Veils of Storm

By Wimbug

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FREE STORY (with paid bonus content) Kingdom politics are a complicated matter, especially for Kat Devieux wh... More

A Brief History of Kingdom Politics
The Curse
Author's Note
Letters #1
1. The Uselessness of Palace Guards
2. The Wonderous Life of a Socialite
3. Magic and Idiots
5. Monsters Lurking
6. Run, Kat, Run
7. Fields of Flowers
8. Valona Port
9. The Jolly Marauder
10. Travel by Sea
11. Ballad of the Witch King
12. Sword and Magic
13. Alathea
14. Magic's Hold
15. The Coast of Endir
16. Yarik
17. Leila
18. Peace of Mind
19. Storm Coming
20. Magical Luck
21. Broken Legacies
22. Threats Within
23. Sea Monsters
24. Here's to Us
25. Surrender
26. Conflagration
27. Jealousy
28. Real Magic
29. Den of the Wolf
30. The Wolf Himself
31. Become the Beast
32. No Escape
33. Pain
34. Vortex
35. Fate's Plans
36. The Truth Behind the Madness
37. Betrayal
38. The Heir
39. Coup D'etat
The Fairy's Gambit Series

4. Secrets of the Veil

408 36 215
By Wimbug

Kat kept pacing the length of the room, fighting the unease inside her. Cage had been gone for hours. Where was he? What if something had happened to him? Cecile was dangerous, after all. What if she decided to curse him again? Or hurt him?

In a flurry, she pushed the door to her chamber open, determined to go down into the hall and check if he'd come back. It was unlikely. He would have come see her first thing, if only to dim the pain in his chest, a pain she shared and which consumed her.

"This is so annoying," she muttered, lingering in the threshold.

The sound of people milling about downstairs put her off, so she entered in her room again, and resumed her pacing. Now, she could check the hallway every time she turned or glanced in the mirror, just in case Cage showed up. But what if he wouldn't?

The pain inside her chest intensified before disappearing completely and causing a lightheadedness that unsettled her. But before her mind could catch up, her heart fluttered and she knew that to mean Cage was back.

Except when she turned towards the door, a scream died in her throat. There was a strange man standing there. Squat, with muddy hair and eyes, a broad face and squished nose, he just grinned at her as if he found her amusing.

Kat backed away, her hand reaching behind herself, towards her vanity where she was sure she'd find something to stab him with if need be. "Who are you and what are you doing here?"

The stranger just tilted his head, the amusement on his face only increasing. The lines on his face, around his mouth, made her uneasy. They were so deep, they looked like scars.

"Don't be scared, Kit-Kat."

His words made her jump. The voice was croaky and a little wheezy at the same time, as if his throat had been injured at some point and never recovered. But it wasn't that which had startled her, but the nickname he used.

"Why did you call me that?"

The man merely stared, the amusement turning into anticipation, as if he expected her to recognize him. It was foolish and insane. She had never seen that man before in her life, and yet her hear continued to thump in a very familiar way. The heat in her chest, the way he watched her even if everything about him was wrong. Why would it be wrong in the first place? What was she expecting to see? Her stomach fluttered as an answer.

"Cage?" she asked, her voice shaky.

The man grinned. "There you go."

"But how?" And why? Had Cecile decided he no longer deserved to be handsome? Sure, she'd love him either way, but the change was disheartening.

He moved forward and she scurried away. Maybe he was lying and was some assassin. But the stranger who was supposedly her fiancé stopped in front of the mirror and made a face.

"Well, this is unpleasant. She could have at least kept my height."

"Wha--?" She had no idea what to ask anymore. "Is this permanent?"

"Tsk, tsk, sweetheart. Wouldn't you love me if I looked like this?"

"Do you hear your voice?"

"No, but good thing that changes, too." He focused on her again, the grin back on his face. "So no love for the ugly frog man?"

She didn't want to answer that because it hurt her to admit that it would take a lot of getting used to.

"I'm just kidding." He fumbled with something invisible around his waist, and in the blink of an eye, he was back to being her Cage, tall and too handsome to be true. "See? Still me."

She could breathe properly again, so she threw herself in his arms. "Oh, thank the gods." 

He hugged her back, running his hands up and down her back, obviously aware of the unease inside her. "You have to admit it's a good disguise."

"Yes, yes it is." She pulled back, finally at ease enough to focus on the other part of this discovery. "How do you do it?"

"With this." He held up something that looked like a glittering silver scarf. The texture of the material looked like storm clouds, the shades of shining grey on it shifting and changing. "I have one for you, too." He threw the veil-like thing over his shoulder and took out a smaller one.

