The King and his Queen (Ayano...

By Nightcore-Senpai

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So this is an Ayanokouji x Kiryuin (Kiyotaka x Fuka) Fanfic. Plus Kiyotaka will be using his abilities. This... More

Before you Read
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Kiryuin SS: The Kouhai that piqued my interest
Chapter 4: Ayanokouji's Plan
Chapter 5: Joint Swimming Classes
Chapter 7: The End Of The Beginning

Chapter 6: The date

7.9K 179 95
By Nightcore-Senpai

First of all I wanted to thank everyone for supporting me and this book even though I hadn't uploaded for a month. 

I still don't have enough time to write as much as I want, but I will try my best to give you chapters in a better pace

Anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter :)


Ayanokouji Kiyotaka's POV

My first month as a first year is coming to a close. Soon all of the suspicions that I had confirmed over the last month will be announced. And soon I should prepare for taking over the class.

I can't find anything interesting in my class so the next step would be to try my luck by competing with the other classes.

After defeating even the vice-president in the swimming contest my reputation kept becoming better and better. 

I was invited to hang out, by many of my classmates. And I accepted. I should at least show a friendly facade in front of them so there will be less obstacles when I decide to become leader, plus it made my standing in the class better.

Today was the day that I would take Fuka out on a date. She said that if I won the swimming contest she would let me take her out. So here we are.

Currently I am at the entrance of Keyaki mall waiting for senpai. 

"Hey there Kiyotaka. Did I make you wait for too long?" Fuka said with a cheeky smile

"No I just got here not too long ago. So shall we go in?" I asked offering my arm

"Yes of course" she answered grabbing my arm

I looked at her and she looked beautiful in her casual outfit

"By the way you look great in those clothes. They suit you a lot." I said

"*Smirk* of course, I am me after all. You too Kiyotaka, as expected of the person that I am interested in. You don't lack when it comes to looks." she responded

Then she continued "So what did you plan for our date?"

"Nothing out of the ordinary. I decided to go with the flow and see what you wanted too." 

"Hmm how considerate of you" she said

"So how about starting with a movie?" I asked

"I see no problem with that. Please lead the way" she said tightening her grip around my arm


We entered and got to our seats and soon after the movie started.

Halfway through the movie I felt a soft sensation on my arm. Fuka had leaned her head on my shoulder and her boobs were touching me. It seems that she realised but it didn't bother her. Instead, for some reason, she thought that it was a good time to evaluate me so she started running her fingers around. Touching my hands, shoulders and chest with her hands.

"You have a lot of muscle there" she whispered with a grin on her face

"Didn't you know that after seeing me in the pool?" I asked

"True but I wanted to touch them myself" she answered

"Well I wanted to touch something too" I said

"And what is th--"

She got interrupted when I grabbed the hand, that was touching my body, and held it. She was surprised for a moment. But that didn't last for too long. After that we just intertwined our fingers and watched the rest of the movie. To say the truth I was just interested in the sensation of another person's hand but this feeling wasn't half bad. 

(A/N I hope you didn't have any lewd thoughts when he said he wanted to touch something)

Kiryuin Fuka's POV

I was touching his body trying to understand more about his physical ability when he said that he wanted to do something to me too.

Someone's mind would go to something lewd. But I thought he was just going to try and learn more about my abilities just like I did. That's why I was a little surprised when he held my hand.

I found it cute so I answered by holding his hand too.

~Timeskip: After the movie~

After the movie he suggested to go grab some lunch.

"There is a place that I would like to try. So can we go there Kiyotaka?" I asked

"Of course. So where are we going?" he asked 

"Just follow me" I answered

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka's POV 

I followed Fuka just as she told me. We reached the 2nd floor of the mall and went in the restaurant that she wanted. After ordering I decided it would be a good idea to observe my surroundings.

The moment that Fuka noticed what I was doing she grinned from ear to ear, and I could see that she was trying to hold back her laughter.

'Kiryuin-san is eating with someone?'

'And not just someone but a cute kouhai'

'What is going on?'

'I thought she wasn't getting along with anyone'

It seems that this particular restaurant is popular among the girls from the second year and since Fuka is famous for ignoring everyone it was surprising for everyone in there to see her with a kouhai.

After some time quiet came back to the room and the other girls were minding their business.

Our food came and we could eat in peace. Or that was what I thought. After a minute or two a fork with food on it was in front of my face. But that was not the problem. The problem was the next sentence that came out of Fuka's mouth:

"Say aaahhh Kiyotaka" she said with a cheeky smile on her face

It seems that the attention that we had before was not enough for her, because now all the girls in the store are squealing while looking at us

'*Sigh* whatever it doesn't really bother me' 

I thought and opened my mouth.

"That was tasty. So now it's your turn." I said

"Say aaahhh Fuka" I continued

She didn't seem surprised at all. She just accepted it.

