
By lthsbluegreener

17.5K 612 388

forelsket (n.) the euphoria you experience when you are first falling in love..... Harry is a kind, sweet a... More



1K 35 49
By lthsbluegreener

It's 12.50am so that's technically Friday......for me at least:)


"Why are you not disgusted by my lack of limbs?" Harry finally asked the question that had been plaguing his mind.

Louis furrowed his brows. "What do you mean?"

Harry sighed. "Normally, it's insults and disgust, but you're not disgusted nor are you insulting me, why?"

Louis shook his head. "There is nothing wrong with wearing a prosthesis, love. It's really not something you can control. Something happened and you lost your leg. I think you're very strong," Louis reasoned.

Harry felt his heart flutter. Complements given to him from the most breathtaking alpha he had ever seen. What does he do with them? He could feel his face heat up, and he wanted to hide it, make it go away. "Oh," is all Harry can manage to get out.

Louis adored the soft blush coating the omega's pale cheeks. "I'll tell you what. You can have my number. Call me anytime you want to. I absolutely adore Harly." He ran his fingers through the sleeping omega's hair.

Harry smiled softly and Louis felt himself turn into a pile of mush when he saw two dents in Harry's cheeks. They caved in so perfectly, and looked prettier than he could ever imagine. "Yeah, I'd like that. Harlow's had it rough, and I know it's my fault, but yeah," he fiddled with his fingers before pulling his phone out. It was brand new since Arnold never let him have one. It mostly consisted of Barbie movies and a sudoku game that Harry adored.

Louis entered his number into Harry's contacts, and upon receiving it back, Harry smiled. He looked up when a phone was held out to him. "It's not your fault. I don't know what happened, but it's not your fault," Louis said as he tucked Harlow's hair behind her ear, feeling the scar against his own skin.

Harry did not say anything to that because it was his fault whether he liked it or not. He took too long to act, and in the end, Harlow got hurt.

Louis could smell the sadness in the omega's scent. He ran his free hand through Harry's hair and smiled when the omega leaned into the touch subconsciouly, scent going back to normal.

Louis's fingers carding through his hair, made all his problems melt away, and frankly, it scared him. The effect the alpha had on him had his omega wanting to purr.

"It's not your fault," Louis whispered. He led Harry to lean back into him again, and the omega moved willingly. "I saw the mark."

Harry froze, pulling back instantly, eyes wide and scared. He bit his bottom lip and curled his fingers into fists. The pungent smell of copper made the alpha instantly pull Harry's fingers away only to see them shaking. Despite the resistance, Louis forced Harry to lean into him, barring his neck and moving Harry's face into his scent gland all while he held Harlow steady with his other hand.

He could not hold it in anymore and the first tear landed against Louis's skin. It was silent. He had learned to cry silently because if he did not, it would have been another reason for Arnold to hurt him.

Louis just held him as he cried. "It's not your fault," Louis kept saying over and over again. "None of it was your fault."

"Y-You don't know that," Harry said pulling back and taking a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. He wiped the tears away as they fall. "I let him hurt her," he sniffled.

"I don't know what happened, and maybe one day you will tell me, but I saw Harlow's bruises. I saw the way you flinched and the way you tensed when I so much as came close to you. I saw the mark, Harry," Louis's words were not accusing, but Harry knew that no alpha in their right mind would associate with him after they saw the mark Arnold left.

"I tried to stop him. I swear I did," Harry's words were hushed. When he pulled back to look at the alpha, Louis's eyes were so soft and gentle, void of any judgement, any hate, and disgust.

"Come here." The alpha opened his free hand out and Harry curled up against his side. Louis's fingers found its way to where the failed bond mark lay and he rubbed his fingers against it. Harry tensed, his back stiff as a board, but Louis just continued to caress the marred skin there. Eventually, Harry went pliant. Louis's ministrations calming him down until he fell asleep again.

Louis watched the beautiful omega, feeling his breath evening out and his eyes flutter close. He did not stop caressing the dark skin on Harry's mating spot. No one should touch it unless it was the omega's alpha, but he could not help it—call him selfish. He felt so connected to this omega who did not see how amazing he was. Even though, Louis's only known Harry for a few hours, he could not help the way his alpha felt, and honestly, he trusted his inner alpha. Normally, Louis's inner alpha would never want to stake their claim on an omega, but the moment he saw Harry, he knew. He knew that Harry was his omega, and it made him so angry to see what was done to him. The things that were forced on him, and Harlow.

