The Billionaire's Cinderella

By adelwang

82K 3.1K 93

The hottest night in my life became a nightmare when she ran away in the middle of making out with me, and wo... More

Chapter 1 - Amber
Chapter 2 - Chase
Chapter 3 - Amber
Chapter 4 - Chase
Chapter 5 - Amber
Chapter 7 - Amber
Chapter 8 - Chase
Chapter 9 - Amber
Chapter 10 - Chase
Chapter 11 - Amber
Chapter 12 - Amber
Chapter 13 - Chase
Chapter 14 - Amber
Chapter 15 - Chase
Chapter 16 - Amber
Chapter 17 - Chase
Chapter 18 - Amber
Chapter 19 - Chase
Chapter 20 - Amber
Chapter 21 - Chase
Chapter 22 - Amber
Chapter 23 - Chase
Chapter 24 - Amber
Chapter 25 - Amber
Chapter 26 - Chase
Chapter 27 - Amber
Chapter 28 - Chase
Chapter 29 - Amber
Chapter 30 - Amber
Chapter 31 - Chase
Chapter 32 - Amber
Chapter 33 - Chase
Chapter 34 - Chase and Amber

Chapter 6 - Chase

2.3K 94 5
By adelwang

Hi, usually I will go with an app to edit my story in my laptop. But somehow my laptop acts up since new year. So I decided to post the work as it is. Sorry for all the grammatical and stupid error you will read in this chapter and until (I'm not sure when) I fixed my laptop. But I also don't want to hang you from reading Chase and Amber's story.

"So beautifulll!!!!" Lys squeals and giggles with her sister, Allison. They are looking over endless pictures of baby's clothes.

"I know, right! So confused. Everything is so beautiful!" Allison says.

"So? Why confused? Just buy all of it," Dave answers her.

Alli rolls her eyes. "Those are expensive, Dave. Let me choose one or two."

Zac raises his eyes, but his wife doesn't seem to realize that. He move his eyes to his sister in law until Lys realizes and glances up at him. They communicate something with eyes and Lys chuckles and nods once while the baby's mommy still busy with the pictures, choosing which one she really, really wants to buy.

I bet with all my trust fund from my grandparents, Zac asked Lys to send the link of that clothing's brand. He will buy all of that clothes for his son. Zac did wish for a girl, but his love for his son is so obvious. People who don't know wouldn't realize how bad he wanted a daughter to be his first kid.

"So, Mr. Fox, you still hunting on your Cinderella?" Dave asks me.

I shrug. "Not anymore."

Allison gasps and looks up at me. "You give up??"

I raise an eyebrow.

"Oh no! I'm sad now. I thought this Cinderella will be my best friend in the future." She pouts adorably.

I roll my eyes at her exaggerate. "Please, Al. I didn't say I give up, did I?" And you two are best friends already.

"Huh? Wait.. you found her????" Allison beams happily now. This pregnant woman's mood is more complicated than shit documents my employees send me every day.

"You did???" Lys asks too.

"Where?" Dave asks before I can answer his wife.

"He can't find her. But he won't admit it," my ever loving buddy, Zac, answers.

"Fuck you, Zac. I found her."

"Really? Where is she now? Decided you lame and left you? I see."

I roll my eyes and look at Allison. "Can you mute him?"

Allison laughs.

"Seriously, Fox. Where is she? If you found her, why you didn't go after her?" Dave asks.

"She doesn't know me yet. Let it comes to a surprise for her."

"So lame," Zac says. And I choose to ignore it.

"So, does it mean you and this woman is actually know each other? Not from the D&D night?" Allison asks. One more thing I love about her, she is so sharp and smart. Lucky bastard Goldreich.

Zac's phone ring. He frowns a bit and answers it.

"Must be Amber," Lys whispers to us in conspiracy. We all know Zac never picked up any work related call during his time with Allison, except if its Amber. Because Amber won't bother him unless it's emergency. She is like the filter between Zac and his works.

Amber... Amber, my Cinderella. She is here all this time.

I realized that when I touched her scar in Allison's baby shower. It's not a coincidence Amber has the same scar like my Cinderella. And her smell, her figure, her voice when she was tipsy. I did that in purpose to keep touching her like I did to her back then in D&D and her reaction were same like my Cinderella.

