Forever Yours (Stay With Me S...

By Liya_Loves_1D

7K 462 77

The countless struggles of Lily and Niall continues as distance, untold secrets and lies threaten to ruin the... More

Author's Note - 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Author's Note - 2
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Author's Note - 3
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Author's Note - 4
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Author's Note - 5
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Author's Note - 6
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Epilogue 1
Epilogue 2
Last Author's Note

Chapter 25

102 8 0
By Liya_Loves_1D

I fetched the letter that Niall gave to me from the drawer. I crawled up on the bed, and stretched my legs before unfolding the piece of paper, and reading it. The lines made me laugh while my mind was still drowned in a sea of thoughts. It has been three days since I saw someone named “Samantha” in Niall’s call list. Not that I was a clingy girlfriend who would get crazy at a girl calling  up her boyfriend, but the fact that he lied to cover up being called 10 times by her, worried me immensely. I didn’t want to doubt his feelings for me, it was too big a thought, but I couldn’t help being anxious and nosy.

My eyes moved over the line where Niall suggested me to read the letter whenever I doubt his feelings for me. I knew I trust him, and I knew he wouldn’t do anything to hurt me, but what if I get backstabbed?

I shook my head, brushing aside all the skepticism. I kissed the letter, and climbed down the bed to put it back inside the drawer.

Niall was off at Aryan’s place to finally have their FIFA game session with Aryan’s cousins. I was going to leave for Airport in a few minutes to see Rita off who was traveling to Bangalore with her brother. I changed into a pair of stripped blue jeans, and red tee before combing my hair, and taking my bag. On walking outside into the sitting area, I took a glimpse of the wall-clock, and found out that it was 8.10 Pm. I hurriedly rushed out of the apartment, grabbing my mobile and home-keys from the kitchen counter. Kumar flashed me a broad smile, peeking from the newspaper that he held before him. Fortunately, I found a cab right away, and boarded it before instructing him to take me to airport.

As the cab-driver took twists and turn through the alleys, escaping the busy streets I pondered upon Samantha. I didn’t want to go crazy, and I understood that my mind would explode if I think once again, but I was helpless. I had no one else in my life other than Niall. He was the sole reason of my existence, and the sole reason of my happiness. All that I’ve been putting up with for over a year was only for him. I couldn’t imagine a life without him.

Maybe it was just office pressure that he didn’t want to involve me. Maybe she is just a part of his past that he is trying to deal with.

“Arrrgghhhh, stop it!” I closed my ears, blocking them from taking in any unwanted thoughts.

I reached airport sharp at 9.30 Pm, fighting the crazy traffic jam of Calcutta. Paying the fare, I galloped my way through an enormous crowd. Rita told me to wait near the entrance however I didn’t see a sign of her at the juncture of the entrance. Just when I was about to dial her number, I spotted her walking towards me with a cup of coffee in her hand, and her brother.

“Heyyyyyy,” we said to each other, and hugged tightly.

“You look awesome,” Rita ran her eyes all over me, and smiled.

“Thank you, so do you,” I smiled back.

“I knew you would get late hene, I took my boarding pass from before.”

“I’m sorry, was stuck up in office-work.”

“Where’s Niall?” she looked around me.

I rolled my eyes before retorting, “He has gone to Aryan’s place to play FIFA with him and his cousins.”

“That’s great. He is gelling with your friends.”

“That he is,” I nodded. “Anyway, where are you gonna live in Bangalore?”

“I’ll stay as a paying guest until I find a place to rent,” she took a sip from her coffee.

“Nice, is the office close to where you’ll stay as a paying guest?”

“Yeah, just ten minutes walking distance.”

I opened my mouth to say something when my mobile rang, flashing Niall’s number.

“Hello,” I said.

“Is she gone?” he asked, panting.

“Nope, you wanna talk to her?”

“Yeah, give the phone to her.”

“Wait a second,” I handed the mobile to Rita mouthing that it’s Niall. She smiled and put the mobile on her ear.

