Russian Roulette | Rusame | C...

By Miriorite

960K 31.1K 170K

Russia, a dragon and America, a prince used as a human weapon of the military. In a world where everyone has... More

The End (Prologue)
Beginning of The End
Standing Out, Fitting In
One Way Ticket to Hell
Holding Hands in the Hallway
White Winged Paper Girl
Truth or Lie?
Blackmail is Such an Ugly Word
An Act of Trust
A Life for a Life
Story of a Family
To Kingdom Come
Winter Wonderland
Life on the Line
Art of War
Open Fire
Head Over Heels
Fated Alliance
Story of Eternity
Mending of a Broken Heart + Fanart Contest
Echoes of the Past
Heated Tension
Lost in Translation
Eternal Rest
Crimson Veiled Woman
Illusion of Living + Contest Results
Nocturne in E Flat Major
Cause for Concern
Don't Lose Your Head
Snakes and Ladders
Meeting of Monarchs
A Trip Down Memory Lane
White Lies and Dark Truths
Untold Feelings
Weapons Don't Weep
Dance with Death
Healing and Hurting
The Hunt Begins
Two Sides of the Same Coin
Spin the Bottle
Pay the Price
Life Long Partners
Waltz for Two
Reflection of Truth
Fragments of Memory
Festival of Lights
Once in a Blue Moon
The First Step
Midas Touch
Valentines Day (Extra)
Restless Nights
Onwards to Asia
Cabin in the Woods
Shadow Dragon and Prince
The Other Side
Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
Gates of Heaven and Hell
Tender Affection
Parting Words
Downfall of the Strongest
Long Awaited Reunion
Winding Pathways
It Can't Get Worse, Right?
Terms and Conditions
"You're Awake"
In the Heat of the Moment
The Traitor and the Fool
The Final Floor
Garden of Eden
A Hint of Jealousy
Serpent's Tongue
Bound to Falling in Love
The End of an Era
Midnight Conversations
Winter Solstice
Unveiling the Truth
Distant Dreams
Drunken Confessions
Nightmare and Daydreams
Insatiable Greed
Bittersweet Memories
The Adventures of Little Russia (Extra)
Oceanic Mysteries
One Room, One Bed
Requiem of Good and Evil
The One Left Behind

The Price of Freedom

9.3K 343 1K
By Miriorite

The first item was rolled out on a little metal cart, a white cloth shrouded it in mystery making the guests anticipate what was under it. Frankly though, by the shape and size, it didn't seem like the item they were looking for.

"Our target will probably show up later in the auction because it's a quite high quality item," the American placed his hands behind his head, a lazy smile creeped up on his face.

South furrowed his brows underneath his shadowy hood, "if it's a high quality item, where are we going to get the money to actually purchase it?"

After all, they were students with not much of a source of income. But in response, the prince let out a light 'hmph' in arrogance, once again, he recklessly slit his wrist with his other hand.

This was almost expected at this point...

The putrid stench of blood filled their lungs, though not for too long. It wasn't crimson blood that dripped down his wound but rather a golden liquid, as it poured to the ground, it solidified to form bars of gold. One by one the gold bars piled up into a small stack, the mere beauty of such a scene nearly blinded everyone.

Well except for China, the other rich kid.

They stared in awe at their new money machine, even picking up a piece and knocking on it to see if it was legit. "See? You can trust me."

Although they don't admit it, he is quite reliable despite his mischievous personality.

Leaning on the side table, Russia took another shot. The burning liquid trickled down his throat, shortly after, he could feel a slight heat rise to his neck.

Noticing this, America leaned over, "hey don't get drunk on a mission."

"I'm not going to, my tolerance is quite high."

America chuckled as he traced the tip of his finger on the rim of the cup, in the distance he heard the busy chatter of the other guests as well as his teammates admiring the items on display.

However behind his dragon, he saw some familiar faces in the other booth. A few government officials from the palace, most likely sent by the king to bid on some items. Perhaps to keep the revolutionaries in check as well.

They were watching. Burning stares bore a hole right through America, deducing by their expression, they were trying to figure out which one of them was the ringleader.

The prince leaned in right next to the Russian's ear, "the kingdom is watching us over at 2 o clock, careful now, don't show your flames." The heavy scent of alcohol tangled in the air between them, Russia's piercing amber eyes stared into America's icy blues, a stark contrast.

"Right.." Russia didn't turn to look behind him, that was dumb. Rule number one, don't let the enemy know that you've caught on.

His irises lowered to the American's arms, "your wrist?"

America was pleasantly surprised at this question, "you know I can regenerate yet you still ask about my injuries, how odd."

