Hunting Palismen take 2 (Lili...

De CoralChaser

354 24 2

Hunter runs into Lilith while on a mission for Emperor Belos. Cover by me. (excuse the crappy title XD) Mai multe

Hunting Palismen take 2 (Lilith edition)

354 24 2
De CoralChaser

"Find me more palismen" seemed to be a simple enough order. At least for the Golden Guard; teen prodigy and head of the Emperor's Coven. The only problem was: how, exactly? The captains have been searching tirelessly for any clue as to where they could find unused palistrom wood or abandoned palismen for over a month, but they've uncovered nothing. Well, not nothing. He found out that there was a palisman pairing day at Hexside and had what he needed but Kikimora and that human just had to ruin it. Whatever. He was finally being sent on missions again thanks to getting the portal key and earning back Belos's trust. He wasn't messing up again.


Lilith flew above the reddish forest on her staff, scanning the ground below. It should be right under her by now. Her mother mentioned discovering an interesting ruin when she was on a quest for "Master Wartlop" (who turned out to be three tiny scammers in a wizard cloak), with structures dating back to the savage ages. Since Gwendolyn didn't exactly have too much at home that let her tap into her knowledge as a scholar, Lilith had been growing bored. Back in the coven her work constantly tested her intelligence and skills, bringing a thrill she didn't know she'd miss. Not that she wanted to go back. Anything was better than that constant fear and struggle for power.

She shook herself out of her thoughts and noticed a few ragged buildings nestled in the base of a cliff, she almost flew over it since it was so well hidden by the rocks and leaves.

Lilith pointed her raven palisman downwards and landed just in the trees nearby, hopping off her staff and looking around. Her mother got snared by a trap when she discovered the place, so she watched her step as she approached the ruins.

She pushed through the last few branches and before her was a rather grim sight. The walls, probably once a beautiful display, were scorched and crumbled, intricate but now faded patterns scattered across the stone. Lilith walked around the first structure until she was in the center of the three buildings and just inside a ring of teal-grey rocks. She kneeled down to look closer and noticed that there were faint carvings on them but were so worn and cracked that she couldn't really tell what they were. She used her hand to brush away some vines. Seemed circular, though.

Her ears twitched as she heard a faint warping sound coming from the trees. Wait a second... she recognized that noise. The next moment there were footsteps crunching through the leaf litter and Lilith jumped to her feet and hid behind the nearest wall. She listened they grew closer then peeked out to see none other than the Golden Guard.

He was looking at the disturbed vines and leaves, probably figuring out that there must've been someone nearby. Of course the emperor's golden boy was still after her. Should've checked if I was being followed, she thought to herself. She's been getting sloppy since she left the coven. No matter. If he wants me, he'll get me.


Hunter treaded carefully, watching where he stepped after the last ruin where he activated a trap and nearly fell into a pit of toxic land eels. As he got near the middle of the area it was hard to not try to take in every detail of the place. But, he had a job to do and couldn't get distracted again.

As he got near the middle of the area, he narrowed his eyes at a patch of disturbed foliage from behind the mask. Had someone been there recently? He took a step closer then was sent flying backwards by an orange blast. He shouted as he hit the ground then took a second to catch the breath that had been knocked out of him. He then propped himself up on his elbows with a groan. Hunter hadn't even seen his attacker yet when another potion bottle shot towards him. He teleported a few feet away, just in time to escape the explosion when it hit the ground.

He stood up and got into a fighting stance, pointing his staff at... Lilith? He paused for a moment, surprised. A moment too long, apparently, since she took the chance to shoot a blue blast from her staff. The Golden Guard tried to dodge it but his reaction was delayed so it still grazed his arm. He bit his tongue to stop any pained noises from coming out as he returned Lilith's attack with a red blast. She ducked out of the way and threw another potion at him. He dodged it with a teleport, ending up right behind her and kicking her to the ground. She rolled onto her back and looked up at him, trying to mask her fear as he twirled his staff confidently.

"You're an interesting surprise, Lilith" the guard stated as he stopped spinning his staff and let the bottom of it rest on the ground.

"Don't pretend you weren't following me" she scoffed.

Hunter raised an eyebrow, despite it being hidden behind his mask. "I was-" he started to say but was cut off when he was shoved backwards by a field of magic. He stumbled a few steps once it released him and a rope tightened itself around his ankle. He yelped as it yanked him upward until he was dangling by his foot from a beam above.

Lilith smiled and got to her feet while the emperor's Golden Guard thrashed around uselessly. He soon stopped to watch her as she approached him, initially looking proud of herself but soon seeming confused.

"Why aren't you... teleporting away?" she questioned softly.

Hunter glanced at his staff that he must've dropped then back at her. Crap.

Lilith followed his gaze then turned to him again, looking shocked. "Are you powerless?"

