Plus Ultraman (BNHA x Ultrama...

By Gojiron54Titanus

9.5K 99 40


BIO (updated)
THE PROLOGUE (updated)
CHAPTER 1 (PT1) (updated)
CHAPTER 1 (PT2) (updated)
A/N'S NOTES (please read it's important)
so many reads, wow
Merry Christmas! + review for No Way Home
A/N'S NOTES (my serious break)
sorry... but good news!
Rewritten version in development


451 6 1
By Gojiron54Titanus



A/N: "I have idea what I'm suppose to write here so I have absolutely no words. So without further a do, let's get started!"


"In Hiro High"

"3rd P.O.V"

"He and his friends, including the students were sitting and watching a guy with scales covering his arms, legs and fists while fighting another guy who has razor sharp claws in a 1v1 match"

"As Kai kept on watching, he didn't notice Lance was glaring and was still in rage"

Lance: "Since I haven't used my quirk on that quirkless Tadashi, it's time for payback." "he growls mentally while clenching his fist" "I WON'T LET A WEAKLING LIKE HIM HUMILIATE ME!"

"As the match goes on, the guy with the claws using all of his strength trying to rip the scale guy who was blocking, but has been upper-cut by the him and knocked down"

Mako: "squints his eyes when the scale guy used an uppercut against the claw dude" "Geez, that was some aggressive punch right there." "he said" "Sounds like Lance would do something like that."

Kai: "sighs" "Evidently." "agreed quietly"

Aegus: "What's been troubling you Kai?" "he asked his host mentally"

Kai: "Nothing, it's just Lance." "he responded mentally"

Aegus: "Who is this Lance person?"

Kai: "He's right there." "points secretly at Lance" "Lance is a bully and my rival." "he said"

Aegus: "He bullies because you didn't have a quirk?" "guessed as Kai nodded" "Can you tell me what is his quirk? I'm curious."

Kai: "His quirk is Shape-Shifting, he can turn his human parts into a different of animal or creature like a lion, gorilla or even a dinosaur. But at the same time he usually wants me to be feared by threatening with his quirk on me." "he simply answered"

Aegus: "Shape-Shifting huh? That's quite stupefying, yet again it's a bit rude to bully people." "he said" "Oh yeah also I forgot to bare this in mind." "he spoke out"

Kai: "What's that?"

Aegus: "What is your brother's and Amaya's quirk? I never got to answer your friends what are your quirks are." "he questioned"

Kai: "Well, my brother can produce flames and as for Amaya she can manipulate wind." "he explained"

Aegus: "Quirks here are really peculiar and yet very interesting in this dimension."

Kai: "Aegus, do you usually study when you discover something new?" "he asked curiously"

Aegus: "Sometimes when I have the spare time, because it's my first time in earth. I'm still studying about these quirks and your customs so It might take a while for me to understand." "he mused"

"When the match ended, the students were giving an applause to the person who won while the immobilized claw quirk user was taken to recovery"

Random Teacher: "Alright, two more matches left and were done, who wants to go next?" "he asked them as Mako intentionally raised his hand" "You want to volunteer?"

Mako: "Yes sir." "he answered"

Random Teacher: "Very well then, who would like to match him?"

???: " "I do." "he responded with an intimidating voice"

Random Teacher: "Alright then Shirogane."

Mako: "That's a bit nerve-wracking." "he said mentally as he was crept out by his tone"

Amaya: "What's the matter? Scared? I can't believe Kai's big brother is actually scared." "she sarcastically said"

Mako: "Wha- Hey! Don't be sarcastic on me!" "he exclaimed"

Kai: "Relax, it's not like he actually wants to kill you." "he reassured his brother"

Mako: : "gulps silently" "Well hopefully he doesn't beat me to the floor, so uh... wish me luck."

