The 150th Hunger Games

By the_best_of_rachel

1.4K 75 31

It's been fifteen years. Fifteen years since the rebellion. Fifteen years since Panem fell. Fifteen years... More

Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10
Chapter 11:
Chapter 12:

Chapter 1:

188 11 0
By the_best_of_rachel

The reaping.
A time that every girl and boy between the ages of 12 and 18 fear. Well except the Careers.
A time when you may be picked to be put into a death match known as The Hunger Games.
I am 14. It's my 3rd year. And no matter how hard I try not to admit it to myself, I might be put into those dreaded games.
This is also the 150th year. A Quarter Quell. The second one since the Rebellion. I could have sworn the Rebellion happened during the 75th Hunger Games, but when NP formed, they just started it off at the 125th mark. Don't ask me why.
"Emma! Come on Em. Mom made dinner." My older brother, John, called.
I got up and walked downstairs.
The reaping is tomorrow.
Looking at my dinner, you could tell that the reaping is tomorrow. Everything was burnt. My mother is normally an amazing cook, but not on reaping days. She gets nervous and does everything the opposite of what she normally does. Cooking for example.
I smiled half hearted. "It's going to be okay mother. We are from District 1. People will volunteer." I said trying to comfort her.
"I know, but what if they don't, Emma. What if they decide not to this year. Then what? Plus it's a Quarter Quell. Anything can happen. Maybe they will say no volunteers this year!"
I sighed.
I knew she had a point.
"Mom. It will be fine." Said John,  joining me in comforting her.
But still. She really did have a point. Everyone always thought District One loved the Hunger Games. They though everyone in District One loved it. Maybe that's how it was before the rebellion but now, people don't. The other Districts think it's unfair that we get to train at an academy, and yes, to an extent. It's optional if you want to train at the academy now. Most of the time it's boys. Not many girls, but there is normally always one. The trainers at the academy choose the boy and the girls decide among themselves. There is always a boy, and normally a girl. Normally being the key word.
My mother just shook her head and went back to dinner.

That night I had nightmares. Terrible nightmares, about one of us getting picked. John, me, or my little sister, who has been in her room crying all night, Sarah. It's her first reaping and she can't help but worry. I worry too. I finally fell asleep, but the nightmares kept happening.
"Just to spice things up a bit we know reap the men first." Our District's escort, Janie, said, digging her hand into the bowl. She slowly pulled out the slip and walked over go the microphone. Janie smiled before calling out the name.
Relief passed threw me. Ge is not the first letter of John.
"I volunteer!" Someone screamed from the crowd.
"Oh great! A volunteer!" Janie gushed.
I closed my eyes in peace for a few moments relieved it wasn't
John. I didn't bother looking at who was going up until I heard the name of the person who volunteered.
"My name is John Janson. And I'm 17  years old."
My eyes snapped open and I started crying. Before Janie could say anything else, I screamed up to the stage. "Why John! You can't leave us. Leave me. Why did you volunteer!"
John looked at me, and said into the microphone. "I need to do this District proud. This family. I'm sorry Emma."
Then he turned away.
I looked back at my mom, hoping for support. She shook her head no, saying this needed to be done. I was still crying.
"Anyway. Now for the ladies." Janie said walking over to the girls bowl.
"Sarah Janson."
I heard a scream from the crowd. "No one volunteer. I'm talking to you Emma!" That scream had come from my little sister. I was confused.
As I saw her mount the steps it dawned on me. Standing up on the stage was my brother and sister.
"I'm Sarah Janson and I'm 12 years old. I am going to win this." Sarah smiled at John, who smiled back.
"Oh persistence. I like that. Are you related to John here?" Janie asked. I needed to see her response. See if she would say why I couldn't volunteer.
"Yes. He's my brother."
"Oh what a great honor to your family to have both of you in it. Now tell me. You are only 12. Why didn't you want someone volunteering?"
"I couldn't let my brother get all the fame! I want to fight! I'm not a baby like my older sister treats me. This is all your fault Emma. All your fault I'm up here!" She screamed into the microphone. I started full out crying. Bawling. My older brother and baby sister were going into the arena and it was all my fault. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I woke up panting. That was the worst dream yet. I shook my head trying to clear my thoughts. I had woken up just in time to, my mother called shortly after.
"Emma. Sarah. John. Come on get up. You need to get ready."
I got up and went into Sarah's room like I do every morning. The sight broke my heart.
She was curled up in a little ball shaking and crying. I ran over and picked her up.
"Hey. Hey Sarah. It's okay." I cooed, hugging her.
"Em-Emma w-what i-if I ge-get pic-picked!?" She asked hugging me back.
"You won't get picked. I promise. You won't." I said. I should have known it was a dream. Sarah would never want to go into those horrendous games.
She sniffed and nodded. I grabbed her hand. "Come on. Let's go eat."

