
By -_-Cardinal-_-

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Nightmare loses his right to the throne... His brother, Dream receives all the affection and love from the ki... More

Lunnar-Chan's AU BIOs (Part one)
Lunnar-Chan's AU BIOs (Part two)
EmpireVerse Laws and Facts
Extra notes
Chapter one
Author notes
Author's Notes
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Author notes
Chapter seven
Chapter eight

Chapter two

116 7 5
By -_-Cardinal-_-

Nightmare curled up into a ball on his sofa by the fireplace. He held the book of 'The War of Humans'. He felt inspired to reread it for Mari. Maybe he could practice his narrating voice. And perhaps he could try to give each character a different accent. For example, Sir Thomas the Human's Leader could have an Elvish accent.

"Onward to war!" he tried. It sounded funny. He then tried his luck with an ogre accent. But, unfortunately, it didn't work out.

He sighed and focused on the fireplace. He was only with Mari for a quarter of an hour and forgot how it felt to be alone.

The fireplace crackled and licked the longs gently. The rumbling of the thunderstorm outside shook the tower and cradled Nightmare. The longer he focused on the flames, the warmer he felt. The scent of old and dusty books brought him serenity. He felt the shine of the moon bathe him, and the excellent thought of maybe seeing Mari again brought rest to his eyes.


Prince Dream, a skeleton with golden pupils, a black and gold button-up, black trousers, and white boots, sat at a desk filled with ink, feather quills, scrolls, and the occasional stamp press. 

"But that shouldn't be allowed! My poor son already suffers much. I don't think his wounded heart can take much more!" A woman cried out in sorrow. "Our Lord is aware; He rather have a safe Kingdom than a menace ruling our Kingdom. He knew that would be your reaction and told me to... To make sure that you knew your place." A man said, trying not to upset the Queen further. Then Queen sobbed a little. "What would become of the crown?" The voices faded as the conversation walked farther away from Dream's study's door.

Dream felt something wet roll down his face and onto his parchment. He put a finger to his cheek and let a tear drop onto it. They didn't know that he was in here. And they didn't realise that he could hear them.

The stress of this knowledge and the fear of his brother's reaction made frustrated tears form. He put a lid on his ink bottle and looked outside of his window. Rain fell, and thunder cracked. He knew exactly where Nightmare would be at this time, in the library in the tower.

Dream snuck out of his study and crept his way to the left-wing tower room. "N-Nighty?" He said quietly. "Hm?" a shadowed head lifted from the sofa. The expression could be seen as one who just awoke from a blissful sleep. Dream hiccuped from a sob. "Nighty!" He exclaimed and ran over to him, flinging his arms around Nightmare. "Brother?" He questioned. "It's King Ciro! It's father!" 

Nightmare pulled Dream out of the embrace. "Whatever do you mean?" "Father wants to... To dispose of your crown! I overheard a mother and Sir Nickle!" He exclaimed. A fury of tears began anew. 

Nightmare looked downward and realised what this could mean for him and his brother. Both of their reputations could change. But not as much as Nightmare's. People hated him but never said or did anything because they knew that he was the crowned Prince. But now that his title has been stripped, the townspeople no longer have to be restrained. 

He put a hand to his temples. "Oh no... B-brother. Did you by any chance overhear anything about when the townspeople will hear of this?" He said, noticing a creeping cold feeling on his back. "N-no... But I suspect that they won't hear till you-... My coronation." Nightmare winced a little at the change. "Brother... I do hope you do not be stressed with your new workload as crowned Prince. If you need help, I'd be happy to."

Dream sniffed. "Nighty, please don't listen to those mean townspeople. They don't know who the real Nighty is." His face pouted a little as he tried on a determined and kingly expression. Nightmare snorted and tried to hide it with a cough. 

He felt a deep sadness fall upon him when he realised the loss of all that he worked up to. He spent all his life in a private study trying to be good enough... Just for it to all go away one day. Tears fell and Dream put a hand to his brother's face. "Brother, now you can see Duchess Stingbum whenever you want!" Nightmare was confused. Then he realised who he was talking about. He started to laugh. Dream awkwardly joined in, not sure what they were laughing at.

"Her name isn't 'Duchess Stingbum'. Her name is Mari! I call her that." Dream looked surprised; then his face glowed a light yellow. "O-oh... Mari. Of course." He trailed off a little. Nightmare placed a hand on Dream's shoulder. "You know, brother; you have a strange knack for listening into conversations." "No, I don't! The conversations find me!" The two looked at each other with an expressionless face, then burst into laughter.


Mari Annora was awoken to the sound of the church bells nearby. She yawned and stretched and subconsciously placed her hand on her wrist where Nightmare grabbed her, where a Prince grabbed her.

She sat by her bedside, listening to the voices of the other villagers outside. She closed her eyes for a moment before deciding that she was rather hungry and wanted breakfast.

