Ring Around My Heart (DreamNo...

By Littlefufferfish

559 44 41

-This is an AU (alternative universe) -Multiple ships may appear, but the main is DreamNotFound -No explicit... More

Newly Loved
Tired Of Loving You
Lover's Concussion
High Love
Love Is Illegal
Let's Hope
All Or None
Vacation Or Evacuation
Bright Side
Inclusive Cookies
Just One Of Us
Safe With Us
Jump For Me
Don't Bleed Dry
The Disappearing Sap
Deceptive And Cold-blooded
Eliminate Or Be Eliminated
Home Is Where The Rights Is
Not Worth Death
Time To Go
Pure Love
Please Pretend To Love Me
Watch It Burn, Love
I Did Nothing

Honestly I Love You

24 2 4
By Littlefufferfish

The next day Technoblade was still in charge of the shop. He wasn't too upset about it. Being surrounded by fine rings all day was enjoyable.

He waited for the next client to come pick up their ring. Technoblade was happy that he got to work on this particular day.

The door swung open and Tommy marched to the counter. "Ay! Dream is out today?" He was happy to see Technoblade in Dream's place.

"Yup, been out two days now. Are you here for your ring?" Technoblade grinned.

Tommy awkwardly blushed. "Yes?"

"Okay, I'll be back in a moment." Technoblade went into the back and returned with a small velvet box. He slid it across the counter towards Tommy. "Take care of it."

Tommy's eyes lit up as he took the box and looked inside. "It's exactly what I wanted! Awe!" He freaked out over the beautiful ring in the box.

"It's a nice one, did you make it especially for the ladies?" Technoblade chuckled.

"Obviously! It has to be perfect if I want to give it to a woman one day." Tommy put a lot of thought into his ring.

"What made you go for a fox design?" Techno asked causally.

"Well, ladies love animals. Plus, I know a guy that has a fox design too. He told me it gets him all the bitches." Tommy had really tried to get a ring that would optimize his chances with girls.

Technoblade didn't expect anything less. "Don't go giving your ring to the wrong person. A girl should like you for you, not your ring."

Tommy took the ring out of the box and slipped it onto his finger. "I'll be well careful with it, thanks."

"I'm serious, that ring is a direct connection to your heart. You wouldn't give your heart to just anyone would you?" Technoblade would hate to see Tommy be miserable in a relationship. Like Dream, who was out having marriage troubles.

"No, I suppose not...you're just never giving your heart away then?" Tommy looked down at Technoblade's hand. Since he was 16, Techno had never even let another person hold his ring.

That was a common dating practice. Letting someone hold your ring, or even letting someone keep it for a day. Though you weren't supposed to let someone you weren't married to wear your ring. Until marriage, a ring could only rightfully be worn by its original owner. Letting a casual lover wear your ring was considered a sin. It was in the same boat as having sex with a stranger.

"It's mine, I'm not required to give it to anyone." Techno spoke defensively. He didn't want anyone to ever possess his ring.

"Alright, have fun dieing alone big man." Tommy teased before leaving with his ring. He paid in advance when he requested the piece of jewelry.


George sat on the couch, bawling his eyes out into his hands. Dream was in the other room packing his bag. His grand plan was to spend a week with Sapnap. He thought if George and him were apart, the problem would fix itself.

Dream brought a small suitcase out and rested it by the door. He looked towards George, watching him deteriorate. He tried to explain that this might be good for them, but George wasn't hearing it.

Dream couldn't convince himself to walk out with George crying like that. He moved over to the couch and sat down. "I'm going to come back..."

George didn't believe him. He turned towards Dream, face completely soaked. "You don't love me!"

Dream tried not to fuel the flames. "I'm going to come back." He repeated.

George forced his way into Dream's arms and latched on like a leech. "I don't want to be alone!"

Dream tried to nicely get George off of him. "It's just a week. You can have anyone over while I'm gone. We just need time to figure out our feelings."

