Heros of Olympus At Hogwarts...

By I_got_my_knife

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Percy, Nico, Leo, Jason and Piper must go to a school of magic called Hogwarts. The mission: to protect Harry... More

A mission to Hogwarts
Hogwarts Express
The sorting hat
I'm sorry(not a chapter)
a friendly conversation

First classes

458 15 13
By I_got_my_knife

For the first time, the demigods slept without dreams. If that continued throughout there stay at Hogwarts, the heroes had no problem staying as long as necessary. The morning came and everyone was getting ready for breakfast. Everyone except Percy, Nico and Leo. In Ravenclaw they were all ready as good students. Piper had already gotten up and changed, she looked annoyed to see his reflection wearing a uniform. After a few minutes, a dreamy uniformed Leo appeared. Seeing Piper laughed out loud, she frowned.

"Beauty Queen," Leo said with a laugh. They were the only ones in the common room. I never thought I saw your side Aphrodite. "Shut up Leo," she snapped, but she looked amused. Look, I wouldn't talk if it were you, considering how you look. Leo stopped laughing and it was Aphrodite's daughter's turn to make fun of him. "I really don't understand," Leo said in exasperation as he lifted his robe. Why wear a shirt and tie? Tunic? Although I have to admit that I look fabulous, but that's not the point! "I want to see how Percy looked." Leo raised an eyebrow. I never thought I could see him in order. "And now you're telling me?" Come on! Imagine Di Angelo!


At Gryffindor things were ... a little more complicated. Jason had already gotten up, as had his roommates: Harry, Ron, Neville, and a certain Seamus. Well, except Percy. "What is Dumbledore thinking? This is already overcrowded!" He thought. The wizards had already left the room, so it was just Jason and Percy who was still asleep. His hair was messy and he had drool on his chin, the blond smiled. He walked to the bed and ran his hand through his hair, asleep, looking very innocent, as if no war had corrupted him, as if he had never killed or gone through hell. He never had options or the opportunity to show weakness and Jason wanted to protect him. He was about to wake him when the door opened.


He was in the common room with Ron, Hermione, Neville and Seamus. The last ones talked about the tournament while Hermione told me I had to apologize for the train. Actually, she was ordering me. "Harry," Neville said. The new students will arrive late. "Bad luck for them." If they wanted to be treated they had to go to Hufflepuff. "Nothing to do," Ron said. It was noticeable that he didn't like the them, right? No idea. "Ronald!" Hermione exclaimed. The alluded man was startled and scolded. Go get them! Hermione was very good at giving orders because instantly Neville, Seamus, Ron and I headed to the bedroom. Although, I think we just obey her so we don't listen to her anymore. When we entered, we found a Percy asleep while he was stroked by Jason. I don't know why but the new ones give me a headache, that is, Percy is too affectionate with Jason and Nico, but Jason is supposed to have a girlfriend ...

"Emm ... Hello," I said. Jason, I wanted to apologize for what happened on the train. I'm not used to shouting and I said all those things without thinking. I ... I'm sorry. "It's okay." He smiled sideways and looked at Percy. You don't know us, you couldn't guess the impact of your words. That's why I ask you to think better of the things you're going to say. "Thank you." "I'll consider him," I said, scolding him, but I knew he was right. They should go down to breakfast. It's getting late. "Yes, I suppose," he said, looking at Percy affectionately. I was about to wake him, but he looked so calm that I didn't want to.

"Are you boyfriends?" Seamus asked, I looked at him so he wouldn't say more. "Why do you ask?" The blonde wanted to know, raising an eyebrow. "Because they hug and caress him." All you have to do is kiss him. "I motioned for him to shut his mouth once and for all, but to no avail." "I think I said I had a girlfriend." "Piper, isn't it?" He asked, though it was obvious he didn't believe her. "Yes." "But isn't this one of those cases where she would say, 'This is my boyfriend Jason, and this is Percy, Jason's boyfriend?' The sound of my hand slamming into my face was heard throughout the room. "Eh ... no." Percy is my friend. My bro. Then his expression was more serious. They should move away, when he wakes up he is a demon. I don't know why, but I believed him. I pushed aside Ron, who hadn't moved; Neville and Seamus walked away. Jason started talking to the sleeping boy, but he didn't budge. Then she shook him and Percy began to move, frowning as if something hurt or scared him, and then woke up. He opened his eyes and his gaze was fierce, he didn't seem to be focusing, so he wasn't fully awake yet. He lunged at Jason, pushing him against the wall and put his forearm against his throat. The blond was trying to talk to him without success and he was already a little red.