It was not often an alpha staked their claim on an omega they just met, but maybe Louis understood the rare few that did. Harry was beautiful. Not only in his appearance, but the softness he had to him, the way he spoke, the way he loved Harlow, it was all so beautiful.

Maybe it was a selfish act, caressing the skin on his neck because Louis knew it would leave his scent on the omega. Louis was powerful. Alphas in general held power, but Louis was not just any alpha. He was alpha Louis Tomlinson. Hearing that name typically made goosebumps rise on a person's skin.

Louis was a self-made billionaire. He was not kind, but he was also not unkind. He was strict, punctual and he absolutely despised tardiness. He owned 'L&T.' You would know that name if you have been to a hospital before or if you have bought medical equipment before.

He valued the quality of his products. That was the main reason as to why he was the best of the best in manufacturing and supplying medical equipment. People shied away when he walked. No alpha, omega or beta in their right mind made him angry or disobeyed his orders. He possessed that kind of power.

He clutched Harry a bit tighter, and smiled at the mere thought of how he was currently holding two omegas he met only a few hours ago. He wanted them as his own family. He wanted to make Harry his omega. He was not going to force it on the omega, and he would remain as Harry's friend just to be close to him, but for some reason, only being friends with the omega who was currently pressed against his side, made his lips fall into a frown, and his inner wolf clawed at him.

»»————- ★ ————-««

They got off the plane with Louis right beside them. Harlow was clinging onto the alpha's hand and flinched violently, hand leaving Louis's grip to cover her ears when the loud noises of people talking filled her ears suddenly. Harry quickly pulled the ear muffs over her ears and smoothed her hair down, watching the curls bounce.

Louis frowned. "Why does she get scared like that?" he asked Harry, his voice quiet.

Harry sighed, and looked at Louis with a pained expression. "It's the same reason I lost my leg. I didn't always wear a prosthesis, you know," his voice was quiet, guarded, and scared.

Louis did not pry any further, knowing that Harry was not ready to talk about it. They collected their luggage and started walking again. "I guess we'll meet again another day. My friends are coming to pick me up," Louis said although unwilling to leave the omega. They still had to go through the security check, but after that they would be parting ways.

Harry's lips twitched downwards, and his scent subtly saddened. It was barely noticeable, but Louis was hyper aware of it. "But we have to go through security check and I'll go with the two of you," he added with a smile.

Harry's eyes lit up, hopeful, and Louis could not help the twitch of his lips as they pulled up into a smile. He always melted when he looked at Harry. The usual harshness melting away, and he became soft around the edges. They walked through the metal detector, and it beeped loudly when Harry walked through. The omega sighed when the alpha guard looked at him expectantly. "You're not supposed to carry any metal when you walk through the metal detector, omega," he said condescendingly and this was one of the reasons he hated being an omega.

He lifted his pant leg and displayed his prosthesis. The alpha security guard's nose curled in disgust, and he scoffed at Harry. Harry cowered, making himself smaller. He hunched, curling in on himself, and Louis's blood boiled. "Watch it," he growled, stepping forward. "Or I will have your job," he threatened.

The man looked up, but unlike everyone else did not seem recognize Louis. He was taller and Louis knew that often alphas used his height against him. The man crowded Louis's space, but Louis did not back down, his hand firmly holding Harlow's. "And who are you?" he spat.

Louis sighed and took a deep breath. Instead of answering, he took his phone out, which, angered the other alpha, but he continued to dial the number he was looking for. While it was ringing, he looked at Harry who looked terrified. "Come here, love," his voice was gentle, and Harry came to stand beside him easily.

"Loueh?" Zayn's voice rang through. The other omega sounded like he had just woken up.

"Hold on Z. I am putting you on speaker," he got an approving hum, and proceeded to put his friend on speaker. "So, I have an alpha guard from your firm here, harassing and looking down on an omega," he said calmly. The man looked angry.

"What!? Badge number and name, Louis,"  Zayn's prominent accent made the man in front of him pale.

"Roger Jameson. Badge, 184930."

The line was silent for a moment, and Louis smirked because he knew exactly what was happening. "His replacement is on the way. He can leave. He's fired," Zayn's voice was back to his relaxed state.

"Thank you, Z. I'll see you later," he said before hanging up. "You can go as you heard Mr. Payne say, you are fired," Louis smiled. "Next time you use your status to belittle someone, your job will be the least of your worries," Louis's eyes were dark, and his words were venomous.

