Teenage parenting

By evilestshadows

3.4K 118 19

Maka Albarn ends up getting pregnant with twins, so now soul and maka must raise 2 kids plus go to school. Wh... More

Chapter one-new year
The apartment
The best days
The doctor's vist
Tsubakis star's
The new car
The babies room(s)
Time to come out
Going home
Time to wake up
The play date
Chapter 14~ four
Chapter 15~naming them
Chapter 16~ kids back
Chapter 17~ the new additions

Karma's a bitch

252 8 1
By evilestshadows

Maka and soul were in walmart grocery shopping when maka went to the medicine alle. she quickly picked up a pregnancy test and went and paid for it then slipped it in her pocket. dammit she cursed herself in her mind, they had just figured everything out with tsubaki, her and black star were going to have a baby together, and have some help from the DWMA with classes and such, now she might be having that.
Then her phone rang"maka where the hell are you?" Souls voice rang through her head "on my way sorry forgot where you said we were to meet up! Won't happen again sorry..." she hung up not wanting to hear how an idiot she was.
Then she got a text from tsubaki "did you get it?" She replied right away "yes going to do it now. Wish me luck!" Then she went into the bathroom to see if she was going to be a mom or not. she did the test and while she waited she texted soul so she wouldn't get yelled at. "going to bathroom be right there I swear *kissy face*" he texted back a minute later saying "alright hurry up though."
It was finally time for her to see the test results. she looked at it then looked at them and winced... she was going to be a mommy.
She took a picture of it then threw it away and went to find soul. "oi soul!" She screamed to him while he was paying for the stuff. "yo!"
When they got home and got everything put up they sat down to watch tv. when finally maka got the courage to tell soul the half good half bad news. "soul?" She asked pausing the show "yeah?" " I have to tell you something but you have to promise not to get mad ok?" "Just spit It out maka"he replied impatiently.
"Your going to be a..... daddy" maka chocked out. soul sat there dumb folded. "seriously?" He forced himself to say. "yes... I'm so sorry! I can get a abortion if you want or give it up or something!" She threw herself unto him like tsubaki did to her a week ago.
Soul held her pulled her head up to look at him. "why would we do that?"
"Because we're only 16 and you probably don't want a baby!" She sobbed. "I want a baby with you." He replied softy trying to comfort her.
"R really?" She said wiping her tears away. "of course! I love you"
They talked about an hour then went to bed In soul's room.
The next morning they went to tsubaki and black star's house to hang out and talk about everything going on.
"Hey tsubaki!" Maka gave her friend a hug then went inside to talk, while the boys stayed outside to talk for a while.
"So what's been bugging you?" Black star started out
Soul gave a deep sigh, "maka's pregnant." "wow really congrats man!"
Black star replied patting his friends back.
"We went to the doctor yesterday, and turns out tsu is 3 months."
"Ya know what I just realized?" Soul said after a few minutes of silence.
"We have to grow up now because of these babies!" Soul looked at black star.
"Yeah but it's gonna be worth it. getting to hold your child knowing that you created something in the world. knowing you have a family to come home to everyday. having people to protect." soul sat there dumb folded.
"When did you get so smart?"
"Since I started listening to people at the gym talk!" Black star sat up proudly
*maka's POV*
"So how'd everything go? Are you?"
Maka sat up "yeah I am no idea how far though!" " you need to get a doctors appointment maka." Tsubaki looked worried, rubbing her own stomach which had a little bump to it.
"I will I promise. but how far are you? Didn't you have a doctors appointment yesterday?" Maka said wanting the subject to change.
"Yes and turns out I'm 3 months in." tsubaki leaned against the couch
"I cants believe I'm going To have a baby." Maka leaned back with tsubaki. "yeah"
"So tell me about the DWMA's little helping thing with you two!" Maka curiously asked. "Well they pretty much describe it like professed stein coming over and teaching us from home and when the baby gets old enough them sending babysitters and stuff!" Tsubaki tried to remember if there was anything else.
"Wow" maka said in reply
"I can't believe their going to do all that!"
"Yes well I guess they try and help in any way they can!"
After that the boys came in and they hung out and ate then soul and maka went home.
"That was fun." maka grabbed soul's hand and swung it back and forth.
"It really was." soul said letting his arm go limp so she could swing it how ever she pleased.

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