With and Without You (Aetherx...

By Bryanbythecreek

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Basically a story where I put my own spin on what takes place in Inazuma. still the same story, but told in a... More

Chapter One: Departure
Chapter 2: The Crux Fleet
Chapter 3: Ritou Locked
Chapter 4: Meeting Miss Kamisato
Chapter 5: Visionless
Chapter 6: The Vision Hunt Decree
Chapter 7: Face to Face
Chapter 8: Ask Me Anything
Chapter 9: Abysses and Wells
Chapter 10: Withering Sakuras
Chapter 11: Steel and Serenitea
Chapter 12: Haunted Thinking, Wishful Teasing
Chapter 13: Spirits and Maidens
Chapter 14: The Second Shrine
Chapter 15: Raise Your Sword
Chapter 16: Horrifiying Revelations
Chapter 17: Unexpected Reunion ⚠️ 🔞🍋
Chapter 18: The Kindness in Desires
Chapter 19: The Fatui's Meddling
Chapter 20: The Araumi Ruins
Chapter 21: The Perpetual Machine
Chapter 22: Recovery
Chapter 23: The Passionate Firework Lady
Chapter 24: Jail Break!
Chapter 25: The Hot Pot Game
Chapter 26: The Past Torments No Longer...
Chapter 28: The Passionate Firework Lady Returns!
Chapter 29: Errand Boy
Chapter 30: Lucidly Realistic
Story Update!
Chapter 31: Woven Wishes
Chapter 32: Unofficial Buisnesses
Chapter 33: The White Heron.
Chapter 34 : The Calm Before... (No Comic!)
Chapter 34: The Calm Before... (With Comic!)
Chapter 34.2: The Calm Before (With Comic)
Chapter 35: The Storm
Chapter 36: The Plane of Euthymia
Chapter 37: The Thin Line Between Life and Death
Chapter 38: Struggle
Chapter 39: Adapt

Chapter 27: Wither Not My Friend

961 23 7
By Bryanbythecreek

Feet shuffling up the stone stair way was the only sound that had registered in Aether's mind until Lady Yae had spoken.

At first he'd grown used to the silence, for they didn't talk until they left the Estate completely.

The air was an awkward feeling, one that felt stiff and only slightly unusual. Yae Miko was someone Aether hardly knew, but something deep within told him that she was of great importance. Maybe not to him, but she was playing from some kind of angle with a greater goal than she let on.

Perhaps it was the fact that she omitted a prophetic like aurora. As if some kind of destiny mean for greatness.

But what Miko had in mind or what she was planning was beyond Aether. He hadn't a clue in the slightest, he could only simply acknowledge the fact that there was more to her.

That Yae Miko was more than a simple Shrine Maiden... he just didn't know what.

Miko anticipated that the silence had rendered suspicions not only to the current task at hand, but an overall questioning of her.

While, Aether was completely in the right to and was thinking on great intuition; he wasn't meant to get ahead of himself. He mustn't realize who she is yet, not until they are suppose to meet.

Their fate as of now is premature. Quickly Yae engaged with conversations about what took place in the Kamisato Estate, despite it being irrelevant to her. It was to draw away from the fact that Aether was catching wind that Yae Miko was much more than an enigma.

"Is she always like that others or just me... I wonder." She said suddenly, drawing Aether's attention

He shook his hands and quickly spoke in Ayaka's defense like it was a second nature

"I'm sure Ayaka didn't mean anything by it." He said rashly

"Or maybe it's because you're around?"

"Nonsense, respectfully Lady Miko, Nonsense. Ayaka's not one to act like that... I may be speaking on her behalf, but Ayaka had a lot on her plate right now..." he rationalized.

The comment of his couldn't be more true however. Miko was fairly sure the young lady had much on her plate. Everyone does nowadays, a real bummer really. Lady Yae had caught herself so busy with work that differs from what she used to enjoy so long ago.

She shook her head. It isn't best to dwell on the past, otherwise Aether might catch wind.

"Quite the sensitive one, isn't she?"

Aether looked up to the women beside him

"Ayaka, she's.... usually not like that. It's First time I've seen her be so..." he broke off..." he tried to re-iterate his feelings, but failed.

Aether was a lowly outside with no power. His opnions and thoughts would mean nothing to an Inazuman official in normal circumstances.

"...stern?" Yae Miko finished

"I guess you could say that. Once again Ayaka's got a lot on her plate... she said so this morning at the Komore Teahouse."

"Well It's quite awkward for you two to skip formalities considering her position in power and your position as an outsider. It's enough to make one question wether there is more developing than what's exposed at the surface..." she pried

Aether fell silent, confirming her suspicion. The youngman clearly had to at least ponder his reply, showing that he did reside some sort of affection for the eldest daughter of the Kamisato clan.

Lady Yae however didn't want to come off as a threat, considering how well she read the situation.

"It matters not to me how you two interact unofficially. It should come to no suprise that one had fallen for her or that she had finally taken a liking to someone else. After all, the Kamisato code is very strict and only bound to push someone further towards that desire for affection."

"Lady Yae it's not like that-"

"I never said that is the case despite my own intuition clinging to that idea."