"Perceive, bro," Jason called as if asking for help. Help me. Help, Percy. I didn't think that would work, but apparently those words did the trick. Percy changed his fierce expression to a horrified one, immediately releasing Jason who began to cough. Percy walked away from him when he saw him approaching. I felt like an intruder. "Percy ..." The alluded man shook his head. It's not your fault. "I could have suffocated you, how can you ...?" Jason hugged him and the black-haired man visibly relaxed as he felt the other's arms. "Listen." He began to say without letting go. My friends were a little lost, they didn't know what to do. I don't mind waking up every morning, if I can see you smiling later, you understand? "Thank you, blonde Superman," Percy said, smiling as he parted. "Nothing, bro." Percy smiled even more and hugged Jason again. For me and my friends, that was all and we started coughing. Percy pulled away from Jason a little, but still held him by the waist. When he saw me, he frowned.

"You're the one who made Nico sad." He accused with a bad face. "Nico?" Jason asked, raising an eyebrow. Do you have to name another man while I'm hugging you? -. His expression was one of feigned pain. Percy chuckled. "What? He said they were just friends and nothing else! What about Piper? Where's Nico in all this? He's going to give me a migraine ..." "I thought." "Jealous, Grace?" He asked amusedly. "A little, maybe." Nah! I don't want them to touch my bro, that's all. "I love you, bro," Percy said, smiling as they parted. Jason did the same and I was collapsing. "We have to talk about Nico, remember?" Percy nodded, and I can swear he was nervous. By the way, Harry apologized and I forgave him. Now we have to go to breakfast.

"Do you think I'll be expelled from this school?" He asked absently, and to my surprise, I thought it was cute. "No." They would expel Leo first. Percy laughed. Although let them try. "By the way, Harry," he said with a radiant smile. It's all forgotten. Now, bro. I'm going to take a shower. "I'll get you the uniform." "No!" I'm going to burn it! He exclaimed as he walked away. "We're leaving," I said hurriedly. See you in the Great Dining Room. We almost ran out of there. We arrived in the common room and Hermione was waiting for us, Neville and Seamus went to breakfast in silence looking a little upset. "Why did they take so long?" He frowned. "It's just that Percy has a strange way of waking up," I said. "He almost killed Jason, Herms." Ron added. "You're kidding, aren't you?" "It was obvious that this information had taken her by surprise."

It would have shocked anyone, especially because they looked like boyfriends. I don't even know what to believe anymore. "I apologized and they said there was no problem." "Informed." She nodded. "I think Percy is a Death Eater," Ron said suddenly. "Why?" I asked. I don't know why, but the simple idea seemed ridiculous to me. They were the most loving, innocent, and even tender people I had ever seen. "Didn't you see his arm?" Hermione looked at him, waiting for him to make it because it was obvious, she didn't believe it either. "I was more interested in Jason's almost suffocation ..." "Harry." He has a tattoo on his arm. He continued fully convinced. I couldn't see what it was. But keep in mind that he is already of legal age, so he could very well be a Death Eater.


                        Third person

The Golden Trio was in the Great Dining Room as Ron tried to justify, once again, that Percy's tattoo might be the Dark Mark. The redhead was convinced that the new boy was a Death Eater. While Percy's other friends looked normal, it was obvious there was something disturbing about them. For his part, Nico said darkness everywhere, and he was in Slytherin, so he could also be a follower of Voldemort. The Golden Trio was going to investigate or try to get to know them better to convince Ron that Percy was not a Death Eater and, perhaps, to confirm his suspicions about Nico.

The new Slytherin was powerful and no one could deny it, the ghosts had fled in terror as if he were death in person. Now, put it this way, what could scare someone who is already dead so much? They kept talking when they saw Jason and Percy approaching. The black-haired man was each sleepy and rubbing his eyes (apparently he hadn't woken up from bathing), which caused some lullabies and sighs. Percy seemed to notice as he let out a scream as he got closer to his blond friend who put an arm around his shoulders. Those who were having breakfast were surprised by this gesture because they expected Percy to flirt or brag, but never to hide shyly, let alone "protect" Jason, so everyone thought they were boyfriends.

