiotic, try to convince him of good."

              She looked at her, she was younger, hopeful and bright.  "You won't watch him die.  As for good?  Well everyone has a different definition of that".  Cassidy gazed at her, head slightly tilt, eyebrows knit.  Soon enough her dark eyes trailed to the ground, shes wished the little bottle back and forth in her hand.  "How old are you?" 

                Something about her seemed young, or at least unexposed to the world, "Thirteen, well I'll be fourteen on Saturday".

                 Do I look that young? "Oh you're only a year younger than me" 

                "I'm a witch maybe that's it", Zoe smiled at that, "So you come from a place with a lot of other demigods, what are the other children of Hecate like?"

                 She thought for a moment, "Not all of them can do what you and your brother did back there . . . that was impressive.  Uh, some of them work with deities like average witches but other have strong control over the mist.  Few can actually manipulate things, some make potions, others transfigure it just depends on the person." 

             "Okay" a small smile set on her face, "I'd like to go someday I think"

            "You can, anytime" she assured her. 

           Cassidy took the bottle and capped it, shoving it in her bag and nodded.  "Just try with him, good night".  Fun, she thought, now I'm responsible of her brother choosing the good side and I still don't know whats going on.  


           I should not be doing this, Andy thought as he lay down eyes closed pretending to sleep listing to Cassidy speak with her brother.  "Calvin" her voice came through gritted teeth, "What are you planning?"

           "Nothing!" he said in a yell like whisper, "We need to get to the ceremony, that's all"

           "I'm not dumb enough to believe you"

            "And I'm not dumb enough to pretend I didn't hear you tell that one girl to talk to me about being good."

             "I-I don't, I- I didn't, uh shoot. Okay, I did but it was only because I have a feeling that you're about to do something very stupid"

              He sighed, "I am not the bad guy" his voice rose, "I am not the bad guy, I am trying to make things better for you.  Everything we have been doing is for you.  It's for Eva.  I am giving them what they deserve."

              "Eva wouldn't want you risking your life, she would-"

               He cut her off, "You don't know shit about what Eva would want!  You didn't know her, not like I did.  She was furious with them.  She would have done this with me, for me.  Eva and I have always wanted the same thing, did you know that?  We have both always wanted a safer world for you.  A world where dad cared about us, a world where the government gave a shit, a world where the gods did something, and you know what?  I'm gonna make just that.  I finally have a way, I have a team, I have numbers."

                "Calvin" she pleaded

                "I'm gonna do it and I'm going to win." when she said nothing he spoke, "I'm going to do it with or without you."

                 "Then do it without me." after that they lapsed into a troubling silence.  He didn't dare open his eyes but he bet they were on opposite sides of the room fuming.  He had never fought with Maddie over anything of value like that. His mind was reeling over their words.  He already hadn't been able to sleep from everything that he had seen in a day.  Images from the day kept pooping through his brain like a never ending nightmare: Paris laying above a pot of boiling water, Zoe and Issac in the hands of the cyclops, he falling to the floor, the helplessness he felt standing before the cyclops with only words as his defense, he still din't understand why the cyclops listened.  He still didn't understand anything.  At this point the only thing he knew was that he never wanted to see his friends hurt like they were today again.

               At some point sleep came, though it did not happen quietly.  "Hello" a voice spoke, it was a women with hair of liquid gold and gem like eyes.  Amethyst, she reminded him of expensive jewelry.  She fluffed her hair, "Do you know who I am?"


               "Yes but I prefer to go by the beautiful goddess of love.  I'm only kidding you, don't look at me like that"

                 "This is what you look like?"

                   "No but this what your father saw and it why you look like you.  Oh your dad was fun when he would let himself be.  We traveled for a month straight spending mortal money and being stunning and you wouldn't believe all the places we made love."

                   "Ew mom, why are you here?"

                  "To speak with my son!" she tossed her hair back and pulled out a mirror checking her makeup, "I wanted to talk about what you did out there, the way you charmed that monster.  It was magnificent to see you use your charm speak for good!"

                    "Charm speak?"

                  "Listen you sister has always been better but why do you think that it listened to you like a well trained dog.  By that I mean better trained than Hades' hell hounds, no matter what I say they get drool all over my dress but that beside the point." she sounded like an old Hollywood movie star.  "Andy you have abilities, powers if you will, use them.  It may not seem like a lot but if you figure it out you can make any one do anything for you without even trying."

                  While his brain tried to process the words he decided to ask the question that had been mulling in the back of his mind, "Does my dad know?"

            "No but you can tell him.  He is strong enough for it, he actually has the ability to see halfway through the mist.  He will see it if you show him something, you can ask Zeus' kid to do her lightning thing.  There was once a guy I was with who couldn't take it, he had the saddest eyes, a movie star, and our daughter was very powerful.  A shame she isn't here today to teach you guys, she only lived to like ninety."

            He blinked, "Anything else I need to know about?"

            She waved off his question, "How's your love life?" there was a sparkle behind her eyes and an excited smile.