Goddamn it! I was so blind. She was there all the time right in front of me. It was me who stupidly didn't realize her.

And I confirmed it to Dean, not telling him about my suspicion, but I asked him to make sure he did invite Amber. He confirmed, yes Amber came to D&D.

So, it must be her. My Cinderella. And this time I promise myself I won't let her run away again. No more fucking ghosting me, Amber Lynch!

"Sure, Amber. Okay. You can put my name. I can testify for you."


"Okay. Good night." He ends the phone.

"Testify what?"

"Nah, just a stupid ex came to Amber today at GRM. I was there and helped her."

"What the fuck?"

Zac raises his eyebrow at my abrupt roar, while the others look dumbly surprised.

"What the hell! You guys think it's okay for an ex to come to her and harass her?"

"Of course not, Chase. But your reaction rather too much. I was more surprised with your reaction than with Amber's case," Allison says, with an attitude that I'm sure channeling from Zac.

"Chill, Chase," Dave says.

"No. She has a problem with her ex before. Must be the same one. That man is lunatic. Tell me you punched him, Zac. Because if not, I will go after him and beat the shit out of him."

Zac rolls his eyes. "She will put restraining order on that guy. She has enough proof. She called me to ask my permission for retrieving the CCTV in GRM. So if you beat that guy, you will be an unused hero."

"Just like a used condom," Dave whispers like a stupid devil in my ear, I decide to ignore him forever.

I exhale in annoying. "Where is she right now?

"On the way to GRM. She needs the video now so tomorrow early morning she can submit it to the judge."


Amber emerges from the back door. She still wearing her working outfit. Her face looks stressed but there is a hint of happiness in her eyes. I eye her hands. Their hugging her bag so tightly. Bet the recording is there. She types something in her phone. I know she doesn't have car and she often use public transport. But it's late. Why the hell a beautiful woman wants to risk herself using public transport? She should asked someone to drive her everywhere, in this case me!


She jumps. "Ch.. Ch.. Chase?"

"Cute, you good at mimicking a train." I chuckle.

She frowns. "Why are you here? It's late and Zac is not here."

This woman... "Yes, I know Zac is not here. And why are you here?"

"Oh.. I had something to do. But it's done."

I nod. "Let's go. I drive you home."

"What? No no.. it's okay. I can use the sub--" I cut her by taking her hand to my car. This stubborn woman. "Chase, no..."

"It's okay. I'm here anyway." I open the car's door.

"Yes, why are you here?"

"Picking you up. Get inside, woman."

"What?" She squeaks and I push her gently inside the car and close the door. I round my Lamborghini and get inside the car.

"Have you eat your dinner?"

"Um.. no..."

"Any nice restaurant near your place?"

She looks at me in confused.

"Put the restaurant name in GPS. We go there." I step on the gas.


"Chase, let me pay for the food. You already drove me here."

I chuckle and pay the bill. Of course the waiter chooses my money. I gave him tips in advance earlier when I excused myself to the toilet.

Amber sighs in desperation. Cute!

"Listen, Amber. I'm not going to let any woman pay for my food. The last time you paid me, still left a sour taste in my mouth. That was the first, and I hope the last too. And... I don't want my mom to disinherit me for being a cad man.

Amber frowns. "No. Your mom won't do that."

I chuckle. "I'm just joking. You took my joke seriously."


I finish my coke. "So, what will you do with your disturbing ex?" I ask her. She knows Zac told me about earlier unpleasant event with her ex, Johnny Johnny yes papa.

"I'm going to send this CCTV record so I can put restraining order on him."

I nod. "You have a friend who can help you with?"

She frowns. "No. Do I need one?"


"No. Do I need one?"

"Better to have one than no. Let me help you with this." I chat my cousin Sydney. She is a damn good lawyer. In a minute she confirmed she will take this pro bono case.

"Thank you, Chase. So I will meet him tomorrow?"

"Him you called is a woman. Her name is Sydney Reed."

Her eyes widen. "Your family?"

"My cousin, yes. She is beautiful and all soft with her exterior, but don't try to have a verbal judo with her. She will kill you in less than 5 minutes." I laugh.