Random Teacher: "Okay you two! Please get into the field before we proceed the match." "he said as both of them were walking to the training floor"

Mako: "was preparing a battle stance and so was his opponent"

Shirogane: "Hey, I just wanna say, good luck." "he said which made Mako surprised"

Mako: "Oh! I... Guess thank you for the compliment?" "accepts yet unsurely the compliment"

Kai: "Mako! Win or Lose! You are still awesome!" "he cheered loudly"

Amaya: "Yeah!" "was cheering as well"

Shirogane: "stares at Kai and Amaya" "I see you got some friends." "chuckles"

Mako: "Well actually, that guy is my little brother, and that girl is my friend. But pretty much I still see them as my greatest friends." "smirks at him"

Random Teacher: "3... 2... 1... BEGIN!!!" "he shouted as Mako thrusts himself towards his opponent with his burning flames"

"music starts"

"But Mako missed him by kicking as Shirogane dodged him while he was still in the same battle stance. The fire student goes back to punch him with flames in his hands"

Mako: "ACCELERATION FIRE!!!" "he shouted out his move as his punching was more faster and hotter as Shirogane was simply avoiding which made the students were amazed"

"After Shirogane kept on dodging, but until he blocked by grabbing Mako's right arm and punches him right at the face and chest making the fire boy in pain"

"But he manages to duck the third hit then gets hit by face again and kicked at the chest making him pushed back"

Mako: "groans in pain from his cheek" "How strong is his fist? It must be his quirk, I must be careful with his punching, and those reflexes are so fast." "he said in thought" "takes a breath"

"Mako went in for a drop kick on him while his opponent blocked before Shirogane threw a blow on but the orange eye person barely evaded yet again"

"Shirogane did another blow by doing an elbow strike as Mako barely blocked before doing a flaming spinning hook kick which made Shirogane flinched, the fire boy goes for the left side shooting fire out of his hands as the crimson eyed person already dodged two times and punched the fire"

Mako: "Okay Let's see you can 'See Me'!" "he joked which made him raised his eyebrow" (sorry your joke isn't really that lol😆)

Shirogane: "What?"

Mako: "SMOKESCREEN BURST!!!" "he shouted another move while he smashed the ground vigorously as he created a murk of smokes and flames which made Shirogane stop rushing in after Mako disappeared"

"The audience were in amazement by Mako's move except for Kai because already knew his move and as for Lance who is ignoring and bored"

Amaya: "That's actually smart for him to be honest, he can use his move as an upper hand so that the opponent won't spot him."

Kai: "Nice analyzation, Amaya, but his advantage won't last long." "he said"

Amaya: "What do you mean Kai?" "she asked her friend"

Kai: "The smoke will sooner or later fade away." "he answered"

"He was struggling to find Mako because the smoke was blocking his sight, footsteps of Mako can be heard and probably circling him trying to perceive but was hit by a small fireball from behind, Shirogane looks behind where the fireball hits him before getting hit again from behind"

"Shirogane was looking everywhere with his eyes being aware, and so he decided to stop... (stop music first) He stand still and close his close for concentration while Mako notices Shirogane's sudden move"

Mako: "What is he doing?" "he said in concern mentally"

Shirogane: "takes a deep breath after ten seconds of focusing, he quickly look at Mako through the smoke" (play music again)

Mako: "eyes widen in surprise" "Wait what the fuc-!" "before he can curse, he got instantly jabbed by Shirogane"

"First, he punched Mako right at the abdomen. Second, punched Mako at the chest. Third, punched Mako again at the chest but with force"

Mako: "comes out of the smoke before thudding to the ground who was groaning in pain"

"After the fog of smolders have vanished, Shirogane walks out as the students cheered and applauded"

"music stops"

Shirogane: "Hey, you okay?" "he questioned"

Mako: "Yeah I think so." "grabs hand as Shirogane pulls him up" "That match of ours really escalated so quickly, the way you did that triple punch is so cool! Although it's quite painful." "feeling the soreness in his stomach"

Shirogane: "Eh, Sorry that." "he apologized" "My name is Inosuke Shirogane, but I prefer Shiro only." "he introduced himself"

Mako: "Okay then Shiroboy, names Mako Tadashi." "introduced as well as they both were walking back to the seats"

Amaya: "I guess your right Kai. How did you know?"

Kai: "Well, when me and Mako were at the age of 13, Mako was recently testing his new move, so I observe it." "he said before smiling which made Amaya's face a tint of red"

Aegus: "So your brother's quirk can be fit in hand to hand combat and long range huh..." "he mentally said to his host"

Kai: "Yep, your correct."

Random Teacher: "Hmm... That really ended fast huh..." "he mumbled before talking to the students" "Last match, and then you will go to the next class."

Lance: "Can I volunteer?" "he said as he raised his hand"

Random Teacher: "Ah yes Lance, you can." "he said"

Lance: "And also can I get to choose my own opponent?" "he asked which made Mako and Amaya concerned"

Random Teacher: "Of course."