As they talked to each other, I had a chat session with Rita’s brother. I cracked some jokes that I learnt from Niall, making the little man burst into laughter.

“Hey, he wants to talk to you,” Rita stretched his hand towards me, after a few minutes.

I nodded and grabbed it, before putting it back on my ear. “Are you home already?”

“Yeah, just taking off from Aryan’s place now. Will reach in a few minutes.”

“How was the game session?”

“Great. Aryan has to be my long lost twin brother. I love the guy.”

“Alright, control your emotions,” I laughed, throwing my head back.

“When shall I expect you?”

“Around 11.30 pm.”                       

“Come safely.”

“Yes,” I smiled.

“Love you, bye.”

“Love you too, bye,” I said s we both hung up.

“Lily, I’ve to…..” I cut her.

“I’ve a problem,” I said, out of the blue drawing befuddled looks from Rita.


I informed to her about Samantha, and all that I’ve been feeling. A kind of huge stone fell off of my shoulders. I deeply looked at her eyes, waiting for a positive reply.

“Lily, you’re over thinking. Of course, he is not cheating on you. Are you forgetting what all he did for you? He has left his whole life in Manchester, and come here just to be with you. Don’t be a stupid to suspect him. It must be something stupid,” she kept her soft hand on my left cheek, and smiled.

“Hmm, you’re right. He loves me,” I smiled back.

“Of course, he does.”

“Thank you.”

“Anytime,” she replied, and hugged me. “Call me, and do pay me a visit whenever you’re in Bangalore.”

“Sure, love you,” I said, pulling away.

“Love you too,” she kissed on my cheek.

I hugged her brother as well before they turned around, and walked towards the entrance. I waved at them until they erased from my sight. Taking a deep breath, I turned on my heel and walked out of the airport. I boarded a cab, and instructed it to take me to Camac Street.

Anyway, it was 11.15 Pm when I reached home. I rang the doorbell twice, and Niall opened it soon.

“Hi,” he said.

“Hi,” I walked in with drooped shoulders before opening my shoes, and keeping them on the shoe-rack.

“Sad?” he asked, following me on the couch.

“Very. She has been with me through so much, I’ll miss her terribly.”

“It’s okay, life is tough. We’ve to move on,” he rubbed circles on my back.

“Hmm,” I kept my head on his shoulder, hearing his loud heartbeats even from there. “At least, I have you.”

“Forever” he smiled, and kissed on my forehead. “I’ve made pasta with barbeque sauce.”

“Wow, aren’t you the sweetest boyfriend or what?” I hugged him tightly.

“I am,” he retorted in the crook of my neck.

We pulled away soon, and I hurried to our room. I fetched a blue colored shorts and a red tank top from the wardrobe on my way to the bathroom. I took a nice shower, and changed into the robes before running to the kitchen.

Niall started laughing seeing me. “What? I’m hungry,” I said, trying to defend my motive.

“Come sit,” he pulled one chair for me, and I happily sat with a big smile spread across my lips.

Niall placed two plates filled with appetizing pasta breathing out beautiful aroma of barbeque sauce. I dived into it and made unbroken “Mmmm” noises as Niall laughed at me constantly. For the rest of the dinner, he described me in details what all he “exactly” did at Aryan’s place, and how “cool” his cousins are as well. I felt really happy seeing him get along with my friend like I get along with his.

“So, you’re no more envious of Aryan?” I asked, taking the last bite of my pasta.

“Nope, I think he is a nice friend,” he smiled, closing his eyes briefly. I smiled and nodded.

“By the way, when does your shoot start?”

“The script has been given final approval by Rohit, and the clients are also happy with it. The actors, and actresses are all small time struggling ones this time hence, I don’t think there will be any ego clash. I just hope now that the shoot goes smoothly.”

“It starts from Monday, right?”

“No, baby. Tomorrow. Ends on Monday.”

“You’ll have to work on Sunday too?” his eyes widened.

