Baby Mikaelson

By bih0e08

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Kol Mikaelson is a sarcastic, psychotic, and murderous, but one day he finds a baby after feeding, and he rai... More

Before you read
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 Part 1
Chapter 13 Part 2
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 11

1.3K 15 1
By bih0e08

Kol's Pov
"She doesn't like me," Davina said after Luna walked out the room. "Yes she does," I said turning to her. "No she doesn't, you see how the way she talked to me and the way she stared," She said said plopping down on the couch in my room. 

"She will warm up to you," I said. "Are you sure?" She asked. I nodded. "She has probably ran to my sister and I know my sister convinced her to like you," I said sitting next to her wrapping an arm around her. "Ok," she said. 

"Now I need to get ready so I can save my brother from my retched mother," I said standing up and walking to my closet. I pulled out a blue t-shirt with some dark blue jeans. "I need your help, I need you to do a locator spell my brother," I said to Davina. 

She nodded and pulled out a map of New Orleans, "I need your blood," she said. I bit my wrist and let the blood spill onto the map. "Phasmatos tribum, nas ex veras sequtias sanguinem," she chanted. The blood moved to the Lafayette cemetery. 

I kissed Davina on the cheek and ran to Rebekah's room. I walked in and saw her sitting on her bed, "I found our brother," I said. She stood up and walked over to me, "What about Luna?" she asked. "I will drop her off at Marcel's." She nodded and walked toward the stairs. 

I headed to Luna's room. I knocked on her door and heard say come in, I opened the door to see her sitting at her desk reading. "Luna it's time to go," I said to her. She nodded and grab the book she was reading and walked out the room. 

We pulled up to Marcel's, "Bekah stay here while I take Luna," she nodded. Me and Luna walked into Marcel's loft to see him sitting on the couch, he got up from his spot once he noticed us, "Well this is the littlest Mikaelson, I'm Marcel," he said walking over to us. 

"I'm Luna," Luna said holding out her hand and he shook it. "Ok Luna, I will be back to come and get you tomorrow morning and I'll be back no later than 11 and if not stay here with Marcel until one of your aunts or uncles come and get you," I said to her grabbing her shoulders.

"Ok, be safe," she said embracing me with a hug. "I always am, see you tomorrow," I said and walked out the loft.  I walked back to the car where Rebekah was waiting. I hopped in the car and turned to my sister, "Lets go save our brother," With that I started the car and drove off. 

We arrived at the cemetery. We walked toward the small building that was there assuming that's where  my mother was hiding him but we were stopped by a boundary spell which sucked because that was going to take a little more time.

I texted Elijah telling him to keep them a little while longer. Good thing I texted Davina to meet us there because she arrived and she will be able to get rid of the spell. "Davina thank god your here we need you take down this boundary spell," Rebekah said spotting her. 

"Ok, but I might not be able to hold for long so you got to hurry." We nodded and she start to chant the spell for us to get through. Rebekah put her hand through to see if it worked and it did. We walked in and seen our brother chained up sweating. 

This is the first time I seen him defenseless, it was sad. Me and Rebekah walked over to him to release him. We grabbed the chains to undo them but when we touched it, it burned us. It must be laced with Vervain. "She knew we would try and come here," I said. 

"You guys need to hurry I can't hold it any longer," Davina said. We undid the chains, hissing in pain, and grabbed Nik and sped out of there.

Luna's Pov 

I sat on Marcel's couch reading my book. I felt him staring at me so I looked up from book to look at him, "Can I help you?" I asked smartly. "Sorry, it's just I'm curious about you," He answered. "Well your curious about me, ask," I said putting my book down. 

"Ok, well, had does your dad have a kid when vampires can't procreate?" He asked. "My dad found me in an alley in a box crying and he couldn't just leave me there so he took me home and cared for me as his own," I answered. 

My Dad had told me I was adopted when I turned 13, he told me so just in case some one took me and told me that I was, I wouldn't be mad at him. "Where did Kol get your name from because I never heard of Luna?"

He asked leaning back in his seat. "I don't know where he got my name from, but it means moon," I responded. He nodded in understanding. "It that all?" I asked crossing my arms and leaning back in seat. 

"No, how do you deal with all the drama that is your family?" He asked leaning forward and his elbows on his knees. "I don't, because I don't how to deal with it, my dad tells me things but I don't know how to process them. I just want to be a normal kid to be honest." I said. 

