(Discontinued) I'll Never Be...


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Introduction: She grew up without a father, he was known as a Hunter. Instead of wanting to find her father a... More

Volume 1 Chapter 1: Abandoned
Volume 1 Chapter 2: Blunt Force Trauma...
Volume 1 Chapter 3: Shocking Connection
Volume 1 Chapter 4: It's My Fault?
Volume 1 Chapter 5: Death Match?
Volume 1 Chapter 6: Awakened
Volume 1 & 2 Character Sheet
Volume 2 Chapter 2: Intertwined Fates
Volume 2 Chapter 3: Beyond Stubborn
Volume 2 Chapter 4: Rescue Mission
Volume 2 Chapter 5: Limit Breaking Fights
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Volume 2 Chapter 1: The New Generation Is Frightening

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Previously: Gon, Uvogin, and Nobunaga headed out and went to her home town to check out where she was first attacked. And once they did that they headed towards the hunter exam site to get licenses to search for more information on the Kurta clan more efficiently. She was becoming something she hated more than anything in order to revenge her mother's death.

Gon = #4 of the phantom troupe. At age 15.

Meanwhile somewhere else: Killua goes back into the Assassin business to gain the most money he could for his friend quest for revenge. He vowed to tell her how he truly feels once they reunite.

(Hunter Exam, 15 almost 16 years old Gon.)

Zaban City = Hunter Exam Location

They step off the ship onto the ship port, Gon's eyes widened in surprise over the sight of all types of people roaming around. "Wow, it's so big." Nobunaga walked past her casually. While Uvogin rested his hand on her head,"Is this your first time here?" She nodded her head excited. "Well soak it all in, while we locate the building." She smiled happily with a shine in her eyes. He chuckled softly and walked ahead of her. She looked all over as she followed her two friends.

Gon trails behind Uvo and Nobunaga by getting distracted by the exciting shops and things for sale. And all types of people around, the good and bad.

Nobunaga, Uvogin, and Gon walked towards the hunter exam site in a underground sewer system. The contestants avoided the eye contact of Uvo and Nobu but when they even remotely looked at Gon they could feel their skin crawling. Nobunaga and Uvogin were very protective over her health and safety. (Like two rabid guard dogs.)

Tompa greets Gon but then gets put off by her two friends following closely behind. He was mid movement of offering a drink. Gon happily accepted the drink but Uvogin grabbed it out of her hand. "Uvo?" She looked at him confused. He crushed the can and the tainted liquid went all over place. He growled deeply at the short fat man. "Do you think you can fool me? She may be gullible but I see straight through your friendly act." Tompa gulped hesitantly and backed away. She looked at Uvo confused and then back at the shaken up man. "Why are you shaking?" He looked down to see his legs buckling under the pressure of the two very intense aura's coming from the two men standing behind Gon. "There's no need to be afraid after all, no one has been hurt, right guys?" Uvogin scoffed annoyed and crossed his arms as he looked away. "Yeah, whatever." Nobunaga cracked his neck and said,"I didn't take you for a very soft person towards those who try to hurt you." She giggled slightly at his words,"Not exactly, but he's not considered a threat to me. Just look at him and his attempt to mess with our bodies wouldn't have worked. I spent time in the mountains and woods, my sense of taste can detect of something isn't good or not." She reached out and poked the man,"Your rookie crusher act, didn't get past me in the slightest. Your tainted aura is disgusting to look at and very revealing about your intentions towards me and my two friends." His body cramped up and he felt her relentless bloodlust for a split second. That was enough to cause him to pass out then and there. She spun around and gave them a peace sign, winked and stuck out her tongue. Nobunaga leaned down, patted her head and smiled with his eyes closed. "You are one clever girl, Gon." She blushed lightly and giggled. "And here I thought you were just stupid and blind. It seems like you proved me wrong." Gon pouted at Uvo,"Hey! That's just rude, don't you believe in me!?" He said nothing and messed with her hair. "I don't know, should I?" She crossed her arms,"What huge jerk!" He laughed at her and waved her off. "I'm just kidding."