Despite her rational side which recognized the usefulness and ingenuity of the disguise, she stepped back. "Where exactly did you get these?"

Cage hesitated for the fraction of a second, but then his easy smile returned. "We do have help."


He actually flinched. "Yeah." His tone indicated he really didn't want to get into it.

A flare of jealousy overtook her, and she instantly wanted to throw the veils into the fireplace and watch them burn.

Burn down the world.

The voices came so unexpectedly, she almost screamed.

"Are you okay?" Cage took a step towards her. "I know it's not ideal, but she does want something from me."

"What exactly?" Her voice still held a tremor, but she was so on edge, she couldn't control it.

"She wouldn't say for now."

"That's preposterous! She's just using it as an excuse to see you!"


"I don't want you to be around her anymore. She's dangerous!"

"I know she's dangerous." His tone caught the commanding edge and silenced her immediately. "That's why it's in our best interest not to piss her off."

"Not to... what?"

"Upset her." Cage groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Not to upset her. Don't be jealous, Kat. It's not like I'm going anywhere. I would literally die."

"That's the thing! I don't want you to be with me because you would die if you're not." The conversation only fueled her insecurities as she watched him, the focus on his face, the straightness and certainty in his posture.

He was a true prince, a king. And who was she? Just a peasant girl who had stumbled into his castle. She wasn't an Annorian princess. She was no body.

"Kat." His tone was strained for some reason and it just escalated the unease already inside her. "You know it's not like that. I was in love with you before Cecile's newest curse."

His words eased her mind a little, but she still felt tense and nauseous. At least they'd be leaving and then Cecile would be a non-issue. She couldn't wait to be away from everyone and everything. Just her and Cage. And strangers, since they still needed a ship and crew.

"Will you be wearing that veil thing all the time?" The thought was very unpleasant.

He didn't seem to like it either as the corners of his mouth turned down. "Unfortunately, I'll have to. As will you."

"Why? No one knows who I am!" 

"That may be, but I'm not going to risk your safety in any way, so I'd much rather people continue not to know who you are."

With an annoyed sigh, she reached out her hand. "Okay. Let me have it then." She hated the idea of accepting Cecile's gift, but she could also see his point. Why risk it when they could not?

Without further ado, she threw the veil over her head. It felt gently, the fabric caressing her skin. And even if she'd let it drop over her face out of spite, she was shocked that she could see perfectly through it. 

Cage made a face as he glanced at her, though he didn't look nearly as disgusted as she had. With a tremble in her knees, she turned towards the mirror. A tall, skinny brunette woman stared back at her, eyes a watery grey, skin dry and papery. She didn't look too bad. Her jaw was more square and her nose thin and hooked, but otherwise... She turned to get a better look at her body. She'd never been that thin, not even when she was starving.

"This is very confusing," he said.

"Not as confusing as you."

"Your voice is much lower."

She didn't sound any different to herself, but she knew the veil changed voices. "Yours was wheezy."

"I don't like this." He stepped next to her.

Even if she knew he couldn't see it, just like she had been unable to see his, he lifted the veil off his face and ducked his head under it, too. His face brightened with a smile.

"There you are."

"Here I am," she whispered.

His lips landed over hers and she immediately wrapped her arms around his neck to keep him there and kissed him back. She loved it so much. It had always been like a balm, soothing her, making her heart soar. Now it came with the heat, with the desire to never let him go, kiss him until they could no longer breathe.

His hands fell from her face, to her shoulders, than on the sides until they grasped her hips. She wished he'd wrap them around her, pull her against him and squeeze. Instead, he pulled back.

"How do you always do that?" she mumbled, turning away and letting the veil fall back over her face.

He didn't answer, just stared at her. "Kat, I can see you."

She wheeled back. "What do you mean?"

"I mean I can see the real you, even if..." He took her hand and they both stood in front of the mirror. 

The reflection still showed the skinny brunette standing next to Cage, her eyes wide with shock. "Do you think it's just the mirror, or everyone else seeing me like this?"

"Why would the veil have lost its power?" He turned to her with a pensive air. "Let me try something."

He took his own veil from over his shoulder and draped it over his head, covering his face. Then he fumbled with it and, in a second, he was back to being the squat, ugly man.

"What exactly are you trying?"

"Come." He took her hand and she fought not to recoil. 

When he pulled her against him it was even harder. They were almost nose to nose and it felt so wrong and right at the same time. The veil fell over her head as well and the ugly little man turned back into her Cage. She couldn't keep in a smile.

"Much better."