Some Slytherins looked at them in disgust, it didn't occur to them to do that in public. It was a shame. "Why are they doing that?" Percy said a little embarrassed as he sat down. Jason imitated him. "Didn't you notice?" A red-haired girl asked. "Note, what." He wanted to know. He looked at the girl, but did not recognize her. I don't remember seeing you ... "You didn't see me," she said, smiling. I'm Ginny Weasley. "She's my sister." Ron reported. "Oh, well." "A pleasure," said the black-haired man. I'm Percy. "I know that."

"Uh, Ginny?" He said with interest. Can you explain it to me now? "It's just that you're very cute, and they seem to notice, too," he said with a smile as he saw Percy embarrassed. "Ginny!" Exclaimed Ron. According to him, she called a Death Eater cute. "Hey!" Jason exclaimed. It's my bro. Only I call her cute. "What?" Said the redhead, somewhat confused by the blond's attitude. "You shouldn't mess with Percy if Jason is there to listen to you, pretty." "Everyone was startled." They hadn't noticed when the two Ravenclaws showed up. I'm Leo, the amazing one, Valdez. "Ginny Weasley." She introduced herself. She was a little blushed at the adjective the boy used.

"Hello, love." He greeted the girl with kaleidoscopic eyes, kissing Jason on the lips. Apparently he hadn't lied about the bride. "Who are you?" "They wanted to know two identical redheads." "I'm Piper and this blonde is my boyfriend." They looked at her skeptically. "Pe-but ... what about Percy?" E-them ... 'Harry stammered, more and more confused. "I understand you." It's just that they have a strange relationship and ... "Hey!" The alluded to ones demanded. "... nothing more." They've been together in a lot of things, so it's logical. Jason rubbed his head, which made Piper and Leo laugh. Hermione was going to ask something, but Percy stepped forward.

"Have you seen Nico?" "No," they answered. "But you're forgetting what's important," Piper said with a smile. I never thought I would see you so tidy and less in uniform! "I'm not wearing a skirt, McLean." He attacked, making the girl stop laughing. And you Leo, don't reduce it to ashes. Although even I am tempted. The others looked at each other a little uneasily, were they serious? "What's their turn now?" Piper asked, distracting them. "Guess Hufflepuff," Ron said hurriedly. What about you? "History of Magic with Slytherin." "What a horror," Ron said. They will be with those stupid, conceited and horrible snakes.

"Hey!" Percy stepped in. Nico is there! The Gryffindors looked at him suspiciously, but let him pass. After all, they had come together and it was logical that he was attached to him. It was only a matter of time before he forgot about him and began to treat him like a snake. After breakfast, they went to their respective classes with Percy and Jason following the Golden Trio to the Divination classroom. "Welcome to the Divination class." As you know, I am Professor Trelawney and I am here to help you open your minds; look with your inner eye so that together we can see ... the future! Hermione was irritated, it was no secret that she hated Divination, but decided to attend because the new students would. The others seemed bored, some chatted, others scribbled, and so on. Suddenly, the teacher focused on Percy and stiffened, her voice hoarse and scratched, startled the class.

"The daughter of wisdom walks alone, the Mark burns through Rome, the twins will suffocate the breath of the angel, the one who possesses the keys of infinite death." The perdition of the giants remains golden and pale. Victory, through the pain of a woven cage ...

'Then she began to cough. She looked at her students confused by the looks of horror she was receiving. Hermione tried to make sense of what was said, but to no avail. He looked at Percy for answers, but he looked pale and his gaze was lost in the void; the pain could be seen in his expression and posture. Jason looked at him worriedly. He knew the meaning of those words and even more, what they meant to his friend. Of all the prophecies, that was the worst, because Percy had to let go of Annabeth, he thought he might lose Nico after recovering him in the war of the titan, and that prophecy foretold the death of the son of Hades. That prophecy meant her friend's worst fear: the loss of Annabeth and Nico. "Percy ..." Jason whispered. Everyone looked at him expectantly. "Ni-Nico," he said with a lost look. Nico ... "Percy." Keep calm ... 'The blond held him by the shoulders, but that didn't seem to calm his friend. "Jason ... where is he?" Where is Nico ?! He exclaimed and hurried out of class. Jason started following him with Hermione, Harry and Ron behind him. In the classroom, only one teacher was completely confused with some magicians dislocated by the rarity of the situation. What had happened?