She cleaned and dressed, then walked down her stairways towards the dining room where her mother and father awaited her. "Good morning, Mari dear." Her father said half-heartedly while looking into the newspaper. "Good morning, mother, father." She nodded politely at each one, then took her seat. A maid placed a warm breakfast in front of her, and she ate it slowly. 

She felt her face redden a little under her mother's stare. She had been watching her eat. "Y-yes, mother?" she finally asked, looking up at her. "I am going to the castle again to help the Queen. She had become ill with stress." "Yes, mother. I am sorry, mother." She said awkwardly. "And I want you to dress a little more... Approachable because you're coming with me." Mari stopped chewing and looked up at her in surprise. 

Her father cleared his throat and eyed Mari. "It is rude to gawk at a superior in that way, Mari. Especially with food in that muzzle of yours." Her father scolded in an insulting tone. Mari became slightly frustrated. Her father always referred to her as some animal. And never treated her rightly. "Y-yes father." was all she could manage. She finished her food and went up to, as her mother said, dress more 'approachable'.

She pulled over a nice white dress that covered her arms and neck with floral lace. The dress fitted beautifully over her chest and tightened securely around her waist. She pulled on brown boots and strolled to her mother's room. She waited patiently for her mother.

Her mother walked out of her room, nodded at Mari, then the two strolled out onto the streets, towards the castle.

"M-mother... Can I... Bother you with some... Requests?" She said quietly. Alas, her mother did not hear. Either that or she was too busy listening to the conversations of those around her.

Mari sighed and kicked a rock. "Mari! Do not dirty your shoes!" Now her mother noticed. Mari bit her bottom lip, trying to restrain all the curses on the tip of her tongue. Eventually, she saw the spike of the castle in view.

"Oh! Mother! Mother! There it is! I see the castle! Oh- it's charming!" She announced, her little cheeks glowing from glee.

Her mother suppressed a giggle. "Now, now, Mari. Let us not fuss about such things." However, laughter was in her tone.

Mari nodded sincerely, then gripped the sides of her skirt, trying to get ahold of herself. But she could hold in her joyous expression at the thought of seeing the castle for the first time and for seeing her new friend, Nightmare. 

She was nearly trembling with joy when the two finally arrived at the castle, but it vanished when her mother cleared her throat and became stern all over again.

"Mari, stay in the gardens, do not tarry. I want to be able to find you tonight. Stay on that bench and watch the clouds, as most girls do." Mari looked at her dumbfounded. 'Cloud gazing all day into the night?' 'as most girls do?' Has her mother become such an adult as to the point when all enjoyment is unknown and lost?

She pouted and stormed off to the bench, fuming. "What a horrid mother she is!" She mumbled. She suddenly jumped three feet in the air and squeaked with fright. A large dog with foam dripping down his mouth had appeared and was barking at her. 

"Oh, dear! Mother! Mother!" She aimlessly ran and tripped into a rose bush filled with thorns. Tears formed, and she let out a wail. 

Then a boy's voice rang out, "Luna! You idiot! Get back!" Luna whined and laid her head on her paws. The boy ran up to Mari panting and placing his hands on her knees for support. "Are you-" He paused. It was Nightmare. "Mari!" Without a second notation, he helped her out and sat her on the bench, fawning over her with great concern. Her dress was fine, on the other hand. Just a few loose threads, but her skin and hair had petals and thorns that made her bleed and wince with pain.

"Oh, Mari... I am so... So... So... Sorry." He looked at her apologetically and had an expression that asked for permission to help. Mari nodded quickly. "Y-yeah," she moaned. Her voice cracked with tears.  Nightmare gently grasped her forearm and plucked out the thorns gently but swiftly with his index finger and thumb. With every thorn, a small cry escaped. He winced at her pain.

Once he had finished with the thorns and petals, he eyed the minor scratches, blood, and ratted hair. He then smirked. "You're a mess, Stingbum." He joked. She lightly punched his arm. "Blighter." She giggled. She then wiped her tears with the palm of her hand. 

"I could get a brush or something if you like." He asked while pulling her hair teasingly. "Hey!" She whined then stood up, deeply offended. He laughed at her girlish reaction. "Your such a baby." She rolled her eyes. "Yeah, and you're no different. Don't think I didn't notice you mothering me." she retorted.

Now, Nightmare stood up. He clenched his fists. "Did not!" "Did too!" She stuck out her tongue. "You're such a schoolboy, Nightmare." Now he rolled his eyes. "You know, Luna is awaiting the taste of your blood." This 'joke' went too far. "L-... The dog? You're going to send that beast on me for teasing you?" She took a step back. 

"Mari, your so gullible. Why in the King's name would I do that?" Nightmare wasn't scolding her; his voice became gentle and hurt. Mari hesitated. "I deeply apologise. I was a little cocky... And maybe... Gullible... As you say." She curtsied with her head bowed, then pulled up her head with a smirk. She got out of her position, tagged Nightmare, and ran yelling, "Try to catch me, Blighter!" She giggled and ran towards a tree filled with apples of odd colours. Nightmare yelled out and ran after her laughing along. "Just you watch, Duchess Stingbum!"

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