The Mist - Thomas and Friends...

By BenGamer2496

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1995 was a rough year for Sodor. A mysterious sickness was spreading all around Europe and no none cure was... More



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By BenGamer2496

March 6, 1995 - 8:02 AM

I haven't been feeling too good as I remembered about everyone else at Tidmouth Sheds. Nolan assured me they would be fine with their supplies. That was when we all realized that Douglas was missing and nowhere to be seen.

Anyways, we are planning to head out to the nearest villagers to evacuate any people on the island.

However, I suddenly noticed that 2 other people were missing along with Douglas, Adam and Martin.

Josh told us that those two were going to check our perimeter so that those things wouldn't take us in our sleep.

We're making final preparations and are about to leave. Thomas, Oliver, Edward, and Percy and going while the rest and hold the fort like last time.

March 6, 1995 - 8:22 AM

It's been about 15 minutes since we departed and nothing bad has happened other than that the hybrid woke up inside Thomas' cab and seems lost and confused with no intel about where we were. Owen calmly reassured her that we were ok and calmly let her go back to sleep.

I had a feeling that someday, she would be the death of us.

Anyways we continued along as we were approaching the neighborhood that my house resided at.

As soon as we arrived, Thomas and Edward went ahead with other workmen while the other half of us approached the other houses and decided to search inside.

I went with Nolan, Marty, Josh and another workmen named Wilson to investigate a house near the edge of the neighborhood.

We knocked on the door and nobody answered at first, but then a woman came up and gradually let us inside asking who we were.

Her name was Vanessa, she was with her two children Noah and Emma, her husband had left several weeks ago for scientific research on Blu-Face95. She hasn't heard that much from him.

We decided to investigate the house and there wasn't much upstairs so we checked downstairs. Wilson said he could hear something in a closet upstairs so he left in fear.

We had a thermometer with us that once we entered the room upstairs, the thermometer that read -4.8 degrees Celsius. We quickly left the room as we asked Vanessa how long she had been in her house.

She said she was in there ever since the mist fell over the island. She led us down to the tornado shelter inside the garage. Inside the shelter was baskets of food and water along with a TV that suddenly turned to static.

On turned a kids show that got the sudden attention of Noah. In the airing episode it followed a guy creating building blocks of different shapes and handing them to a little robot that was called Tom. Suddenly, the TV switched channels.

The TV turned onto an EAS that read the following:

"THE FOLLOWING MESSAGE IS TRANSMITTED AT THE REQUEST IF THE SUDRIAN GOVERNMENT. On March 3, 1995 at 2:43 PM a strange mist has fallen over The Island of Sodor and has spread its fog all over the area. It is advised that all citizens stay inside their homes or evacuate when order is given. If you see or hear a dark blue 14xx terrier known as Joesph, Avonside saddletanks known as Ashley, Katie or Serena, or a white E2 tank engine named Anthony, be sure to flag them down as they have been tasked with finding any survivors possible. These 5 engines will be dispatched onto the island tomorrow. If you see or hear any kind of anthropomorphic animals or any kind of hybrid do not approach them, approaching these creatures will lead to injury or possibly death. Do not panic when you see them as panicking will only make the situation worse. Round up your family, pets, or anyone in your household and lead them to the basement. Grab at least 12 days worth of food and water, a battery operated radio or TV, and shut all doors and windows. Keep your radio or TV on for updates."

After the EAS system was over, I asked Vanessa if she would like to come with us. She said no because she needed to hear about any updates on the situation.

We would come back tonight for them. We continued looting the houses any we managed to round up dozens of families. After realizing that my wife and kids weren't found I began to cry as if I wanted to kill myself.

I saw a gun on the porch of one of the houses. Once I got my hands on it, I almost shot myself in the head. Nolan stopped me just as I was about to pull the trigger. He had a note in his hand that was from my wife that read:

Dear Harrison,

Wherever you are do not worry as we found some survivors and they will take us to safety.

Don't worry about us, we'll be fine. We are on the way to their base near the ironworks. They already say they've found people there and have taken hostages of their enemy and promise the won't let anything hurt us.

Wherever you are, stay safe.

Sincerely, Linda.

Knowing this info, I let go of my worries.

March 6, 1995 - 9:14 PM

We've been playing the rest of the day safe. We sent the families we found into a nearby building. While getting them settled down, Josh came up to me saying Emma had given him a VHS tape that was from her father.

I took Lucas, Nolan, Wilson, Marty, and Owen into a room with a TV. We inserted the tape into the TV as the following messages played:

Engine known as Joesph has been acquired, he's beaten up a bit after being derailed by Diesel 10. He has been left on a siding outside the main building.

Engine has been injected with a dosage of *******. Engine has complained about nausea and pains in his boiler. We put him to sleep and we shall be doing further research.

Researchers have tasked Diesel 10 to block engines from entering. Subject has started to shown signs of increase in speed and strength. Test on nearby flatbed proved successful after knocking it on its side in about one swift movement. The engine has been given aesthetics after succeeding in the test.

