The Ultimate Hero: Deku 10X

By SonicDeku97

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Hello this is a story of the anime series my hero academia and the cartoon series ben 10 and in this story it... More

Deku 10 part 1
Deku 10 part 2 origins and choosen
more power means more responsibilitys
starting line and unexpected visitor
A meeting with the staff of UA
dont get expelled on the first day
No new page just an UPDATE
aliens vs bakugo
bakugos starting line
Choosen leader
USJ Attack
Escape From The Warlord
Ochacos Goal
UA sports fest part 1 the race is on
UA sports fest part 2 Cavalry Battle
Sports Fest Fights part 1
Update 2
Sports Fest Fights part 2 Izuku vs monster
Sports Fest Fights part 3 Champion
Time to pick some Code Names
Internships Enter Biazzre Gran Torino
Hosu City Incident
Hosu Aftermath
Origins of One For All
Preparing For The Finals
Survival Battle
Parents Day
The Finals Exam
A Friendly Encounter
OVA 2 Training With The Dead
Date At The Circus
Class A day at the Pool
Save the World with Looove
Two Heroes: Welcome to I-island
Two Heroes: Party Crashers
Two Heroes: Final Boss
Two Heroes: After Party
Meet the Wild, Wild Pussycats
Story Time Around The Camp Fire
Friday The 13th
My Hero
Fight On Deku
The Ultimate Villain
Omnitrix VS All For One
Sayonara Symbol Of Peace Being New Start

Sports Fest Aftermath

337 11 6
By SonicDeku97

It was dawn and the crows chirp

Narrater deku: your friends can also be worthy opponents the sports festival showed us that and we learned a lot about each other and our selfs

(Class 1A)

Mummy aizawa: nice work you all have the next 3 days off to recover your energy

Most of the students paying attention with iida still missing and midoriya sleeping with his head down and wearing his gold medal

The teacher: im sure the pros who watched the festival will recruit some of you we will look over the forms when you all return get some rest you still have lots of training

Almost everyone: yes sir

Aizawa: and 1 more thing before i dismiss you all im sure that your leader has something he needs to say

Everyone turns there heads to the sleeping midoriya and tokoyamis dark shadow appears then he hovers over midoriyas head and starts poking him

Midoriya instantly wakes up and looks around: WHOA WAH HUH

He looks at the teacher and scratches his head: oh sorry i wasn't paying attention

Aizawa not caring: midoriya you know something about iidas sudden disappearance right

Which caught midoriyas attention and he looks down: oh right

He stands up from his desk then walks to the front of the class

He faces them with a serious face: ok here it is im sure that some of you know about the turbo hero ingenium right who happens to be iidas big brother

Which surprised most of the students in the class

Ojiro: yeh what about him

Midoriya takes a deep breath: while the sports festival was going on ingenium was attacked and gravely injured by a dangerous known villain and is in a hospital right now

Which got most of the class shocked and worried

Mina glares stands up from her desk: THEN WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US SOONER

Midoriya closes his eyes with his arms crossed: because im sure that iida didn't want to make you guys to worry and lose your focus during the festivals finals trust me i hated it too but i had no choice and your class 2ed commander would want you guys to do your best instead of losing focus so don't you dare blame him can you blame me for all i care

Which made most of the students calm down as they understand

Aizawa: your class leader has a valuable point when you all come back on friday and see iida give him the comfort he needs

The students: yes sir

Aizawa: now your all dismissed

He then looks at: and midoriya don't worry about the media we made sure that they stay off your back for a while so no need to worry about them being a headache and good work today

Midoriya: thank you sir cuz if they do become a bother for me then i rather be an underground hero and you better be ready to teach me if they do

He points and grins

Aizawa leaves: whatever

(Moments later outside of the school)

Midoriya and uraraka both walking home together

Uraraka worried: hey deku do think iida is gonna be ok

Midoriya looks down: iida always looks up to his brother like how i do with all might so i don't know if it were me and somebody hurts someone i care about i don't know what i do but for now let's just hope for the best

