ALVINNN!!! and the Chipmunks:...

By Primo_Astro_JR

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"She's seeing the past." ___ "It's like...everyone just have colors with them." She groaned and held her eyes... More



93 7 27
By Primo_Astro_JR

A/N: And now that we're done wtih Jeanette, we'll start with Brittany! This will be the very last complete four-chapter 'arc' before we get to the last one, an incomplete arc. Hope you enjoy!

"Jeanette, are you totally ok?"

Jeanette internally groaned. "Brit, I'm really fine." She smiled at her sister. "Don't worry about me."

"And Brit, stop wearing those sunglasses."

They turned towards Eleanor, who is descending from the stairs.

"You're wearing that a lot. I think fashion week has ended by now. It's Monday."

Two days after Jeanette's misfortune, Brittany can't help but to treat her sister like a baby. Even if she's not.

Brittany fixed Jeanette's purple hoodie. "We'll take care of you. Don't worry, Jean." She messed with Jeanette's unruly hair. "And look at that hair. Don't you have time to fix that?"

"Brittany, Alvin's at the door." Eleanor said in a snarky manner.

Brittany turned to the door. It should've been open by then if Alvin is really there. She glared at Eleanor, who smirked in return.

"Come on, we have a school to go." Eleanor said and walked away, holding a bag full of...balls.

"Eleanor, what's that?" Brittany said like she just caught her sister sneaking a candy.

"Soccer balls, Brit. I thought you know that." Eleanor rolled her eyes.

"No. I mean what are those for?"

"Clubs. It's starting today."

"And you have to bring that many balls?"

"No. I would bring more than one just in case Alvin decided to do his 'outstanding technique'." Eleanor said the last part with sarcasm.

Jeanette shakes her head. "Alvin did waste that many soccer balls."

Brittany fixed her sunglasses. "Alright, let's go."

Eleanor rolled her eyes while Jeanette shrugged. Brittany walked out of the tree house and was immediately welcome by fresh air.

"Good Mornin-- oof!"

Brittany was knocked by something black-and-white. She stood up, and the black-and-white object turned out to be a soccer ball that came from below. She looked over the balcony to see Alvin smirking at her. She snarled.


Brittany was sitting still, boredom on her side.

She's still wearing the ridiculous sunglasses that Eleanor always complain about. Clenching her pencil tightly, she stared at the oh-so-beautiful drawing of hers. Mind the sarcasm.

"Afternoon?" Brittany heard Alvin shriek. "All three clubs?!"

"Alvin, did you even read the schedule?" Simon asked, which tone said that he's sure Alvin hadn't.

Alvin chuckled weakly. Simon's right.

Brittany rolled her eyes. She quickly pushed aside her feeling of annoyance and focused on her excitement.

Theater club is starting soon, and she can't wait to act again.

Alvin laughed behind Jeanette. Brittany glared at him, as he's mocking Brittany's sunglasses while gasping for breath.

"Brittany- those glasses. It looks ridiculous!"

Brittany reddened in anger, and before she could beat Alvin with her own snarky words, Ignatius comes.

"Good Morning, and I've heard from you lot this weekend." Ignatius said and glanced at Jeanette. "I hope Miss Miller is fine."

Brittany, Eleanor, and Jeanette blinked simultaneously.

Ignatius sighed. "Rule #2, do not call either of the girls 'Miss Miller'."

"So what's rule 1?" Alvin asked.

Ignatius smiled. "Don't call you boys 'Mr. Seville'. I believe it will only cause confusion. And that reminds me, this should include your father, yes?"

Alvin acted like he doesn't care, Theodore shrugged, and Simon pondered.

"I've been noticing." Ignatius started another topic. "That Brittany is often wearing sunglasses inside the classroom. May you take it off so I could see your beautiful eyes?"

Almost all of The Gifted almost vomited, except for Theodore who just agreed with the statement of his teacher and later confused as to why his brothers and friends are acting as if disgusted.

"I don't mean it that way. If your former principal doesn't reciprocate Alvin's infatuation, courtesy of her marriage, then so do I."

Eleanor merely focused on the 'Alvin's infatuation' part. "Savage." She muttered.

"How'd you know that?" Alvin looked at his teacher in a suspicious way, which Brittany noticed.

"Miss Smith told me. Getting to trouble in purpose to see the Principal. I say a common tactic."

Alvin scowled. His teacher's getting arrogant.

"So may Miss Brittany Miller take off her glasses?"

Brittany did so, revealing her normal, nothing with bloodshot, blue eyes.

"Thank you Brittany."

"I hate him." Alvin said.

"Give him a chance, Alvin." Simon said as he fixed his glasses.

"Yeah, Alvin. He seems nice."

"He knew something." Alvin muttered.

"What's that?"


"New lesson, everyone. It's going to be about auras and emotions."

"Didn't we talk about brains last time?" Eleanor asked out of nowhere. "Why suddenly into auras and emotions?"

"Well believe it or not, auras and emotions are especially connected to the brain."

"I know that." Simon said with confusion.