"What do you mean?"

"You two undoubtedly produce the idea that something more is happening. Whether that is true or not doesn't matter. What does matter is who is capable of seeing that."

Aether sighed

He had become so careless of Inazuma's roles and hierarchy, inevitably skipping the basic rules of engagement and formalities even. The very conduct that Inazumans most present themselves in. By Aether and Ayaka conversing in such a way, they ignored that conduct infront of a well respected Inazuman official.

Such things call roles of power and the whole clan even, into question if such lack of conduct is presented to the wrong person.

"I mean to formally apologize for a lack in formality on both my end and Lady Ayaka's, though I am the only one to blame."

Yae dismissed with a hand wave

"I have no interest in always maintaining formalities. They can be a real bother if I'm honest. I was only stating so to simply warn you two. I'm sure you're aware of the... unpleasant... possibilities of being caught of acting in misconduct."

He nodded his head.

"Good...keep that in mind when engaging with each other. Some officials, unlike me, will seize that opportunity to turn life into a living Nightmare."

He bowed his head

"Thank you, Lady Miko for being so forgiving."

"I should be the one thanking you, afterall..."

He raised an eyebrow

"...I'll explain more once we reach the shrine."





Aether's been up to the Grand Narukami Shrine on more than one account, but each time it had the same bewildering effect.

The place was so beautiful and carried a feeling of complete serenity. It was hard not to feel the sacramental atmosphere. It was almost holy in not a religious way, but most certainly a heightened sense of enlightenment. (Think of it like the Coliseum is to Rome or as the Effiel Tower is to France. Or as  Big Ben to England, and Lady Liberty to the U.S) As Bonfires are to the world of darkened souls. Or as demons are to Jekkad

The shrine was an icon to Inazuma and its past, it's very presence illuminating that feeling of history to Aether himself.

He know not of Inazuma's past, but the Great Sakura tree and briefly allowed an atmosphere that vividly gave him sense of what happened. More so the great importance and magnitude of the historic events that took place in Inazuma, not the particular details of the events themselves.

It was always breath taking and awning.

Yet in all this feeling, Aether still couldn't help but feel anything other than peace and happiness. The surroundings of Shrine buildings, Sakura trees, ponds, and vegetation made Aether develop a liking to the place. It established an iconic Inazuman look that he would always find a fondness of.

Clearly his breath taking response wasn't restrained well either.

Lady Yae smiled at the man, anticipating such reaction. She knew he'd been here before, but many people share the same expression he does now.

"Beautiful isn't it?... took a long for me not to remained awestruck as yourself. Many days has past since my role here; yet, a part of me still can't believe what it sees."

Aether simply nodded in response as he walked with Yae Miko past the first building that greeted them, only to meet the very things they had wanted to see.

The Great Sakura Tree itself.

The wooden base of the tree was imbued with overflowing electric energy and the shape it manifested into, was that of a fox.

While Yae Miko had always came to mind as a fox or shared resemblance to said creature, Aether knew that was not why the tree shared that shape. It was because foxes are the alleged messengers or envoys of Inazuma: further adding to the sentimentality of the Grand Narukami Shrine.

But even in the trees great size and majesticness, its flaws were still revealed.

Aether frowned slightly upon inspecting the bark of the tree and the electric Sakura blooms it carried.

The wood still laid tarnished with a welping blackness that tainted portions of the base. Some whole stems seemed to still be taken by the withering.

Withering, which was surely a manifestation of the corruption and abyssal darkness Aether and Ayaka had fought so prudently to stop.

"I don't understand why... why is the tree still withering... I thought we solved it..." Aether said in defeat.

Yae glanced at him

"Fear not. What you say isn't true, the tree's withering has indeed stopped."

"Then why does the withering not regress? It appears the same as it did before we cleaned the skaura shrines of the darkness."

Lady Miko sighed

"That is why I've brought you here" she said as she walked infront of him and turned to face Aether. "Thanks to you and the Shirasagi Himegimi, the Great Sakura Tree's life no longer hangs in the hands of a growing abyss manifestation of corruption. However... stopping the source of a problem doesn't mean the tree will regenerate alone. The damage had happened can not continue in growth, but it also can't heal the wounds of darkness either."

"So it won't ever be back to normal?"

"Hmmm... not exactly."

"Something can be done?" Aether asked quickly

"Haste in action is not required either Traveler; but yes something can be done... I think."

"You think?"

"I can't say for sure, but there is an indication for a cure to the tree." Lady Yae presented to him an electro sigil "I'm sure you're aware of what these are, given that you are associated with the adventures guild."

He was dumbfounded

"Uh yeah I guess? It's an electro sigil, similar to how Liyue and Monstadt have their respective sigils... but may I ask, why mention those?"

Lady Yae smiled

"You see not many know this, but the sigil differs within each nation. Here in Inazuma, the electro symbol is much like a token. Some say it was distributed by the Electro Archon herself; but, what an electro sigil is actually a from of blessing from the Great Sakura tree itself. It is said that these sigils are a manifestation of electric power bonded in a crystallized state. Apparent, before your or my time in this world, the Tree was bestow Inazumans with these."