Uraraka: i guess your right

Midoriya blushes a little: oh and by the way

Uraraka gives her attention

Midoriya looks away and scratches his head: you looked good in that cheerleaders outfit

Uraraka blushes to a tomato: oh that thank you

She then realizes: also did you chase after mineta and kaminari like you said before

Midoriya stops and remembers and smacks his forehead: AW DAM IT YOUR RIGHT

He calms down and continues walking: oh forget it im too tired to chase them anyways i used my power up quirk too much and i transformed too many times today and my hands are a little messed up and i don't want to make recovery girl mad so ill punish them the next time they do something stupid

Uraraka confused: but today you used 12 aliens

She counts with her fingers: let's see nighthowler, xlr8, rath, wildmutt, heatblast twice, four arms, humugosaur, nrg, chromastone, big chill and way big and that last 1 really surprised all of us

Midoriya gives a smile: yeh don't worry about him he's only meant for big stuff only for a good reason

He looks up with disappointment: but considering the fact there are not many giant villains in the world to fight he is my strongest alien ever and ill barely ever get use him in a fight talk about a waste

Uraraka confused: does he always have to be only for big stuff

He smiles at her: do you want me to use way big every time we train or against every villain ill have to fight

Uraraka: hahaha yeh fair point i would feel sorry for them HAHAHA

Midoriya: and see all of your worries are away

Which surprised uraraka and she smiles: yeh thank you

She then blushes and remembers something: oh and deku

He looks: yeh

Uraraka looks away: about you know what happened after the calvary battle

Midoriya blushes and remembers and looks away with a grin: oh that yeh no worries you kissed xlr8 not me so no problem there but how about we both just pretend it never happened

Uraraka looks down and smiles a little: yeh your right

Midoriya without looking: but it was nice

Uraraka confused: what

Midoriya freaks out grins and blushes: NOTHING

(Same time in all mights office)

We see weak all might all serious sitting on the couch of the room with bakugo sitting in a chair with tea on the table

All might: so here we are now what is it that you want to tell me

Bakugo calm as he looks at the table: deku told me before that he got his power from someone else it was given to him and i have no idea who would give that lucky nerd any power at all when he already has a bunch it took me a while to figure it out

He looks at the old pro: tell me all might he got that power from you didn't he

All might surprised as he never seen him like this before

The old pro breaths: well young midoriya was not wrong about you being smart and yes he did get it from me how did you figure it out

Bakugo takes a sip from the tea and looks down: i saw a few hints the first day when he used that big lizard and throw that ball into space the USJ attack when you both fought the main villains and when he fought icy hot today his power is too similar to yours to be a demo but what i don't get is why you picked someone like him to give your power

All might: alright ill tell you but this is a secret that should remain hidden from the world do you understand

Bakugo looks at him: yeh ill keep my mouth shut so tell me already

All might: good but before i do let me ask you something

Bakugo: yeh like what

All might: tell me about his past the days before the watch came into his life from the day you met him did you ever see him try to help and protect others despite being powerless

Which surprised bakugo as he remembers all the times he helped and the time he protected someone from him and his lackeys

Bakugo looks down: let me guess he told you about all the things i did to him back when he was quirkless or sort of

All might glares: yeh he told me everything that you bullied him and many others that were weak and others that didn't had any power because you were stronger then others back then but that's not what we are talking about

Which confused bakugo

All might: despite being powerless do you think someone like midoriya willing to help others deserves any power at all even with his watch he was quirkless outside of his aliens and thinks to luck it brought him the watch but it was his heart that brought him the chance he wanted to help and save others like any other hero while in the past before the omnitrix came into his life he still choose to help others no matter the consequences while you abused your power on others that can barely fight back do you really think that one for all would accept someone like that

Bakugo confused as he understands: one for all

All might: one for all it is the name of this power it's a sacred torch that's been passed on for 9 generations from each of it's wielders and i am the 8th and im sure you know who's number 9