Brittany looked around, and suddenly everything is a confusion.

Alvin wears red, yes. But the only difference is that like he's being hit by red light. He seemed to be glaring at their teacher too.

Jeanette looked yellow despite wearing all purple clothes. Simon looked orange despite wearing blue. Theodore looked purple even if he's wearing green. Eleanor had her chin on her palm, pink swarming her body.

Brittany rolled her eyes at Eleanor's smitten look at the wall and just looked at the professor, who just so happened to be green even if he's wearing yellow.

"We often react based on the choices of our brains. Flight or fight. Or emotions, or whatever. Since our brain hadn't reach its full capacity, there's still hidden talents within us." He glanced at Jeanette warily. Alvin scowled once more.

"And clearly, your facial expression says either you're happy, bored, angry, confused, or just...smitten." He glanced at Simon and Jeanette at the word 'happy', at Alvin at the word 'angry', at Brittany at the word 'bored', Theodore at the word 'confused' and Eleanor at the word 'smitten'.

"I wouldn't mind if Eleanor would lend some time for The Gifted and not on some brown-eyed boy."

Eleanor's head snapped to the teacher in surprise. Everyone else in the room, however, stared at Theodore. The Munk, Brittany noticed, suddenly became pink. Like being hit with a pink light. Brittany blinked, though the light was never gone.

"Sorry." Eleanor muttered sheepishly.

"Do tell, toys before boys."

Eleanor raised an eyebrow. The teacher glanced at the soccer ball on Eleanor's foot. She kicked it away from her in a surprised look.

"Nice then." The teacher looked at everyone. "In animation, colors are often associated with certain emotions. One company is famous for using green for evil, or one emotion they all feel towards protagonist."

They all have one question in mind: What emotion?


Brittany raised an eyebrow at the teacher, who still looked very green in her eyes.

"As you know, red is often associated with anger, devil, and more negative stuff. Blue, either associated with happiness or sadness depending on the shade. Purple is often associated with fear. Of course, disgust can be in the green section as well."

Brittany rested her arms on her desk and her head above it.

"Yellow, often with happiness." The teacher looked at Brittany. "Brittany, are you ok? You seemed sick."

"No, Sir. I'm ok." Brittany assured.

The teacher glanced at Jeanette then at Brittany. "Are you sure?"

Brittany nodded.

"Ok then. Take out your notes, time to study psychology again."

Brittany saw Alvin scowl once again. He does scowl a lot. She rolled her eyes.


Brittany jumped and stared at her teacher, who seemed to change colors from green to orange.

"Sorry, sir."

"You three Sevilles. Stay here. Girls, you may go."

The girls left immediately, with Eleanor holding a soccer ball, Brittany with her sunglasses on, and Jeanette with several books.

"I wonder what Sir wants with those three." Eleanor wondered.

"Yeah. Simon never gets in trouble." Jeanette agreed.

"So did Theodore. But if those two did get in trouble, it's often Alvin's fault."

Brittany rolled her eyes. "You mean it's always Alvin's fault."

Jeanette stopped walking. "Do you want to listen to them?"

Brittany and Eleanor stared at Jeanette like she'd grown another head.


"Listen to them." Jeanette rubbed her chin. "Alvin always listen to our conversation."

"So you're suggesting we should do what he does? Eavesdropping and blackmailing?"

"No. We just listen to them." Jeanette cleared up for her blonde sister. Oh wait, they're both blondes.

Brittany and Eleanor looked at each other with confusion.



Brittany and Eleanor glared at each other after answering simultaneously. Brittany answered 'yes'.

"What? Brit, no."

"Ellie, think. Alvin did so much trouble. Don't you think it's time to pay back?"

Eleanor crossed her arms and looked annoyed. "Really, Brit? Jean?"

Jeanette scratched her neck, Brittany copied Eleanor's stature.

"No. You two go." And Eleanor walked away with her soccer ball still in hand.

"Aren't you part of the Martial Arts Club?" Jeanette asked. Eleanor turned to Jeanette.

"Yeah. Why?"

Brittany smirked and spoke before Jeanette could do so. "You like Alvin, don't you?"

Eleanor rolled her eyes. The sisters do that a lot, Jeanette do that too but you rarely can see it.

"I'm not you, Brit."

Flame-O, Hotman. Flame-O.

Brittany's mouth twitched from her smirk to anger. Eleanor walked away. Jeanette looked at Brittany with confusion.

"You do seem to like Alvin."

"Shut up, Jeanette."

Jeanette blinked.

"You still want to listen to the boys?" Brittany asked her sister. Jeanette nodded and they both went back to The Gifted room.

"Sir?" They both heard Simon. "With all due respect, could you please get to the point?"

"Do the girls have problems at home?"

The girls peeked at the door and saw the boys look at each other.

"Not that I know of." Simon said.

"I'm sure they're problem is Brittany." Alvin said and Brittany gritted her teeth in anger.

"I-I don't know." said Theodore. "E-Eleanor--"

"Has a problem with...Jeanette." Alvin's eyes wandered to Simon. Simon noticed this and glared at Alvin.