"But.. you don't have to do that. I don't want to--." I cut her. "Just... accept it, Amber. I want to help you and I expect a grateful smile not an endless rejection from you." I lock my eyes with her.

She bites her bottom lip. It takes all of me to not groan. I did that to her back then in D&D. Goddamn it! I feel my dick twitches now.

"Thank you, Chase," she whispers.

I smile and squeeze her hand. "You'll be fine, Amber." I will protect you, Blue.


I put my car key on the table and do everything in autopilot at my home. Amber's face keeps coming to me. Today she is even more jumpy than usual. But again, she just encountered with her asshole ex. But the bigger question is... Why is she so resistant to me? But when she was in D&D she danced and kissed me back.

Damn, I still remember her curves and sexy body, even her taste.

"Damn it, Amber!!" I groan to myself, plopping myself on the couch. Is it because I'm Chase Fox and not some anonymous guy?


I check my phone. Mom.

"Hello, beautiful."

Mom laughter fill the phone. "Where are you, Chase?"

"Home. Miss your cook, though."

She giggles and that makes me chuckle too. My mom, Katherina Fox, is the happiest woman in this world I think. She is a chill mom. Far from the others mom in our social circle. But again, she comes from middle class family. Her father work for a long time for Fox Group, and later Mom got an intern job in Fox Group. That's where she met Dad. Grandpa adores her working attitude and personality. I know my grandma wasn't to fond of her back then. But my dad and grandpa love mom, and later once mom gave birth to me, Grandma's attention is all on me until now. So mom is safe. After all, I'm my grandma's favourite, besides Julianne.

"I know you forget about it."

"About what?"

"Your parents anniversary!" She whines.

"Mom, your anniversary is last month."

"Ssh! That's the elopement day. No one knows except your dad and you. Not even Brad and Belle." She laughs again. I chuckle and shake my head. Mom and dad eloped a month before the wedding reception. It was because Mom stressed out with all the wedding and Dad being a perfect fiance he was, wanted to give the best for Mom. So he asked Mom to elope. Go to hell with the grande wedding. Damn Dad! I'm so proud of you! But again as social expected, they still go with the ceremony a month after, with Grandma as the bride.. I mean the host and the decision maker of everything.


"So, I just want to remind you that your grandma expects you to bring a woman to the party." She laughs, again.

"You sound so happy in my misery, mom," I groan.

Her laughter grows louder. I roll my eyes, but I know my mom. She just loves to tease me.

"Just bring a nice woman. No need all the standard. Just don't bring a stripper." By standard, she means my grandma's standard.

I chuckle. "You give me an idea."

"Chase David Fox. I'm going to kill you with my pan if you bring some trouble maker."

I laugh. "I won't. Chill, Mom!"

She laughs. "Okay, okay. Bradley will come for an hour or two he said."

"Yeah, Avery still in not good condition?"

"Yeah, that poor little girl. I'll visit her next week."

"First, Avery is not a little girl. She is a mother of two. Second, yes you should visit her. It's about time."

"I was busy!" She complained.

"Busy went to honeymoon with Dad. I know," I say dryly. Mom and Dad went to Maldives to celebrate their anniversary.

"Hush! The best time of my life. Your dad--"

"Stop Mom! Jeez... I don't need to know!" I cut her.

She laughs. "Fine! Well, you can learn from your dad and brother about how to make your wife happy. Look at Bradley. All lovey dovey with Avery."

"I still remember you weren't agree with them back then."

"Ssh! I have my own reason. But now I'm happy for them though." She sighs happily.

"I know. But it seems Avery still tense in front of you."

"Is she?"

"Otherwise she won't run to L.A. and never come back."

"Chase Fox, you are fired from being my eldest son!"

I laugh so hard.

"Just bring a nice woman. If not, my mother in law will cut you into pieces. Good luck!"

"Yeah, yeah... how can I find a nice woman in..." I trail off. Damn right, mom! Nice woman!

"Just ask your friend, or your friends' friend, Chase. I don't want my mother in law lecturing me on my anniversary because I didn't teach you well," mom says and laughs.

I chuckle to myself. It's not a secret my grandma has the super high standard, and mom, she just a happy go lucky woman who tried (not too hard) to follow her mother in law. Thank God she has a wonderful husband.

"Thanks, mom. I will!"

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