Bakugo understands: ok then i get why you would pass it to someone that deserves it but why not to someone else and from the looks it you been around for a while and you were probably in a rush to find the next wielder cuz why else would the symbol of peace come back to japan and choose to be a teacher here at UA did you already have someone in mind before deku

All might was surprised and glares: your right there was someone else originally he is strong and has a great quirk but it was not by my choice i was looking for someone that deserves it more then im sure that you remember your encounter with the slime villain a year ago

Bakugo glares: yeh just thinking about that walking sower creep i always try to forget what about him

All might: it was the same day that i met midoriya when he told me the secret of his power i told him the secret about mine later that day and im sure that he told everyone in class 1A on how he got the watch and that day despite everything you did to him either that you would thank him or apologize for everything or not he still saved you because you were in danger

Bakugo glares at the floor

All might: tell me what exactly do you think you'll get out of this

Bakugo closes his eyes: nothing

Which surprised all might

Bakugo stands up with his hands in his pockets: all i wanted was answers and i got them just let me know if the nerd masters your power so i can fight him again with him only using it

Then he turns to the door of the room and walks to it

All might stands up: wait bakugo

The boy stops infront of the door

The pro: maybe it's not too late to be friends with him again if that's what your looking for

Bakugo without looking: i don't know if that's what i want and i doubt that deku wants to friends with me again but ill just think about it in other words ill surpass him so i can beat him no matter how many stupid powers he has

All might: wait 1 more thing

Bakugo looks over his shoulder

The old pro: what about 10X the mark on his back did you ever notice it before today

Bakugo looks away and thinks: no i don't think so and it seems deku doesn't know about it either but whatever it means it's probably just some weird birth mark or something

He opens the door and walks out: well see you on friday

All might sits down in worry

The pro: well young bakugo either you want to be his friend again or not just hope for the best of your future

(Moments later)

We see midoriya with his hands in his pockets and uraraka both that are close to the appartments

Then a mans voice: OCHACO

Both students look to the source and uraraka got surprised as they see

Uraraka: MOM DAD

Midoriya was surprised too as he looks back and forth then steps back a little

The parents walk to them

Ochaco: what are you guys doing here

The dad: well after seeing our daughter making it so far to the finals and worked so hard your mother and i choose to come visit and congratulate you

Her mom hugs her: oh my baby we are so proud of you

Ochaco was happy and hugs her back: guys thank you so much im so happy to see you

Midoriya smiles as he watches

Both the urarakas notice him

Ochaco notices them looking at midoriya she blushes and zips to his side and drags him a little closer

She looks at them: oh right mom dad this izuku midoriya

Midoriya bows: hi it's an honor to met you both im a friend and classmate of your daughter

Ms uraraka smiles: oh how polite and yes we know you

Mr uraraka: your the alien boy everyone is talking about you gave us all quite the surprise today and congratulations on winning the festival

Midoriya: well thank you very much sir tho i wouldn't have made it to the finals without ochaco she helped me during the calvary battle

As they look at her and she was embarrassed

Ochaco: well he did help a little during the obstacle race so i was just returning the favor and he's also the reason how i got into the finals

Ms uraraka smiles: oh how lovely dear our daughter is growing up so fast

Then she crys into her husbands chest and mr uraraka who comforts her

Midoriya realizes and grins: OH NO NO NO i promise ma'am we're just friends and we were just helping each other out heroes help each other sometimes it's a learning experience she scratches my back i scratch he-you know what i mean

As he blushes and looked annoyed

Mr uraraka: hahaha yeh we get it and we thank you for helping her and we also thank you for protecting her during the USJ attack along with the other's we don't know what we would of done if something happened to our little angle

Ochaco felt embarrassed

Midoriya smiles: no problem sir it's what i do as the leader of our class

Ms uraraka recovers: hey i know how about you join us for dinner

Midoriya and ochaco were surprised as they look at each other

Midoriya gives a smile: huh sure i be honored to but i might need to change out of my uniform first i had a long day

Ochaco: yeh me too

Ms uraraka: oh do you live far

Midoriya points to buildings: no we're actually neighbors in the apartments here and we live 3 doors away from each other

