Grim Echoes

By ryanahunter

8.3K 343 6

Maeve's ability to touch others' souls can be heartbreaking and confusing, but when she connects with two mur... More

Content Warning / Dedication
Chapter 1 - Maeve
Chapter 2 - Will
Chapter 3 - Ander
Chapter 4 - Maeve
Chapter 5 - Ander
Chapter 6 - Maeve
Chapter 7 - Maeve
Chapter 8 - Will
Chapter 9 - Will
Chapter 10 - Ander
Chapter 11 - Maeve
Chapter 12 - Will
Chapter 13 - Maeve
Chapter 14 - Ander
Chapter 15 - Ander
Chapter 16 - Ander
Chapter 17 - Maeve
Chapter 18 - Ander
Chapter 19 - Will
Chapter 20 - Maeve
Chapter 21 - Ander
Chapter 22 - Will
Chapter 23 - Ander
Chapter 24 - Will
Part 1
Chapter 25 - Maeve
Chapter 26 - Will
Chapter 27 - Ander
Chapter 28 - Will
Chapter 29 - Will
Chapter 31 - Maeve
Chapter 32 - Will
Chapter 33 - Maeve
Chapter 34 - Ander
Chapter 35 - Will
Chapter 36 - Will
Chapter 37 - Maeve
Chapter 38 - Will
Chapter 39 - Maeve
Chapter 40 - Will
Chapter 41 - Maeve
Chapter 42 - Ander
Chapter 43 - Will
Chapter 44 - Maeve
Chapter 45 - Maeve
Chapter 46 - Ander
Chapter 47 - Tessa
Chapter 48 - Maeve
Chapter 49 - Will
Chapter 50 - Maeve
Chapter 51 - Maeve
Chapter 52 - Maeve
Chapter 53 - Maeve
Chapter 54 - Will
Chapter 55 - Ander
Chapter 56 - Maeve
Chapter 57 - Ander
Chapter 58 - Maeve
Chapter 59 - Maeve
Chapter 60 - Will
Chapter 61 - Maeve
Chapter 62 -Will
Chapter 63 - Maeve
Chapter 64 -Ander
Chapter 65 - Will
Chapter 66 - Ander
Chapter 67 - House Merciless
Part II
Chapter 68 - Will
Chapter 69 - Maeve
Chapter 70 - Will
Chapter 71 - Maeve
Chapter 72 - Will
Chapter 73 - Maeve
Chapter 74 - Ander
Chapter 75 - Maeve
Chapter 76 - Ander
Chapter 77 - Maeve
Chapter 78 - Maeve
Chapter 79 - Ander
Chapter 80 - Maeve
Chapter 81 - Will
Chapter 82 - Maeve
Chapter 83 - Ander
Chapter 84 - Will
Chapter 85 - Ander
Chapter 86 - Maeve
Chapter 87 - Sorcerer
Chapter 88 - Will
Chapter 89 - Ander
What's next?
Jagged Embrace - Live!!

Chapter 30 - Maeve

91 4 0
By ryanahunter

"Can we look around?" Maeve looked at Ander shyly and remembered Will's stern warning not to wander because of security.

Ander shifted in his seat and scanned the room like someone could see him. Did Mason have cameras in there? Given what little she knew about her, it seemed possible. Maeve found it odd how reserved he'd been since she woke. He was still Ander, but a faded version of himself.

"No. Mason does not like unfamiliar people exploring her keep," he replied with a down-turned mouth, and kept playing with his knife.

Her keep? Did Mason really call it her keep? Will had admitted they were in Baltimore, but where? There weren't any windows, so Maeve had no ability to judge the time of day or even where the sun was. More like a prisoner by the minute, she'd only seen this room, a bathroom, Will's bedroom and a bunch of concrete hallways. Maeve didn't have a death wish, but being trapped in what seemed one room and only being told the bare minimum grated on her nerves. Maeve stood and paced the room and casted a mournful glance at the door. If she tried to leave, would she be able to find her way out? The concrete hallways all looked identical, probably on purpose. Even if she did manage to find the door, then what?

She turned and glared at Ander, he'd fix this, wouldn't stay trapped like a rat with no information. She understood it wasn't his fault, he'd followed orders, but it didn't improve her mood. Maeve stomped to the table and smacked her hands down on the surface. He winced like she hit him and gripped the handle of his knife and stopped its motion.

A blurry image of an imposing man with light hair and stormy gray eyes stood over Ander, his fist in the air assaulted her mind. Her chest ached as the wind was knocked out of her. She stumbled back a step, the pain from the memory now fresh. Tears pricked her eyes. Of course, she hadn't understood the reference at the time, but as she gazed at Ander, it was obvious to her. Maeve immediately sat in the chair so she didn't loom above him.

"I'm sorry. I didn't." she paused. "I didn't think." Her hand slowly slid to his that held the knife, conscious when his jaw tightened and his arm grew stiff. She placed her hand on his arm. 

He breathed out long and slow, his shoulders and arms relaxed.

"I guess I'm no good at being captive."

It'd only been three days since their souls mingled, but since she woke there, the images were blurred and distant, fading as they always did. Partly comforted; it was too much to be herself and feel like them simultaneously. But for the first time, a tiny part of her missed the emotions. In the past she was glad for the connection to dull. When she'd walked away just before the angel appeared, she'd looked forward to the eventual haze. Typically after three days all the images, sounds and moments became more like an echo that occasionally surfaced but it was more a general impression of someone.

"You are not being held here, this is for your protection."

He believed his words. She nodded. No point in debating it with him. Doubtful it would do any good. They sat in silence for some time. Her stomach growled with hunger.

"Do you want something to eat?" his voice gentle.