The morning was disgusting, although I can rescue sleep without nightmares. Something is something. It bothers me that everyone has been accompanied, except me. And in the house that all Hogwarts hate! It's not like loneliness and hatred are new to me, but it's the same. Also, I had to share a room with Malfoy's idiot and a guy named Theodore Nott. Very polite and all, but none had the decency to wake me up! Although it was for the better, if I had been woken up, they would probably have been pierced by a stigmatized iron sword. I took my time getting up and wearing the uniform ... Is that a joke? Tunic! I mean, we didn't use that in my day either! Who, in my father's name, designed the uniforms to kill him ?!

When I arrived at the Great Hall there was almost no one, which I was grateful for, I didn't feel like seeing idiots. I took out some food and went to my first class. I played History of Magic with Ravenclaw, at least I would be with Piper and Leo. I heard the class was boring, but I couldn't help but smile as I entered. Maybe and just maybe, it could be interesting. "Professor Binnis is a ghost! Oh, gods. This is wonderful." "I thought." I went to sit in the farthest place in the class where, strategically, the light was scarce. The Ravenclaws who saw me began to murmur to each other, nothing new. Piper and Leo smiled at me and I bowed my head in greeting. When the teacher focused on me, he wanted to camouflage himself on the board, surprising the class. "A-love." He must have seen my expression because he retracted quickly. Di-digo, señor di Angelo. "Binnis," I said. The Slytherins looked at me intently, as if assessing whether I was worthy of being among them. A teacher? Wow! "Yes," he whispered a little scared. Okay, I shouldn't be doing that, I could blow my cover, but no ghost should be there in the first place! "And with whose permission?" I asked. Binns looked very scared, but come on! I'm not so scared and ghosts are always cowards.

"You can't talk to him like that, insolent." "A girl from Ravenclaw scolded me." "I've known him before." Besides, it doesn't bother him, does it? "N-no," he said. The snakes smiled at my performance, they liked it and that just upset me. I didn't want to do anything that would delight those idiots. Piper and Leo were trying to get my attention, they wanted me to shut up, but I ignored them. "Do you see him?" I told the girl. Don't get involved in what's wrong with you. "I didn't"

Then Percy burst into the room. Her expression reflected worry and fear, he wanted to help him. Jason and the train boys were coming. Piper and Leo got up and hurried to the blonde, who began to explain the situation. "Percy?" "I called him." I needed to get him out of there, he was getting attention. "N-Nico?" Then he approached me and hugged me. I could feel her trembling, letting me know how bad he was. What had they done to him in class? "Professor, we'll go out," I said without giving him a chance to reply, though he seemed relieved at the possibility of not being around. The Slytherins were looking at me badly, not like I cared. Once outside, Granger, Weasley and Potter focused their attention on us. Damn gossip! I wanted to get them out of there, but my priority was the boy who was hugging me. "What happened, Jason?" I asked him. "The divination teacher turned out not to be a hypocrite and recited part of the prophecy she said about the Mark of Athena." Then I understood his condition, but not why he hugged me, especially when he had Jason so close." "Hey, Jackson," I said as I tried to pull him away to look at his face. When he looked at me I added: - Everythingis okey. Now she is safe in the camp, nothing is going to happen to her.

"It's not for Annabeth, Nico." The stupid prophecy said that they would stifle the angel's breath. I thought ... I thought you were kidnapped, again. The train guys drowned out a scream. I thought I was losing you and I don't think I can stand it. I was stunned and a pleasant warmth invaded my chest. It was no news that Percy had become more protective and emotional since the war with Gaia. He was affectionate and close to everyone, in case they died and he didn't manage to say goodbye like that, in the face of any unforeseen circumstances, he had already shown all the affection and love he felt for each one. "You're not going to miss me, Jackson." Don't be an idiot. I'm not leaving you. I felt the situation repeat itself, though now I was the one who consoled. Do you know why? "No ..." "Because I love you, you idiot." What is not obvious? "And I smiled at him, something rather strange about me, so the muscles in my face were protesting." Percy pulled away from me, smiling charmingly, and my heart pounded faster just to see him. Jason, Piper, and Leo were smiling at us, while the wizards didn't know where to go.



