An Anomaly in Terra

By Happy100cool

17.1K 408 354

A boy awakens into a world filled with dangerous yet familiar powers, with no idea of how on the new world wo... More

The Start of Everything (Remastered)
File Access
Thinking and Training
Reality Crashing
Traveling and New Companion
Timely Encounter and a Reunion?
Meeting of Leaders, a Miracle, and Visions
Prophecy, Memories and Confrontation
A Mind Battle End and Renewal Hope
Relaxation, New Looks and Destination reached
Broken Soul, Breakdown, and Hopeful Resolve
New Destination set and Training gone wrong

Two Catastrophe and a Cure

1.7K 35 13
By Happy100cool

Third Person Pov

As Skadi went for the attack as William dodged, he thought about how to end this quickly as he went to punch her as she dodged and counter as she grabbed his arm, and threw him into a wall. As he got out of the wall, he was almost hit again as he dodge the blade and summon out a bone to block the next attack. It crack a little as William looked shocked as he did not expect that to happen as he threw the bone to the ground and summon out his DT sword to parry the next one.

William in his mind: "What the fuck I did not expect that to happen as I am pretty sure I am supposed to be way stronger and those bones should not break. Unless-"

He block her again as she keep trying to hit him with her weapon as he was struggling to block or dodge them all.

William in his mind: "I am not in the level of the original as that bone should be able to not even crack by a weak attack. So how weak am I compared to the original in this world?"

As he blocked her attacks again, he felt he was improving himself as he felt like his body was adjusting everything. He wonder why he felt such a rush of joy like his whole body wants this, maybe because of his soul being filled with DT. He believes that can do this-


As William was hit by Skadi with her sword and was sent again to the wall as this time he was getting hit all over his body.

"Fucking hate everything." was heard told in his mind over 10 times.

He look at her with complete anger and used Blue Mastery and pulled a Sans move.

It was not a nice night for the people who lived nearby as the noise start to increase after that as William stopped his attack and Skadi stood up a bit shaky.

William: "Well enough playing around with you."

Skadi looks at him and looks pissed as she tosses away her weapon away and rushes him as William realized what she was going to do and did the same. William went for a simple punch which was countered by a hit in the gut as William knew that was going to happen and grabbed her arm as her eyes widened before he slam his fist on her guts as well.

Skadi: "Agh... you are very strong, one of the strongest I have fought."

William: "Same as I did not expect to try so much so how about let us end this."

She nodded and grabbed her weapon before rushing again as William summon out his bone sword and counter as they both try to push each other.

William: "Sorry for this as I ain't going to lose."

His eyes glow red as he slowly pushes her more and more into a wall before using his final move.

William: "A Moment of Stillness!"

As suddenly everything stops and he grabs her weapon and pulls it away from her.

William: "I have done it, I have control over the ZA WARUDO. Okay, enough joking around as it's time to end this right now."

He summons a tuna and slaps her over 100 times with it.

William: "As such Time has resumed."

All that was heard was a giant blast of noise and someone was...

William Pov

Well, I won and I felt like a meme just happen. Well at least I had beaten her but god damm did that punch from the gut hurt very much, if I was any weaker I think I would not be able to tank that. I wonder what I should do now as I have a feeling that the cops are going to-

As sirens start to be heard in the distance.

Well, fuck that is not good. I should leave but I should probably bring her as I want info about this world as that is my prize when she awakens or I just take the info from her mind. I grab her as she felt somewhat light though a part of my mind says she should be way heavier. Eh, it's not like I got much so time to leave this place.

Timeskip brought you by William stealing your Waifu.

I got out of the area and look around to find a place which surprisingly took about five minutes as I found an abandoned building. I feel like this is the perfect place to be as no one goes to a place like this. I need to think of a good thing to say as I want to make a little joke. Eh I mean I got some time to kill so why not go get some food because I forgot mine when I fought this girl? Ugh maybe I should... wait a minute I should try to use my other ability.