Gon leaped up and hung from Uvogin's very muscular arm. He looked at her amused,"What are you a monkey?" She smiled and giggled slightly. "I can be." She climbed up onto his forearm and sat down on his shoulder. He smirked devilishly saying,"You are so strange, kiddo." She looked at Nobunaga,"Are you ready? I sure am for a challenge." He gave her a thumbs up and smiled with his eyes closed.

Gon heard the door shut behind them as an man with very nasty aura walked into the sewers. He spotted Gon and her two friends and licked his lips in satisfaction.

A concrete wall cut off their exit and revealed another path ahead with very lengthy man with a very powerful aura. She dropped down from Uvo's shoulder and got ready to run. She stretched and cracked her knuckles, neck, and back. "The first part starts, just follow me."

He walked at a normal pace bit gradually got quicker. Most of the people were breathing heavily and sweating profusely. But Gon was egging on Uvo and Nobunaga playfully. "I bet you both can't beat me to the end of the tunnel!" They both looked at her confidently,"You're on!" She laughed happily and caught up with the leader of the first trial.

He glanced over at her and senses a faint aura of danger and death. He turned up his speed to throw the kid for a loop but she just smiled happily. "So what's your name mister? I'm Gon!" She jumped up in the air. "You don't need to know my name, at least not yet. But it's good to meet you." She looked a little disappointed. "Oh well, I just wanted to tell you that I'm going to run ahead. I have a competition to win." She saw Uvogin and Nobunaga gain up on her quickly. She giggled playfully and sprinted away from the Hunter. He sensed deadly aura coming from behind him, he slowed down and saw the two chase after the little girl. "Get back here, little Monkey!" "No chance!" "Damn, kid how are you so fast!?"

Gon sped up and electricity started to come off her legs. She saw a giant staircase up ahead in the distance. She got grabbed by behind and thrown backwards. She looked ahead as she fell down to the bottom of the stairwell to see Uvo and Nobunaga using their  Nen. She grinned slightly with excitement,"So be it." She held out her right hand with a finger gun gesture. Sparks formed and a beam of light shot straight past Uvogin and Nobunaga's faces. Gon appeared in front of them smiling happily with a shine in her eyes.

She landed roughly into the gravel, they both heard her groaning in pain. "Monkey?" "Miss Gon?" Uvo's & Nobunaga's expressions was mixed between surprise, amazement and worry.

She pushed herself up and spit out a ton of rocks,"Ow, ow, ow. That really hurt." She looked up to see them holding out their hands for her to take. Her warm smile filled their hearts with such joy.

The leader of the first part of the exam showed up at the top to see Gon smiling and talking about how she just barely managing to win that race.

Time Skip: They enter a very foggy forest and death surrounded them three from all sides but they didn't lose the hunter due to Gon's particular sense of smell.

Gon caught up with the leader and he turned to see her smiling genuinely happily. "Are you going to tell me your name now?" He was impressed that she found him in the thick fog and during all the chaos. "My name is Satotz, how did you find me?" She pointed at her nose as she smiled happily. Her two friends appeared behind them a few meters away. "Your scent is unique compared to everyone else in the forest. The fake you earlier smelled like a beast besides his weak aura." His eyebrows raised slightly. Then suddenly just before he could asked her something they arrived at the second test. She leaped into the air looking excited as ever. "Yeah! We completed the first hurdle!" The two men held out their hands for her give them five. She crouched down and then leaped up to hit Uvogin's hand first and she hit Nobunaga's on her way down.

Menchi the girl hunter announced that they were to hunt down wild boar and cook it. Gon used her enhanced senses to find a entire group of boar and used the nearby plants to add to the flavor. She waited to be call on, she carried the huge plat of meat to the table. She smiled happily at the judges as they took a bite. They were expecting to be disappointed but they orgasmed with greed and satisfaction. They both looked at the little girl with surprise. "Your team passes." Gon jumped up in the air looking excited. "We made it!" She saw the others were giving her a saddened look in their eyes. A old man dropped down from the sky where a blimp was located. Gon turned her head around and saw his immense aura. It sent chills throughout her entire body causing her to fall to the ground shaking. "Don't you think that you are setting the bar too high?" His words were laced with poison snd his bright aura burned Gon's eyes that were using Gyo.