"I think that if you allow someone under your veil, you get to see the real them."

"I think you're right and I love this." She couldn't bear it if they'd have to travel and she would be forced to look at that other man instead of Cage.

"I have to admit it is a perk. I'd rather look at you than at anyone else."

Her heart swelled at his compliment and she was completely disappointed when he pulled away and glanced around the room.

"Are you packed and ready?"

"I think so. I didn't pack many dresses. Mostly trousers and shirts and boots."

"Do get a few dresses. I don't want people staring at you for wearing pants before we get on the ship."

"Did you find a ship?"

"I found somewhere we could get one." He gave her a half-smile and headed for the door. "I'll go pack my things. I'll come get you when I'm done."

As he left the room, Kat pulled the veil off her head and stared at herself in the mirror. After all, the disguises were good. They should be safe. Everything would be alright.

Kat thought she wouldn't miss the busy castle as she left, but it turned out to be wrong. The servants, she could do without, but the moment she'd said goodbye to her papa and Kelleigh, something seemed to break inside her.

It was also the matter of missing Joey, and even Sir William and the rest of the portrait gallery. After so long spent with them, it was weird to think that Joey would no longer randomly pop up to talk to them.

She dwelled on the thought as led Lilygreen, her favorite mare, through the slush. Winter was fading away into spring and the snow had begun to melt, leaving behind dreary puddles and mud. She'd never like the transition between winter and spring.

Cage rode beside her, his stallion, Stormblack, coming a little to closer to her mare. Cage had joked that the two horses were having a secret affair, but she was really starting to believe it.

"How long until we get where we need to be?" she asked, already bored with just riding through the woods.

"It's only been a few hours, sweetheart. We barely cleared your town."

She grumbled because she knew he was right. "That took longer."

"Would you have rather rode through it to see your old flame?"

She nudged his shoulder as he laughed. "I should say yes, just to make you jealous."

Cage huffed. "Please, like I would be jealous of that sack of meat."

Sack of meat was the perfect way to describe beefy Donald of Royce, the son of the local Baron. So much was left unsaid and unresolved. After their siege on the castle, the townsfolk knew about Cage, what he looked like, that he was cursed. That he was a magic wielder.

"What if the people in town start talking?" she whispered.

"Oh, I'm certain they already have. Rumors are flying around faster than carriers can deliver letters." His tone was cheery and it confused her.

"Doesn't it bother you? What if they come for the castle again?" After her papa and Kelleigh.

"I have taken precautions. I have men infiltrated in town, calming the population whenever they get too rowdy."


He shrugged. "Magic is so taboo, it's easy to convince people that even mentioning it might still exist could lead to a hanging."

"You're threatening people?"

"No." He gave a light chuckle. "But that doesn't mean I can't plant ideas into their head. They like hear-say so much, they're basically threatening themselves."

The idea still rubbed Kat the wrong way. "So you're manipulating them."

He hummed. "I guess I am."

"Doesn't that bother you?"

"Should it?"

She didn't know how to answer that. He was once again displaying morals that were maybe justified in the greater scheme of things, but to her seemed a bit... well, evil. Even after everything that had happened, she was still naïve, maybe, but that didn't mean that her feelings on the matter changed. So she changed the subject and focused on their surroundings.

As the hours wore on, her back became stiff and her muscles ached from being on the horse. She didn't think she'd ever ridden this long, but Cage showed no signs of stopping. Of course, he had made it to Valona and back in the course of a week, probably riding at night as well. She sure hoped it wasn't the case now, but she was too afraid to ask. She didn't want to seem weak and needy.

He didn't seem to notice her plight as he kept making observations about the way in which these forests were shared by multiple owners and what rights each of them had. It would have been a fascinating administrative discourse, if only Kat wasn't so tired.

"We're stopping for the night," he said once the sun began to set beyond the trees to their left.

"Are you sure it's wise?" she asked.

He squinted at her. "You've probably been wondering about that for the past few hours at least."

"How could you tell that?" She was too tired to keep up appearances and argue.

"Kat, I'm not insane. I know you're not used to riding for so long. I'm a little surprised you didn't say something earlier."

That was a little shocking, and upsetting. "Why didn't you?"

"I want you to be assertive and speak up when you want or need something." His words were joined by a grin. "I love you and will do my best to protect you, but where we're going, you'll need to be able to hold your own."

Her cheeks caught fire. Of course. Why was she even being like this in the first place? She didn't use to have an issue speaking her mind to him, as unpleasant as it may be. But that was before she was forced to become an actual duchess, before the people and before he was more than her insufferable captor.

"Point taken," she mumbled.