Both parents instantly gave him a death glare which made midoriya and ochaco uncomfortable

Mr uraraka: oh really that's convenient

Ms uraraka: yes just take your time

Midoriya: oh thank you i won't be long

Then he slowly walks backwards

He looks at her: and ochaco ill go on ahead while you and your folks catch up on each other ill be right back

He runs off to his apartment room

Ms uraraka: well he's nice

Mr uraraka looks at there daughter: yeh but i feel a little uncomfortable with him living close to you

Ochaco looks at him: dad i promise you izuku is really trusting there's nothing for you worry about plus he's not like that

As she looks down

The parents look a her worried as they understand the situation and look at each other

(Moments later)

We see midoriya wearing some resting clothes he knocks on urarakas door

The door opens revealing mr uraraka

The man glares: oh hey there izuku im glad you came

The boy gives a nervous smile: oh hey mr uraraka is something wrong

Mr uraraka smiles: oh no its nothing just come in ochaco is in the shower right now so your just in time

Midoriya takes off his shoes: oh good that means we can get to know each other a little

Ms uraraka in the kitchen: oh hi izuku im just getting dinner started

Midoriya looks: do you need any help

Mr uraraka: you can cook

Midoriya: yeh

Which surprised both the parents

Ms uraraka: your very sweet but no thank you like you said both you and ochaco had a long day so you can just relax

She goes back to cooking

Midoriya: oh ok then

Then he goes to sit near the tv rooms table

Mr uraraka sits on the opposite side: so izuku tell me about yourself and how did you and ochaco met

Midoriya smiles: hahaha well it's actually a funny story we actually met at the entrance exam i was a nervous wreck about the whole thing and i was walking and talking to myself to the building then i suddenly tripped on my own foot as i was about to hit my face into the ground then suddenly i stopped in mid air and i saw her we talked a little and that's how we met

Mr uraraka confused: and how is that funny

Midoriya: oh well on during the exam me her and everybody else were doing ok just then suddenly out of nowhere and a big 0 pointer a big green robot the ones like at the start of the festival today

Mr uraraka remembers: oh yeh ochaco told us about that when she got home later that day and im actually surprised UA has the budget for those things

Midoriya annoyed: yeh that's what you get when your contracted with the worlds government anyways during the exam i was swampfire by the way who was a new alien when the 0 pointer showed up me and everybody else were running away from it then suddenly i heard a cry out for help i turned and saw her leg was stuck under some ruble and the 0 pointer was rolling and about to run her over

Which caught both the parents attention as there close to his face: WHAT SHE DIDN'T TELL US THAT

Midoriya freaks out: oh im sorry but no worries i came to her rescue i destroyed the big bot then i suddenly turned back to me and i was falling and i couldn't transform and i was about to land on my face much harder then your daughter slapped me to saved me with her quirk and that's the story

Then both parents: HAHAHA

Mr uraraka: oh wow that really is funny

Ms uraraka calms down: yes and thank you for saving her again

Midoriya confused: no problem and what do you mean again

Mr uraraka: a few years ago you saved her from a few thugs that were about something horrible to her she said it was 1 of the alien heroes that appeared 5 years ago that was you right

Midoriya remembers: oh that yeh no problem

As he scratches his head: i was a vigilante for 4 years so i was just helping people in anyways i can

Ms uraraka: that doesn't matter

Midoriya got confused

Mr uraraka: you were helping people that were in danger and you even saved our daughter not once not twice but 3 times so far and many others

Ms uraraka: so we thank you very much

Midoriya was embarrassed: no need to thank me i just did what any hero would do

Then he smells something in the air: huh is something burning

Ms uraraka freaks out: OH MY GOD THE KATSUDON

In worry she runs back to the kitchen

Midoriya surprised: did you just say katsudon

He smiles and puts both his hands together: i love katsudon it's actually my usual training meal

Mr uraraka surprised: oh really that's ochacos favorite too and mochi

Midoriyas heart beats rapidly: oh that's great


Ochaco in pjs with a towel walks out the hallway: oh hey deku when did you get here