The man opened his mouth to protest, but another guard, a beta approached them. "I was told that I will be taking over for Roger Jameson," he stated, holding good poise.

The man grunted, but left without any argument and the line resumed to move. Harry, Louis, and Harlow left shortly after, but Harry's silence bothered him while Harlow engaged in conversation with him.

"Harry?" he asked gently. The omega jumper slightly, having been so caught up in his thoughts.

"Yes?" he asked.

"Are you okay?" Harry hunched in response, curling in on himself. Louis pulled them to a stop and turned to face Harry with Harlow in between them. "Look at me," he said to the omega who had his eyes glued to the floor.

Harry hesitantly lifted his head up to meet a pair of piercing blue eyes looking at him. "What is it?"

Harry sighed. "I just feel so useless, and so disgusted by myself," he whispered, insecurity oozing out of his every pore.

Louis moved forward and hugged him. One hand reached up and cradled Harry's head and moved his face to the crook of his neck. Harry inhaled deeply, the scent of fresh pine, bergamot, and lavender invading his senses, making his worries fade away. Harry slumped forward and wrapped his hands around Louis. "You are not useless. Those kinds of alphas who abuse their power, are disgusting, and that is not your fault, love," Louis carded his fingers through Harry's hair.

"Mama is the best!" Harlow exclaimed, and Harry chuckled. He pulled away slowly and looked at her.

"Thank you, baby, but you are better than best," he carried Harlow who made grabby hands at him.

She giggled, turning to Louis, and made grabby hands at him after he was In Harry's grasp. Louis smiled at the little omega fondly before taking her from Harry. Harry faked offense. "I have been replaced."

Harlow's eyes went wide and she shook her head. "No, mama, no! Mama is my best friend. I love mama," Harry smiled at her with glossy eyes.

"I know baby. Mama was just joking," he comforted his distressed child. Harlow pouted, and Harry poked her cheek making her giggle.

Harlow gripped Louis's neck and rested her head on his chest. "Well, I will come with you two to the exit," Louis said with a permanent upward twitch of his lips.

Harry did not object because if he was being completely honest, he wanted to prolong their eventual departure because what Arnold did to him, every alpha looked at him the same way, and then there was Louis. He had been nothing, but kind. It was not that Harry fell for the first kind alpha because that was not true. His omega was not in charge when it came to Arnold. It was Harry who decided to give the alpha a chance against his inner omega's protests, but here, even before Harry could do anything, his omega was begging, pleading for Louis.

Harlow fell asleep again, exhausted due to jet lag. Harry felt bad because he was burdening Louis and he did not like that. "I can take her," he said.

Louis shook his head. "It's okay. She's asleep," Louis replied gently giving the omega's hand a squeeze before returning it to cradle Harlow. "My friends should be outside. Who are you going with or are you going alone?" he asked, concern lacing his voice.

Harry smiled reassuringly, a slight twitch in his lips barely displayed dimples. "My friends are coming to pick me up," he said and on queue his phone rang. He fetched the new device from his pocket and accepted the incoming call. "Hello?"

"Where are you?"  the familiar Irish voice asked.

Harry looked around frowning before spotting the brunette who used to have fake blonde hair. "Just walk straight," he said, and watched as Niall looked around, dragging Shawn with him.

"We're picking someone else up as well......I hope you don't mind......he's an alpha," Niall added hesitantly.

Harry tensed. "I-It's okay. We'll be fine," he attempted to reassure, but sounded weak to his own ears. A warm hand was placed on his cheek and he nuzzled into the warmth knowing that it was Louis. Louis smiled and rubbed the frown lines with the pad of his thumb, easing them away.

The call ended soon after, and Harry watched as Niall finally spotted him and came running towards them. The omega crashed against Harry's body. "Harry!" he exclaimed. "It's been six years too long," he said, squeezing a bit tighter.

Harry hugged Niall back as best as he could while being squished. "I know, Ni. I'm sorry."

Niall instantly shook his head. "Don't. Don't you dare say sorry. It's not your fault. It's his," he said firmly.

Niall pulled back and looked around for Harlow. "H, Where's Harly?" he asked worriedly.

"Here, Niall," Louis's voice shocked him as he turned around.

"Loueh?" he asked. The alpha smiled. "You two met?" he turned back to Harry who was frowning.

"You know each other?"