"So you're implying they have uses..." Aether slowly began to understand what Lady Yae was implying.

"Correct. Think of it as each sigil is a blessing from the tree. These sigils could be a form of power of which could be restored to Great Sakura Tree..." Lady Yae mentioned

"...and by returning those blessings of strength, we may allow the Tree to mend itself." Aether finished

Yae nodded

"I'm sure you know where this is going then."

"Indeed I do Madame. Might I Ask where one such as myself could find these Sigils... further more how do we know it will work?" Aether asked

"Examine if you will."

Lady Yae walked up from the grass to the small flight of stairs to the Great Sakura Tree. She then sat down on her knees and placed the electro sigil on the floor bellow her.

This action mystified Aether until Yae Miko clasped her and together and prayed to the tree, some kind of worship if one will.

Nothing happened at first, but slowly the sigil glowed with a blue and purple increasing intensity, before smale molecules of the sigil began to break off.

Those individual peices varied in crumb sizes slowly rising and floating in the air, becoming even brighter.

The laid floating for only a few seconds before gravitating into the tree and being absorbed.

The Tree softly glowed for a second before a small bloom appeared at the top of the tree. It was only one and almost a completely unnoticeable change, for even the bark didn't appear to heal.

Lady Yae stood up and turned to face Aether once more.

"It's a slow process and the changes are beyond minute. One could even say they changes that happened moments ago are not noticeable; but, that is the case when only sufficient with one sigil. Many sigils bring upon a much more noticeable change, or so I presume."

Aether nodded his head

"Right... so we just need to gather a bunch of these things."

"Many years has passed as the Tree blessed Inazumans with sigils, so I doubt there are no shortage of them. That also means that sigils probably have moved in great distance and could be anywhere. Given that the sigils appear to have no value, most people might hand over any they find to you. Other sigils may require more.... suitable methods for your... um well expertise."

Aether confidently placed his hands on his hips and smiled.

This was something he could do easily, after all it was just one huge part of adventuring.

Clearing domains, creating corpse remains, opening chests, and doing quests.

That was all encompassed in the job of which Aether was very familiar with.

He had indeed already done a portion of that on Narukami Island, keeping the electro sigils he had gathered out of mere coincidence. However, Aether would need many more than what he had with him.

"I think I can handle that. After all, I have kind of made a name for myself."

"Indeed you have Traveler. Many stories of you I've heard." Lady Yae cleared her throat "*ahem* anyhow, I thank you for taking this daunting task. I would see to it myself if not for lacking the skill set you seem to be excellent at. It is also due to other matters I'm looking into correctly."

Aether shook his head dismissively

"It's quite alright if you ask me. I don't mind helping and it's not anything out of the ordinary. It's a part of what already do as an adventurer."

"I just didn't want to make it appear that I was placing Inazuman burden on your shoulders..." Lady Yae suddenly remembered one of Aether's first questions "...Also you mention something of a wooden text plate with Adeptal energy, did you not?"

He scratched the back of his head

"Yeah I did, but if you're as busy as you claim... then don't stress searching for it. Finding the object isn't particularly important... I only wanted it to replicate a pocket realm that looks Inazuma does." He admitted

"I infact may know the whereabouts of this object."

He looked up at Lady Yae and his golden eyes gleamed with excitement.


She nodded her head.

"I do. The same object you seek is the very one I've been using to keep the Sakura Tree alive. Should you collect enough electro sigils, the tree will no longer need the text plate in order to survive. It should heal and remain self sustaining." 

"Got it, I'll get right on it. I've been meaning to search Narukami's Beaches and what not anyhow. I think there might be treasure there... but I also hope for sigils."

"Then I shall no longer interrupt you Traveler. I've taken enough of your day as is.",

He waved a hand

"It's fine... besides we both get what we want from this. I see it as a win-win situation." He shrugged.

It seemed perfectly reasonable to him

"Farewell Traveler and Paimon"

"Farewell Madame." Aether bowed

"Farewell Foxy Lady!" Pipped Paimon who had oddly vouched to remain quiet all this time.

Mostly because she wanted to avoid making ridiculous comments in the presence of an Inazuman official whom they weren't fairly acquainted with.

Aether began his decent before Lady Yae spoke to stop him.

"I real do mean it... I do not with hold what you seek in the attempt to benefit from it. The adeptual energy really is currently being used to keep the Tree alive and it will be yours, given that you can save the tree."

He smiled at her

"I trust you. One can't be too picky of allies in such harsh times like these."

She nodded her head and he parted ways with the women.

She was still an enigma...

...but perhaps she wasn't that bad.

(A/N: the chapter is about 3,000 words, which tends to be the low ball side for my chapters; but this is simply because the next chapter will likely be super long and wouldn't have place contents within this chapter. I'm doing Yoimiya's story quest which will be pretty long, then probably Ayaka's both are fairly long. This chapter also took many more hours than I anticipated. Everything about this chapter I've essentially created from scratch and is completely original. No help from the in game lore, so I had to create my own and attempt to make it plausible.)

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