Successful experiment known as E2100 or The Beast has been brought in. We have already proven that he is unable to be affected by the virus, so he will be an important asset to clear up the mess that'll be made by these anthropomorphic creatures. In the future, we might want to test him for a vaccine or cure. We put one of these captured creatures in a room with him and was swiftly torn apart and eaten within a couple seconds. As for the 14xx, we're pretty sure we've created something beyond our expectations. We tested the engine again and put him against Diesel 10 and several other diesels in a tug of war and he managed to keep up his win streak for over 12 hours straight. We also shall spend the next few days in a test to see if the engine will be immune to Blu-Face95, this will be our final test before mission is operational.


We're really making major progress now. We injected the engine again and put him in a room containing the infectious air. We left him in there for about 14 hours. Once we took him out, we left him in a quarantined room and after 2 days he has shown no signs of infection. We tested a rabbit and left in in there for 16 hours, yet it was infected after being in the quarantine room for 28 hours. We have proven that our serum will give the consumer 12 hours of extra strength and speed, and will prove the subject immune to the virus for about 14 hours. Not only will we get massive profits from selling this to hospitals after was mass produced enough of *******. But we can also use this as a massive leap for mankind to finally leave this disaster behind. To be honest, my favorite experiments are the ones that we do for good so that when we find our experiments we have more money to give away. I just wanted to make that clear, I swear we aren't snobs.

We have discovered several engines that belong to the NWR hiding at Tidmouth Sheds. We have also found other survivors these past few nights. Some of these engines should be able to help us in being able to figure out how to ******* ***** ******* *** ****** **** **** ** ****** *** *** ** **** ***** **** **** **** ***** ********.

End of tape."

March 6, 1995 - 9:29 PM

We knew we had to get back to Vanessa to inform her about her husband and his shady activities.

We took Thomas and Percy as a means of transportation, we left behind Owen and Lucas to hold the fort for us.

Once we got to her house, we barged in and we found the tornado shelter. Her two children were sleeping on the couch as Vanessa was listening to a news report on the TV from the BBC that included the following message:

"We interrupt normal programming to bring you a message from her majesty's government. Please stand by and await further information. At 2:43 March 3, 1995, the recently discovered virus has spread to the neighboring island of Sodor and has been spread all over the island. Several trains have been scheduled to bring loved ones and friends to the United Kingdom, along with other important people. Do not cross the bridge that leads to the island. You will be putting yourself in grave danger by exposing yourself to the virus along with the dangerous hybrid creatures that have been reported all over the island. If your are caught less than 50 yards from the Vicarstown Bridge, you will be arrested and questioned. If a loved one or friend is currently on the island, do not attempt to rescue them. You will be putting yourself and them in grave danger."

She had noticed us just as she finished listening to the message. We tried to explain the situation to her but after hearing about her husband and his work, she said that she already knew about experimenting on the tank engine.

For the past month, they had captured several of the creatures and managed to use their DNA to create a serum titled 'Kerefin'. The serum could turn a normal human into a subject immune to the virus for up to 14 hours.

She also said the real reason why she never wanted to leave is because he husband would rescue her the next day.

She then contacted her husband and got on the phone with me and asked me a favor that I would bring his wife and children to the Mainland by noon the next day. I promised that they would be safe as we hung up.

Vanessa then woke up her children and told them that they were going to leave and meet up with their father the next day.

Suddenly, the TV turned on with another EAS that read the following message:

"THE FOLLOWING MESSAGE IS TRANSMITTED AT THE REQUEST IF THE SUDRAN GOVERNMENT. Evacuate now! All Sudrian citizens are advised to evacuate immediately. Tie bright clothing to your doorknob or a nearby tree to let authorities know you have left. Be very quiet and keep a low profile. The hybrid creatures have become organized and are more dangerous than ever. The military shall go to war with them to buy time to help get survivors to safety. Evacuate now! EVACUATE NOW!"

At that moment we immediately packed all our supplies and headed out the front door. Vanessa and I were the first ones out, however as soon as I got Vanessa and her children into Percy, I heard a scream from behind us.


"MARTY!!!" Screamed Owen. There were screams inside the house. "WHAT HAPPENED IN THERE?!" Screamed a frantic Thomas. "THE DOOR WON'T OPEN, MARTY'S IN THERE!" Screamed Josh.

Suddenly, the hybrid jumped from Thomas' cab and ran on all fours, she managed to knock the door down.

"DOORS OPEN MARTY, DOORS OPEN!" Shouted Nolan. "Marty?" Asked Wilson. Marty was nowhere in sight. "Guys we gotta go" said a shocked Josh. Once everyone had gotten into Thomas and Percy, the two engines stormed off.

"What happened in there?" Asked Percy nervously. "Marty was right behind me and Wilson, the door closed in his face, and then everything started freaking out." Said Nolan.

Suddenly Thomas and Percy suddenly started slowing down and eventually stopped. "Oh no, we're out of coal" said Thomas.


March 6, 1995 - 9:52 PM

Those things were in the house. They got Marty. To make matters worse, Thomas and Percy just ran out of coal. We are currently sitting ducks.

I tried to signal the others for help but the batteries had died. I checked the hybrid in Thomas' cab, suddenly she got on all fours and suddenly began running away.

I wasn't sure what she was doing but I'm hoping that whatever she's doing is worth it.

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