Loud Heroes: Dawn of Injustice

By HealerRaphael1201

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An AU Loud Heroes fanfic set years from the future. Loud House is owned by Nickelodeon. Loud Heroes belong to... More

Dawn of Injustice: Prologus
Dawn of Injustice Ch. 1 (Savitara the Angel of Motion)
Dawn of Injustice Ch. 2 (Savitara: Angel's Dream or Fall?)
Dawn of Injustice Ch. 3 (Gemini Girl: Fates Intertwined)
Dawn of Injustice Ch. 4 (Gemini Girl: Love Who Know Loneliness)
Dawn of Injustice Ch. 5 (Thunderdrum: Power of SHAZAM!)
Dawn of Injustice Ch. 6 (Thunderdrum: Total Eclipse of the Heart)
Dawn of Injustice Ch. 7 (Mystica: Into the Inferno)
Dawn of Injustice Ch. 8 (Mystica: Unveiling Mysteries)
Dawn of Injustice Ch. 9 (Power Girl: The Omega and The Alpha)
Dawn of Injustice Ch. 10 (Power Girl: You Are a Pirate)
Dawn of Injustice Ch. 11 (Deathfrost: Reaper's Return)
Dawn of Injustice Ch. 12 (Deathfrost: Life After Death)
Dawn of Injustice Ch. 13 (Huntress: Nature's Call)
Dawn of Injustice Ch. 14 (Crystal Queen: Rival's Help)
Dawn of Injustice Ch. 15 (Huntress and Crystal Queen: Office of Reminiscence)
Dawn of Injustice Ch. 16 (Omniscience: Paranoid Grid)
Dawn of Injustice Ch. 17 (Omniscience: Yod Beth)
Dawn of Injustice Ch. 19 (Phoenix King: Ragnarok)
Dawn of Injustice Ch. 20 (Phoenix King: Dawn of Injustice 1 - Godspeed)
Dawn of Injustice Ch. 21 (Phoenix King: Dawn of Injustice 2 - Irate's Remorse)
Dawn of Injustice Ch. 22 (Phoenix King: Dawn of Injustice 3 - Cruel Sun)
Dawn of Injustice Ch. 23 (Phoenix King: Dawn of Injustice 4 - Wild Hunt)
Dawn of Injustice Ch. 24 (Phoenix King: Dawn of Injustice 5 - Green Inferno)
Dawn of Injustice Ch. 25 (Phoenix King - Dusk to Dawn)
Dawn of Injustice Finale + Epilogus (Those Who Carry On) (CREATION END)
Lincoln Secret Reports
Dawn of Injustice Neutral End
Other Secret Reports
Dawn of Injustice Destruction End
Dawn of Injustice: Return of the Mavericks Trailer
Return of the Maverick Trailer 2

Dawn of Injustice Ch. 18 (Ivygirl: Green Guardian)

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By HealerRaphael1201

Loud Heroes: Dawn of Injustice Ch. 18 (Ivygirl: Green Guardian)

Last but not the least of all members of the old L-Crew and currently guardian of all that is nature's bounty is the one and only Ivygirl: Lily Loud [formerly: Greenthumb]. It is unknown whether she has a family of her own but she did have a brotherhood of Edenian Guardians. Those are people sworn to protect whatever is left of nature like Artemis who is also a member of Scarlet Arrows, Trent a forest fairy with a heart of a Lion, Gaia Mater[aka. Mother Nature]: a dryad and Trent's mother, and Sagan: A Djinn spirit.

Event: Before the pirate undead invasion; Lola, Lana and Soothsayer are training to fight incoming threats. When Soothsayer had a vision of an incoming invaders, Trent and Gaia hold them of until Lily deploys from the safe haven, a glen in the forest where the Chang family and young Casagrande brothers[Carlito and Carlino] are found. With their grandparents are gone and the mercado inherited by Bobby Santiago Jr. along Ronnie Loud, the other Casagrande went their separate ways so the boys are left in the care of Chang family.