Lance: "I choose you." "slowly points at Kai which made everyone shocked except for Shiro"

Random Teacher: "Uh... Sadly Lance, you are not going to-" "was interrupted"

Kai: "No sir it's alright, I accept his request." "he said as all of them except for Shiro were more shocked."

Random Teacher: "blinked a few times" "Are you sure Tadashi? you might have injures when the match starts." "he asked"

Kai: "I can take heavy blows sir, don't worry about me." "he reassured to his teacher"

Random Teacher: "O- Okay then Tadashi, prepare yourselves and go into the field." "he said as Lance was smirking at Kai mischievously"

Mako: "Hey! What are you doing?! Are you seriously going to reveal the fact you have powers now!?" "he whispered quietly avoiding Kai and Aegus' abilities"

Kai: "What? Of course not! Look, the reason why I accepted his appeal because I can't hide my true-self forever, but I am going show Lance what I'm made off right now." "whispered as well which made Amaya and Mako shocked, they wanted to disagree but he's right" "Besides I'm only going to use hand to hand combat and martial arts."

Amaya: "sighs" "Don't risk yourself." "she warned"

Kai: "I won't."

"Shiro P.O.V"

Shiro: "sits near Mako" "Hey Mako."

Mako: "Oh Shiro! What's up!" "he kept his calm at the outside while was worried in the inside"

Amaya: "Uh... Mako? Who is this?" "she asked has the same feeling like Mako's"

Mako: "Oh yeah! Amaya, I just want to introduce to you, Shiro." "he said"

Shiro: "Uh, Hey, it's nice to meet you." "he greeted to her"

Amaya: "Oh! Nice to meet you too." "she greeted as well before noticing him" "Wait... Aren't you the guy who fought Mako?" "she questioned"

Shiro: "Yeah, We officially became friends just a few minutes." "he responded which Amaya surprised"

Amaya: "Already?"

Mako: "Well I mean perceptibly yeah." "he answered"

Shiro: "Hey, can I ask something?" "he questioned to both of them"

Mako: "Sure! What is it?"

Shiro: "Why both of your faces are agitated, is it because of your friend?" "tilts his head in confusion while staring at Kai and Lance"

Amaya: "Well... That's because, my brother doesn't have a quirk." "she said as he was in surprise"

Shiro: "You're brother's actually quirkless?" "he asked as Mako nodded"

Mako: "Yeah, no powers whatsoever." "he lied and didn't want to reveal Aegus' identity as Shiro had suspicions on Kai"

Shiro: "Then why did you let him fight against Lance?" "he asked again"

Amaya: "You'll see Shiro." "she responded as Shiro looked back at the two"

"Kai and Lance were waiting while in their stances before their match to begin"

Lance: "Hey you dipshit." "he cursed yet acknowledged as Kai silently growls at Lance but calms down"

Kai: "Why are you doing exactly Lance?" "he questioned which made Lance more angrier"

Lance: "Shut up! I'm taking revenge, and I'm going to use everything I have just to beat you."

Kai: "That's it? Can you just leave me alone for once? I'm starting to get use this." "he said simply"

Lance: "Oh, once you witness my full potential of my quirk. You won't get used to it quirkless Tadashi." "he complained while Kai rolled his eyes as both of them prepared for their battle stances"

Random Teacher: "3... 2... 1... BEGIN!!!" "he shouted as they launched"

"music starts"

"Lance changed his appearance into half-bear, half human and his height was even more taller than an average human"

(0:10 - 0:28)

"Kai and Lance were fighting out for a while as the students, Mako, Amaya were shocked and amazed by the Kai's skills despite for him being quirkless, even Shirogane but he's only interested and still has suspicions on Kai"

"When Lance has the opening opportunity as he grabbed Kai and throws him on to the floor, but Kai immediately gets back up"

"Lance reverts back to his original form, he turn his hands into mantis claws as he was trying to slice him but Kai was dodging evasively before pushing Lance back by punching nonstop and doing a cross elbow strike, but the shape-shifting person doesn't stop as he continues to slice him"

"Kai was caught off guard when Lance turned his hand a big gorilla fist after he used his mantis ability, he was pushed back a bit because of the raw strength of Lance's punch"

"Lance tried to strike on his rival, but Kai lay a barrage of punches on him as a counter-attack, unfortunately Lance counter-attacks back"

(2:17 - 2:24)