Sure, Russia also found himself odd sometimes. Another shot slid down his throat to quench his thirst, the room was starting to feel hot, or perhaps he was starting his spiraling descent into intoxication.

At the 2 o clock booth, a government official watched them, eyes trailing upon each member to try and figure out the leader. Another thing he noticed was there seemed to be more individuals this time, in reports it was stated that they were a group of 7. However there seemed to be an addition this time.

Was their leader perhaps the one leaning over the edge, trying to get a good look at the stage? The two individuals propped an inch apart of each other seem notable as well... he hurriedly jotted down those two might be a couple. It could prove useful as a weakness in the future.

Maybe the one writing something on a piece of paper? They could be writing down their next sinister plan to shatter the balance of the kingdoms.

The more the government official thought about it, the more anxious he got, even breaking into goosebumps. Well whatever they were going to buy, he'll make sure they don't get their hands on it.

Meanwhile back in the gang's booth, America parted from that stalemate with his guard, sitting back down properly on the couch. To left was Germany who was scribbling something onto a piece of paper.

"What are you writing?"

"I have an essay due for class tomorrow."

China propped himself behind them, arms supporting his upper body, "ah shit I forgot about that essay. Aw man there goes my score. Heh people would laugh if they knew about this." The Chinese man pretended to be all weepy about it.

A name that could strike fear into everyone's hearts, yet the one thing they were scared of... school deadlines.

"Now for our next item, we have quite a rare one, the seller asked us to auction this for a high price and I do agree it is worth that much." A large box shaped item was rolled onto the stage, the white cloth on it couldn't mask the jingling of chains and thrashing of whatever was in there.

Pulling the cloth down revealed a young man inside a cage, about the same age as the revolutionaries. A pair of shackles encircled his wrists, seeing as they were ability suppressors, he couldn't even hide his ability.

Green scales beneath the corners of his eyes as well as a pair of claws, matching in its color, it extended up to his elbows. Lastly was his tail, it wasn't like Russia's, China's or North's dragon tail, it resembled more of a lizard's tail, yet no doubt he was still one of their kind.

"This little fella is a dragon, the seller said it was real tough to get their hands on him, a lot of sedatives had to be used."

Gossipy whispers erupted from the crowd, "No horns or wings, is that really a dragon?"

"Would it even be a good servant?"

"It looks quite young.."

Next to the polish girl who was leaning on the edge, the Japanese man came and did the same. She noticed his nails digging into the railing as well as an odd expression on his face. Did he know the dragon?

Japan snapped his head to America, "your highness, can I ask a favor." He even went as far as to kneel down, to which America pulled him back up, "why are you kneeling? There's no need for that. What is it?"

"Can we buy the dragon?"

"Why do you hold an interest in this one?"

His head lowered, it seemed a bit shameful to say what he wanted to say, but he managed to mutter it out begrudgingly. "He was... once captured by my mother as a hostage and I..."

Albeit he never finished the sentence, anyone could read his guilty expression. Constantly, he glanced over to the stage whenever a higher bid was made, almost in a panicked manner.

A smirk crept up on America's face, "you got it."

America strutted to the railings next to Poland, by the side was a box with a blank number card on it. While holding it in his hands, whatever number he thought of would appear a second later on the card. How convenient.

"We have a 3000 gold coins bid, does anyone care to go higher?" Switzerland scanned the room for any more number cards, to his surprise, a massive bright light show illuminated a 10000 bid.

The VIP guests had a special feature of a flashy bid effect when they offered a number, the normal guests however only got the plain number cards.

Gasps of shock echoed through the auction hall, "10000? The revolutionaries are insane!" "Where do they get that much money from?" "Why would they spend that much on a mere dragon without wings or horns?" "Are they really that desperately in need of a servant?"

"Why were they even allowed to participate anyways? Criminals don't deserve to even roam around freely."

South appeared next to Poland and America, "10000 is a lot, are you sure about this?"

"One gold bar is worth 1000 gold coins, that wrist cut was 5 gold bars already. South, to put it frankly, we're loaded. Don't worry too much about the money."

Excluding the outraged crowd, everyone was silent. The Korean man turned to the stage, "what's our budget then?"

"However much blood I have in my body."

They noticed the widened eyes of the caged young man, he tried to yank his chains to no avail, seeing the situation, he was going to be sold to the revolutionaries.

On another booth, the number 12000 lit up the sky.

America grimaced in annoyance, "ugh they're trying to outbid us."

On the gang's booth, the number 15000 flashed in rebuttal. Switzerland didn't see either of them bid this entire time until now, this made him quite happy. "Wow a 15000, does anyone else have a higher offer?"