"No!" he lied and wiggled a bit more, almost losing his helmet as he did. He needed to come up with a strap for that thing. Hunter attempted to reach his ankle and loosen the snare but Lilith grabbed him by his hood and pulled him back down. Once he was vertical again, his helmet fell off and tumbled to the ground below, revealing the shaken teenager beneath.

Lilith has seen him without his mask before, being the head of the coven since before he was born and all, but she noticed his dark eyebags. Were those there earlier?

"What?" the blond spat, trying to hide how uncomfortable he felt without his mask.

"Still a brat, I see" she said bitterly then grabbed the front of his cloak, bringing him closer to her face. "How'd you find me?"

She actually thinks I followed her? "I used data gathered by the invisible camera demons that've been following you ever since you left the coven" he deadpanned. Lilith dropped him in shock, letting him fall back with a "woah!"

"Really?!" she asked anxiously, looking around her.

"Pffft" Hunter went and let out a laugh. "Of course not! I had no idea you were here, you paranoid priss!" he sneered as he started to spin.

She let out a furious huff. "I swear to the titan, one day I'll kill you for that mouth of yours."

"Wouldn't be the first to try" he told her with a taunting smile.

"Wait, what?"

He shuffled his foot a little, which was starting to go numb. "Kikimora's been after my head ever since you left. Better than having to deal with you, though" he said, which was a lie. Even Lilith was better than that psychotic hand-haired gremlin.

She furrowed her eyebrows at the remark but some titan-forsaken part of her was concerned. He was just a kid. Sure, an infuriating one, but he still shouldn't have to deal with assassination attempts.

She pinched the bridge of her nose. This brainwashed brat's wellbeing should've been the last thing she was concerned about. He could very well be lying to her right now.

"Uh... Lilith?"

"What?" she snapped and stared at him.

Hunter lifted one of his dangling arms to carefully point behind her. Lilith turned around to see a winged stag emerging from the trees. It flicked its ear and lowered its head as they noticed it.

It seemed innocent enough. She took a step forward.

"Wh- wait! Lilith! That's a peryton!!" Hunter whisper-shouted.

Lilith looked at him. "A what?"

Fear spread across Hunter's face as a low growl could be heard. She looked back to the creature and it opened its mouth unnaturally wide, its jaw going so far back she wondered if it went into its neck. A snarl escaped its fangs before it charged, talons and hooves pounding on the forest floor.

Lilith yelped and raised her staff to blast it, hitting the demon. It shrieked and slowed to a trot as it circled her. She tried to catch her breath and reached for a potion in her bag.

"Lilith! Let me go!" Hunter hissed.

She ignored him, knowing that, even though he'd probably help fight the beast (out of self-preservation of course), he'd just betray her the moment he had the chance.

She threw the potion and the peryton dodged it, then taking the chance to pounce. It pinned Lilith down with its birdlike talons and tried to use its jaws to make killing blow, but she shoved her staff into its mouth to stop it. It bit and growled at the shaft as its claws ripped through the shoulder of her shirt.

Hunter panicked and tried to tug at the noose with his hands but to no avail. "Come on! Lilith!"

She grunted as she attempted to shove off the beast but it didn't budge, only hissing in annoyance. They were both going to die there if she didn't get him out of that snare. She finally angled her staff and fired at the rope holding Hunter.

He thudded against the ground, drawing the peryton's attention. It let go of Lilith and ran at Hunter, who gasped and scurried for his staff. He wrapped his fingers around it and teleported to the side just in time to escape.

"Hey!" he shouted as the beast fixed its gaze on him again and charged for a second time. Hunter swallowed and let it get closer and closer until he was trapped under its talons. He copied what Lilith did with her staff to keep it at bay but, its mouth may have been busy, but its claws tore up his cloak and scratched his armor.

He saw Lilith running over to him then yelled, "Stop!"

She hesitantly listened, stressfully gripping her staff.

"Above me!" he shouted as he struggled to keep the peryton from getting too close, hoping he could hold it off long enough.

Lilith looked up, seeing the beam and immediately knowing what she needed to do. She took a potion from her bag and threw it at the stone above. It exploded on impact, shattering the beam and sending the rubble down towards Hunter and the peryton. He teleported away in a red flash but left the demon roaring in pain as it got trapped under the rock. He reappeared near Lilith and took a second to catch his breath.

"We should... probably go..." Hunter eventually told her, not taking his eyes off of the struggling creature. "Perytons tend to live in groups."

"Ah" Lilith said while doing the same.

A couple moments passed before she turned to him. "I-" she started but cut herself of as she realized he was nowhere to be seen. She glanced around some more. Did he just... let her go?

"Alright..." she muttered then mounted her staff. This'll be an interesting story to tell mom.

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