She nodded. Ander put his knife on the table and hesitated before he pulled his arm away. Tucking his knife away, he stood and went to the door.

"I will be right back," he paused, "this is for your protection." he closed the door.

A mechanical lock triggered and locked her in. She drummed her fingers against the surface of the table and rolled her eyes. Their idea of protection was too close to keeping a prisoner. Ander returned with two sandwiches, half a bag of chips, two bananas and bottles of water tucked up his arms. He placed the food on the table and then returned to close the door again. She glanced at the food. There was some type of kitchen somewhere. Definitely a refrigerator because when he put the bottles on the table there were cold. 

"Mason has not been shopping for some time. This was all there was. I actually brought the bananas. I hope turkey is alright,"

Maeve hated turkey. "Its fine, thank you,"

Maeve ate and tried to remember the turns she and Will made on their way to his room. Mainly so she could avoid the area he'd told her was alarmed. How long would she be with them this time? Even though she'd only been with them for three days previously, they were the longest three days of her life.

After they ate, they lounged in the room. She picked through the books on the cot. Most of them were old, and primarily focused on the lore of monsters. With closer inspection she realized most of them weren't in English, she recognized a few in German or French. She only knew some Spanish. With a sigh, she put them back. Maeve poked around on the desk near the cot and found many papers of all shapes and sizes, with scribbled notes all over them. It reminded her of the behavioral center. Some patients would have episodes where they'd write on anything they could get their hands on, which included the walls of their rooms if they weren't monitored. She couldn't read the tiny handwriting, but it looked like notes of some sort.

Combating boredom, she paced the perimeter of the room, investigating anything on the walls, ceiling, or floors that caught her attention. Ander changed where he sat or stood based on her movement. Silently he watched her, near her, but not interacting with her. Strangely, she tended to gravitate near him.

He'd taken her down the hall twice to use the bathroom, but to her frustration he chose two different routes and left her confused and wondering if she'd be able to find the bathroom on her own. At one point he'd locked her in the room to get more water and she'd allowed herself a moment to beat against the couch to relieve frustration. 

Her stomach growled again. Maybe it was dinner time? At this point it could be time for breakfast? How would she know? "I really want sushi," Maeve said and slumped on the couch. "I know there isn't any here, I just," she stopped when her eyes teared up.

Ander sat beside her on the couch, close, but didn't touch her. She scooted closer until their legs brushed against each other's. Her hand slid on his leg as she bit her lip. Slowly, she raised her gaze to his bright green eyes, somewhat obscured by his long bangs. She knew she shouldn't touch him. Somehow it wasn't ok anymore, maybe it'd never had been. Doubt filled her, but she needed the contact. It was the only thing that seemed solid. Everything else since she woke felt surreal.

"Do we really have to stay in this one room until they get back?"

Ander grimaced. "Yes. It is the only place I know you are safe."

That didn't make sense, she'd lured a werewolf out so they could kill him. That situation was a lot more dangerous than when the angel appeared. Why was she no longer safe? "But you're a soldier of night, you can protect me." she leaned toward him.

He inhaled deeply. His expression shifted as he went through several emotions. Finally, it settled on something that reminded her of adoration.

"We must stay here," his voice firm, but he winked at her.

Confused, she sat back against the couch. Ander stood and left the room. After a few minutes, the door opened with Ander in the hallway, a small smile on his mouth. He put his finger to his lips and motioned for her to come to him. She stood and walked to the door. When she opened her mouth to ask him what was going on, he gently pulled her through the doorway into the concrete hallway. 

He moved his finger to her lips and gazed at her. All of her concerns disappeared, staring into his eyes she needed to touch him. On its own accord, her right hand moved to his chest before it slid to rest against his neck. The air seemed thick and hard to breathe. Her skin tingled as she remained frozen, caught in his gaze. With a deep breath, he moved his hands to her shoulders and slowly turned her so she could see into the room.

Her hand flew to her lips as she gasped. She was still in the room, and so was Ander. At least it appeared that way. She spun to face him. His smile widened and to her amazement reached his eyes. She opened her mouth again, and he shook his head no and pointed at the ceiling. Maeve looked up and closed her mouth. She had no idea why they needed to be quiet, but she trusted his knowledge of Mason's keep. He held out his hand to her. Without hesitation she clasped it.

Excitement coursed through her as they moved hand in hand through the concrete tunnels. He made too many turns to keep track of where the room was or find her bearings. It didn't matter to her at the moment. Thrilled they were going somewhere. It didn't matter where that was. Ander took her out of the room because she'd wanted him too.

The ceilings got lower and lower until finally they were barely taller than Ander. The damp smell in the hallways increased as they continued and confirmed they were underground. He stopped and squeezed her hand. She smiled at him when he glanced back at her. He put his finger to his lips again and gave her a stern expression. She nodded in understanding.

Ander let go of her hand and turned to a spot of darkness in front of him. She stared into the darkness curious, it wasn't like someone had turned out all the lights. It made her feel strange just peering at it. Pitch black and inky, it shifted as she watched it. Shifted? She wanted to walk into it. Needed to. Enraptured by the blackness, she almost didn't notice when Ander made strange gestures with words that didn't sound like any language she'd ever heard before. In a flash, the blackness disappeared.

Maeve blinked with surprise and turned to Ander. He winked at her and put his hand out again. He stood straight. She hadn't realized before how often he'd been slouched down. Awed by him, she reached out. He paused on the other side and made similar gestures and said more words and the blackness re-appeared. Ander led her around a corner to a ladder. He looked up to a rounded door in the ceiling before he returned his gaze to her. Without thought she threw her arms around him. He stiffened and then relaxed before putting his arms around her. 

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