"Problem with you?" Brittany asked Jeanette. "You didn't tell me."

Jeanette glanced at Brittany with secrecy behind her eyes. "It's nothing."

"I'll talk to the three of them. Two of them looked like they're having some serious, strange problems with themselves."

Apparently, he's right.

"Sir, d-do you think I could talk to Jeanette instead?" Simon asked. He looked around for a reason to tell. "She gets really uncomfortable when talking to someone new. I-I could do it."

Apparently, he's right.

"Sure. How about Theodore and Alvin?"

"I'm not going to talk to Eleanor or Brittany." Alvin crossed his arms.

"I-I could talk with Eleanor." said Theodore. "But she doesn't really open up."

"That's because she thinks you're a baby, Theo!" Alvin said. "Sweet Theodore. Poor, sweet, innocent Theo." Alvin mimicked Eleanor.

"I won't burden you two with that. I'll talk to Eleanor and Brittany, Simon would talk with Jeanette."

Simon nodded.

"Alright then. You may go."

Jeanette and Brittany ran away as soon as the boys stood up.

"Problems? We don't have any problems." Jeanette said.

Brittany wasn't sure, but there's no time for drama yet.

"Yeah. We don't have problems."

Brittany walked inside the school's theater with a haughty look and proud stature.

Everybody looked at her, and Brittany could write out several colors.

Most of them are like being hit with the color purple, few have orange and yellow, and some who were glaring at her (particularly her 'friends') have green something with them.

Brittany ignored them and walked to the front.

"Ah, our star is here."

Brittany took her last step before stopped walking, now on the center of the stage. "Good Afternoon."

"Good afternoon to you too, my star. Let's start?"


The theater teacher clapped. "Just as I expected. Let's start!"

Brittany wandered her head to Amber and Annie. They still have the green color with them. Brittany ignored them as her coach called all club members.

"I. Want. The best." said the theater coach. "If I don't like your performance, go to another club."

Brittany nodded and smirked.

"How's your club?"

Brittany looked at Simon with borderline between suspicion and normalcy.

"Ok, I guess."

Simon raised an eyebrow. "Guess? How come?"

"I don't know. Maybe it's Annie and Amber, or just those newbies testing my patience."

Simon laughed which prompted Brittany to glare at him.

"Sorry, sorry." Simon apologized as soon as he saw Brittany's look. "You're just really cute when you're mad."

"Ok? What do you mean by that?"

"What do you mean 'that'?" Simon blinked with a frown until he realized it. "Oh! That came out wrong, did it?"

"Yes it did."

"Sorry. Sorry for that." Simon apologized once again. "Alvin rarely talks about his feelings. It's just that he complimented you in secret! And, after that incident with Kevin, he seemed to be more nervous. He never relaxed until a week after."

Brittany raised an eyebrow while she ignore her pumping heart. Simon, from the purple light she saw on him, changed the 'light color' to orange.

"He might seem to hate you, but he never does."

"Simon, we loathe each other."

"Even Theodore could tell you don't."

Brittany froze at her place and Simon stopped walking.

"Is something wrong?"

"N-nothing. Nothing." Brittany stared at Simon whose 'light color' changed from orange to purple. After her stuttering, his 'light color' changed to orange once more.

"Th-that's good."

Brittany just nodded. "H-how's Jeanette in STEM? It's a ridiculous name, if you ask me." She caught up to Simon and they continued walking.

Simon's 'light color' changed from orange to pink.


"She's really good. I don't expect her to join STEM."

Brittany rolled her eyes at her sister's decision. "She's always curious. She always want to learn something new." She shrugged. "Me and Eleanor warned her. Curiosity kills the cat."

"Fortunately, she's not a cat."

Brittany huffed at Simon's attitude.

"Just go to your club and I'll go with mine."

"Jeanette is going with you."


"You and her are both in Writing Club."

Brittany pondered. "Oh yeah." She rubbed her chin. "Oh yeah!"

Simon backed away. "What's wrong? What happened? What's on your mind?"

"Nothing, Simon! Just want to try out something."

"But I thought 'curiosity kills the cat'?"

Brittany smirked. "Fortunately, I'm not a cat." And she hopped away.

Simon shakes his head.

"Brittany with her sisters are always the worst."

A/N That's it for Chapter 7! Probably figured why this is named 'sunglasses' eh?

Anyway, so this one is the beginning of Brittany's journey to look at what's happening to her and why she wears sunglasses, which I figured are the dots you could connect.

So, why's Brittany wearing sunglasses? What do you think's gonna happen next? What's up with all those 'being hit with lights of *color*' and all those specific colors?

I'll recall them.


What do you think they mean? Just comment! What's up with all the 'glares' and 'glances' and stuff?

So, Alvin hadn't rid of his hatred toward his professor. Where would it lead?

The clubs are important, though I wouldn't show much detail.

Are Amber and Annie involved on what's gonna happen? (Clue: I don't have the answer either)

How exactly is Simon 'strange'?

Did you see the hint of Brimon?



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