After that we talked about trivial things and I was trying to get a better view of 'who Fuka is'. We have known each other for less than a month, we both showed interest in each other, and that should be all. But for some reason I wanted to learn more about her.

I was getting normal answers. Nothing weird. Of course our main subject was this school and because of the school regulations she couldn't tell me anything about the school that I didn't already know, but at least I got her perspective of how life is in this school.

At some point the conversation was going to our past. But since I didn't want to tell her about that place Ι switched the subject.

"What did you think about the movie Fuka?" I asked 

"Hmmm I don't know, I didn't pay attention since most of the time I was watching your handsome face" she said placing her hand on my cheek

I just looked at her with a poker face

"So you won't blush even if I do that? Well colour me surprised" she said

"Well if you want me to blush you will have to try a lot more than that" I replied 

"I will keep that in mind"


After eating we went for some shopping. Fuka dragged me to a lot of stores. And I mean a lot!

Well it doesn't really matter. In the end of the day I had a good time. And even though she is hard to read I could see that she enjoyed our date too.

Right now I was walking her back to the dorms of the second years.

After leaving the mall she wrapped herself around my arm. At first, I thought it was just because she wanted to see the dumbfounded reactions that other students had on their faces, when they saw us. But for some reason she didn't stop even now that no one was around. I didn't mind but I couldn't stop but think what her motives were. I mean she in unpredictable so you never know.

"Fuka no one is around so you can stop that" I said

"And why would I stop? I do it because I want to you know" she answered

"Huh?" oops I said that outloud. I mean was that her reason? Just because she wanted to? It sure is pleasant but there isn't anything else besides that, is there? (A/N Just a reminder. He may be able to have a normal conversation or express himself but he still can't understand feelings at 100%)

"I mean is that your only reason?" I asked

"Yes. I wouldn't go and throw myself to a random stranger now, would I?" she said

"Yes you are right, sorry for asking a rude question"

"Anyway we are here so you can go ahead. I will go back to my dorm too" I said

"Don't you want to come to my room?" she said trying to lure me in her trap but 

"*Smirk* That's a good offer but tomorrow we have school right? And wouldn't it be suspicious if a boy went to a girl's room at this hour?" I answered

"What a gentleman" she paused

"You pass" she continued

"Yes I suspected that you wanted to test something out so what was it this time?" I asked

"Well most boys, after getting an invitation to be alone in a room with a pretty girl like me, would accept without any hesitation, don't you think?"

"So you wanted to see if I would accept and then take advantage of the situation? Well I am not that kind of person so that test was rather useless" I said

"That's true but you are the person that I took an interest in so I just had --"

She got interrupted by me placing a hand under her chin

"But you should stop doing that" I said

I closed the distance between our faces and whispered to her ear

"You may find something that you don't like"

I was talking about my past and my darkness. Even though I have accepted both, the point still stands that it would be scary for a normal human

"Are you talking about your eyes?" She said in a low voice

"*Smirk*I already saw some of your darkness Kiyotaka and something like that doesn't scare me at all" she said. And I was surprised that she could still smirk when we were in this position.

"Yes I remember. When you caught a glimpse of my eyes you just grinned and had a happy attitude like you found something interesting" I said (A/N See chapter 5 if you don't remember when she saw some of his darkness)

"But that was not all" I added

And so I let all of my darkness out. My eyes were empty and I was just looking at her. To my surprise she didn't move an inch. And what surprised me even more were her next words.

"Cheap trickes like that don't have any effect on me. I would be lying if I said that, but to tell you the truth these eyes only pique my interest even more"

I let go of her chin and I just smirked

"I see. Then I judged you wrong. I am surprised once again." That was my response

I mean it was just weird. Any normal human would run away after seeing this. But now that I think about it Fuka isn't a normal human, is she?

This time it was Fuka that grabbed my chin and brought my face closer to her's

"*Smirk*So now that we cleared this misunderstanding, try to give me a good time while you are in this school"

"If that's what you want then I will make sure of it" I said with a grin

As I said that she let go of me and walked towards the dorms.

"Goodnight Kiyotaka" she said

"Goodnight Fuka" I answered and turned my back to walk towards my room.


So that was all about this chapter.

Once again I want to thank everyone for the support!

I intend to end the first month in the next chapter, so there is gonna be chaos!

I don't know when I am going to upload again but I will try to be quicker this time.

Next time I will probably update my Matsushita X Ayanokouji fic. So stay tuned for that too.

Now for the question that I ask in the end of every chapter:

Who is looking the best in maid outfit, in your opinion, in the photo below?

1) Matsushita Chiaki

2) Satou Maya

3)Mii-chan (or Wang Mei-Yu)

Personally I think that all of them are looking wonderful and I can't really choose one.

So as the Matsushita simp that I am, my answer will be: Matsushita Chiaki

Thanks for reading and I hope you liked the chapter!

See you in the next one! Peace!

Word Count: 2196

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