We ate a meal of cereal. I guess my mother realized it was this or something burnt for us, and she decided on this. After eating then we got ready. It felt like a school day, and if only it was. School would be
much better then this.
I got ready and looked in the mirror. It was a pretty sight. My dress that is. I was in a blue dress that went down a little below my knees and I had my hair up in a bun. With a few of my brunette hair strands dangling down.
"Mother. I'm ready." I called, walking downstairs to find Sarah and John already waiting for me. My mom gave me a half-hearted smile. "You look beautiful." She said.
I smiled. "Thank you."

We walked to town square and got in line. Sarah was nervous about getting her finger pricked, but I told her it would be okay. I told her to go stand with the 12 year olds, and she did. I stood with the 14 year olds, and John stood with the 17 year olds. We all waited, and then Janie Linch, the escort of District 1, walked on stage.
"Hello District 1!" She said into the microphone with her annoying Capital accent. She got a bunch of grunts in response, with made me smile. She's too peppy for her own good. She cleared her throat. "It's another year. And this one is special. It is a Quarter Quell. Isn't that exciting! And to add to it they aren't even going to tell you the twist until you are in the arena. It adds suspense. Isn't that great!" Once again she got a bunch of grunts.
She ignored our lack of enthusiasm, and started talking about how and why the Hunger Games were formed, then it went to talk about the rebellion of Katniss Everdeen and about how lucky we are that Panem rose out of the ashes, and turned into NP. Things like that that make me sick. 
After that there was a video of past games and of Katniss and Peeta being executed. Well a fake Katniss and Peeta. The capital wants us all to think they are dead, but we know better, and they know we do. They know we know Katniss and Peeta just disappeared. Yet they still show the same video.
"Now since we had to change some things up. Instead of doing ladies first. We start with men." Janie said, walking over to the boy tribute's bowl, but she stopped before she got there. "Oh. And may the odds be ever in your favor." She finished and, walked the rest of the way to the boy tribute's bowl.
"Lu-" she stared.
"I volunteer!!!" I heard from he crowd. I froze.
Please don't be John. Please don't be John. I thought in my head.
"Oh goodie!! A volunteer!!" Janie said, like she was surprised, which we all know was not a surprise. Always one boy. Always. "Well come on up."
He walked up.
"What's your name and how old are you?" Janie asked.
"I'm Justin Lakewood and I'm 18." He said proudly.
I sighed in relief. It wasn't John. I looked over to the 17 year old section and he smiled at me. I could tell he was relived to.
"Well Justin congratulations. Anything you would like to say to the crowd?"
He smiled. "I'm going to win this. There is no use trying other tributes. I am going to win this."
Janie grinned. "Great! Persistence! You can take a seat over there."
Justin took his seat.
"Now for the ladies." Janie said walking over to the girl tribute's bowl.
It wasn't Sarah.
"Emma Janson." She called. I froze. Me? I was picked!  I didn't go up on stage, and I relaxed a little realizing someone will volunteer. After a few seconds I found that I was walking on stage. No one was volunteering! There were a few screams. Probably from my mom and best friend. Possibly my brother to, but I don't know if he would scream. One little scream stood out.
"EMMA!!" The little voice belonged to Sarah. She had somehow managing to get away from the peacekeepers that were restraining the crowd. She ran up and hugged me. I gave her a small hug back, until the peacekeepers dragged her off, kicking and screaming.
I took a deep breath and stepped on stage, realizing no one is going to volunteer. 
At least it was me and not Sarah. I repeatedly told myself. She's safe and that is all that matters.
"Now dear. What's your name?" Janie asked, when I got up on stage.
"Emma Janson." I mumbled.
"What was that dear?" Janie asked.
"I'm Emma Janson, and I'm 14." I said again, louder.
"Oh well, congratulation Emma. Anything you would like to say to the crowd?" She asked.
I looked directly at Sarah. "I'm going to try to win this for you,  Sarah. I'm going to try to come back." I looked at the camera and mentally sighed. "No I am going to come back. I am coming back to my little sister and my family. The other tributes better watch out."
I definitely sounded much more confident then I am.
Janie smiled. "Oh great! She's ready to go and ready to win this!" She smiled at me one more time, then at Justin, then looked to the crowd. "Everyone. Give a hand for our tributes from District 1, Justin Lakewood and Emma Janson!!"
Nobody clapped.

Instead someone did something that has been outlawed sense the rebellion. Something that was a sign of rebellion.

Someone put up their three finger....... and whistled a small four note tune.

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