“Ahh haa, sadly yes,” I made a crying face. He copied me as I smiled, pulling his cheeks.

We left the dining table, and I washed all the utensils. The wall-clock showed that it was sharp midnight. After fifteen minutes, when I finished washing the utensils and dishes, I turned around to see where Niall is. The television was off, and so was the light of the sitting area. I looked around for him with furrowed eye-brows.

“Niall?” I called out loud.

No response.

“Niall? Where are you?” I called out again.

Yet no response.

I went back to the kitchen, and took a water bottle before turning off the light and entering our bedroom. It was then that I heard whispers from inside the bathroom. My eyes widened, and brows stayed furrowed thinking the reason as to why Niall is talking secretly. I knocked on the door saying, “Niall? What are you doing?”

“Ahhmm….yeah, give me a second. Coming,” he replied hastily with a shaky voice.

I waited outside trying to decipher what on Jesus’s name was happening. Niall came out quickly, looking ever so sweaty. His eyes bored repentance of some sort that bewildered me. I put my hands on the sides of his shoulders, and asked, “Is everything alright, honey?”

He swallowed, and retorted, “Yeah.”

“You don’t look like that.”

“It’s just office pressure. Boss is driving me crazy with demands after demands, nothing else.”

“Are you sure? If there is something else, please tell me. I can help you,” I circled my arms around his neck.

He looked into my eyes for quite awhile before shaking his head saying, “No, there is nothing to worry about.” And kissed on my lips.

“Okay,” I put up a fake grin.

“I’ve a meeting tomorrow and hell lot of office work. I’m sleepy.”

“Yeah, even I’m. I’ve to reach office early tomorrow morning for the shoot.”

“Let’s sleep then,” I nodded at his suggestion.

We climbed up on the bed after Niall turned the lights off, and I turned the table-lamps on.

“Don’t you wanna come to see the shoot?” I inquired.

“I don’t think I can. Office is being really rough now,” he looked into my eyes again.

I paused for a few seconds, and said, “It’s okay, I understand.”


“Night,” I responded as we put off the lamps on the respective sides.

He rolled over, and put the comforter over us. My breathing accelerated and I knew that I couldn’t sleep until I figure out what’s going on. I detested the idea of checking his mobile behind his back, but I had to. The curiosity was killing me entirely, and also I felt I should know as Niall’s girlfriend.

I crawled down the bed, as my feet touched the cold of the floors. The coldness provided an unusual solace to my entirety. The room in fact the whole apartment was pitching dark. From my knowledge of staying in the house for several months, I strolled around the bed and made my way towards Niall’s side of the bed. On turning the table-lamp, I caught the glimpse of his face. He was fast asleep, looking naïve and vulnerable like always. My breathing calmed, and body felt numb. Suddenly, checking on his phone felt so wrong. Suddenly, doubting on him felt so wrong.

How could I forget it is that Niall who helped me find the lost meaning of my life? How could I forget it is that Niall who taught me how to smile? How could I forget it is that Niall who saved my ripped apart heart? How could I forget it is that Niall who I love unconditionally?

I closed my eyes, and buried my head in my palm, resting the elbow on the edge of bed. I swallowed, and decided to shove aside these frivolous thoughts. Just then his mobile vibrated signaling the arrival of a new text message. And as much bitter a truth it was, the message was from Samantha. My heart crumbled into innumerable pieces as I collapsed on the floor. With trembling hands, and a dry mouth I grappled the mobile, and unlocked the screen to read the message.

“It’s not about the time span, it’s about the connection. For once, listen to your heart, Niall. Please.”

My lips parted, and chest moved outward and inward due to speedy breathing. I went to his inbox, and found no conversation with her, but his call list had 8 calls from her since evening. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t cease a cloud of fear being formed in my heart.

What the hell is this happening? What is Niall up to? Who is she?

As the questions reverberated in my mind, I could see my vision getting blurry with warm tears welling up.

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