The government official flew into a rage, he really wasn't allowed to spend too much, never would he have expected the revolutionaries to be this rich. "Don't sell it to them! They're a pack of wild criminals, who knows if they even have the money to afford it."

His shout overpowered the chatters of the crowd, making them stop in dead silence. A few nods of agreement were seen from the crowd, with his tiny victory, he turned to the revolutionaries.

The three next to the railings stared right at him, the darkened hood made them look more intimidating in a way.

"Yeah that's right, there's no way scum like you guys would be able to affo- oof!"

America launched a whole gold bar right at him, smacking him in the face. Blood trickled down his chin as the crowds shrieked in horror at this outrageous act.

No one would dare enrage someone who worked directly for the kingdom, yet these people had no fear! No shame! And using a gold bar as if it was a mere rock!

The others in the booth tried their best to hold in their laughter, North even started punching the walls. Unfazed, Germany let out a small huff in satisfaction before turning back to her essay.

After the horrified expression passed on the caged young man's face, he didn't bother to hold back his laughter. Even rolling onto the floor clutching his stomach in pain.

"Outrageous you dare injure m- oof!" Another one was thrown.

"Goddammit just stay down already," America picked up another one, tossing it in his grasps as if prepared to launch another attack if he decides to get up again.

A vein bulged in Switzerland's head, "dear honored guests please refrain from provoking one another as well as... assaulting the other party."

"And seeing as there are no more offers, this item goes to the revolutionaries."

As a method of damage control Switzerland hurriedly called a break, "in any case, the auction will be on hold for a few minutes, please take the time to freshen yourselves back up or get a drink."

His tone was a bit more hurried than before, so we're his steps when escaping backstage. What a handful to deal with. But it was quite amusing nonetheless.

Switzerland would've let them battle it out if he wasn't the host, a good host must act professional unfortunately. He wondered why the revolutionaries held an interest in this dragon, it was radio silence from them until this guy came onstage.

The door to his lounge shut behind him.

"The new revolutionaries sure are bold aren't they?" A woman's voice spoke from behind the auction host. It made him jump in shock, raising a hand in defense to block from any unsuspecting attacks.

A lady stood there.

Her long green braided hair cascaded down her shoulders, she was adorned in a similar garment as the 'new revolutionaries' But she was not apart of them, only difference was she had her hood down to reveal her shining eyes as well as her radiant face.

"What are you doing here AU?"

Her dimples were visible when she smiled, "what are you talking about? You invited me here no?"

"I know, I mean, why are you here backstage? Guests aren't allowed back here."

"I don't listen to anyone ten years younger than me," she leaned in closer. Switzerland did the same, "you're immortal."

"Haha exactly!"

She waltzed over to his couch, "besides, it's burning hot out there with this cloak on." As she said that, she ripped it off to reveal her busty figure, but the most prominent feature was her missing left arm. Gone from the elbow above and wrapped in a layer of bandages.

"How's the revolution in Africa going?" Theres no point trying to stop her, Switzerland's ability doesn't work on her anyways. Ability nullification doesn't work against someone who refuses to use their ability.

She sat with her legs crossed, arm resting on the top of the couch, "exhausting, we're tempted to go exploring to new areas for anything we can find from ancient civilization. Who knows if it might help us."

"Ya know I heard a previous pharaoh from a very old civilization had some real good artifacts before he died," Switzerland handed a cup of water to quench her thirst. "Oh him, his tomb is too close to Asia borders, we wouldn't dare trespass, that kingdom is scary in itself."

AU knew she shouldn't stay here for too long, there's still a bounty on her head.

"Enough about this me talk, tell me about those new revolutionaries."

Switzerland wasn't exactly close to them, but she was a busy woman so he just told her the general things everyone knew, "they're strong."

"They actually have the potentials to pull it off," Switzerland added. "Since they're focusing on all the kingdoms I guess I'll see them soon. I'll get out of your hair," her empty glass clattered against the glass table.

Right before she was about to exit the room, Switzerland grabbed onto her cloak. "You seem tired, why don't you give the revolution a break or something, you've been at it for ages."

A front kick came right at Switzerland, an uppercut using the legs, one of her specialties. Luckily enough, he dodged it right as it was going to hit him.

He knew she was holding back, she could most literally fold him in a fight, as well as crush his skull between her thighs. A scary woman who fought with her legs.

"You know I can't do that. You may be neutral towards everything, but Africa is my home. I will not let it remain in the wrong hands."


Today's chapter is a few hours early :)

Gore warning

Best part about being an artist author is making cryptic lore artworks for your stories.

Anyways, don't worry about Russia he's just enjoying a nice meal.

Here are some random designs for the book (however they are lazy doodles)

all subjected to change

Notes : 1 spell check

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