Lily took Soothsayers premonition and headed to the location, near the eastern suburbs. It was a horde of Nightmares much smaller in size but still a threat to wildlife. Varying from rats and the rest of the Chinese Zodiac but they all have one thing in common, They eat, they burn and they wreck all that is within their sights.

Ivygirl: Times like this that I still wish you were here brother. But now is not the time to contemplate, it's time for aggression.

Lily then aided Trent and Gaia from eradicating the small fry. It was like a flower garden burned by these pestilence.

Trent: Thank goodness you are here.

Ivygirl: What's the stats?

Gaia: Several thousands of these thing. From small to medium in sizes. Oh and [steps on a serpent as it dies into ashes] what out for these thing. Their venom will make you feel like burning until you die from their toxins.

Ivygirl: It's a good thing we haven't seen...

A giant dragon-like Nightmare appears as it looks like it is ready to roar and blow its flames.

Gaia: That.

Trent: Do you have to jinx it, mom!

Ivygirl: And that makes the 12 Chinese zodiac.

Helga: Worried, little one?

Ivygirl: Nope, I got this. Plus this is a great time to use this. [summons a pillar of trees and from within it a spear. Lily then took out the spear and readies her battle stance.] Thank you, Sagan.

Gaia: Ready?

Trent: Charge!!!

Gaia and Trent made bamboo spikes from the ground to impale the little adversaries. The small ones are persistent as they tend to run away from danger. Lily use the trees as a lift as she creates a vine strong enough as bow string.

Ivygirl: Spikes rain down. [With her spear and vines attached creating a makeshift bow, she fired a series of wood spikes aimed at the small enemies. With this, she eliminated most of the enemies.]

Trent: We have to kill that dragon. It's making a forest fire.

The dragon roar as it flies to the sky and blows a wave of flames that incinerated some trees. This attack caused a forest fire that could spread across the forest and the suburbs.

Ivygirl: Handle the small ones, I'll get the large boss.

Lily then made a wood slingshot to sling herself to the monstrous beast. As the vines ascend her to the dragon's back, she readies to impale the monster's back.

Ivygirl: Suck on this!

Lily dashes downwards as she thrust her spear into the dragon's back. She then uses this as an advantage to plant seeds into the monster and damage it with plants.

Ivygirl: I'm gonna need a little help here.

Lily then left the spear impaled into the dragon Nightmare as she summoned a Wood Forest Golem and rode its head.

Ivygirl: Charge!!

The golem charges as the dragon charges as well and chomped the golem's belly. This shaken Lily and the summoned golem.

Ivygirl: Don't you dare...

The dragon then blows fire and damaged the forest golem but in retaliation the golem smacked the dragon's head with a hammerfist strike. The dragon let go of the golem and got launched into the air with an uppercut. Lily let the giant guardian rest as she put out the fires before recuperating.

Ivygirl: I have to finish this quickly.

The dragon recovers from the blow and charges at Lily. But instead of getting attacked, she was rescued by a girl as the dragon took as massive blow from a flame-energy projectile.

Lita Rochelle Loud/Firesurge: Hey Aunt Lily!!

Ivygirl: Lita? You shouldn't be here.

Lita/Firesurge: Well, dad said "I couldn't let my baby sister get anymore hurt" so I volunteered.

Ivygirl: Darn it, Lincoln. Tell him I'm not a baby anymore!

Lita/Firesurge: Tell that to him personally. First, we need to stop this thing.

Ivygirl: Fine, but stay in my plan. Fire is the enemy of nature so I don't want you causing any trouble.

Lita/Firesurge: Sure, Aunt Lily. Let's take this diablo down!!

Lily was able to aid her summoned golem while Lita distracts the monstrosity. Lita notices a spear that is impaled into the back of the beast.

Lita/Firesurge: Auntie, what's that!?

Ivygirl: It's my spear, and it's stuck. That thing is to shaky for me to kill.

Lita/Firesurge: Then let's put it to sleep. [She then fires energy blasts and hits the eyes of the dragon]

With the golem's assistance and Lita distracting the beast, Lily then snares the dragon and prepares to hold the spear from its back.