"Uhm yeah. He was the other alpha I told you about," Harry's mouth parted in surprise.

"How do you two know each other?" Shawn piped up from beside Niall.

Harry was still reeling from the information so Louis answered instead. "We met at the airport."

Niall frowned. "I'm sorry, but how does that work, and how is Harlow not throwing a fit because last time I checked Louis, you're an alpha, and Harlow took a long time to even look at me, and I'm an omega," he rambled on, truly baffled.

Harry fish mouthed for a while, formulating words in his brain. "I-I don't really know. She was not scared of all," he teared up because this should not be something they had to discuss in the first place. His daughter should not be scared. She should be happy, and carefree. Louis squeezed Harry's wrist, pressing his thumb against the omega's larger palm, calming him down instantly.

Niall watched wide eyed, but a little nudge from Shawn kept him quiet about it. "Niall?" Harry asked as they walked towards the exit.

"Yeah, bud?"

"H-How's mom?" he asked, hesitantly. He left his family behind when he went to America, and since Arnold didn't allow him more than one call a week, he could not talk to his family.

Niall sighed. "She got remarried," and yes, Harry felt his heart break because he was not there to see his mother getting married nor was he informed.

"Oh," Harry said, sadly and Louis pulled his hoodie over his head before intertwining his fingers with Harry's as they walked out.

Luckily the paparazzi could not recognize him, which he was grateful for on so many levels. He squeezed the omega's hand. "Does she ask about me?" Harry's voice came out small.

Niall's eyes grew sad. "I tried explaining it to her, but she thought you were just making excuses to not talk to her. I'm sorry, H," Harry gulped and remained silent, his heart hurt too much to speak because if he did, he knew he would end up with tears flowing down his cheeks.

He quietly got into the jeep once Shawn helped him load his luggage and ended up sitting next to Louis. Louis subtly placed his arm over the backseat. It was an invitation for Harry to lean in, and eventually his thoughts wore him out. His eyes grew heavy and he unintentionally leaned into Louis's side and fell asleep with his lips tugged downwards.

Louis looked at the omega before wrapping his hand around him, keeping him snug against his side. Harry snuggled into the warmth and sighed contentedly.

Shawn looked through the mirror and smirked. "You found an omega, Louis?" he asked.

Louis glared at him. "Shut it, Mendes. They've been through a lot of trauma. Damn it, I almost booked a flight back to go and kill the bastard that hurt them," he gritted out, suppressing the growl that started to build in his chest.

Niall shook his head, smiling. "The asshole is dead. That's why Harry came back to England. Do you really think the man who beat his omega and child within an inch of their life, caused them to drop multiple times, only allowed his omega one call each week, and didn't let him own a phone or go out of the house without his permission, would just let him leave? No way. The man is dead. I couldn't recognize Harry when I saw him at first. He used to be so full of life, so confident and sure of himself. The man got drunk, and angry, and crashed the car. He came out unscathed while Harry lost his leg, and Harlow died for two minutes. The bastard deserved what he got."

Louis's nostrils flare angrily. "No one will touch them ever again," he promised.

Shawn smirked. "You can't guarantee that, Louis," Louis's head snapped up dangerously, eyes flashing a dangerous red, pupils changing colour.

Louis's anger emanated through his scent, and in his sleep, Harry scented him. It was a subconscious instinct, but Louis softened. "Watch me, Shawn," he said as he carded his fingers through Harry's hair.

Niall smiled brightly. "He scented you," he said, excitedly.

Louis frowned, nodding. "Yes, in his sleep," Louis replied, slowly.

"Yes, but Harry doesn't scent anyone. He can't or at least that's what he always said. He was never able to scent anyone. It's one of the reasons no one liked Harry," his voice grew sadder towards the end.

Louis frowned. How could anyone not like Harry? The omega was a dream. He was so sweet, soft, and loving. His smile could kill people so he did not understand why people treated this omega so cruelly.

His fingers moved to the failed bond mark and rubbed at it softly, feeling the darker skin beneath his fingers.

The rest of the car ride remained silent as Louis fondly observed the two omegas sleeping while Shawn and Niall communicated through their mind link. He may sound crazy, or even delusional, but for some reason, he could feel an emotion that was not his own. It was a kind of dull sadness, muted and meek. The weirdest part is that he knew that it was Harry's emotion. His grip around the omega tightened, and a soft kiss was placed on Harry's hair.


Can we all agree that omegas>alphas(sorry Louis)

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