Gon has never seen such bright aura before, he's the opposite of Uvogin and the other spiders. The other hunters agreed with the chairman reluctantly and the contestants were to take another test. Gon's team was excused of the next test and was to just relax and watch from afar.

Uvogin leaned up against the wall and looked at how shaken up Gon was, he's never seen her so scared. "What's up with you?" She jumped out of her skin,"Who me!? Oh um, it's nothing." Nobunaga nudged her shoulder and she looked up to see him smiling warmly. "That chairman's aura must have freaked you out, huh?" He patted her head,"It's alright, with us by your side. No one would dare to hurt you." She relaxed a bit and hugged him. He tensed up but then he returned the favor.

Split Mountain, spider eggs in a ravine, the only way back up is using up drafts of air.

Gon and her two friends passed the last test but the sight of the contestants dying left to right made her want to prove them wrong that it isn't that hard. She dropped down casually and grabbed a spider egg and hang from one arm. Gon uses her sense of smell to predict the next draft of air. She shot up on the air and  fell towards Uvogin gracefully. He held out his hands and caught her and Nobunaga caught the egg. She was set down and she retrieved the big creature egg. "It's not that hard, suck it up and take a leap of faith. If you don't take the chance, then what's the point of living?" Her eyes were filled with bloodlust and aggression. The contestants with balls ran towards the ledge and took her advice and the others just sat down on the ground shaking violently in fear.

Gon just shrugged and went back to join her two friends in making fun of the pathetic contestants. They all headed back on the ship but Gon decided to branch off from her friends to check the blimp out. She sensed the same frightening bright aura nearby, she peeked into the room and saw the old man playing with a ball.

He stopped and looked at her with such warmness but his aura was so threatening, she couldn't help but suck in all her air. He held out the ball and asked if she wanted to play. She was hesitant and didn't know what to say. "If I get the ball what do I get?" Her blunt words surprised the old man. "What do you get?" "Yeah, your aura is immense. There's no way I'll be able to get it from you that easily, without using Nen." His eyebrows raised slightly. "I'll give you information." She stretched and got ready to play. "Deal."

Gon pushed off the ground and pin balled around him all over the room looking for a opening. He easily followed her movements, she sped up and he started to struggle as soon as she used her lightning Nen.

She kicked his arm and knocked the ball out of his hand, he kicked it out of reach and smacked her into the wall.

She pushed off the wall and clotheslined him into the ground, he kicked her in the stomach. She hit the ground next to him groaning in pain. He got up and started to sweat a little. She dashed backward and created sparks of electricity in her palms.

Her aura and eyes changed color to gold. "What's this?" "Blitz. My unique Nen." She covered her feet with electricity and once she took a step forward, she disappeared from sight. "Serious mode activated." He got chills throughout his entire spine, she was behind him and whispering in his ear. He spun around and punched her in the face but all he could feel was pain. It was a clone made out of her electric Nen.

A/N~ Jolting Clone: She can create a clone of herself made out of her lightning Nen and whatever attacks it gets shocked and fried from the inside out. (It takes a lot of energy and Nen to create, but for Gon that means nothing.)

She kicked him in the spine and then slammed his face into the ground. She leaped into the air and caught the ball. She was sent flying into the wall but refused to let go of the ball. The old man got up from the ground and glared at her with deadly intent but then calmed down almost instantly. "You win, what do you want to know?" He sat down and smiled genuinely at her. She sat down up against the wall and threw the ball back to him. "What do you know about the Kurta Clan?"

Meanwhile somewhere else: Killua is sitting in his family's throne with a slim but strong muscular build. Eating a chocolate bar as he stared down his entire family with a cold and serious look on his face.

Zeno: "What are you going to do now?"

Killua: "Obviously, I'm going to keep getting stronger. I have a promise to keep." He clenched his right hand and closed his eyes for a few seconds.

While Gon was taking to the chairman, Uvogin & Nobunaga are eating in the cafeteria and a strange clown named Hisoka shows up trying to pick a fight. He gets interrupted by the pilot announcing them getting closer to their next test location.

To be continued...

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