Ivygirl: You're done!! [Lily then summoned multiple wood spikes from the flesh of the Nightmare and damages the monster until it dies. The remains of the monster then becomes ashes as plants continue to sprout from it.]

Lita: That should do it!

???: Nice work you two.

Two figures showed up, a woman and Candyman himself.

Candyman: I figured the panic came from here. And now with the pests are out we can do our business here. Right, Sharon?

The figure reveals herself as Sharon DeMonet aka. Payback.

Payback: Couldn't say it better than myself!

Ivygirl: Wait, you died long ago... How many Lazarus Virus are there.

Payback: Plenty more, darling but that's not why we are here.

Lita/Firesurge: Then what do you want?

Payback: Simple, first to draw out the man who burned me alive. But I suppose his daughter will have to make do. Second, I was gonna be the richest girl alive and make my own governance. They'll all bow down to me. After all, money is life.

Lita/Firesurge: Ha! My mother taught me that money is replaceable. And the love for money is the seed and root of evil. My dad made the right choice on taking you down.

Payback: Why you obnoxious brat!!

Candyman: Calm down, Sharon. [gives a candy] Here have a boost!

The both consumed the drug infused candy and boosted their capability. Lily knew that it's going to take a few hours before they'd be exhausted but it wouldn't stop them from wrecking the rest of the forest life just to harvest the leaves and make cash out of it. Lily knew her brother stopped them from doing so as a way to balance the nature.

Ivygirl: I'm not going down without a fight. The forests needs to stay, for they are one of Earth's Finest Gifts.

Payback: And that is why we are taking it from you. [Throws bills with sharpness like steel blade.]

Lita and Willy fought as Lily deals with Sharon. With proper control, Sharon hovers her bills into paper blades while Lily summons a binding vine. Snared by the plants, Sharon focuses on escaping by cutting down her binders. Lita tries her best to not uses too much firepower to avoid another forest fire.

Lita/Firesurge: Geez, para un comerciante de dulces, eres demasiado fuerte.

Candyman: Gracias, seniorita.

Lita/Firesurge: You know Spanish?

Candyman: Umm... A little? I sell candy to any children while discreetly sells all narcotics to different states including the mafia from Mexico and Colombia. What can I say, it was easy to learn.

Lily protects herself with barriers made of wood as the cash blades are launched to her in rapid succession. Lily the took her spear and transforms it into a scythe with a pinkish blade. With this she then creates a thorny field that fires razor leaves.

Payback: Whoops, so that's how it is huh. [creates wings made of dollars as she flies away from the field.]

Lily then lowers her barrier trees as the field of thorns disappears. She then summoned giant mutated roses that crates fumes.

Ivygirl: Rosenbaum Venom!! [the fumes are launched to Sharon]

Payback: That can't be good. [Sharon flapped her wings to blow the fumes away. However, the tip of her dollar wings are slightly damaged.] Acidic huh, aren't the fumes gonna destroy more plants, darling?

Ivygirl: Nope, The fumes are made to induce an acidic reaction to non-botanic organisms and materials. Fungus are an exception to this.

Payback: But money is made of leaves.

Ivygirl: And other materials which makes it targetable. Plus, they're from dead leaves so it's plant material has decomposed like papers.

Payback: Well, aren't you smart. You're not gonna call you're jelly-brained giant.

Ivygirl: Don't have to, you'll wear out soon plus, he's resting from that invasion.

Candyman: Kid's got a point. Only a couple more minutes and we're screwed!

Payback: Then we shall meet again. [retreats with Willy]

Lita/Firesurge: Hey wait!!

Ivygirl: Let them go. I think we'll meet them again someday. Right now I need a favor.

Lita: Yes, Aunt Lily?

Ivygirl: While I leave the forest to Trent and the Chang family, I need you to escort me to Lisa and see things for myself.

Lita then escorts Lily to Lisa while she's fighting Clancy and Adamborg. When they finished their opponents, they went to Solomon's data room where Lola and Lana are waiting.

Current time:

Lily: Big Brother, you have no idea how we miss you. And how infuriated we are of you!

-Chapter END-

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