"Lance was getting cocky as he grins creepily, he went in for a punch with his make-shift gorilla gauntlets, but Kai blocks and punches him at the stomach as Lance take it, Lance tried to kick him but gets kicked"

(1:40 - 1:44) same video

Lance was rather being more furious as he jumped into the sky trying to crush him with his gorilla fist but evaded quickly as he changed his hands into fast cheetah claws, better than his lion claws"

"Kai couldn't dodged one of his sharp hand-shift claws, so he blocked as Lance made a wound in Kai's left arm which made them didn't realize but he copes to avoid one of his deadly slashes"

"Lance's eyes were starting to be filled with annoyance, fury and grits his teeth for being fooled, but get distracted by himself as Kai punches him right at the gut, at the face two times and throws him away"

Lance: "thuds" "growls while getting back up" "ARGH! I CAN'T LET THIS DAMN QUIRKLESS SHIT RUIN EVERYTHING AND OVERPOWER MY QUIRK!!!"" "he angerly burst out mentally as eight spider legs came out of his back and it's tips are sharp while Kai was in a stance"

Kai: "Spider legs? I never seen that before." "he mumbled while preparing himself to avoid"

Mako: "Okay Woah, Woah, is that even allowed?" "he asked worryingly on of his classmates as they shrugged" "Of course, you wouldn't know." "he quietly said"

"Kai was kicking away and blocking one of Lance's make-shift spider legs in his back, Lance tried a sneak attack by stabbing his rival with a mantis claw but Kai eluded easily before laying a one inch punch on Lance which made some of his ribs broken and spitting out blood"

"Lance landed to the ground and was in tremendous pain but resist on screaming from the afflictions he took"

"The students were left speechless and dumbfounded because of a quirkless can beat a quirk user until... Mako broke the silence as he was giving an applause before causing a chain reaction making them cheer, some of them were saying 'That was awesome!' 'Did he just lie for being quirkless or something?' 'That was an unbelievable performance!'"

Amaya: "Whoo! Yeah!" "she cheered while clapping as Kai chuckles"

Shiro: "That's... quite stunning. Mako's brother who is quirkless can fight off quirk users? Hmm... I should ask him to teach me some moves." "he mentally said"

"Once the match between Kai and Lance is done, he started walking away to rest and gain some energy but..."

Lance: "WE'RE NOT DONE YET QUIRKLESS TADASHI!!!" "he shouted aggressively while he was running fast before leaping into the air to assault on him with a lion claw"

"The crowd of Hiro High gasped as well as Amaya, Mako except for Shiro"

Kai: "looks behind him as he went back to finish the match"

"Kai did a jump back kick before Lance can strike, as he did the kick, he made Lance grunt loudly and actually goes unconscious"

Random Teacher: "O- One of you! Will you bring Lance to recovery please?" "he ordered as two of the students were carrying Lance for treatment"

Kai: "silently and slowly panting as he was looking at Lance was carried away" "You're such a prideful intimidator aren't you." "he said in thought while three of his friends rushing towards him"

Mako: "Hey bro are you all right?" "he asked in concern"

Kai: "Yeah I think so." "he responded"

Amaya: "You're really an idiot you know that?" "she said as she hit Kai's shoulder softly"

Kai: "I know, I know, sorry." "he apologized while rubbed the small pain in his shoulder"

Mako: "Aside from that, little bro, I want you to meet our newest friend, Inosuke Shirogane or just call him Shiro." "he introduced to his little brother"

Kai: "Wait aren't the guy who fought my brother?"

Shiro: "Yeah, your brother and I became friends just within minutes." "he explained which Kai surprised"

Kai: "chuckles quietly" "Well, It's nice to meet you Shiro." "he greeted as he wanted to shake hands with his left hand"

Shiro: "You too." "he shake hands while Amaya notice something in his left arm"

Amaya: "Wait... Is your arm bleeding!" "she exclaimed as Mako and Shiro were shocked"

Kai: "looks at his injured arm" "Lance must've managed to hit me."

Mako: "Uh Sir! Can you give my brother recovery? because he has a cat scratch!" "he joked and asked the teacher which made Kai and Amaya looked at Mako in annoyance while Shiro laughed silently at Mako's joke" "We're... giving him recovery right?"


"Kai P.O.V"

"a doctor was giving some bandages to Kai until it's done"

Kai: "Thank you Sir." "he thanked to the doctor as he just simply nodded"

"Kai walked out of the recovery room and trying to find one of his friends, but they instead found him"

Shiro: "Hey Kai, is your arm alright, no rabies or something?" "he sarcastically asked"

Kai: "chuckles at his sarcasm" "Yeah it's alright."