Fortunately, he didn't laugh at her or tease, just hummed and continued the ride. Soon enough, lights shone between the trees, and they found themselves in a clearing, in front of a two story wooden inn. The smell of stew wafted from inside and Kat's stomach rumbled.

"You should've said you were hungry," Cage muttered, climbing off Stormblack and helping her down as well.

"Yes, I should have. Now I'm no longer hungry, I'm starving."

"Silly Kit-Kat."

"Shut up, or I'll eat your horse."

This made him laugh and it brought a smile to her face as well. Yes, they could have a lot of fun together.

The door to the inn led into the tavern which was empty save for a group of four men sitting at a corner table. The innkeeper, a round, squat man with a bald patch and thin straw-colored hair, stepped forward, wiping his massive hands on a dirty rag.

"How may I help you?" he asked.

Kat narrowed her eyes. The man's tone hadn't been rude, but not exactly welcoming either which was odd since he didn't have many customers.

"Do you have any free rooms?" Cage asked, which was weird since the place was basically empty.

The man glanced from him to her and shrugged. "We do have one more room."

"One more?" Kat asked, ready to point out that the building looked too big to be filled by six people.

"That would be great for the missus and myself," Cage cut her off. "And dinner would be lovely."

The innkeeper jotted his thumb over his shoulder. "We still have some boar stew if you're interested."

"That would be fantastic," Cage said, a trace of sarcasm in his voice. "We are wary from our travel, so if you don't mind, we'd like to see our room before we come down for dinner."

His words weren't well received. The man glanced from him to Kat as if trying to assess if they could be dangerous. They'd opted for simple clothes, and their faces were concealed by the veils, so she wasn't sure what impression they were putting out.

"Where are you traveling to?" he asked.

"Shorlington," Cage said with a shrug. "And in case that's you're next question, we're going all the way from Galata."

"I see, I see," the innkeeper said, wringing his hands. "Long travel. Very long. You must be tired. I apologize, but these woods are no longer safe."

Cage quirked an eyebrow. "Do tell."

"There are rumors of Endirians across the borders. And the damn wolves have been breeding like mad. Not to mention one of my guests swore they saw a goblin in these woods."

"Yes," Cage said gravely. "We've heard such rumors as well. Fortunately, we met no accursed creatures on the way here. Not many folks either."

"People are scared." The innkeeper leaned in conspiratorially. "Truth be told, they should be. And there aren't many people traveling about."

"Must be bad for business."

"Indeed, indeed." The man straightened. "Let me show you to your room."

As they followed him up the wooden steps, Kat tried not to look too shocked about what had just transpired. But the ease with which Cage adapted to the outside world confused her a little. She'd been cooped up in his castle for months and had lost her social graces. But for him, who'd been in there for seven years... How did he do it?

"Should I have said something?" she asked the moment the door closed and they were left to themselves.

"No. Keeping silent was very smart. As much as I don't agree with it, women are not expected to participate in such conversations." He quirked an eyebrow as he set their luggage down. "But you know that."

Yes, she used to. "I just got too used to speaking my mind."

He strode to her and took her chin between her thumb and index finger. "And I love that about you. But it's best to lay low." He planted a quick kiss on her lips and moved away, searching in his luggage.

Kat smiled and looked around. The room was small, with one bed, a dresser and a night stand. There was no table and no chairs. A thin rug covered a portion of the floor. She refocused on the bed and her heartbeat thumped against her ribs.

"There's only one bed."

"That's fine," Cage said, strapping the hilt of his sword around his waist. "I'm going to be outside anyway."

The butterflies in her stomach fizzled and died. "What?"

"I don't think this place is exactly safe. I want to take a look around and ensure everything is fine."

That made sense on some level, except they'd already taken so many precautions. "Are you sure that's necessary? No one knows who we are. We don't even look like ourselves."

He took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I will need to explain some things to you. But not now. You're hungry and exhausted, and I really don't want you to eat my horse. We'll have a nice dinner, and then you can rest.

Kat kept her grumbling to herself as she joined him back downstairs. The way he sailed through this bothered her. What bothered her more was that she'd had such high hopes of falling asleep in his arms. But he was right. She was exhausted and starving. Maybe all she needed was some rest to get her thoughts back in order.

Aaaand, we're off. Kat is a little snarky, isn't she? And she doesn't seem to like much of anything. So, that's totally not going to be a problem for later.

In the meantime, at least the plot is moving on forward with the speed of a tired horse. 

My motivation is a bit dwindling, so I hope this turned out right. Any feedback is greatly appreciated.  Vote and leave a thought for support.

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