As another I appear I felt like half of my abilities are gone, I thought I lose all of them but it seems like I can separate both of my abilities by half.

W: "So handsome devil, how are you doing today."

W 2: "Pretty good as it feels so weird to have this."

W: "I know we are pulling a D4C."

W 2: "Stop with Jojo reference as this is not Jojo."

W: "I know, but can you get some food mate."

W 2: "Yeah sure, still I wonder do we work like a hivemind or are separated until we fused back together."

W: "Stop acting serious as we ain't like that."

W 2 rolls his eyes: "Sure...either way I will leave you with the girl who is waking up right now."

I looked to see if she was waking up and I got ready to do my thing.

Skadi Pov

Ugh, my head hurt as I felt like I was hit by a truck, wait a minute I should not be here. He beat me and I should have been dead as anyone in my line of work should be. Though how did he survive my punch as he should have been dead as that punch would have a kill even an Ursus man without any difficulty but he somehow was not bothered by it.

"Rise and Shine Skadi..."

I looked around and I saw him looking at me like he won and wait a minute why I am not tied up?

"Rise and Shine as I need your help."

What does he mean that he wants my help? Not many ask for my help as they don't like me.

Skadi: "What do you want with me?"

???: "Well I need your help to understand this world."

This world? What is he as I don't think he is one of them? 

???: "I need info on this world which I think you can provide as I want to learn it from you."

Skadi: "So what do you want to learn?"

???: "Anything political, the health system, and anything important about this world."

So he basically means everything.

Skadi: "Hmm sure as I lost to you, I will tell you what I know."

Timeskip brought you by Skadi tells a part of Arknight Lore.

???: "Hmm that was very informative so thank you for that."

Skadi: "So can I leave?"

???: "Yeah and before you do that."

He suddenly appear in front of me and put his hand on my forehead, I felt something, and then it disappears.

???: "That should help remove a little of that disease from your system."

Wait did he just-

???: "Oh, are you wondering if I took away all of it, no as I am not sure if you want that but I help improve your chance of not getting infected as I can tell."

Skadi: "So you can cure it?"

??? smile: "Yep."

He pulled a gem of Originium out of nowhere wait a minute how did he-

???: "Watch this."

The Originium starts to shake and then disappear.

???: "So easy to destroy something like this."

So he can change the world itself. Maybe there is hope for our world.

???: "So you can go and may we meet again."

As ??? start to walk away as I need one more question to ask.

Skadi: " Who are you?"

???: "Oh sorry I forgot to tell you my name. Well, my name is William and I am here to help this world."

As William left, I wonder what will happen to him as I feel something else from him... may we meet again, William.

William Pov

Huh, so I learn a lot more about this world and my other self should have gotten food right now.

W 2: "Sup Boss."

W startled: "Ah... mate I did not expect that I would scare myself but eh it happens."

W 2: "Eh, it is fine but I got the food."

W: "What is it?"

W 2: "Our favorites."

W: "Wonderful though I should try this world food as I got to sooner or later."

W 2: "Yeah, we don't have an Id or anything like that so how are we going to survive this place."

W: "We can always sneak in and I mean it does not really matter as we now are here in this world so let's make some godamm changes."

W 2: "Well then good luck boss."

He turn into dust and scatter in the air as I felt like my mind was hit by a truck as all of what the clone did went into my mind so it seems like it is one of those situations. Eh, either way, I should probably do a miracle as I want to help this world as what Skadi has told me about the situation with the Infected in this world. Time to be a hero of justice, I guess- Nah as that is stupid and Shiro needs a rock.

"It is showtime... wait a minute where can I find a-"

Timeskip brought you by William to find a hospital to burn-I mean save.

