Whispers in the Wind

By Chimera_Regarion

162K 5.3K 1.5K

Izuku couldn't believe what happened. It was not as if he already lost enough in his life... So why are these... More

How can someone survive this?
No words can make it better!
Getting rid of a Nuisance!
Losing Everything
On my own
Finally gone!
Chopppy Chop Chop
Missing Piece
Nothing left but Sorrow
Is that - ?!
As simple as that!
Get Out!
No one can escape them!
A new chance!
Who did that?!
Uninvited guest
An answer to WHY?!
Nothing can stop me!
Meeting of the year
Never give up!


5.7K 188 121
By Chimera_Regarion

Hawk's POV:

I saw the boy cry and have a mental breakdown. Something was wrong and the bad feeling I had grown only stronger. This was definitely not what I wanted. He should have paid for what he did but this was different. His life was ruined and he was so close to death himself.

What me and Dabi wanted for him or wished for him was a life in regret. He should have been defenseless and mourning for his quirk and not close to dying. We lost something precious to us and so did he. That was the goal! But this! This was not what we wanted at all.

This was why I followed him.

Me: Wake up!

After he complete collapsed, the ravens were protectivly flying around him but they let me pick him up without attacking and followed me as I flew to the next hospital.

This wasn't what I wished for!

Please make it kid!

You can't die like that!

This is not how you should end your suffering!

You should live and remember what you have done wrong!

It didn't take me long to get him to the hospital and then get a nurse and a doctor to help himout.

Time skip brought to you by a small raven that tried to escape a predator hawks and cat!

I was in the kids' room and I couldn't help but think about what happened.

I wonder why you've been so cruel to us and yet be so friendly toward these orphans....

Did you change?


Did we get the wrong person?


It can't be!

We also had a detective!

They all saw the footag and told us they would investiaget! An day after it happened they called us telling us that they found the person. But they told us that they couldn't do a thing!


But your wings and the black feather we found...

They were so obvious too!


We never let the feather be tested ourselfs!

Now thinking about it... that detective was also kinda weird.

Who says stabby stabby wounds...

Did he even investigate?!

I knew we shouldn't have listened to him but go to someone else!

But he was the only one that arrived him and some guy with very crusty like skin.

I should have gone and give the feather to an laboratory for testing myself.

Even if it is from a quirk it won't be the same as a normal feather from a raven.


What if that detective was just very lazy!

I knew results in one day was way to unrealistic!

How didn't I suspect that earlier?!

How could we miss that?

Did we really jump to conclusions?

Did someone wanted to frame you?

Am I thinking to much?

But if that is the case then that means that we got the wrong person...

That means that we destroyed another's life....

As I was thinking to myself a doctor came in. It was the first doctor that came in right after they treated her wounds and put her in a room.

Doctor: Are you hisguardian?

Me: Not yet.

Doctor: Not yet?

Me: I was planning to adopt him when I found him like this.

Doctor: I see. I am not allowed to tell you his information but since you are the pro hero Hawks and you are planning to adopt him, I'll still tell you what's going on.

Me: Yes please.

Doctor: We found remains of bones in his wound that leads us to believe that he had wings. However, they were cleaning cut off.

Me: Will they ever recover?

Doctor: We don't know the extent of his quirk. He might but he also might mot. It all is up to him.

Me: Anything else?

Doctor: He developed a high fever due to all the blood loss. We are currently treating him as much as we can but there isn't much we can do about his condition. For now, we out put him under a light coma so he wouldn't feel the extensive pain after the treatment.

Me: When will he wake up?

Doctor: In a week.

Me: Okay.

Just like that the doctor left the room. He looked very pain and he was laying on his stomach so that the wounds on his back could properly heal. I knew even if the doctor didn't tell me that but his condition was to bad to even try and get a healer on him.

As I was looking at him the door to the room once again opened and Dabi came in. I did send him a quick message over our location right after they took care of the boy.

Dabi: Why do you look so sad?

Me: He lost his wings completely because of us. ..

Dabi: He deserved it!

Me: Dabi, what if we made an error and it wasn't him?

Dabi: What do you fucking mean? We both saw the footage and we also found his feathers! Not to mention that we had a detective comming in too!

Me: No! We found black feathers! We never checked what kind of feathers we found. Besides don't you think that it was suspicious how fast they told us about their results?


It was pretty obvious just by his expression that he never thought of that it. His eyes were wide open and he had a hand over his mouth while gasped right before he put his hands over his mouth.

Dabi: I'll take care of it, you stay with the kid!

Before I could even say anything to him, Dabi already left the room.

Soo it is possible that we made a huge mistake!

Thank god I am not the only one thinking that.

Even my guts are telling me that we did something wrong!

I knew I should have listened to the bad feeling I had right after we did what we did to him!


How do we make it right?

We basically destroyed his life!

But if he really did kill him then I guess it's Karma that is getting him.

Still there are so many things that doesn't add up!

Why was he begging me to tell him what he did if he killed him?

He should know it.

Why was he so desperate?

Even with a frail body he tried to escape from us because he was scared to life...

This isn't something someone would do that have a resemblance toward us.

It's also not easy to forget killing a small kid.


I really believe we got the wrong person.

I feel so guilty...

Please let me be wrong and he really killed him! Because if not I don't know where to start to make things right again.

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