Midoriya: huh not too long i was talking with your folks for a bit

Mr uraraka: yes nothing to worry about honey

Ochaco sits on 1 side of the table bewteen her dad and classmate

Mr uraraka: now izuku tell us more about yourself like how is it that you have so much power in you

Which got ochaco nervous as she knows the real truth and looks at him

Midoriya: oh that is a much longer story so in short for 10 years i was powerless doubted tormented bullied for not having any power until 1 day at a summer camp i was alone in the forest collecting fire wood then all of the sudden i was in a lot of pain all over in and out of my body then it started changing multiple times in different sizes shapes and colors aw man it was horrible i thought was gonna die or kill everybody around me

Which got all the urarakas creeped out except for their daughter

Midoriya: then suddenly a guy named professor azmuth who gave me this support item

He shows them the watch: then the changing and the pain it all stopped and azmuth told me that my power has finally awakened and told me that this watch helps keeps me in control of all my aliens but not all of them at once i don't know how it works but i was so desperate for my whole life i didn't question it or really cared and so i am just really happy and proud of it

As he gives an awkward smile

Both the parents were surprised and still creeped out of the same time and ochaco tries her best not to laugh at the moment

Mr uraraka: and this azmuth guy what happened to him

Midoriya: oh he just showed up out of nowhere gave me the watch told me what its meant for told me his name then poof never heard or seen again since then

Ms uraraka sad: oh were so sorry that happened to you and we know how some quirkless people are treated like that for there whole lives even those with quirks

Midoriya gives a soft smile and looks down: yes thank you very much and i don't mind and honestly what did hurt me the most was not having any power to help anybody i wanted to be a hero so badly i tried everything that i could try to do i tried running to see if i was fast or lifting something big and heavy to see if i was strong or throwing my hands out over and over to see if i can throw fire balls or to do ice breath or punching through walls or go through them i tried everything any power in the world that could give me a chance for me to became a hero not the best or the greatest just someone who can help and save others

Which made the urarakas feel sad for him and mostly ochaco who didn't know about that

Ochaco smiles her head: thank you azmuth

Midoriya looks at his watch and his hand on the table: what happened to me was a miracle and it almost killed me or everyone around me that day and now i can i do all of that stuff and many more and sometimes i feel like i don't deserve it but ever since the start of UA i finally got people and friends who believe in me and now here im the young prodigy who was once desperate for power to help others and was just lucky

Then a familiar hand grabs his then he sees uraraka giving a smile

Ochaco: well im lucky that it did we all are you saved many lives over the years and if being lucky is what brought you here then im lucky enough to be here to tell you this

Midoriya was surprised to hear that and smiles: thank you

Both the parents were also surprised as they smiles at each other for how proud they are of there daughter


The 2 other urarakas and midoriya look: ok

(Outside the apartments)

It was almost dark

Izuku smells it: oh man that smell is making me so hungry right now

The 2 urarakas: us too

Ms uraraka: then don't hold back everyone dig in

Everyone: thanks for the food

They started eating

Then moments later had passed and was completely dark

Then outside of the appartment we see midoriya and the urarakas standing near a parked car

Midoriya bows: i thank you for coming over and thank you for the food it was delicious ms uraraka

Ms uraraka smiles: oh your very welcome and please call me corie

(I don't know what her real name is yet so this temporary)

Mr uraraka smiles: and you can still call me sir and can i talk to you for a minute izuku

Which confuses him and ochaco as they look at each other

Midoriya: huh sure

They both walk away for a private chat

Corie: i like him he's nice

Ochaco: yeh he is

Corie: just don't have too much fun yet

Ochaco got embarrassed: MOM

Then with midoriya and mr uraraka

The father smiles: now izuku tell me the truth do you like ochaco

Midoriya blushes: oh well i do sir but it's not like that but-

Mr uraraka interrupts: either yes or no thank you for being our daughters friend

Midoriya got confused

The father: when you told us you never had any real friends until UA neither did ochaco