It took a while to find it but finally, I found a hospital as I notice people going inside of it with people who look sickly and also I see ambulance trucks there so time to make a miracle of the gods. Actually, how am I going to understand everything in the text as I am pretty sure this is a new world maybe it is because the author is a lazy piece- (nope). I went inside as the first thing I heard was screaming and people waiting in their seats looked like they know what is happening. Oh lord, it is this bad...






then why not be a hope for this world? I looked to see the receptionist's desk and I stop time as I ran toward the elevator as I mean most hospitals have them as this is clearly a more advanced world compared to my own. I found it as I resume time and press the button and the doors opened and I went inside as I wait for a moment and went to the second floor. I heard a lot of screaming on this floor had little people walking by so I went into one and saw a little boy with a whole arm covered with a black crystal.

Child: "Huh is that you, Mom?'

I put my hands up and the child went asleep as I went toward the child and I put my hands up again to see if this works... I notice the black stuff start to disappear as I notice my mind start to tell how close the patient is to being cured and after a moment I put it down as he was cured and I look to see that his whole crystal disappear from his arm and his body, so truly I am the cure of this world. I wonder what my parents would say about my situation as I walk out of the room and heard screaming around the floor.

???: "Stop the pain!"

??? 2: "Dad, I am sorry I can't see you again."

Time to make a difference.

William: "Time to end this world's pain for even a moment."

I looked at a camera watching me and I used my lighting to shut it down. I am going to rush everything on every floor that I can as someone will know about that.

10 minutes later

It took a while to cure everyone there and after I made sure I cure the last patient, I left the place as I going to search for more places to cure in the future. While I could wait and see my results and cure more people there, I need to make sure I am hidden as I am basically the most important person in this world, even if I am pretty strong.

"Huh, so I wonder what will happen to me in the future. Maybe I can make everything I know shines if not then I will make sure it will shine."


"Wow that was the stupidest thing I ever said, I need to stop saying things like that."

Well, that was weird but time to go back to my place and sleep as I feel tired.






I just teleport back and I snap my fingers a bed appears with a pillow. Time to sleep I guess.

William: "Yawn... I like to say that to myself as it makes me more sleepy and I become more tired. So goodnight readers and see you next time."

As William goes asleep, unknown to him that his actions caused a chain of events to happen and that the world will change. Probably he knows but is being an idiot.

William: "Shut up and let me-"

End of Chapter 

Yep like I said before he is weakened by a lot, He is still Op but he is not at the level of the original as that is too much for this world, so Skadi's brute strength is justified but if in a fight again William would win easily if not holding back. William is Op in the sense that he can tank and deal so much that he can kill anyone but he has a weakness to hesitant as killing is not in his nature. Either way, Skadi is gone because cmon he is not yet going to join anyone, but we will see this cute killer whale again before the game truly starts. (Please do not bash me for bad fight scenes because I was never good at them and I will try to match the character's personality well but sorry if it is a bit OOC.)

Final abilities

A Taste of my real Power

Unlocks back all of his power to the level of the original for only 10 minutes. Drain Stamina and Magic a lot. Can be used and turned off whenever but if used for 10 minutes, he can no longer use magic for 5 minutes and can barely function. (Even using it at all will cause him to no longer regenerate his magic for 5 minutes.)

Healing Aura

Can heal and restore body parts and organs but important organs like the brain and heart can not be healed or restored. Users getting healed get a green aura surrounding them.

Limb Transfer

Can boost his arms and legs 2x to 10x but decrease his body parts defense to the parts that he sacrifices. (He can only sacrifice arms, legs, and his chest)

The Bite

If William bites anyone, he can transform into that person for 30 minutes and has their voice of them. (Weakness is that he does not have their abilities or know how they act and after 30 minutes the transformation is reverted. He can store about 3 transformations so he can maintain his form for 2 hours if he bites the person 4 times.)

Determination Swipe (Required William to be fully determined)

As he holds out his hand, it has a red hue that transforms into a claw that can increase to the size of a City that he can use to erase his opponent from body, mind, and soul. (Drains over half of his magic supply.)

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