As Professor Trelawney said, it kept spinning in my head. I've always thought she was a scam, but now I'm not so sure. The transferees named one Annabeth, I supposedly remembered her and I have a feeling that her fate was not happy. The supposed "prophecy" spoke of the daughter of wisdom ... "Someone from Ravenclaw?" "I thought." "The twins will suffocate the angel's breath," and Percy said Nico was kidnapped ... I'll have to go to the library. "Guys, do you think Percy is okay?" I asked once we got to the dungeons, we were playing potions with Slytherin. "I don't know," Harry said. But he looked very upset. What do you think Trelawney said? "No idea, but if that means someone like Nico is going to die, I hope it's true," Ron said, taking me by surprise.

"What's your problem?" "They're not deadly Ronald." "He couldn't reply because of Snape's arrival." He explained the potion we needed to make and began to prepare it quickly. At that, Jason, Percy and Nico arrived laughing, well ... Nico was smiling. Percy was holding his arm as if it were going to disappear, other than that, he looked better. "What does this mean?" Snape asked, looking at them contemptuously. Except for Nico, who is from his house. They dare to interrupt my class and laugh. "Hold on," Percy said as he handed him a sheet. "Go sit down," he ordered. Page 43. Start or have a deficiency.

Percy sat next to Jason behind me, while Nico went to the Slytherins, sitting alone. His own house shunned him as a traitor, and for the other houses he is still a snake. A few minutes passed and I noticed that Percy, Nico and the blonde were doing nothing, they were just looking at the potion book with a frown. "Is something wrong?" I whispered, and obviously Snape listened to me. I asked softly, but the teacher listened to me. "Anything you want to share with the class, Miss Granger?" The snakes smiled. "No, Professor." Snape walked to my seat. "Then I suggest you pay attention to your potion and not to those of your incompetent new comrades." 5 points from Gryffindor. Then he looked at Percy and Jason.

Can't you read? Start the potion! "We can't read," Jason said. I was surprised like everyone else but the snakes laughed, except for Nico who had the same problem. But if you translate "Wow, wow, wow ... Aside from being incompetent, they're late." Well done, Professor Dumbledore. Percy clenched his fists, looking very upset. Teachers are not supposed to be allowed to treat students this way, but this is Snape. "Me Percy and Nico." Jason began, trying to be respectful, but his annoyance was obvious. "We are dyslexic. If you translated the text-" "You must make an effort or they will end up reproved and without a future." Percy looked more than angry and to my surprise, Nico smiled. "Better to be a failed teacher like you," the sea-eyed one snapped. Those in my house made a great effort not to laugh. Whose only entertainment and purpose in life is to make existence a little more difficult for teenagers. "Excuse me?" Snape said, quite angrily.

"Sorry," Percy said, smiling. This boy was a dead man. "50 from Gryffindor, for his lack of respect." —Πηγαίνετε στον διάβολο! (Go to hell! "Percy exclaimed, and Nico couldn't help laughing. Snape was confused, that wasn't English." Now, who's the latecomer? And everyone started laughing. Snape went through different shades of red before pulling out his wand. We drowned out a scream. "How-dare-you," he said through gritted teeth. "You can't threaten him!" Jason exclaimed, pulling out his wand. It would have been a legal duel between Percy and Snape, because they were both adults, but Jason wasn't. "And you're going to stop me?" "He made fun of me." The teacher should not duel with students, that goes against the rules, what are you thinking? A simple arrest is enough!

"Braccas meas vescimini," Jason said, and Nico laughed again. That was ... Latin? Snape aimed his wand at Jason and the cauldrons exploded. The half-done potions fell on Snape, who began to have warts. Now the whole room laughed. "80 Gryffindor points!" He shouted. Get out! The classroom emptied almost instantly. The transferred gathered in the distance and I hid behind a column to hear. "Guys!" That was great! Nico said with a smile. They insulted him in two languages ​​he didn't know, how did they come up with that ?! Gods! "Gods?" "I thought." "Yes, well ... Percy has come to an end," said the blond. "Did Percy cause the cauldrons to explode?" I thought. "Magic without a wand!""No one messes with my bro and gets away with it," said the green-eyed man seriously. Together, they walked away laughing.

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