"The only time that happened is when we had moved to Mystic Falls and I was 5 my dad and aunt had sent me to school, I had friends, I had a best friend, her name was Ashley we always hung out, she was my first ever real friend and when we had to move back to New Orleans I was sad because I had to leave my best friend and I didn't want to," I finished thinking about my time in Mystic Falls. 

I missed it sometimes because that's the only place that was drama free and I had a normal life. "Well that's sad," Marcel with concern on his face., "Does your family know this?" He asked. "No, they never knew about Ashley, I used to disappear for hours to go over her house," I answered. 

Tears came to my eyes thinking about my best friend, the day we left I cried, my family just thought it's because I grew attach to that town but no it was because I was leaving one of the people who meant most to me. 


Me and Ashley were at lunch talking I hadn't told I was leaving yet, even though I was leaving in two days. "So Luna I heard Jake likes you," Ashley said smiling. Jake was my crush, he had dark hair, he had brown eyes, and he was taller than me. "Really?" I asked. 

"Yes, and sometimes when we're walking past him in the hallways I see how he looks at you," she answered, wiggling her eyebrows. I laughed. She looks over with a shock look. I turn my head to see what she was looking at and I saw Jake walking over to our table. 

"Hey, Luna, Can I talk to you real quick?" He asked. "Well I will leave you two alone," Ashley said getting up and leaving. Jake sat down in Ashley's seat. "What do want talk about?" I asked. "Well, I like you Luna, I think your really pretty and I was hoping you will like to go out?" He asked. 

"I would, and I like you too but  I'm moving in two days and I don't want to be with for two days I don't think that's right but if I wasn't I would have totally said yes," I said giving him a sad smile. He nodded in understanding.

"It's fine at least I knew you like me back before you left," He said getting up and leaving. Ashley sat back at the table with a excited face, I knew she wanted to know what happened. "So?" she asked. 

"Well he said he liked me and I told him I liked him back. And then he asked me to go out but I said no," I said in one breathe. Her face went into shock. "Why?" She asked. I took a deep breathe, I knew it was time I tell her. 

"So you know how I told when I moved from Louisiana?" I asked, she nodded her head. "Well in two days I'm going back," I said. Her face turned from shocked to sad because I was leaving. "I know I was sad when my dad told me that we were leaving and I was dreading telling you, and if I could stay I would or if I could pack you up and take me with you I would but I can't and I would miss you so much because you were my best friend since preschool," I said grabbing her hands. 

"I can't believe your leaving, I don't know want what I would do without, who will I tell all my problems to? Who am I going to look forward to see everyday? Who will I cry to?" She said. "You can make new friends and one day maybe you can come to New Orleans and see me, but for now you have to make new friends and I know you can do," I said. 

"I'm going to miss you," she said with tears coming to her eyes. "I'm going to miss you to, but I'm not going anywhere yet, we will spend these last two days together up until the last second," I said still holding her hand and tears coming to my eyes. 

End of Flashback

Marcel pulled me into a hug because I was crying of the memory of Ashley. I hope one day I can see her again and I wish I could introduce my dad and her because he would have loved her. I pulled away from the hug. Marcel wasn't all that bad as my family made out to seem. 

"Thanks," I said wiping my tears. "No problem, I may not have left someone that I loved, but I know how it feels to be left by someone you love," He said. "Who left you?" I asked. "Your family, in 1919 your grandfather had came and burned down this city and I was left by your family when this city was burning to the ground." 

I was surprised they rarely talked about what happened before I was born. "I'm sorry that happened to you," I said. "It's fine, if they didn't leave I wouldn't have been King of New Orleans," He said with a smile. "Your a good person Marcel, your not has bad as I thought," I said

"I'm glad, and maybe one day you will see your friend one day," he said. "Maybe, well I'm tired, do you have anywhere I can sleep?" I asked. He nodded he directed to extra bedroom he had. I thanked him and brushed my teeth and changed into my pajamas and went to sleep.


I hoped you enjoyed the chapter. I wrote my first flashback. We learned that Luna had a friend before she moved back to New Orleans. And also Klaus was saved. I enjoyed writing this chapter very much and Luna also made a friend out of Marcel. YAY. But I really liked this chapter. Also there will be a surprise in the next chapter I can't tell you what it is though, so your going to have to  wait till the next chapter. I hope you have a good day and good night. BYE. 

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