"I already know my feelings, I love you!" George shouted confidently. "I love you, and I don't want to be alone! But I guess we only have that second part in common..." He got quieter.

Dream bit his lip and tried to think of a solution to this. Leaving didn't seem to be a good idea. It was like he forgot George's separation anxiety existed. "I love you, I just need some space."

"Space? Am I that suffocating to you?" George was nearly offended.

"No...look, look at me." Dream lifted his chin up. George locked eyes with him, and he quickly regretted his action. "I-"

George's heart was visible through his glossy eyes. "Dream...don't play with my feelings. Do you HONESTLY still feel anything for me?"

Dream put his hands on George's shoulders, making the other melt to the kind touch. "Yes, I still have so much love for you."

"Then why are you so cold towards me?" George rested his left hand on Dream's right one.

"I didn't realize I was. Look, if I'm being honest...Our lives have been so dull. It feels like all I do is comfort you these days. I miss the days where we were always going out and having fun. I care about you, I swear I do George. We're just missing that healthy balance between hurt and comfort." Dream tried to explain his point of view, and did a decent job doing so.

George processed what he was saying. He started to understand. They no longer went on dates, or anywhere besides grocery shopping. George was suffocating Dream in his problems. There wasn't any sweet dates anymore to smooth out the stress.

"Then...don't leave." George moved back into Dream's arms. Dream was yet to hug back. "Let's plan a date, come on...please?"

Dream thought about it. It was worth a try, but it felt weird to start doing dates again now. "I don't have much money right now. I had renovations done to the shop two weeks ago. I'm not far from broke. I only have money for bills and essentials."

"Let's go for a drive like we used to do. Remember? When you used to pick me up and we'd drive around for hours, listening to the radio?" George would do anything for some pure concentrated love again.

Dream found that idea comforting. He smiled as he recalled those earlier days. "It wasn't much back then but...those nights were really everything."

George felt Dream's arms wrap around him finally. "So...will you stay here?"

Dream looked back at his suitcase. He was nervous that if he stayed, another fight would break out. He didn't want to ruin the little bit of progress they just made. "Sapnap was expecting me...how about I go for one night?" George's grip tightened. "Just one night George..." The grip got tighter. "I'll text you while I'm there." The grip stayed firm. "George...one night, you need to learn to cope."

"You're not going to come back..." George whined.

Dream sighed in defeat. "I'll call Sapnap and tell him I'm not coming over." The grip loosened. 

"Let's go for a ride then..." George moved back and gave Dream some physical space.

Dream got his phone and texted his friend. "Yeah, okay. We'll have to put some gas in the car first."

"I want to shower before, I feel gross." George hadn't felt like cleaning up in a week now. He was way overdue to clean up. He wanted to feel his best while hopefully bonding with his husband.

"About time..." Dream mumbled jokingly.

George got up and quickly went to the bathroom. He wondered how he expected Dream to love him, when he was so disgusting.


Dream texted Sapnap while he waited for George to finish up in the bathroom.

Sappy 😍

Dream: I'm not coming over anymore.

Sapnap: Did you work it out with George?

Dream: Not really, but I think it's best if I stay and work it out. We're going out for a little drive in a few minutes.

Sapnap: Yeah that's probably best. When me and Karl fight, we never run out on each other. We just work it out together or have alone time in the house. Running off will probably just make George more upset.

Dream: Yeah...what else do you and Karl do after a fight? I'm in need of some serious advice.

Sapnap: Um...Sex?

Dream: I should of known. What besides doing each other?

Sapnap: Sometimes we go do your mom together. ♥️

Dream: Well next time you do my mom, tell her I need a new teacup.

Sapnap: Will do! 😂

Dream heard a loud thud from the bathroom, and quickly put the phone down. He ran to the door and knocked. "You good?" When all he got as a reply was a groan, he opened the door. George showered with the door unlocked, implying he felt safe with Dream home.

"Oh shit!" Dream shrieked.

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