          "Um, I kissed a girl last year but other than that not really a thing"

         "Ooh" she clapped and a gave giddy laugh, "Your love life is going to be so fun!"


        She beamed and for a second she looked like someone else, "Me and your father really did make beautiful children.  Good luck son."

         He woke to someone snapping in his face, as his vision came into focus it was Zoe.  "Is it really time go?" he groaned.

        "Oh my gods, I broke as Issac put it several ribs yesterday and I'm up.  You can do it too"

       He rubbed his eyes, "Okay but I'm not a . . . a you"

       "You got me one that one you are not a me, you're a Cupid"

        "Hurry up guys!" Issac called from across the room where he waited by the door.

         "That really makes me wanna go slower" Zoe called back       

        They started out walking just as they had before but today there was something regrettable in the air.  Something that made him want to turn and run back, hell he would even run back to the cyclopes home just so he wouldn't have to go forward.  He was starting to realize just how utterly screwed they were.  They had no real plan and who was he kidding he was practically helpless in a fight.  Then there was the siblings who had joined them and there argument from last night about choosing good.  He didn't understand it but he would have to tell someone.  Then pushed behind everything was the fact that his dad had no idea his mom was a goddess, that he could show him things.  His mind was a tornado, information and worries swirling around at hundreds of miles an hour.

        He spotted Zoe and Issac talking in the front and ran to catch up with them ignoring the fact that he looked weird.  When he arrived next to them Issac jumped out of his skin and Zoe laughed at him.  Andy though he was close to over the sound of her laugh but he still wasn't, in any situation the pure sound of joy bubbling from her was nothing short of perfection.  "He's not used to talking shit about other people if you couldn't tell, what's up?"

      "There was something I need to tell you about" he started before lowing his voice, "Last night I heard them talking"

        "Them is Cassidy and Calvin?" Issac asked

        "Yes, they were well arguing about him trying to do something and a girl named Eva who I think is dead.  It sounded really serious like it definitely concerned us."

         Zoe muttered a curse in Ancient Greek, "Last night she asked me to 'convince him of good' or some shit along the lines of that.  She mentioned a dead sister too that's probably the girl they were talking about."

          Issac sighed, "You should probably go talk to him then"

          "No" Andy blurted out before he could think, "I mean go ahead it's just, I don't like him.  The first words he said to me where 'scream all you want no one can hear you from here' I mean that's creepy.  Oh and this was before I heard him talking last night, he sounded like he had a real temper and he knew you were supposed to talk to him so he's gonna have a really closed off mindset.  Besides he just sounds like- like I don't know it's just. . ."  he didn't know how to put into words why he didn't want her to talk to him.  Maybe it's because he knew it was helpless or maybe it was because he was worried about him being mean to her.  He felt stupid beyond being but something in him said it wasn't a good idea.

         Issac cocked his head to one side, "If anyone has a temper it's Sparks, but it might be better for you to go with her."

        She threw her hands up, "Really?  I can handle a conversation."

        Maybe he had made a mistake in mentioning it.  "Zoe you didn't see what I saw yesterday"  Issac said, "He can charm speak, that might help you actually convince him.  Also I should remind you that just because you can walk doesn't mean your healed"

         She raised her eyebrows, "Well come on then Cupid".   When they reached Calvin he knew he was worried for a reason.  Something was off about the atmosphere, Cassidy was far from her brother, Paris and Nathan were talking concerned and Issac was squinting at the map.  Something was entirely too quite about seven demigods walking to what could be there death.  No one was smiling, except Calvin.

          It was an unpleasant smile, like the crescent moon showing of a silver tooth in the corner of him mouth.  "Just on time" he mumbled pulling a mask from his shirt, that's when a foul smell filled the air.  He was starting to wobble in seconds from the gas and he realized it wasn't mortal but magical made by none other than the son of the goddess of magic.  Through blurred vision he caught Zoe's sapphire eyes that seemed to pierce through the smoke.  She grabbed his arm and tugged him close to her.  In his gas blurred mind he admired her, she was just like her sword, sharp, strong, and incredibly clear.  Why was she so clear.

         Her hands formed a little circle of clean air in front of both of their faces and he gasped it in air.  His sight suddenly sharpened and he could take in the sight other than her face.  Her breathing seemed pained, her hands shaking, entire form wobbly.  "Damn it" her eyes trailed behind him where their friends unconscious forms were being dragged off by people in dull gold masks like Calvin's.  Something in her gazed was challenged as she watched them, "These bitches".

          He set a hand under her shaking elbow in attempt to steady her, "I can't fight and keep giving us air" even her voice shook with what he realized wasn't pain but anger, "Take my sword let's show these cowards how it's done."

---------------------------------------------------A/N----------------------------------------------------------------Well that was a lot of damage.  This chapter is long and hopefully I can get the next one out sooner.  We are almost to the end of their summer which is lowkey scary considering I never thought I would write this much.  Shout out to my bestie for convincing me to do this.  Hope ya'll enjoyed please upvote and Happy Holidays.                 

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