Which surprises izuku as he looks at her: i never knew that i kinda thought she would by now she's so nice

The father: she is but she was so focused on her own goals she grow up with no friends for obvious reasons that you might know and im so happy that she found some and you mostly

Midoriya felt his hand on his shoulder then looks at him and sees a cold glare in his eyes

The father: so im asking you only for 1 thing as her friend promise me that you will always protect her until she graduates in UA otherwise i won't care what you turn into i know where you live

Which made midoriya uncomfortable: huh yes sir no problem

He gives a smile: oh actually during the sports festival i promised to help her train so i can help her get stronger with her quirk so no need to worry

Mr uraraka surprised: oh really thank you very much

Then he smiles and squeezes his shoulder as the watch wielder feels the pain: just don't try anything funny with her behind my back otherwise ill tear off your left arm with your watch and see what happens and if you break her heart ill take both your arms and hang them on my wall

Midoriya was scared for his life

Then time stops and midoriya looks at us: a little advice for all my follow lover boys never ever make the papa bears mad

He looks at the man and time goes back to normal

Midoriya gives a nervous smiles: right got it no need to worry she is good hands sir i promise

Mr uraraka let's go of his shoulder: great

He walks over to the parked car: come on corie it's time to go

The mom: coming

She gives her daughter 1 more hug: we will see you later sweetie and i am so proud of you today

Ochaco hugs her back: thank you mom

Midoriya with his hands in his pockets walks to them

Corie gives him a hug: and izuku it was so nice to met you

Midoriya hugs her back: same to you ma'am you both are nice people

Then corie whispers something into his ear which made him turn pale and more scared then what the father said to him


Ochaco was confused for what's happening

Corie backs away: ok time for us to go ochaco we will see you and again sometime you too izuku

The students wave: so long

She walks to the car and gets in then mr uraraka starts it then the car takes off as they waved to them

Midoriya crosses his arms: you have nice folks but no offense

As he feels uneasy: probably the scariest people i've ever met

Uraraka smugs at him: why what did they say to you mr champ

He looks at her: you don't wanna know

Then both: HAHAHA

Uraraka then notices his hand not wrapped in bandages: hey deku your bandages did you take them off

Midoriya looks at them: oh right i was in a hurry earlier i forgot to wrap them up

He puts them in his pockets: they don't hurt much but recovery girl said im supposed to keep them on for a few days im not good at wrapping it'll be a pain but they won't wrap themselves

He walks away to his appointment

Uraraka: wait

He stops and looks at her

Uraraka smiles: i can do that for you i know it's not easy with 1 hand

Midoriya smiles: oh sure thank you

(Moments later in urarakas place)

We see them sitting next to the table as she wraps up his hands with the bandages and she finishes

Uraraka: there hows that

Midoriya opens and closes his hands: yeh that's good

He gives her a smile: thank you recovery girl would be jealous

She blushes and smiles: oh no problem just let me know when your gonna leave ok

She gets up and walks to the kitchen

Midoriya: ok

Then he looks at the tv then her: hey do you mind if i turn on your tv for a bit

Uraraka: yeh go ahead

Midoriya reaches for the remote on the table then points it and turns on the tv

Uraraka walks out the kitchen with snacks as they watch

The tv on the NHK news channel

A female news reporter: i am sorry to say but i have breaking news for all hero fans that beloved and famous pro turbo hero ingenium has passed away just 2 hours ago

Midoriya and uraraka were shocked as she covers her mouth and drops the snacks she was holding

The reporter: ingenium was another victim of a ruthless villain known as hero killer stain a man wanted for many fallen heroes for many years ingenium died surrounded by his family, lover, friends, sidekicks and his young beloved sibling

Midoriya worried: oh no iida

(The end)

(After credits the next morning)

Bakugo being bakugo and that's the end of this filler page deku meets urarakas parents they had a fun time and yes i killed off iidas brother don't hate me but it's about to get good i promise anyways the sports festival arc is over next is the internship that's all folks


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