Black Swan ✓

By Indigo_0212

623 81 69

She has been on the run for some time. Running from the Demon Hunters, which were full angel beings with abil... More

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다섯 (5)
일곱 (7)
여덟 (8)
십사 (14)
십칠 (17)
BONUS: 이십일 (21)

십이 (12)

17 3 7
By Indigo_0212

Hanuel's eyes snapped open as she felt the burning lash of something.

I'm on a bed...that's why I was feeling something soft like clouds.

She tried to move her head but it was tied firmly in place. She couldn't move her other body parts either. She was spread out like a star.

Her irises slowly trailed to her feet, where he stood, gazing upon her.


His hair turned white in the moonlight and his eyes were hooded.

He stood there in a white buttoned up long sleeved shirt and pants, couldn't tell what color the pants were.

He was breathing heavily, just standing there before he fell face first onto the space on the bed.

The one between her legs...

Then he started crawling up, touching her legs and places he isn't supposed to touch.

"Let me go, you perverted asshole!" She kicked uselessly at him, remembering that she couldn't move her legs.

"Smells like fear and strawberries," he sniffed the air around me. "Maybe it's your stank ass breath that wouldn't make you smell something good in your life," slipped through her lips.

"Now, then. You shouldn't be disrespectful to me, now would you? You're lucky to even be alive in my presence," he suddenly leaned into her face, "I could kill you now, you know. End your misery and send your body back to your friends."

"You wouldn't dare," she hissed. "Try me darling. But alas, I need you for something."

"What is that, bruv? Money?" She rolled her eyes. "Who is my father, Haneul?" He asked, face one inch away from hers.

Bro, know your standards.

"Mammon. I knew since day one," she smiled, "And you're hunting me down to get my powers since I'm the heiress to Lucifer throne."

"Clever girl. I know that you're smart," he smirked.

"Yeah, didn't take that long to figure it out. I felt a presence weaker than mine when you came that day. I just didn't tell anyone."

"But, are you sure, my pretty...that you're gonna be walking out ?" He asked as...

He started unbuttoning his shirt.

Screams and cries ripped though the quiet of the night.

Hunter heard them clearly but didn't think that those were his sister's, since she rarely screams.

He sat on a branch that was strong enough to hold his weight and gazed at the stars since he couldn't sleep.

This was some comfort to him, it mostly runs in the family where they would hide away to look at anything at night.


He looked down.

Taehyung looked up.

"Hmm?" He hummed in response, going back to star gazing.

Tae flew up and joined him on the branch. Surprisingly, it holds.

"Are you sure we'll be able to get Haneul back?" He asked him.

"Hey, Tae? Stop thinking negatively, okay? We will get her back. Seokjin was probably not lying when he said he think he have a plan, but we don't know what it is yet since he had never discussed it," Hunter soothed, "But we can't lose hope, y'know?"

A few minutes of silence passed since the two exchanged words.



"You are an amazing big brother, you know that?"

"I wish she could see it that way," he chuckled sadly, "She hates me so much. I knew that since her 100th birthday, where she invited everyone else except me."

"You know. I don't think she hates you. I mean, if it wasn't for her coming to get you, you probably wouldn't even be here, and we'll never know what the hell to do when she got kidnapped," Taehyung looked at the stars with him.

"I guess you're right. We will get her back."


"Took him long," Hunter readied himself to jump off,  landing on the rooftops quietly while Tae just floated down.

They climbed through the hatch and joined the others in the main room.

"So, here is how the idea goes. Seven of us goes to the castle while one sneaks away to find Haneul. Hunter, since you know Hellfire Blaze Castle like the back of your hand, you'll be the one to look for Haneul, since he won't be expecting you. We'll go as the main distraction to see what the hell he's planning and then run. Don't care where we'll go, but run. Great plan," Namjoon and Seokjin took turns explaining.

"That is actually a great plan. I'll be invisible so no one can see me," Hunter agreed. "Great! Let's pack up and move out!" Jungkook grabbed his bag.

"Sir, Young said he wanted us to come by tomorrow," Jimin held him back, "You dumbass."


She breathed heavily, each breath as a cloud of steam rising over her eyesight. She felt weak...

And violated.

Her jeans were magically ripped off before her eyes since he couldn't take it off physically, he was touching her over and enjoying every second of it.

Then he tried to seek entry into her mouth by pecking at her lips while she refused, making him twist one of her...

Let's not go there.

Now she's shivering from the cold and disgust while wishing she could just kick him in his d-

She felt disoriented, scared and vulnerable, things she doesn't feel before and she doesn't like it at all.

"Somebody! Please get me out of here!" She sobbed out loud, hoping that someone else was in the castle besides him.

No one came to her aid.

Her throat was parched from the intense screaming and her eyelids were drooping because of the lack of energy left in her body.

"Sleep, my pretty. You had given me quite the workout," he licked his lips, smeared with the reproduction juice. She glared at him before her irises went to the back of her head as she passed out, her body going limp.

He wiped his hands with a cloth and wiped his face as well, before looking at his weapon which was making the area around his crotch in his pants tighter.

He ignored it, untying the girl and putting back on her clothes, then lifting her up bridal style and carried her to the main throne room.

There he proceeded to tie her up until she was left dangling over the symbol. He the proceed the cut her all over, even reopened the wound on her forehead.

'Blood won't keep seeping out forever', he thought, 'these assholes better show up faster.'

"Young! We have arrived," Jin announced, walking into the main throne room, followed by the others.

Young smirked before snapping his fingers, the light in the throne room died immediately and the candles lit up themselves.

"You've arrived. Just in time," he welcomed them, not really paying attention to the hanging body behind him, in her true form.

"Just in time for what?" Namjoon asked.

"Time for the ritual, of course," he smirked in the candle light, the light illuminated the body.

Jimin squinted his eyes before widening them. "Haneul!" Jungkook called. "She can't hear you, she's unconscious," Young explained.

"You monster," Hoseok growled, eyes slightly darker than their original color.

"Such a shame you won't stop me," he spoke, before switching to Hebrew, 'Freeze.' 

They tried to move forward but their legs refused to move.

In fact their bodies acted like statues and the only type of movement was their eyes and their mouths.

"That's better. You guys were pains in my ass so I'm really glad I'm getting rid of you afterwards," he spoke before turning to Haneul, "Now then. Let's start."

The air suddenly felt thick, hard to breathe hard to cut the tension with a chainsaw.

'Spirits of the unknown,
Please accept my sacrifice,
A sacrifice of one of your children,
Moon Haneul, the heiress to the throne,
Grant me her power,
Switch our lives,
My live becomes hers!'


"Ha! Your little shit spell didn't work," Jimin laughed.

Young didn't speak.

That's when they heard it.

The first chime of the death bell.




A/N, hey fellow black swans.

Like the cliffhanger?

I know you don't😏.

Thank you so much for reading and voting. Really appreciated.

Onto da next chapter.

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