Principal Stone: "Hello young ones." "he said which made them jumped except for Kai and Shiro"

Amaya: "Oh Principal! What brings you here?" "she asked"

Principal Stone: "Well somebody told me what happen a few hours ago, so I decided to check on your injury you had." "he said"

Kai: "My wound isn't really that much a big deal or anything, it's just a 'cat scratch' I guess." "he said which made the Principal sigh in relief while Mako nodded"

Principal Stone: "Alright then Mr. Tadashi, I'm glad you weren't heavily hurt Lance's shape-shifting quirk." "he said to his favorite student"

Kai: "I'm perfectly fine Sir." "he reassured to the principal"

Principal Stone: "You may go back to class now, also quiz will begin tomorrow, understood?"

Kai, Mako, Amaya: "HAI!!!" "they said except for Shiro who just only nodded as the principal was walking to see Lance"

Shiro: "Well guys, I'll see you later, I need catch up with my class." "he said as he was already walking away"

Mako: "Oh! Uh, See ya later!" "waved goodbye as well as Amaya"

Kai: "He seems nice and kind, I mean he helped Mako up so-" "he was about to finish his sentence but remembers something, he opens his recent holder that Aegus gave him, grabbing the Cosmos Crystalline Key while it's on his hand" "Right... I forgot to show the crystalline key to Principal Stone." "sighs" "I guess I can show this sometime."

"After Kai was speaking himself mentally, the squad went back to their class"

"a timeskip again"

"The Kai Squad were at their lockers, thinking about going back home to study by themselves or to study in Kai's and Mako's house together for the upcoming quiz"

Mako: "So... Where do we review?" "he asked his brother and friend"

Amaya: "Hey, don't ask me, you're the one who always came up with these ideas all the time." "she bites back"

Mako: "..." "was speechless until spoke up again" "Okay fair point." "he pouted which made Amaya quietly chuckles"

"As Mako and Amaya were talking out about their quiz, while Kai noticed Shiro was shoving his stuff in his locker before locking it as Kai instantly had an idea"

Kai: "What about we ask Shiro, to... You know... join studying with us at his house?" "he said to his friends as they never thought of it"

Amaya: "Yeah... Yeah!" "she agreed with him"

Mako: "Of course! Why I didn't think of that! But... I don't know his parents will accept that th-" "was cut off by surprisingly Shiro"

Shiro: "Sure why not? "he said while they were startled again except for Kai"

Mako: "Y- You do? And how did hear us? Were like fifteen steps back?" "he asked while was too surprise"

Shiro: "Hey look, I'm not some random denier alright. Plus, I have sensitive ears, so good hearing." "he explained"

Amaya: "I'm glad you wanted join us Shiro."

Shiro: "Yeah, I decided to not be alone once." "he said"

Kai: "smiles before talking to him" "Well all that matters now is your in our squad now."

Shiro: "Really? I didn't know you guys act like a 'Teen Titans-like squad'." "he confessed which made them laugh as Kai only chuckled"

"Somewhere elsewhere"

"Rykon P.O.V"

"The white and black stripped alien with his allies were just waiting for the right moment to assault. Rykon sensed unknown energy, but immediately figure out it was the ultra's aura"

Rykon: "Hey guys, you felt that?"

???: "Felt what?" "was confused what Rykon said"

Rykon: "Come on Chronos, you should have quickly know how to solve puzzles with that baby brain of yours." "he mocked as the alien brute was offended yet enraged by his leader's mockery" "Do you also sense that Varkian?"

Varkian: "Yes Rykon, it's the ultra's presence." "he said while checking his unearthly gun"

Rykon: "Do you also sense that Zenor?" "he asked the frost alien"

Zenor: "Yes I have the same expressions, that light's essence is breezed through the cold wind." "he said with a cold tone as frosty breaths coming out of his mouth"

Rykon: "laughs evilly" "Why don't we get to finally get to know him.".

"to be continued"


A/N: "Okay, this might be one of the hardest chapters yet I have ever written. And FINALLY! My oc (Inosuke Shirogane) has made his debut!"

-"But aside from that, I just want to let you guys know that I am going to be gone again for a while, because there are so many assignments I need to do for school. And hopefully I will be back soon, so wish me luck! "Gotta go bye :)"

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